Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

95. A Cigarette Butt From Deputy Director Li Caused A Big Explosion In The Rolling Mill! Silly Zhu S

At noon, Deputy Factory Manager Li invited Director Zhao alone in the reception room on the second floor.

The two had a great meal and talked a lot.

Looking back on the campus where the two were studying in the past, and looking forward to the future development of the rolling mill.

In the end, Deputy Factory Manager Li threw an olive branch to Director Zhao, implying naturally that he wanted to win Director Zhao over, and promised Director Zhao a very high position.

Director Zhao snickered inwardly, sure enough, he guessed right with my brother, Deputy Director Li really wanted to win me over, I discussed it with my brother, let nature take its course, follow the trend.

Since Deputy Factory Manager Li wants to win me over, he should follow the trend.

Director Zhao and Deputy Factory Director Li had a good talk.

This made Deputy Director Li very happy.

Deputy Factory Manager Li is greedy for fame and profit, and he is very happy with his achievements. The city is very deep, and his backing behind him is unfathomable.

Therefore, for Director Zhao, it is really good to be able to climb such a relationship.

After drinking and eating.

The two agreed to meet again next time.

In this way, Director Zhao left the cafeteria and returned to the workshop.

He found Lin Yu, and in his office, told him about the banquet given to him by Deputy Director Li at noon today.

Lin Yu nodded with a smile: "Then I really want to congratulate my brother, I'll just wait for my promotion."

Director Zhao smiled wryly and said: "Brother, to tell you the truth, I really don't want to be promoted. After being promoted, I will stand in a higher position, but the burden on my shoulders will also increase. I would rather be like this now. How nice it is to manage a workshop with ease and without heavy burdens.”

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Brother, with great ability comes great responsibility. It is your responsibility, and you cannot escape it.

Director Zhao was startled, pointing at Lin Yu and cursing with a smile: "You kid is talking about some irrefutable truths, so you must have learned them from books, right? If 833 said that you learned things from books, all the workers in the factory Added together, I am not as strong as you in learning, nor have you learned as much. Well, my brother has remembered what you said, and it seems that I have to get closer to Deputy Factory Manager Li in the future."

After the two chatted for a while, Lin Yu left Director Zhao's office.

Lin Yu is too familiar with the plot of the courtyard house. He knows that in the near future, after the wind blows, Director Yang will step down.

At that time, Li, the deputy director of the factory, will transform himself and step onto the stage to become the leader of the rolling mill.

At that time, the fate of many people will change.

Before that, Lin Yu needs to prepare for the rainy day.

And the relationship between him and Director Zhao is naturally out of the question.

Since Deputy Director Li values ​​Director Zhao so much now and wants to win Director Zhao over, Lin Yu simply pushes him over.

As long as Director Zhao is reused by Deputy Director Li in the future, Yu will not have any risks in those ten years.

Just when Lin Yu was dazzled by the rainy day and was planning for the future.

Little did he know that Silly Zhu hit the ground by mistake, and actually climbed into the relationship with Deputy Factory Manager Li.

After a meal at noon, Deputy Director Li was slightly drunk.

Liu Lan came to look for him, and when talking about Shazhu, Deputy Factory Manager Li said with a smile: "Okay, you let Shazhu come to me by himself, and I will have a good chat with him, a bicycle ticket is not worth it at all. What, as long as he cooks for me well in the future and takes good care of me, it will be his benefit."

Liu Lan agreed, then hurried back to the back kitchen of the cafeteria, and led the idiot to see Deputy Director Li.

Silly Zhu had a cheeky face and flattered Deputy Director Li.

Deputy Factory Manager Li was in a good mood, and promised on the spot that (ccbj) would definitely get a bicycle ticket for Shazhu within three days.

Silly Zhu was so happy, he flattered Deputy Director Li again.

Deputy Factory Manager Li is very useful.

The two chatted for a while, and the deputy long-haired Shazhu left.

He wobbled downstairs by himself, went downstairs and went straight to the public toilet.

Deputy Factory Manager Li's mood today is beyond words. In one day, he has attracted two people and cultivated two forces.

Hehe, when the opportunity is ripe, he will show off his skills and do a big job!

Walking staggeringly on the avenue of the factory area with three steps and three shakes, Deputy Director Li suddenly saw a beautiful young woman.

Yu Haitang!!

He suddenly had a bad idea in his heart.

"Hey, isn't this Yu Haitang from the Publicity Department? This little girl looks like a flower, she's really pretty."

"By the way, I haven't asked Yu Haitang to come to my office to report to me."

Deputy factory manager Li decided to ask the secretary to notify Yu Haitang after the convenience was over and go back to report to him.

Yu Haitang didn't know it at all, but Deputy Factory Manager Li made up her mind.

She was still thinking about going to her brother-in-law's house for dinner after get off work.

Deputy Factory Manager Li went outside after using the toilet, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Soon after one cigarette was finished, Deputy Director Li threw it away, turned around and left.

He didn't even notice that the cigarette butt he threw rolled into the drain next to the toilet.


A loud bang!

The sewer cover under Deputy Director Li's feet flew up!

Before Deputy Director Li figured out what was going on, his body was forced to fly out of Lao Gao.

at the same time!

A series of booming sounds sounded.

With the public toilet as the center, all the sewer covers within your radius are burst and blown away.

Deputy Director Li flew in the air for a few seconds before falling heavily to the ground.

Deputy Factory Manager Li smelled a pungent smell, and passed out right after his eyes.

The sudden explosion shocked the whole factory workers.

Many workers ran out to have a look.

When they arrived at the scene of the explosion, the workers were stunned.

The scene was simply appalling.

It's too tragic!

It stinks!

It was the head of the security department who saw the opportunity quickly. Seeing that Deputy Director Li was injured, he hurriedly directed several security guards to carry Deputy Director Li to the hospital regardless of the pungent stench.

The smug deputy director Li, who was about to do a big job, never thought that his great dream would be destroyed by a cigarette butt, or by the sewer near the toilet.

The explosion seriously affected the reputation of the rolling mill. Even the factory manager Yang was alarmed and came to the scene in person to instruct the workers to clean the sewer and replace the sewer cover.

In short, this loud noise made the rolling mill famous in the district.

For several days in a row, the rolling mill was rectifying the site and strictly implementing safety production.

In Director Zhao's office.

Lin Yu and Director Zhao are drinking tea and chatting.

Director Zhao's hand holding the teacup was still shaking slightly.

"Brother, you didn't go to the scene, you don't know how tragic the scene is."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat for three days."

"I can only blame Deputy Factory Manager Li himself for being unlucky. There are clear regulations in the factory that smoking is prohibited, but some people don't take the factory regulations seriously."

"This big explosion is said to have happened because Deputy Factory Manager Li was smoking outside the toilet and accidentally threw the cigarette butt into the sewer, which ignited the methane in the sewer, thus causing the big explosion.

After listening to Director Zhao's explanation, Lin Yu understood.

I see.

Director Li can only blame himself for being unlucky.

Where is the best place to throw the cigarette butts? How long has it been since it was thrown into the sewer next to the toilet? How long has it been cleaned? There is an innumerable amount of methane gathered when it meets the cigarette butts. It is strange that the methane does not burn or explode.

"Brother, don't think about that anymore. It's better to do our own work well than anything else."

Lin Yu comforted Director Zhao with a smile.

Director Zhao nodded.

"That's true. Forget it, don't think about it. But tomorrow I have to go to the hospital to visit Deputy Director Li. Now this relationship is finally picked up, try not to throw it away." Director Zhao said.

"That's what it should be. After all, you and Deputy Factory Manager Li are alumni. Now that he has had such a big accident and suffered such a serious injury, you should go and have a look." Lin Yu said

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Yu left Director Zhao's office.

In the cafeteria.

Sha Zhu's face was very ugly.

He finally made up his mind to curry favor with Deputy Factory Director Li, but he could not imagine that such a big accident happened to Deputy Factory Director Li in less than an hour after currying favor with Deputy Factory Director Li.

Shocked the whole factory!

I'm afraid even the district was shocked!

It was heard that Deputy Director Li was in a coma, and his life and death were unknown, so he was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Sha Zhu stomped his feet anxiously.

It's not that he is concerned about the life and death of Deputy Factory Manager Li.

He was thinking about the bicycle ticket that Deputy Factory Manager Li had promised him.

Now, deputy factory director Li was seriously injured in the bombing and was hospitalized. His life and death are uncertain, and he is afraid that the bicycle ticket he promised will be useless.

Can Sha Zhu not be in a hurry?

Liu Lan's face was also very ugly.

Deputy Factory Manager Li is her backer in the rolling mill, and now something happened to this backer, she was seriously injured and hospitalized, and her life is still alive.

If this backer is really dead, then she, Liu Lan, will return to her previous days.

Liu Lan doesn't want to live the hard life like before.

She pulled Shazhu aside and said, "Don't worry, Shazhu. As long as Deputy Director Li doesn't die, he will definitely not forget about your bicycle ticket. I've been looking for someone Inquire and see how the injury of Deputy Director Li is. I will tell you when the time comes."

"That's okay, Liu Lan, I really trouble you. I hope Deputy Factory Manager Li will be lucky, and nothing will happen this time." Silly Zhu reluctantly smiled.

The get off work bell rang.

Lin Yu left the workshop and just walked to the carport when he saw Yu Haitang waiting there.

"Brother-in-law, I'll ride a bike and carry you home. I'm going to your house to have dinner tonight."

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