Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 62: Silly Zhu Yi Zhonghai Fights Each Other And Gives An Old Deaf Lady An Abortion!

"You bastards, what nonsense are you talking about here? It has nothing to do with it!"

"Don't listen to those nonsense. I, He Yuzhu, didn't mess with the deaf old lady's belly. Her pregnancy has nothing to do with me!"

"This is a steel rolling mill! This is a workshop! Who asked you to spread these rumors here? Believe it or not, I will report it to the boss!"

"I, He Yuzhu, am innocent, I am a cook in a steel rolling mill, and I have a house in the compound. Why should I fall in love with such an old lady in her 70s!"

"If any of you dare to mention these things again, I will tear your mouths apart. Do you hear me?"

Silly Zhuren was so angry that he never expected that so many people in the entire workshop were mocking him, and the voices were quite loud!

How could I endure the temper of this idiot Silly Zhu? He just pointed the tool in his hand at everyone and started threatening them.

Silly Zhu was so angry that he was trembling all over. He never expected that he would be ridiculed by everyone in the compound, and that he would be ridiculed by these people in the workshop when he came to the steel rolling mill.

Especially now that his goddess Qin Huairu is also in the workshop, Shazhu really doesn't want to lose face in front of girls.

At this moment, Qin Huairu listened to the noise more and more, and looked towards him. The disgust in his eyes could not be concealed. Silly Zhu really wanted to die!

I have worked hard for so many years and supported Qin Huairu and his family every month just to win the favor of my goddess!

But now because of the general meeting of the hospital, he and the deaf old lady were about to get married and get a certificate, and now they were ridiculed by so many people in front of the goddess. Silly Zhu really had a mental breakdown!

"Damn it! You damn old woman, I've become so miserable now, even my goddess Sister Qin looks at me like this, it's all because of this old immortal thing like you!"

"You are now making my life worse than death. Even Sister Qin despises me. You don't want to live anymore!"

"Aren't you just relying on the child in your belly to disgust me? I will definitely kill the child in your belly. I'll see what else you can threaten me with then!"

"It's best to kill you damn old woman too. I don't want to see your ugly face in this life!"

Silly Zhu's hand holding the tool was trembling crazily, and he was already shouting crazily in his heart. He just wanted to kill the deaf old woman.

What Silly Zhu didn't expect was the ridicule from everyone in the workshop, and that was just the beginning!

Xu Damao was very cautious today and came to the steel rolling mill with this idiot.

He didn't even go to the Propaganda Department of his department. Silly Zhu entered the workshop, and Xu Damao went to 720 at the door of the workshop.

He was just waiting for a moment like this, when everyone in the workshop was mocking Sha Zhu, and when Sha Zhu went crazy, he would come out and slap Sha Zhu in the face like a wolf.

"Silly Zhu! After all, you have been a cook in a steel rolling mill for so many years. Why are you still unwilling to tell the truth in the workshop?"

"Other people are talking nonsense. You just made the deaf old lady pregnant. An old woman in her 70s is now living in your house, waiting for you with a pregnant belly!"

"And you have already agreed to get a certificate from the deaf old lady. You will get married soon. You agreed to this in front of the whole hospital!"

"Why did you turn around and come to the steel rolling mill, and you don't want to tell the truth? You don't think that no one knows about your marriage to the deaf old lady, do you?"

"Ignoring others, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai only know that you agreed to marry her and get a certificate in front of everyone in the hospital!"

"Everything you said is right! You are an out-and-out pervert. You have made a 70-year-old woman's belly bigger, but you are indeed awesome and have too much energy!"

Xu Damao slowly came to the crowd at this moment, sneered directly, and started mocking this silly column.

At this moment, everyone in the workshop was completely shocked when they heard what Xu Damao said!

Although the story of Silly Zhu and the deaf old lady is now being spread throughout Sijiu City, no one can understand the truth of the matter better than people from the courtyard like Xu Damao!

Now after learning that Si Zhu had really done such a thing and promised to marry the deaf old lady to get a certificate, everyone looked at Shen Xiang Zhu with even more disgust.

"Silly Zhu! You really still like the old widow. I was right about what I said yesterday. This is a father-to-son inheritance. His father just followed the widow!"

"Yes, it's just that his taste is stronger than his father's. His father likes young widows, but this stupid Zhu likes old ones, and he also likes those who are about to be buried. The children can be made for you!"

"I have to accept this. This is really too fierce, for an old lady in her 70s! A normal person would struggle to eat, but this idiot can make her belly bigger. This is really fierce!"

"Silly Zhu, let's learn from your experience, shall we? You can teach us your tricks, maybe we can go home and make a few more fat ones!"

"Oh, you can't just learn from it randomly. Maybe it's just stupid Zhu who only likes to mess with old ladies in their 70s. How old is our wife? [We can't learn from it randomly!" (cebb) "That's right! What if this is the case? If I learn something, I might have difficulty in bed in the future, but I don’t dare to take the risk!"

Everyone was making jokes one by one at this moment, obviously deliberately laughing at this stupid Zhu.

They never expected that this silly Zhu could be so aggressive and make a 70-year-old lady pregnant, and now he has to get married to her and get a certificate!

Now that it is clear that Silly Zhu is responsible for the deaf old lady and getting a marriage certificate from him, everyone has less fear of perversion and more disgust and ridicule for this idiot.

"Shut up, all of you! I'll say it again, the child in the old lady's belly is not mine!"

"If Yi Zhonghai hadn't said at the general meeting that he was sterile and a dead eunuch, how could the child in the old woman's belly be blamed on me?"

"This deaf old lady threatened me to call the police and accuse me of being a rapist, so I had to agree, otherwise I would have to go to jail and possibly be shot!"

"Yi Zhonghai, I think you are not a dead eunuch at all. You have not lost your fertility. You said this deliberately to blame me. The child in the deaf old lady's belly is yours!"

Silly Zhu was completely furious at this moment, especially when Qin Huairu looked at you with such disgusting eyes, his heart hurt like a knife.

For a moment, this silly Zhu directly poured dirty water on Yi Zhonghai in the corner, obviously not wanting to bear the blame alone.

Yi Zhonghai was also furious. He never expected that this stupid Zhu would dare to lose his face like this in the workshop even though he had already agreed to accept his fate!

"Shut up! If you don't believe it, I can take out my test report to see if I have the ability to have children!"

"Yesterday at the general meeting of the hospital, you recognized the belly of the deaf old lady. Now that you have just spent one night, do you want to regret it?"

"Do you want to admit the good deeds you have done? You just like the widow who is older than you. No one will laugh at you. Don't be a bitch and set up a chastity memorial here again!

Yi Zhonghai originally didn't want to get involved in this matter. Seeing everyone mocking Silly Zhu, he hid in the corner of the crowd and tried not to stand out.

But I never expected that this silly Zhu was completely mad now and just wanted to find someone to take the blame with him!

And Yi Zhonghai really had no choice but to stand up and blame this silly Zhu.

"Yi Zhonghai, you old beast! You still want to blame everything on me, right? I'm the one who took the blame for you. If you dare to say such things again, I'll beat you to death!"

Silly Zhu didn't know how much grievance and anger he had suppressed from yesterday to now. Seeing that it was about to explode, he also began to warn Yi Zhonghai.

And Yi Zhonghai also knew that he must not back down now, otherwise his reputation in the steel rolling mill would be completely ruined by this idiot!

"You're such a pervert! You still want to throw dirty water on me. Try your hand. I can't beat you to death!"

Yi Zhonghai also rolled up his sleeves at this moment and pushed directly towards Shazhu.

He knew that he must not be a coward in the workshop, otherwise he would be completely disgraced after having held the position of an eighth-level fitter for so many years!

Following Yi Zhonghai's push, the two beasts started fighting each other in the workshop.

The two of them were so vicious!

It was obvious that both of them had great resentment towards each other, and their punches and kicks were aimed at vital points, for fear that they would not be able to kill the opponent.

In less than a moment, the two men beat each other until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and blood flowed out.

But after that, the two people were quickly stopped, and Deputy Director Li also sent someone to punish them.

Obviously, after the incident of Yi Zhonghai being beaten up by everyone in the workshop and the incident of stupid Zhu Jia Li Yang, Deputy Factory Director Li also secretly sent people to keep an eye on these two beasts.

Now the two people were fighting in the workshop in front of so many people, and each received a month's salary deduction as punishment.

Yi Zhonghai felt distressed in his heart. He was an eighth-level fitter, and his salary was much higher than that of this stupid Zhu!

Now, he had lost one month's salary, and Yi Zhonghai became even more angry at this idiot!

At this moment, Silly Zhu was trembling with anger, and his injuries were much more serious than Yi Zhong!

Obviously, Yi Zhonghai was much heavier than Silly Zhu. Silly Zhu was no match for Yi Zhonghai. He was pinned down and beaten violently.

If it weren't for the people sent by Deputy Factory Director Li in time, Shazhu would have been beaten to death by now!

After the two people were fined a month's salary, they finally learned to be honest.

Now this workshop is being watched by Deputy Director Li, and Li Yang is a subordinate of Deputy Director Li, so he will naturally keep an eye on them deliberately.

The two of them also knew that if the quarrel continued like this, the other would be beaten to death by Li Yang, so they both returned to their posts!

Not long after Si Zhu returned to his post, his cheap apprentice Ma Hua also ran over to him from the cafeteria.

Apparently this MCA is a temporary worker in the canteen, and usually follows Shazhu to open the country!

Now Shazhu left the canteen to work in the workshop, and Ma Hua also followed him.

Now seeing his master, Si Zhu's face was bruised and swollen after being beaten, Ma Hua couldn't help but ask: "Master, what's the reason for the injury on your face? Who was it beaten by?"

"You don't know! Now there are rumors in the cafeteria about you, saying that you have made an old woman pregnant!"

"Is this true? I heard that the old woman is over 70 years old. Now people in the workshop say that you just like old widows who are older than you!"

"Master! Is this true? I'm free now. If this is true, I can go back and take care of my wife!"

This Ma Hua was simply stupider than Silly Zhu. He started asking questions in front of Silly Zhu, and his voice was not quiet at all. Everyone watching laughed so hard that their stomachs ached!

"You idiot! Why did I accept a useless apprentice like you? I'll beat you to death!" Silly Zhu was really angry now. When he saw his idiot apprentice asking such stupid things, he directly grabbed Ma Hua.

A violent fight broke out.

And this MCA was completely confused. He didn't react, so he was pushed to the ground by this stupid Zhu and slapped wildly!

It's just that although this MCA can't change his mind, his temper is actually the same as that of this idiot.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with him at all. He had good intentions to care about his master, but he received such a beating out of the blue, and MCA immediately turned against him.

"That's enough! He Yuzhu! Why do you hit me? You just made the old lady's belly bigger. I don't look down on you!"

"I have been your apprentice all these years, but I have not made any money, and you are not willing to teach me cooking skills. I have been working as a free labor force for you!"

"Now that you have got the belly of a 70-year-old woman, I just want to ask you, if you use me as a punching bag, who do you think you are!"

"You're such a pervert, you deserve so many people to laugh at you, you're not a good thing!"

MCA has obviously completely fallen out with Silly Zhu, and the grievances accumulated over the years have also exploded.

Obviously, this stupid Zhu never thought about actually teaching Ma Hua cooking skills in these years. He just asked him to work for him, and he never thought about letting him become a full-time employee in the cafeteria.

No matter how stupid this MCA is, he will never fail to notice what his master is thinking. Now he feels a little desperate in his heart!

Seeing that Silly Zhu wanted to take action against MCA, Li Yang slowly stood up.

"Okay! Silly Zhu, what do you think this place is? This is the basic workshop of the steel rolling mill. Do you think it is your home?"

"I just had a fight with Yi Zhonghai and was punished with a month's salary. Didn't I tell you to be honest?"

"You are still taking action here. Do you think your salary is too much and it is not enough to deduct it? If you do it again, I will deduct three months of salary immediately!"

Li Yang didn't want the workshop to be messed up by this idiot, so he started scolding him.

After Si Zhu heard this, he also calmed down. He had just been fined so much money and he really didn't want to be stupid again!

"Why don't you hurry up and go to work? I asked you to come to the workshop to make you fight?"

"Your workload today has a certain task standard. If you don't meet it, don't even think about going home!"

Seeing this silly Zhu lowering his head and not daring to speak, Li Yang also snorted coldly, and then told this silly Zhu to go back to his work.

Although Si Zhu was filled with resentment at this moment, he did not dare to speak anymore, so he had to lower his head and return to his post.

After all, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that Li Yang is now a fourth-level fitter and a subordinate of Deputy Factory Director Li. With him in the workshop, he is no match for Li Yang.

"Li Yang! Just wait and see, this matter won't be settled like this! I won't let you and bastards like Yi Zhonghai go!"

Silly Zhu was still cursing in his heart, and looked at Qin Huairu unconsciously.

After losing such a big face in the workshop today, Shazhu's thoughts became more and more ruthless and vicious.

Looking at Qin Huairu's pretty appearance, Shazhu was unwilling to give up the idea of ​​marrying Qin Huairu.

For a moment, Shazhu also had a plan in his heart!

"Deaf old woman, you've tricked me so badly, there's no way I can really get married to you and get a certificate!"

"Aren't you just relying on the baby in your belly now? Then I will secretly chop the baby out of your belly!"

"You are as old as you, and you are about to be buried. If I just buy some abortion pills, you won't be able to keep your child!"

"When your children are gone, how can you convict me just by your words?"

"You damn old woman! I will take revenge on you for all the humiliation and injustice I have suffered these days!"

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