"Bang, why do you need money to buy those tools?"

Hearing that Banggen asked for money to buy tools, Sha Zhu was stunned.

"I'm going to make bamboo furniture, don't worry, when I make money, I will return the money to you." BangGou said confidently.

But Shazhu is not stupid, sticks to make furniture? It's no wonder that it can make all the money.

This is a craftsman's job, it's a ghost that a boy like Bang Geng can do it.

The money given to Yi must be in vain.

Therefore, Shazhu refused to give it.

"You boy, what are you thinking, just the furniture you made, can anyone want it? Don't think that Yan Jiekuang is so good at making it, it's because he has this talent." Silly Zhu persuaded.

"Shazhu, you can forget it if you don't give it, and you still say I have no skills! Stinky silly Zhu! Cheapskate!" Not asking for money from Shazhu, Banggen slammed the door angrily.

Silly Zhu looked behind him and shook his head helplessly.

"This kid must have been pissed off by that kid Yan Jiekuang, and he still expects to make money by making furniture.

This Yan Jiekuang is also true, he knows how to pay attention every day. "


After the stick came out of the silly pillar house, it went back to its own house.

The house is eating.

On the table are white flour steamed buns, plus a few steamed buns, and fine grains to eat. The food is not bad.

"Mom, I want to buy tools for making bamboo weaving." During the meal, Bang Geng said to Qin Huairu.

He still doesn't give up now, thinking that with the tools, he will be able to accomplish things.

"Why did you buy it? Didn't I give you a hatchet?" Qin Huairu glared at the stick, how could she not know how much her son weighed.

Originally, he didn't expect Banggen to make anything out of bamboo, and asking him to fiddle with bamboo was to let him vent his energy.

How could it be possible to spend money on it, so Qin Huairu refused without thinking.

"The hatchet is not enough. I want to have the tools for cutting bamboo like Yan Laosan. I can't do it without those tools." Bang Geng pouted.

"If you can't do it, just do something simple."

Qin Huairu glared at him.

Sticking his mouth in displeasure, he glanced at Jia Zhang again.

Seeing this, Jia Zhang quickly shook her head, "Grandson, grandma has no money, listen to your mother, we don't need it, and Yan Jiekuang needs so many tools to do well.

We can do a good job without using it. Doesn't that mean that our grandson is much better than that kid Yan Jiekuang? "

Jia Zhang bluffed, but in fact, he didn't want to spend the money at all.

I was very upset when I heard it.

He was very aggrieved when he didn't ask for money.

If you don't give me money, I'll take it myself!

The stick knows that there is actually money hidden at home, which is saved by Jia Zhang every month, under the bed, and he plans to steal the money to buy tools.

Sticky had a good idea, and it only cost more than a dozen yuan to buy those tools, and he could earn 2 yuan by making a recliner.

As long as you do a few more, you will be able to pay back the cost soon, and the money will be returned when the time comes.

next morning.

Qin Huairu went to work.

Bang Geng waited for Jia Zhang to go to the latrine, and sneaked out a small box from under the bed. This is where Jia Zhang hid his money every month.

Although the small box was locked, it was no trouble to the stick, he knew where the key was.

He took out the key from under Jia Zhang's pillow, and Bang Geng easily opened the box, which contained a lot of colorful money.

Most of them are 1 yuan and 2 yuan, and only 1 piece of 5 yuan belongs to the large amount.

These are all the money that Jia Zhang has saved over the years. Don't look at Jia Zhang who is lazy at home and does not work.

But Qin Huairu actually gave her 3 yuan in pocket money every month. After deducting the expenses, Jia Zhang could save more than 1 yuan every month.

The money, accumulated down, is not a small fee.

Seeing that Mrs. Jia Zhang was coming back, Bang Geng didn't count, grabbed a handful of money and kicked it in his pocket, then hurriedly pushed the small box back under the bed.

When Mrs. Jia came back from the hut, Bang Geng passed by pretending to be okay, and then went straight to the market after leaving the house.


After breakfast, Yan Jiekuang continued to cut bamboo to make bamboo woven objects in front of the door, and the third master brought him back a lot of bamboo last night.

As soon as he picked up the bamboo, Yan Jiekuang saw the stick coming again.

And there was a big wooden box in his hand.

Open the wooden box, man, it's full of carpentry tools, planes, saws, chisels, rasps, hammers... everything.

More complete than the tools in his hand!

Yan Jiekuang was stunned.

"Bang, where did you get this tool?"

"Hmph! I want you to take care of it!" Sticker raised his head in a huff, feeling very elated.

Yan Jiekuang, however, saw the problem. Where would a brat like Bang Geng get the money to buy these tools?

Qin Huairu would only pay for these sticks unless his head was squeezed by the door.

Therefore, if it wasn't bought by Qin Huairu, then there is a high probability that it is the money that Bang Geng stole from somewhere.

Thinking of this, Yan Jiekuang let out a chuckle, he didn't expect Bang Geng to be so stupid, he would buy such a set of tools to steal money.

"Bang, you don't really think that you can make good furniture like me with these tools, do you?

No, no, no one really thinks that as long as the tools are good, they can have the same skills as me. "

Hearing Yan Jiekuang's words, Bang Geng was angry, but he didn't believe that he was inferior to Yan Jiekuang.

What Yan Jiekuang can do, he can certainly do it himself!

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