Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

75. Factory Manager Yang Rewarded Lin Yu With A Bicycle Ticket, And Liu Lan's Publicity With Th

In this era, materials are scarce and supplies are in short supply. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy a bicycle.

You must also have a bicycle ticket.

What is the shortage of bicycle tickets?

There are tens of thousands of workers in the rolling mill, and only those high-level leaders have the opportunity to get a bicycle ticket.

Or a worker who has made a significant contribution to the rolling mill is also entitled to a bicycle ticket.

Just like Lin Yu this time, during the eighth-level worker assessment, the set of machine models made by hand was included in the industrial museum, which can definitely be said to have made a major contribution to the rolling mill

Otherwise, after the leaders exchanged opinions, they unanimously agreed to give Lin Yu an extraordinary promotion and a salary increase.

Lin Yu estimated that at the end of the month, he would go to Director Yang to apply for a bicycle ticket, and Director Yang would definitely agree.

After all, Lin Yu is going to get married next month, and he has made such a great contribution to the factory. Director Yang is also proud, isn't he?

While Lin Yu was thinking about the bicycle ticket, Xu Damao and Sha Zhu were also searching their brains, asking for connections, and both wanted to get a bicycle ticket.

If it is said that Lin Yu bought back a brand new big permanent bicycle, it hurt Xu Damao and Shazhu deeply.

Then Yan Bugui bought back a two-song Phoenix bicycle, which dealt a deeper blow to Xu Damao and Sha Zhu.

After all, Yan Bugui, the third uncle of the family, works alone to earn wages and has to support so many people in the family.

But he managed to save more than 100 yuan from between his teeth, and he bought a bicycle.

Although it's two pieces, it's better than nothing.

Otherwise, how could Shazhu unload Yan Pugui's wheel?

On the one hand, to vent his anger, he reported to Yan Bugui that he had accepted his gift, but did not introduce Ran Qiuye to him to know the revenge of 323.

On the other hand, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no jealousy in Shazhu's heart.

He is silly but the squad leader of the canteen in the rolling mill.

Since he took over from his father He Daqing and worked in the rolling mill for so many years, he didn't even buy a bicycle for his sister Yushui.

Can Sha Zhu not be in a hurry?

Silly Zhu never thought about it carefully. In fact, most of his salary was fooled by Qin Huairu.

But he always blamed himself for spending too much money, not saving his family fortune, and not being able to buy a bicycle for the rain, and he felt guilty.

As for Xu Damao?

Xu Damao is a projectionist at Red Star Cinema.

The wages are not high and not low, but there is oil and water.

After all, I have to go to the countryside to show movies for half a month every month.

Which commune did he go to, and the head of the commune wouldn't curry favor with him?

Not to mention the delicious food and drink, after the movie is over, the head of the commune will always give him some money and give him some souvenirs.

It stands to reason that Xu Damao should have bought a bicycle a long time ago, but he just didn't buy it in a daze.

If he had a bicycle, Xu Damao borrowed the projection equipment and the bottom belt from the Red Star Cinema, and he could use the bicycle to carry him to the countryside.

But because there is no bicycle, no matter which commune Xu Damao goes to show a movie now, he must be sent by the commune to pick him up in a donkey cart.

Coupled with the fact that Lin Yu and Yan Bugui both bought bicycles in the compound, Xu Damao became jealous.

Xu Damao urged his father more than once to use his relationship to get him a bicycle ticket.

But his father always couldn't get (cceg) for him.

Xu Damao heard that Sha Zhu was also looking for someone to get a bicycle ticket, so he became even more anxious.

He and Sha Zhu are rivals, no matter what, he has to get a bicycle ticket before Sha Zhu, right?

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for Shazhu to get the bicycle ticket before him?

In a blink of an eye, it's the end of the month.

Lin Yu approached Director Yang, and after applying, he finally got a bicycle ticket from Director Yang.

In fact, Director Yang has his own special car and can't ride a bicycle at all. The bicycle ticket he got is just waiting to be given away.

And this month, Lin Yu was very proud of him, and he was praised more than once in the district meeting.

Director Yang simply gave Lin Yu his bicycle ticket.

Lin Yu happily left the office building after getting the bicycle ticket.

He also didn't notice that Liu Lan pushed the door out from the office next door to Director Yang.

Seeing Lin Yu happily going downstairs with a bicycle ticket, Liu Lan's fire of gossip was blazing.

After returning to the cafeteria.

Liu Lan started publicizing it.

"Guess what I saw just now?" Liu Lan asked the chef beside him with a smile.

"Sister Liu Lan, how do we know what you saw? We are not the roundworms in your belly." Ma Hua said with a smile while chopping vegetables.

"Okay, Ma Hua, you still dare to take advantage of me? Believe it or not, I will tell you to leave the cafeteria with just one word?" Liu Lan scolded Ma Hua with a half-truth and half-fake smile.

Ma Hua shrank his neck and quickly subdued.

Although Ma Hua was a little stunned and his brain turned slowly, he was not stupid.

He learned from his master, Sha Zhu, that Liu Lan has a difficult relationship with Deputy Factory Manager Li. If Liu Lan is angered, Liu Lan may really let him go.

Silly Zhu saw Liu Lan bullying Ma Hua, he was a little upset, he took a sip of tea, and asked with a smile: "Liu Lan, where did you go just now? Just tell me, where did you go just now, maybe I can Guess what happened to you?"

When Liu Lan saw that someone had accepted the offer, she was very happy.

She smiled and said, "Just now I went to the office building to report to the leader."

Silly Zhu blinked, "Which leader? Li, the deputy director?"

"Which leader do you want me to look for? You grew up eating river water? You have to be strict with me, right?"

Liu Lan rolled her eyes, neither admitting nor denying it.

Silly Zhu glanced at Liu Lan with a smile, and asked, "Then who did you see? Can you tell me?"

"This is enough to tell you, your old acquaintance, your old neighbor in your compound, Lin Yu, the youngest technician in our rolling mill." Liu Lan laughed.

When Sha Zhu heard this, his face sank.

"Liu Lan, what did you tell me about him? I don't like that kid, so don't mention him in front of me from now on."

Silly Zhu said angrily with a gloomy face.

"Hey, I'm really angry, so I'll just talk casually."

Liu Lan saw that Shazhu was really angry, so she hurriedly said something nice.

"Aren't I kidding you guys? Actually, I saw Lin Yu in the office building. I saw Lin Yu coming out of Director Yang's office, holding a bicycle ticket in his hand. That's the big deal." Liu Lan smiled proudly.

Hear this.

All the chefs in the back kitchen are not calm anymore.

"What? Liu Lan, you mean, you saw Yang Guangchang give Lin Yu a bicycle ticket?" Silly Zhu smacked his tongue in shock.

Liu Lan nodded.

"That's right, Lin Yu came out of Director Yang's office with a bicycle ticket in his hand. Didn't Director Yang give it to him, or who gave it to him?" Liu Lan asked back with a smile.

Silly Zhu is so angry!

He tried his best to find a way out, but he couldn't get a bicycle ticket for a long time.

But Lin Yu was so relaxed, he got a bicycle ticket from Director Yang.

so irritating!!

Silly Zhu didn't get mad with anger.

"Master, calm down, drink a sip of tea, and extinguish the fire."

Ma Hua handed the enamel mug to Shazhu, and asked him to drink tea.

"Drinking bullshit tea?"

"I'm still in the mood for tea?!"

Shazhu raised his hand and overturned the enamel jar Ma Hua handed over, and the tea and tea leaves were scattered all over the floor.

"I said silly Zhu, why are you so angry? Isn't it just a bicycle ticket? What's the big deal? If you want it too, you can go to Deputy Factory Manager Li and apply for one."

Liu Lan gave Sha Zhu an idea.

Sha Zhu gave Liu Lan a cold look, and said with a cold snort:

"Thanks for the kindness, I don't need it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sha Zhu left the back kitchen angrily, and went for a stroll outside.

"This idiot, isn't he too bad-tempered?" Liu Lan spread her hands at Ma Hua and the others, "I didn't say anything, I just mentioned a few words and Lin Yu got a bicycle ticket. Zhu Qi looks like that."

"Sister Liu Lan, you don't know, my master has been looking for a way through his relationship for a week, trying to get a bicycle ticket." Ma Hua explained to Liu Lan, "My master and Lin Yu are deadly enemies. Tell my master that his rival got a bicycle ticket, don't you think this is a blow to my master? Can my master not be angry?"

Liu Lan rolled her eyes and glanced at Ma Hua.

"Do you dare to blame me?"

Silly Zhu looked at a cigarette in the toilet, and most of his anger disappeared.

After leaving the toilet, I met Yi Zhonghai.

"Uncle Yi, did you say yes? Lin got a bicycle ticket from Director Yang."

As soon as he saw Yi Zhonghai, Sha Zhu cut to the point and told Yi Zhonghai the news he heard from Liu Lan.

Yi Zhonghai was startled, and curled his lips.

"Lin Yu has been really lucky during this period. His job title has been promoted by one level, his salary has been increased, and he even got a bicycle ticket. This kind of thing is very enviable. Zhuzi, I know what you are thinking, why don't you Cranky, down-to-earth, hard work is more important than anything else.

Yi Zhonghai had a lemon in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest sign on his face, and even tried to comfort Silly Zhu with nice words.

Silly Zhu pinched his teeth, frowned and said: "Anyway, I can't bear it, I have to find a way to trick Lin Yu's grandson hard, so that he won't dare to be arrogant again in the future."

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