Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

98. Jia Dongxu Was Bitten Off Two Toes By A Mouse, Jia Zhangshi And Qin Huairu Were Scared To Death

Jia Dongxu's scar is healed and he forgets the pain.

He seemed to have completely forgotten the lesson of being attacked by a swarm of poisonous bees not long ago, which stung him into a big rice dumpling.

Now his mouth has become more poisonous, and he swears at people at every turn, even more viciously than before.

Taking advantage of Jia Dongxu's good mood, Qin Huairu persuaded him more than once, telling him to accumulate some morals and stop swearing at others.

But Jia Dongxu just wouldn't listen.

Qin Huairu has absolutely nothing to do with him.

As everyone knows, Lin Yu heard Jia Dongxu's vicious insults to Lin Yu clearly.

Although Lin Yu is in the backyard and Jia Dongxu is in the middle courtyard, both of them are still in their respective homes.

But this does not affect Lin Yu's super hearing at all.

Lin Yu put this account on Jia Dongxu's head.

After eating and drinking with Yu Li and Yu Haitang, I sent the sisters away.

Lin Yu closed the door and drank tea by herself in the room.

"By the way, I almost forgot to sign in today."

"System, I want to sign in."

Lin Yu thought to himself while drinking tea.

"Sign in successfully.

"Reward [80 catties of white flour]"

"Reward [50 catties of stick noodles]"

"Reward [10 catties of vermicelli]"

"Reward [1 Thermometer]"

"Reward [Level 8 Electrician Skill]"

"Reward [10 cans of beef]"

"Reward [milk 10 catties]"

"Reward [20 bags of cat food]"

Another sign-in reward of all kinds.

This reward includes food and drink, and even a thermometer.

Lin Yu received the thermometer from the system space 22, and played with it for a while.

It was found that it was an ordinary thermometer.

Putting the thermometer in the drawer casually, Lin Yu's assistant stayed on the [eighth-level electrician skill].

Ye Duo is not overwhelmed, so it is natural to activate the system's skill rewards as soon as possible.

With a thought, Lin Yu activated this skill instantly.


Countless skills related to electrician flooded into Lin Yu's mind.

After a brief dizziness, Lin Yu mastered all the knowledge and skills about electricians.

After looking around in his room, Lin Yu had an idea in his mind.

The weather is just starting to get hot now, and it will be very hot after a while.

It is time to add some household appliances to the house.

Ceiling fans are essential.

Hanging on the beams in the house, in the hot summer, when the ceiling fan is turned on, the cool breeze blows in, it feels very refreshing.

In addition, in summer, the food we eat is easy to spoil, so we must find a way to get a refrigerator.

But it's hard to get a radio these days, let alone a refrigerator.

However, this is not a problem for Lin Yu.

Lin Yu is now a full-level electrician, and can manually build a refrigerator by himself based on the rich electrician knowledge and electrician skills in his mind.

Yes, just do it.

Before I knew it, it was already dark.

Lin Yu went to the kitchen and took a warm bath.

After finishing the work, he pulled the slippers and went back to the house to sleep.

It was pitch black in the compound.

The neighbors are all asleep.

Qinhuai Ru's house.

Jia Zhang's snoring was loud.

The three children were also asleep.

Jia Dongxu also slept like a dead pig.

Only Qin Huairu, after sleeping for a while, sneaked up.

She put on her slippers, took a flashlight, and walked quietly into the kitchen.

From the bucket in the kitchen, she fished out two large leeches, surrounded them and went back to the room.

After getting into bed again, Qin Huairu secretly attached the two leeches to the soles of Jia Dongxu's feet.

"Jia Dongxu, you trash! Let you scold me again! My old lady will bleed you!"

"Don't you have a vicious mouth? I'll let you bled every night, and my old lady will slowly torture you to death!"

In the darkness, Qin Huairu's face was vicious, looking at the two leeches on Jia Dongxu's feet that were crazily sucking blood, a ferocious grin appeared on Qin Huairu's face.

half an hour later.

Qin Huairu reckoned that the two leeches were full of blood.

She removed the two ball-like leeches from the soles of Jia Dongxu's feet and threw them into the trash can, waiting to "destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces" tomorrow

After finishing all this, Qin Huairu lay down and went to sleep contentedly.

Little did she know that in the dark, there was a big mouse under her bed, waiting for an opportunity.

When Qin Huairu also fell asleep, the big mouse jumped onto the bed and sneaked up next to Jia Dongxu's feet

the next day.

The genius is bright.

Jia Dongxu suddenly woke up from the pain.

He screamed in pain.

"Mom, Huairu, what's wrong with my feet? My feet hurt like hell."

Jia Dongxu couldn't move his body. Although he felt the pain from his feet, he couldn't touch it, let alone see it.

Both Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu were awakened.

Qin Huairu's first reaction after waking up was to be startled.

She thought that Jia Dongxu had found out that she secretly bled the soles of Jia Dongxu's feet.

But when the quilt was lifted, Qin Huairu and Lei Zhang were all horrified!!

"Dongxu, your toes...why are you missing two toes?!"

Jia Zhang blurted out, her voice trembling.

Qin Huairu was also terrified.

She clearly remembered that last night, she used two leeches to bleed the soles of Jia Dongxu's feet. She didn't touch Jia Dongxu's toes at all.

But why did Jia Dongxu lose two toes when he woke up?

"What? Mom, I'm missing two toes? No wonder my feet hurt so much, oh, it hurts to death..."

Jia Dongxu felt pain and fear, so he just burst into tears.

Qin Huairu carefully inspected Jia Dongxu's missing two toes, and she suddenly frowned.

Because she found a tuft of mouse hair next to Jia Dongxu's feet.

"Mom, Dongxu's two toes were bitten off by a mouse, look, there is still a tuft of mouse fur here.

Qin Huairu pointed to the tuft of mouse hairs for Jia Zhang to see.

Jia Zhang jumped up reflexively, and she quickly looked at her own toes.

Fortunately, the ten toes are still there, and the mouse has not been bitten off.

Afterwards, Jia Zhang hurriedly looked at the toes of the stick, and there was no shortage.

As for Xiaodang and Huaihua's toes, she didn't bother to look at them.

She doesn't care about two money-losing goods.

Qin Huairu also looked down at her own toes, and all ten toes were there.

In their family, only Jia Dongxu let the mouse bite off two toes.

what should I do?

Jia Dongxu's feet are still bleeding.

"Mom, put on your clothes quickly, and put on clothes for the child. I'm going to call Uncle Yi and Shazhu to help. I must send Dongxu to the hospital quickly. Dongxu's two toes were bitten by mice." If it falls off, the wound must not be infected, otherwise the consequences will be serious.”

Qin Huairu said while quickly getting dressed.

Jia Zhang was in a panic now, she agreed to Qin Huairu, and she quickly got dressed, and asked the three children to get dressed too.

Jia Dongxu was still crying loudly.

His cries had already woken up the neighbors.

Silly Zhu was wearing his clothes and pulling his shoes, standing at the door and watching this side.

Yi Zhonghai also got up, and he also stood at the door, looking at Qin Huairu's side in puzzlement.

"Master Yi, what's the matter? Why did Brother Dongxu cry so early in the morning?" Silly Zhu asked Yi Zhonghai sleepily.

"How do I know this? I was also woken up by Jia Dongxu's crying." Yi Zhonghai said with a frown.

While the two were talking, the door of the Qin family's room opened.

Qin Huairu walked out in a hurry.

"Uncle Yi, silly Zhu, it's not good! Dong Xu had two toes bit off by a mouse last night!"

Hearing what Qin Huairu said, Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu were stunned. 397

"What? Brother Dong Xu let the mouse bite off two toes? This damn mouse, isn't he too bold? He dared to bite someone's toes.

Silly Zhu followed the shoes and walked over.

Yi Zhonghai was also taken aback.

Although Jia Dongxu said he couldn't move his body, he wouldn't let the mouse bite off his two toes, right?

At this time, the second uncle, with his big belly in his bangs, also came to the middle courtyard.

The third uncle Yan Bugui helped the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and also came to the middle courtyard.

Several aunts and aunts gathered in the middle courtyard curiously.

When everyone saw Jia Dongxu's two toes bitten off by the mouse, everyone was horrified.

"It's terrible! Jia Dongxu actually let the mouse bite off two toes."

"Damn mouse, it's too deceitful!"

"I'm so scared, I'm afraid my toes will be bitten by mice when I sleep at night."

"What are you afraid of? You're not Jia Dongxu. Jia Dongxu couldn't move his body, that's why his toes were bitten off by mice at night.

Neighbors talked and talked about everything.

Jia Dongxu was still crying.

Jia Zhang also cried. She wiped her tears and accused and cursed the mouse that bit off her son's toe.

Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai quarreled and rushed Jia Dongxu to the hospital.

Qin Huairu nodded, and begged the silly king to borrow Uncle Cui's tricycle from the next door.

Silly Zhu agreed, and hurried to borrow a car.

Not long.

Shazhu borrowed the car.

Because there are steps at the gate of the compound, the tricycle cannot be pushed in, so it can only be parked at the gate of the compound.

Yi Zhonghai directed the neighbors to work together, and the big guy hurriedly carried Jia Dongxu out of the compound and onto a tricycle.

Shazhu rode on the tricycle, pulled Jia Dongxu, and Qin Huairu pushed the tricycle behind, and the three went straight to the hospital.


Lin Yu got up in his clothes, stretched his waist, opened the door, and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Today is another day full of energy. .

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