Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 55: Qin Huairu’S Disgust, Yi Zhonghai’S Moral Kidnapping!

The matter between Silly Zhu, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai is really too big. If these three people dare not to participate in this hospital meeting, it will be tantamount to asking for death!

After that, the three of them also bravely came to the courtyard to attend the general meeting of the whole hospital.

The deaf old lady's belly has become bigger now, and even the crutch she is holding is trembling, as if she is ten months pregnant!

But the other hand was tightly hugging this silly Zhu, and it was obvious that he only wanted to marry this silly column now.

Due to the abnormal secretion of hormones in her body, she felt that Silly Zhu was extremely handsome no matter how she looked at him. She just wanted to give birth to a child quickly and live a happy life with Silly Zhu.

However, Silly Zhu noticed that the deaf old lady kept rubbing her arm, feeling the disgusting touch, and almost vomited!

The deaf old lady is now pregnant and has some incontinence of urination. The smell of urine on her body is becoming more and more obvious, especially the old age smell on her body that cannot be concealed.

But what's helpless is that Si Zhu doesn't dare to get angry in front of so many people!

If the deaf old lady were to cry, make trouble, and hang herself again, she might really go to the police station!

After that, Silhu finally coaxed the deaf old lady to sit down, and then found Qin Huairu in the corner of the crowd.

When this licking fool Zhu saw his goddess, he quickly ran up to flatter her.

He has been in this compound for so many years, and he brings lunch boxes to Qin Huairu's family almost every day. He spends more than half of his salary every month to support Qin Huairu's family!

That is to win the favor of his goddess, so that he can capture her heart one day earlier and marry her home.

Now that something like this happened, Shazhu just wanted to explain it to his goddess Qin Huairu.

"Sister Qin, what happened between me and the deaf old lady was simply because others slandered me. I really didn't do such a stupid thing!"

"I have always treated her as my own mother over the years. I am just being filial to her. I don't have any other thoughts about her!"

"The child in her belly is not mine at all. It is most likely Yi Zhonghai's. The two of them joined hands to act and wanted to harm me!"

"I admitted in the hospital before that it was because the police wanted to arrest me and put me in jail. I was going to jail and my whole life was over!"

"You know what I'm thinking, Sister Qin! I'm really not that kind of person! Can you trust me even once?"

"Actually, I believe you should have felt how I have treated you over the years. I am truly wholehearted. I just want to be good to you. How could I possibly fall in love with someone else!"

"The reason why I have been so flattering to this deaf old lady and listened to her orders all these years is because I want to use her status as a five-guarantee household to help you and your family!"

"I really didn't expect that I would be bitten by her in the end, and now my reputation has been ruined, but I just hope you can believe me!"

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huairu affectionately, his eyes were a little red, obviously he didn't want her to misunderstand him when facing the person he liked.

Now that the incident between him and the deaf old lady has become so popular, the whole compound thinks that he is responsible for the deaf old lady's belly.

Silly Zhu is also afraid that because of this incident, his goddess Qin Huairu will hate him and break off the relationship with him!

And Qin Huairu felt very complicated when she saw Sha Zhu explaining to herself.

In fact, over the years, Qin Huairu didn't have a good impression of this silly Zhu, he was just a licking dog around him that he couldn't get rid of!

If it weren't for the fact that he could benefit from this silly Zhu, how could Qin Huairu cooperate with this silly Zhu in acting? He wouldn't want to deal with such an idiot at all!

However, no matter what this Silly Zhu says, he is still his own exclusive licking dog, and he is usually at his mercy.

And now the deaf old lady’s belly is getting bigger. If the deaf old lady forces Si Zhu to get married, then her licking dog will be taken away!

Then he might not be able to suck Sha Zhu's blood in the future. Thinking of this, Qin Huairu couldn't help but speak.

"Zhuzi, I believe in you. You are a good person and have been helping our family for so many years!"

"There must be something hidden behind what is happening now! That's why it has reached this point. I believe you have never done such a thing!"

The whole thing is just Yinta insisting that you did it, there is no evidence of Qi at all!"

"I have been with you for so many years. You have always taken care of our whole family, and you have always taken care of me at the steel rolling mill. I will keep these things in my heart!"

"No one wants to think about this kind of thing now. We can only find a way to solve it as soon as possible, but there is really very little I can do to help you!"

"Then can you still bring lunch boxes to our house in the future? I'm afraid that because of something like this, you may never have the chance to interact with me again!"

Qin Huairu's acting skills are also very good. She didn't express any emotion towards Silly Zhu, but she also managed to win over Silly Zhu.

Qin Huairu's current purpose is to let Silly Zhu continue to bring her lunch boxes. She doesn't want to let go of such a blood-sucking licking dog like Silly Zhu!

In fact, even if this silly Zhu is so perverted and makes the old deaf lady pregnant, Qin Huairu doesn't care at all.

As long as Silly Zhu can bring him a lunch box and make his family suck blood, Qin Huairu doesn't care who Silly Zhu marries as his wife!

The only thing she was afraid of was that if this stupid Zhu really married the deaf old lady back home, the deaf old lady might get in the way and prevent this stupid Zhu from sucking her blood.

Qin Huairu also began to deliberately test Qi Zhu's attitude, and if he didn't want to, he would easily let go of this licking dog who could suck his own blood!

"Sister Qin, don't worry, I can certainly do it. No matter what, I will definitely bring you a lunch box!"

"It's really not easy for a woman like you to take care of such a big family. This is what I should do!"

"I've been sent to the workshop now, but it doesn't matter. I'll be able to return to the canteen in a week, and then I'll be able to bring you lunch again.

"And my salary will be paid soon this month. When I get my salary, if you have any difficulties, you must ask me and I will definitely help you!"

"Great, as long as you are willing to believe me, then I will be fine even if the sky falls!"

"Sister Qin, it turns out that you are the only person in this compound who understands me best. I am so touched!"

"Don't worry, you are the only one in my heart in this life. Even if this deaf old lady drives me to death, I will not marry her home!"

Silhu was so moved that he almost cried. He thought Qin Huairu really wanted to believe him.

But in fact, Qin Huairu was just acting with him. He didn't want this idiot Silly Zhu to make the matter bigger and involve himself.

After all, many people had already looked at him just now, and Qin Huairu didn't want to bear such an unpleasant reputation.

Silly Zhu is now an out-and-out pervert in the eyes of everyone in the courtyard, and Qin Huairu doesn't want to be poked in the back by others!

After all, over the years, there has been a lot of gossip about Qin Huairu in the compound, saying that Qin Huairu deliberately sucked blood from Silly Zhu!

Qin Huairu had a bad reputation because of this stupid guy, but now she doesn't want to be known as a pervert seducer!

"Okay! I will definitely believe you. You should go back to the deaf old lady first, lest she cause any trouble later!"

"Don't worry, if you really have something, come to me later and I will listen to your explanation slowly!"

"We are holding a hospital-wide meeting now. If you have any grievances, you can tell everyone clearly at the meeting!"

"As long as you didn't do these things and didn't upset the old deaf lady, the truth would definitely come out!"

"As long as we have a clear conscience, it doesn't matter who pours dirty water on you, I will definitely believe you!"

Qin Huairu noticed that people in the courtyard were paying more and more attention, and she really couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore, so she quickly found an excuse to let this stupid Zhu go back to the deaf old lady.

She doesn't want to be labeled as having an affair with a perverted fool!

After all, Qin Huairu only regarded this silly Zhu as a licking dog, and she didn't want to pay such a high price.

And this silly Zhu also nodded happily and obediently returned to the deaf old lady.

At this moment, Shazhu was already happy in his heart, thinking that his goddess Qin Huairu had finally heard his explanation and would not hate him.

But in fact, if Qin Huairu hadn't been reluctant to support Silly Zhu, she would have kicked him away!

After all, Qin Huairu had long suspected that this silly Zhu was really a pervert who had grown the belly of an old woman in her 70s. Qin Huairu felt sick when she thought of such a thing!

Everyone in the courtyard also moved quickly, and soon everyone came on stage one after another, and the whole courtyard meeting officially began!

At this moment, Li Yang also moved a stool and sat in the middle of the crowd. He took out a large handful of melon seeds from his trouser pocket and was planning to eat the melon seeds while watching the show.

At this moment, Yu Li, the young woman sitting next to Li Yang, looked at Li Yang eating melon seeds without any care, and felt envious in her heart!

You know, in this era of material scarcity, it is a luxury for every household to have a full meal!

Especially these snacks such as melon seeds and roasted seeds and nuts, which are even more luxurious things. Usually only during the Chinese New Year can you get a small handful from the new year's goods to taste them.

And when Yu Li and Li Yang took out a large handful of melon seeds from their trouser pockets and started to crack them, they swallowed unconsciously and glanced over from time to time.

She also knew that Li Yang's conditions were good, not to mention that Li Yang inherited all the family's inheritance and was also a fitter in a steel rolling mill.

Now they have just jumped from the first-level fitter to the fourth-level fitter. Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu obediently compensated Li Yang with 800 yuan!

800 yuan!

In this era, that is an astronomical sum of money!

That’s comparable to the salary of an ordinary employee in a steel rolling mill who works for two years!

Thinking of this, Yu Li also felt envious in her heart. Li Yang was already a level 4 fitter at such a young age, and with so much money on hand, no wonder he could live such a carefree life!

"What's wrong? Do you want to eat these melon seeds? Try it, it tastes good!" Li Yang naturally noticed Yu Li's strangeness at this moment, and stretched out his hand to hand over the melon seeds.

Yu Li also looked stunned at this moment. He didn't expect that Li Yang would actually give him melon seeds.

After all, he had seen what Li Yang did to Silly Zhu and the other three yesterday. Li Yang was not an easy person to offend!

But now, when Yu Li saw Li Yang's handsome face and warm breath, she opened her palms by mistake.

Then Li Yang looked at Yu Li's blushing face, smiled slightly, and gave Yu Li some melon seeds.

"This hand is so soft!" Li Yang recalled the feeling just now and sighed secretly in his heart.

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai, who had never been embarrassed to show up, finally came out of his home due to the pressure of everyone.

But as soon as he appeared on the stage, Yi Zhonghai started pouring dirty water on Silly Zhu and Mrs. Long.

Obviously, he has been Yi Zhonghai for so many years and he also knows the process of this whole hospital meeting!

Instead of waiting for Yan Bugui and the others to blame themselves for their crimes, they might as well take the initiative and dump the blame on Silly Zhu and the deaf old lady first!

"I think most of you have seen what happened today with your own eyes!"

"I, Yi Zhonghai, actually have nothing to do with this matter from beginning to end. I am just helping this old lady as a big man in the compound!"

"Many people in the compound are gossiping about me, Yi Zhonghai, today. Let me say it again, this matter has nothing to do with me, Yi Zhonghai!" 913

"Who am I, Yi Zhonghai, who has been the master of the hospital for so many years? How do I work for our hospital? I think you should have an idea!"

"No matter what, I don't want to hear any more gossip in the compound. Talking about my relationship with the deaf old lady is all nonsense!"

"I, Yi Zhonghai, walk upright! I sit upright! After being a great man for so many years, I have never done anything untoward!"

Yi Zhonghai returned to his old master's style, and started to pretend to be pretentious.

He has also made up his mind to take advantage of this hospital meeting to restore his reputation!

Otherwise, even if the deaf old lady insists that Silly Zhu made her pregnant, Yi Zhuhai will be implicated.

When Shazhu heard what Yi Zhonghai said, he became extremely angry. Just as he was about to speak, he was suppressed by Yi Zhonghai again!

How could an idiot like Silly Zhu be a match for an uncle like Yi Zhonghai with his lack of brains!

"It's this stupid old lady who made the deaf lady pregnant. They have actually been hooking up together all these years!"

"I had my doubts from the beginning, but I couldn't believe that this kind of thing happened to me, so I never really came to a conclusion!"

“It wasn’t until now that the deaf old lady got pregnant and admitted that the baby in her belly was Silly Zhu that I realized that I had been deceived by the two of them for so many years!

"They have actually been having an affair for a long time. They usually avoid me and don't want me to know anything they do in the house!"

"I really can't believe that they can do such a morally corrupt thing. A five-guarantee household in a compound actually hangs out with a bachelor in his 20s.

"There is such a big joke in our compound now. As the culprit, Silly Zhu must be held responsible for this matter!"

"After all, it was he who made the old deaf lady's belly bigger. The old deaf lady is over 70 years old. She has been chaste all her life, but in the end, it was ruined in the hands of this idiot!"

"After all, the deaf old lady is also a miserable person. She is so old. If she is really raped, what can she do? She can only help this idiot cover up the matter.

I don’t want to lose face!”

"Now that things have become a big deal, Silly Zhu must take responsibility for the deaf old lady and take good care of the deaf old lady and the child in her belly!"

Yi Zhonghai is worthy of being a great man for so many years. His scheming and methods are really ruthless!

At this point, all the dirty water was poured out on Silly Zhu, and he even described the deaf old lady as the weak one.

Obviously, Yi Zhonghai has a very clear purpose in his heart now, which is to completely settle the matter between the stupid Zhu and the deaf old lady, so that there will no longer be any waves.

It would be best if we could take advantage of this hospital-wide meeting to let this idiot directly marry the old lady into his home!

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