Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

9. Riding A Bicycle To Send Yu Li Home, Yan Jiecheng Burst Into Tears

After eating and drinking.

Lin Yu gave Matchmaker Wang two catties of noodles, and offered to take Yu Li home by bicycle.

Matchmaker Wang naturally strongly agrees.

Yu Li's affection for Lin Yu has increased a bit now.

This young man is tall and handsome, with good looks, good job, high salary, and good cooking skills. It's hard to find such an excellent partner with a lantern.

After eating and drinking at Lin Yu's house tonight, as well as noodles, Matchmaker Wang is in a bubbling mood.

Yu Li no longer held back, nodded, and agreed to let Lin Yu take her home.

Three people out of the backyard.

Lin Yu pushed the bicycle, talking and laughing with Matchmaker Wang and Yu Li.

It caused the neighbors in the compound to look sideways.

Uncle One and Aunt One had just finished their meal. Looking at the three people talking and laughing outside, Uncle One said, "It seems that Lin Yu is a daughter-in-law."

"What's the point?" Aunt Yi said while washing the dishes, "Young Lin Yu is a talented guy, and now he is a technician in your rolling mill. He has a bright future. As long as she is a discerning girl, she will never miss Lin Yu." Such a nice lad."

Uncle Yi nodded silently.

But he was very bitter.

If I knew today, why did I do it at the beginning?

If he had known that Lin Yu would be so promising, he would not have favored Jia Dongxu and tripped Lin Yu up.

In the silly column room next door.

Silly Zhu watched Lin Yu and Yu Li walking by through the window glass.

Sha Zhu was in a bad mood.

"I can't tell. Lin Yu's grandson also had someone introduce him to someone. It seems that the two of them are so fucking good looking at mung beans."

"Grandma is a bear, I wish you a child with no eyesight."

Sha Zhu muttered viciously to himself.

Shazhu's behavior like this is completely due to jealousy.

The three of Lin Yu came to the front yard and ran into the old couple Yan Bugui head-on.

When Yan Bugui and the third aunt saw Lin Yu and Yu Li talking and laughing, the old couple's heart suddenly became cold.

It seems that Lin Yu and Yu Li are married.

Nothing happened to their boss.

"Aunt Wang, are you...?" Third Aunt pretended to be puzzled and asked.

Matchmaker Wang smiled triumphantly, and explained: "Today, I, Mrs. Wang, have made another pair. Xiao Lin and Xiao Yu are a match made in heaven. They are both talented and beautiful. Yes. Three aunts, don’t you think so?”

Matchmaker Wang's mouth is so skillful.

The third aunt laughed, not knowing how to respond.

This little girl Yu Li was originally the girl that their boss Yan Jiecheng had a crush on, but it turned out that Lin Yu was taken advantage of.

They are not reconciled.

Watching Lin Yu and the others leave the compound, Yan Bugui stomped his feet anxiously.

"Who can blame this? I can only blame the boss for not telling us earlier. If he had told us earlier that he had a crush on Yu Li, we would have asked Matchmaker Wang to go to Lao Yu's house to match our boss, and Lin Yu what's the matter?"

"It can only be said that there is no fate between Yu Li and us."

Yan Bugui sighed.

in the house.

Yan Jiecheng was lying on the bed, crying bitterly under the quilt.


Lin Yu drove Yu Li on a bicycle and took Yu Li home.

Along the way, the little girl talked and laughed with Lin Yu, without feeling restrained at all.

At the door of Yu Li's house, Lin Yu specially gave Yu Li a tin box of white rabbit toffee.

These days, the white rabbit toffee is a good thing.

When foreign heads of state come to visit the country, the gifts given by the leaders of the Communist Party of China include white rabbit toffee.

The milk content of a big white rabbit toffee is equal to a glass of milk.

Big white rabbit toffee is definitely a luxury item these days.

Yu Li happily accepted the gift from Lin Yu, and the two made an appointment to go to the movies together two days later.

In short.

Yu Li is very satisfied with Lin Yu.

Lin Yu also likes Yu Li very much.

The two young people can be said to hit it off.

After sending Yu Li off, Lin Yu met Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai on the way back.

Both of them were in a hurry, still carrying things in their hands, and it seemed that they were going in the direction of the hospital.

It seems that the two of them went to the hospital to see Jia Dongxu.

Jia Dongxu's life is over.

It would be fine if he died, Qin Huairu would at most become a widow.

But he was so half-dead, paralyzed on the bed, unable to take care of his bowels and defecation, being a waste, a complete drag on Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's family.

Lin Yu reckoned that at this moment, Qin Huairu wished Jia Dongxu could die.

But things backfired.

Jia Dongxu didn't die, but became a cripple, paralyzed on the bed, Qin Huairu will inevitably take care of him in the future.

Counting on Jia Zhang to take care of her son?

There are no doors!

Jiazhang is lazy, sarcastic and selfish.

Does she take care of people?

Unless the sun comes out from the west.


Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

Lin Yu signs in every day and gets various unexpected rewards every day.

Dates with Yu Li every now and then.

Take Yu Li to watch movies, eat out, go shopping...

In short, Lin Yu took Yu Li and experienced many first times in Yu Li's life.

The relationship between the two has heated up sharply, and it has reached the point where they can talk about everything.

"System, I want to sign in."

On this day, after watching the movie with Yu Li and returning home from Yu Li, Lin Yu remembered that he hadn't signed in on the way.

Anyway, 24 hours a day, you can sign in anytime.

"Sign in successfully."

"Reward [full-level Bajiquan]"

"Reward [500 coal balls]"

"Reward [200 catties of dried sweet potato]"

"Reward [2 replacement cards]"

"Reward [money 1000 yuan]"

"Reward【1 sewing ticket】"

As the saying goes, a good meal is never too late.

Sign in tonight to get a variety of rewards, which are extraordinarily rich.

Especially [full-level Bajiquan], which is Lin Yu's dream of kung fu.

Dragon Boat Festival reading big discount! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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