Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 28: Silly Zhu Takes The Initiative And The Assessment Begins!

But at this moment, Silly Zhu, who had been pestering Qin Huairu in the corner, also jumped out and asked for a bet!

Originally, this silly column was a cook in the canteen of the steel rolling mill. Logically speaking, he should be working in the canteen now.

However, this Silly Zhu is Qin Huairu's most loyal licking dog, and he often comes to the workshop to curry favor with Qin Huairu.

He just heard in the cafeteria that Yi Zhonghai seemed to have been beaten in the workshop, and he quickly came over to see what happened.

But he never expected that he originally wanted to come here to please Qin Huairu, but now he actually heard that Li Yang wanted to give Yi Zhonghai 500 yuan.

This is totally free money!

Even if Silly Zhu is a cook, he knows that it is impossible for Li Yang to pass the Level 4 Fitter Examination!

After all, Silly Zhu bullied Li Yang's predecessor so much before, and he also knew that Li Yang had even passed the second-level fitter exam countless times!

"Wait a minute, Li Yang, since you like gambling so much, why don't you add me as well, and put my fingerprint on the receipt!"

"How's it going? You even accepted Yi Zhonghai's 500-yuan bet. You can't refuse, right?"

Silly Zhu was also very greedy at the moment. He felt that the 500 yuan was not earned in vain!

When he thought about how he had kowtowed to Li Yang to admit his mistake and paid 50 yuan as compensation, Sha Zhu was always thinking about revenge.

Now the opportunity has come, and I can earn 500 yuan all at once. How could this idiot, Silly Zhu, hold back!

At this moment, Li Yang also glanced at Si Zhu Zhu, and then said: "Okay, but for you, it's only 300 yuan. With your net worth, you can only afford this amount of money!"

Li Yang also had a sneer on his lips at this moment. He had no idea what this idiot, Silly Zhu, was thinking!

However, as Silly Zhu has been sucked by Qin Huairu for so many years, it would be great if he could come up with 300 yuan!

"Okay! 300 yuan is 300 yuan, don't regret it, Li Yang, so many people are here to watch!"

"Anyway, I, He Yuzhu, nailed it with my spit, and I will never lie in the slightest when I say it!"

"If you dare not pay the 300 yuan at that time, then you will never want to stay in this steel rolling mill!"

Silly Zhu also immediately agreed at this moment, for fear that Li Yang would regret it.

Originally, he wanted to bet 500 yuan like Yi Zhonghai, but when Li Yang said 300 yuan, he didn't dare to refute it.

After all, he now thinks that the price of the woman Li Yangbai had in his previous life was too high and he disagrees with it.

Following Sha Zhu's fingerprints, a sneer appeared on the faces of Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai.

They are now thinking in their hearts that when Li Yang fails the level 4 assessment, then the bet will be considered lost!

A full 800 yuan, which is enough to bankrupt Li Yang!

"Li Yang, please stop thinking about it, this is no joke!"

"Yeah, you really can't be impulsive! 800 yuan is almost more than two years of your salary. How long have you been working in the steel rolling mill!"

"If you really have to pay this money by now, all your savings over the years will be gone, and you might still owe money!"

"If you think about it calmly, everyone in our workshop is on your side. If you regret it, we will pretend that we didn't see it, and the documents will not count. After all, there will be no witnesses!"

For a moment, everyone couldn't bear to persuade Li Yang!

After all, in the hearts of everyone, Li Yang has a pretty good style and works seriously and hard!

And Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu often bullied Li Yang's predecessor.

Today, Li Yang seemed like a different person. Not only did he punish Yi Zhonghai, but he also made everyone in the workshop feel bad. Everyone also had a great impression of Li Yang.

They even asked Li Yang to renege on his own initiative, but no one even served as a witness to the bet!

"Hey! What are you doing? Think I am air. The documents have been written and the fingerprints have been pressed. If you say it doesn't count, it won't count."

"Are you just kidding us? I'm telling you it's impossible. The paperwork has been clearly written. If he fails the exam, he loses and has to pay me 300 yuan!"

"It's written clearly in black and white, how can you say you regret it!"

At this moment, Silly Zhu also shouted reluctantly, for fear that Li Yang would regret it and he would be almost out of 300 by then!

Yi Zhonghai also sneered at this moment, and then taunted: "Huh! Li Yang, if you really regret it and don't have the courage, then there is nothing you can do!"

"Well, how about you apologize to me and admit your mistake, and then this matter is over?"

Yi Zhonghai felt extremely proud at this moment, feeling that Li Yang was riding a tiger and was in trouble!

For a while, Yi Zhonghai also pretended to ask Li Yang to admit his mistake and apologize to him.

After all, the situation is really pressing. Everyone in the workshop is on Li Yang's side. No one will testify for them when the time comes. In addition, Li Yang has a relationship with Deputy Director Li, so their document is just a piece of paper. Waste paper!

Obviously, it would be better to ask Li Yang to admit his mistake and apologize to him.

However, this is all Yi Zhonghai's overthinking, but he doesn't know that he now looks like an idiot in Li Yang's eyes!

"Apologise? It's impossible in this life, why? Is it because you kowtowed to me and admitted your mistake in the compound before, so you always think about it?"

"And why should I apologize? You brought the money to my door for nothing, why don't I accept it?"

Li Yang also sneered at this moment, slowly began to mock, and even told what Yi Zhonghai had kowtowed to him before!

Obviously, Li Yang also knew how vicious Yi Zhonghai was!

Seeing that the people in the workshop were unwilling to testify for him, they actually wanted me to apologize to him. If I really apologized to this point, I would never be able to hold my head high in front of Yi Zhonghai for the rest of my life!

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for Li Yang to do this. Now that they are offering money to him at his door, there is absolutely no reason not to accept it!

"Okay! Since you want to give us money yourself, I won't stop you. I'll see how you compensate the 800 yuan!"

Yi Zhonghai was also stunned at this moment, and he shouted with all his face.

Now that Li Yang exposed his scandal, everyone in the workshop looked at him with strange eyes.

Yi Zhonghai's resentment towards Li Yang is really about to reach its limit!

After that, there were also a lot of fitter assessment tests in the workshop.

This movement is indeed quite big, and no one expected that Li Yang has such a big reputation!

After all, when you usually take the fitter exam, you sign up as a group and arrange the time together.

But now, because of the relationship and face of Deputy Factory Director Li, he actually sent people directly to the workshop to conduct a Level 4 fitter assessment on Li Yang.

Yi Zhonghai also became more and more jealous. Why did Zhejiang Li Yang get all the benefits?

After that, the assessment of the fourth-level fitter began in the workshop.

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