The big leader really didn't expect that He Yuzhu didn't want to simply sell things, but started the idea of arms trading, which really impressed him.

After all, such an idea is really not something that ordinary people can think of.

And the big leader only thought about it a little, and found that if it was really possible to transform ordinary civilian products gas canisters and seamless steel pipes into powerful weapons, then according to the price given by He Yuzhu, it was indeed possible to sit down on this deal forever, and it was not very difficult to earn tens of millions of dollars in foreign exchange every year.

After all, in this world, if you want to say that the most profitable one, it must be ~ the arms business.

As the saying goes: as soon as the cannon goes off, gold - 10,000 taels.

Speaking of which, the dragon kingdom is also greedy for the arms business, and also wants to sell weapons - to make money.

Unfortunately, in the face of the pressure of the two superpowers, and for fear of being smeared by European and American countries, the Dragon Kingdom really did not dare to participate in the global arms business openly.

Of course, many countries did not dare to resist the pressure of the two superpowers to buy weapons from the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, in the world, the world-renowned Soviet-style weapons and the weapons of several major European and American powers have to be used, and the weapons of the Dragon Kingdom are basically not famous.

For the big leader, he felt that if the "weapons" of the gas tank and seamless steel pipe transformation were really reliable and had great hope of being sold, it would definitely be supported.

Thinking of this, the big leader opened his mouth again and asked, "Zhuzi, is this matter reliable? Have you tried these two modified weapons?"

Seeing the big leader ask, He Yuzhu instantly understood the attitude of the big leader, just as he thought before he came, the big leader had no objection to this matter of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep".

Therefore, He Yuzhu also took out the design drawings about the transformation of gas tanks and seamless steel pipes that he had prepared a long time ago and did not show to Nie Yongping and the others, and put them in front of the big leaders.

"Uncle, you see, I plan to produce this new type of gas canister, and install four brackets on the tail, which is more conducive to stability.

After the customer buys it back, he only needs to fill the innermost layer with a mixture of sugar and nitroamine fertilizer fried at high temperature, and put a large number of iron nails and iron sheets on the outer layer.

Then in the back cylinder, put a mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate, and finally only need an iron bucket, you can use it, and its power is definitely much more powerful than the original conscienceless cannon.

Of course, the main thing is that it is cheap, even if the accuracy is not very large, but as long as there are more of them, you can directly cover the strike with firepower, and you can spend the least amount of money and achieve the maximum results.

Moreover, this new gas tank does not need to worry about safety hazards, as long as its safety device is not opened, then as long as you are careful, there will be no problem of sudden self-explosion.

As for the seamless steel pipe, it is easy to change it to a rocket, you only need to ......"

He Yuzhu enthusiastically introduced the two transformation plans he designed to the big leaders one by one, and the big leaders also brightened their eyes the more they listened.

"Pillars, if you design them the way you do, I think these two things are really promising.

Do you have any samples there, and can you let me see the actual results? After all, I'm really curious about what the real power of this thing is?"

Facing the big leader's inquiry, He Yuzhu smiled embarrassedly, then shook his head and said: "Uncle, if you really want to see it, at least you have to wait a few more days, and I will arrange for the master in the factory to make two samples first." "

As he spoke, He Yuzhu saw the doubts on the big leader's face, and he continued to explain: "I'll be honest with you, although I have already designed the drawings of these two new products, but after they are produced, I still need to experiment slowly to see what kind of ratio is the most powerful and most suitable."

After all, you also know that I don't know much about this knowledge, and when the time comes, I will definitely ask a master or even an expert who understands this aspect to come forward to help, and I may need my uncle's help. "

Hearing He Yuzhu say this, the big leader nodded in understanding, but he looked at the drawings in his hand and smiled at He Yuzhu again: "You, sometimes you are modest, you can design the drawings to this point, and say that you don't understand."

I see, even if you don't have any experts, you can figure everything out yourself.

However, since you said it, then everything is according to what you said, let professional people do professional things, you should not start this kind of dangerous thing, and ensure your own safety. "

Seeing that the big leader cared so much about his safety, He Yuzhu said warmly in his heart: "Thank you uncle for your understanding." "

The big leader patted He Yuzhu lightly, and said with a relieved look: "Haha, you don't need to be polite to me, speaking of which, if this matter really happens, it should be me who should say thank you."

Pillar, I have always thought that you are a smart person, so this time I also strongly supported you to control the rolling mill, just to see if you can make a difference.

As it turned out, I was right in my choice, and you did live up to my expectations, and I came up with such a good idea just a few days after I came to power.

Seriously, if you hadn't thought about it, we older generations probably wouldn't have thought of doing this in our lifetime.

Once this is done, we can not only bring a large amount of foreign exchange to the country every year with these two new products, but we can also export these two products openly under the noses of Europe and the United States and other countries, after all, they are just civilian goods. "

Looking at the great leader with great emotion, He Yuzhu also understood why he deliberately emphasized "civilian supplies".

There's no way, the Dragon Kingdom in this year is not like a few decades later, it has not been revived and rising, and the relationship with the two superpowers is not good, and it has even fought a war with the two big brothers, and it is very targeted internationally.

"Then, uncle, if you have no problem here, then I will vigorously reform the factory from tomorrow to produce these two civilian products. "

"Well, you can just let this matter go, with me, you don't need to worry about anything else, I'll take care of everything.

By the way, you have to remember that before we produce vigorously, we must first make a few samples for me to see first.

At that time, as long as there is no problem, I will invite people from the embassies of the Middle Eastern countries with whom we have friends to visit your rolling mill, so that they can also see the power of new products. "

Seeing that the big leader actually took the initiative to say that he would find someone from the embassy to see him, He Yuzhu felt that the big leader was powerful, and at the same time, he nodded happily and said: "Thank you, big leader, don't worry, I will definitely do this well with a good speed." "

"You don't need to be in a hurry, it's all about being on the safe side. By the way, do you need my help with other things, especially with funding?"

"No, there are still a few million in the rolling mill, which is enough for the time being. "

"Okay, if you have any questions, just come to me. "[]

"Well, I know, uncle, if you really encounter difficulties, I won't be polite to you. "

"Haha...... Four".

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