Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 64: He Daqing Beats The Deaf Old Lady Violently, And Li Yang Is Promoted To Workshop Directo

After the deaf old lady completely convinced Sha Zhu, she left the hospital with Sha Zhu contentedly.

After all, she is like a normal person now, not like a pregnant woman who took abortion pills, and does not need to be hospitalized at all.

And now she only wants to live a good life with this idiot. If she is hospitalized, it will cost a lot of money!

Along the way, Shazhu supported the deaf old lady, not to mention how ugly her face was!

He was going to marry the deaf old lady in three days, but he had no choice now!

He gave the deaf old lady such a large dose of abortion pills, but now not only is the deaf old lady fine, but she has moved her wedding date forward so far!

In three days, the deaf old lady must be wary of herself now, so it’s definitely not easy to do anything again!

However, while Silly Zhu was still distressed, he had unknowingly helped the deaf old lady and everyone in the compound back to the courtyard.

At this moment, Silhu Dang brought the deaf old lady back to the middle of the compound and saw his own father, He Daqing, staring angrily at him and the deaf old lady.

He Daqing's whole body was trembling. It was obvious that He Yuyu had told him everything!

His own son Shazhu actually married an old woman who is more than 50 years older than him!

This matter has now spread throughout the Forty-Nine Cities, and even in Baocheng. He Daqing's face is about to be lost!

Now seeing his own son, Sha Zhu actually supported the deaf old lady so intimately, and the deaf old lady even leaned her head on Sha Zhu's shoulder. He Daqing's face turned purple with anger!

"He Yuzhu! What are you doing? Your sister said that you want to marry a deaf old woman. Is it true at home?"

"Are you crazy? Or are you out of your mind? How old is this old lady Long? He Yuzhu, she can be your grandma!"

"You marry her back home, how do you let me show off my old face of "827"? You really don't intend to let me live. "Did you do something to the child in her belly?

"Hurry up and let go of her hand! Can't he walk on his own? When I think about you two getting married, I feel really sick. Why did I give birth to such a pervert like you!"

"You unfilial son! You married her into our He family. Do you want our He family to be stabbed in the back by the Four-Nine City for the rest of their lives?"

He Daqing was so angry that he was out of breath. He put one hand on his waist and pointed at Silly Zhu with the other hand and started to curse.

At first, he still didn't believe what He Yuyu said. After all, how could his son Shazhu like the old woman, let alone make her belly bigger?

But later, he also heard rumors from the fourth and fifth cities.

A young man in his 20s made an old lady in her 70s pregnant, and this person was an employee of a steel rolling mill!

He Daqing was really suspicious in his heart, and because of He Yuyu's words, he had to drive back all night.

As a result, seeing his son acting so closely with this old woman who was about to enter the grave, He Daqing also confirmed the fact.

"You old thing! What does it have to do with you that I marry Zhu Zhu? The child in my belly is from the He family. What's wrong?"

"I gave birth to a son to continue the family lineage of your He family, but you slapped my nose on my face. What the hell are you!"

"I'm telling you! Zhuzhu just promised me in the hospital that he will marry me in three days. It's no use even if the King of Heaven comes!"

"You haven't been back for so many years, but I have been taking care of Zhuzi all these years. Do you think I am a biological father like you?"

"I will definitely marry Zhu Zhu in the future, and the child in my belly will be born. Our family of three will live happily, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"Don't you think so? Zhuzi, when we get married in three days, then we will be a legitimate couple. We should never be separated for the rest of our lives!"

The deaf old lady was also anxious at this moment. He was only thinking about marrying Silly Zhu, but he didn't want He Daqing to cause trouble.

For a moment, the deaf old lady was pounding the ground crazily with her cane, and the shrew was also good at swearing.

Then the deaf old lady even snuggled her head closely into Silly Zhu's arms, not to mention how intoxicated the expression on her face was!

But now Silly Zhu doesn't even dare to raise his head or look at his father He Daqing.

This matter is really embarrassing. Even if He Daqing hasn't come back for so long, this stupid Zhu still can't face his biological father!

"You old bitch! You old widow! You are so shameless. You seduced my son! You must have given him some kind of ecstasy. I'll beat you to death!"

He Daqing was completely furious when he saw the deaf old lady clinging to Sha Zhu's arms so closely, but Sha Zhu lowered his head and didn't say a word!

Then he rushed over and grabbed the deaf old lady and started beating her!

As for the deaf old lady, he was naturally not to be outdone. Although she was pregnant, she was very energetic. She also hit He Daqing on the head with a cane.

In less than a moment, He Daqing and the deaf old lady were fighting each other, and the scene was chaotic!

And Silly Zhu was watching from the side at the moment, not knowing what to do at all!

He Daqing is his biological father, and the deaf old lady is his unmarried daughter-in-law!

But to be honest, Silly Zhu doesn't want to help anyone. He actually doesn't care about the two of them. Even beating each other to death is the best for Silly Zhu.

Of course, for the current Silly Zhu, he hopes that He Daqing will beat the deaf old lady to death, so that he will not have to bear this ugly reputation, and he will not need to be arrested and taken to the police station!

When Yi Zhonghai saw that everyone in the courtyard had no intention of taking action, it was worthwhile to step forward to break up the fight.

"Stop fighting, you are crazy. What kind of place do you think this is? This is a compound. Who asked you to attack the deaf old lady as soon as you came back?"

"The matter of his marriage to Shazhu was decided by us at a hospital-wide meeting. It was to help your son. Do you want him to go to jail and be shot?"

"Don't forget that the five-guaranteed household in the Deaf Old Lady is not someone you can hit casually!"

"The child in her belly is still from your He family. If something happens, your grandson who just came home will be gone!"

The fighting power of He Daqing and the deaf old lady was not bad. Yi Zhonghai stepped forward to break up the fight, but was punched several times, and his face suddenly became bruised and swollen.

But even if Yi Zhonghai was beaten like this intentionally or unintentionally by two people, he still refused to give up.

He would never allow He Daqing to raise any questions about the deaf old lady.

After all, the deaf old lady has just come back from the hospital, so it’s hard to say what condition her body is in!

If He Daqing accidentally killed this deaf old lady, her marriage to Silly Zhu would be completely ruined!

Yi Zhonghai had spent so much effort to finally settle the matter, but he couldn't let He Daqing mess it up!


next day

rolling mill

After Xu Damao's hard work in the steel rolling mill yesterday, the story about Silly Zhu and the deaf old lady was completely spread throughout the steel rolling mill!

From the leader's office to the toilet on the ground floor of the workshop, almost everyone is talking about this matter.

Obviously, Xu Damao is the projectionist of the Propaganda Department, and the Propaganda Department can be said to be the birthplace of rumors about the entire steel mill.

After Xu Damao's efforts, almost everyone in the steel rolling mill knew that Silly Zhu wanted to marry a deaf old lady!

"This Silly Zhu is really awesome! It was said before that he likes the old widow. I didn't believe it, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"I have long believed what happened before. That Silly Zhu didn't even get married at such an old age, and pestered Qin Huairu all day long. He doesn't look like a normal person!"

"But I have to say that this Silly Zhu is really powerful. He can make an old woman in her 70s pregnant by him. She has some skills in her!"

"How disgusting! A 70-year-old woman can get pregnant. Who knows how many times this idiot has done it behind her back!"

"Fortunately, he has been sent to the workshop now, otherwise I wouldn't even dare to eat his food. Who knows if he has any disease? This kind of old pervert can do anything!"

Everyone in the steel rolling mill was laughing at this idiot. This news was really too shocking!

Previously, this incident had been circulating in Sijiucheng, saying that a young man in his 20s had made an old lady in her 70s pregnant!

But now, that young man is an employee of their steel rolling mill, and he is also from their steel rolling mill. How could he not surprise everyone!

And Shazhu's reputation was completely ruined in the entire steel rolling mill!

From now on, let alone this idiot who wants to find a wife in the steel rolling mill, if someone is willing to make friends with him, then it will be like the sun is rising in the west!

At this moment, Shazhu was working in the workshop with a gloomy face.

Fortunately, Yi Zhonghai helped break up what happened last night, otherwise He Daqing and the old lady might have died!

In the end, Silly Zhu had no choice but to send the deaf old lady back to her home. He Daqing also stayed at his home and was unwilling to leave. He just wanted to sever ties with the deaf old lady.

"You bastards! You know they are gossiping about me behind my back. When I turn around one day, you won't even think about it easy!"

"What the hell! Aren't you just taking advantage of my bad luck now? One day I, He Yuzhu, will stand up and I will ask you all to kneel down and apologize to me!"

"It must be that beast Xu Damao again, gossiping about me in the steel rolling mill! I won't let you go, you bastard, just wait and see!"

Now that Shazhu heard the ridicule facing him in the workshop, he was so angry that he almost fainted, and he was still cursing in his mouth.

Silly Zhu's low-pitched insults were also heard by everyone in the workshop, and in the end the sarcasm became even more intense.

"Silly Zhu! You are really amazing. I heard that your biological father came back last night and said that he would beat you to death for being an unfilial son. "You have brought such a good wife to your family."


"Hey! He Daqing is too ignorant. He married a young widow himself, and he still can't let his son like the old widow!"

"Besides, this fool is so filial. He suddenly married an old lady in her 70s as his daughter-in-law. That's a full 50 years ahead of others!"

"Isn't that right! This is a smart person. He just saves the 50 years in the middle. If you want a wife, you have to marry an old man!"

"This silly Zhu really has a good brain. No wonder he pestered Qin Huairu before because he thought that he would not have to give birth to a son himself, but now he has saved the 50 years in between and just married him in a few years. My wife is buried!"

At this moment, everyone was singing and mocking in unison, looking at this silly Zhu's grinning lips, almost dying of laughter!

Obviously, the fact that Silly Zhu’s story was spread so quickly was all thanks to Xu Damao!

The projection department is the birthplace of rumors about the entire steel rolling mill. With Xu Damao running up and down like this, it would be hard for Shazhu not to become famous!

After that, Shazhu couldn't stay in the workshop for almost a moment, and everyone's ridicule and contempt for him never stopped...

However, as this

Sha Zhu’s arch-rival Li Yang is completely opposite to Sha Zhu’s situation!

Li Yang was promoted step by step in the steel rolling mill. In the past two days, he had completed the tasks assigned to him by Deputy Director Li extremely well, and was directly promoted to workshop director by Deputy Director Li!

Si Zhu, who was holding back his anger in the workshop, knew that Li Yang was promoted to workshop director so quickly, and everyone was almost crazy with jealousy!

I have worked tirelessly in the steel rolling mill for so many years, but I am still just a cook. Now I have been demoted to the workshop because I offended Deputy Director Li.

Li Yang has only been working in the steel rolling mill for a long time, and now he has become a fourth-level fitter and the director of the workshop.

Such a terrifying promotion speed is really unacceptable to this stupid Zhu, and he is extremely jealous and resentful in his heart!

At the same time, as the entire workshop learned about Li Yang's promotion to workshop director, Qin Huairu also set her sights on Li Yang.

Li Yang is now a level 4 fitter, and his monthly salary is more than 50 yuan, which is almost double that of his level 1 attacker!

And now, in a short period of time, Li Yang has been successfully promoted to workshop director, which can be said to be a true leader!

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong have been senior fitters in the steel rolling mill all their lives. Their biggest dream is to become a leader!

But now, such a young Li Yang has actually accomplished what the two elders in the compound failed to do!

Qin Huairu didn't know how generous the leader's salary was, but she definitely knew that it was definitely much higher than an ordinary fourth-level fitter!

You know, now that Shazhu has been sent to the workshop, because of the deaf old lady's incident, Shazhu's reputation in the steel rolling mill has been ruined and cannot be ruined anymore!

Qin Huairu can figure out what Shazhu will do in the steel rolling mill in the future without even thinking about it!

Now she also turned around and fawned over Li Yang. If 5.2 could fawn over Li Yang, it would be many times better than hanging on to this licking dog!

"Li Yang, no... Director Li! Congratulations! I didn't expect you to become a fourth-level fitter so quickly without any hurry, and now Xuran has become the director of the workshop!

"Deputy Factory Director Li has really good vision. Knowing that you are capable and capable, he actually directly promoted you to workshop director!"

"It's no wonder! Your current ability is definitely better than that of an ordinary fourth-level fitter. You have also taught so many of our old employees some techniques and skills in the workshop!"

"The workshop has been managed in an orderly manner in the past two days, and even the tasks handed over from above have been completed so well!"

"A person as capable as you should be the workshop director at such a young age. This is a blessing for us grassroots workers!"

Qin Huairu's ability to flatter is indeed not something that can be attributed to him [no wonder he can move freely between Silly Zhu and other men in the steel rolling mill.

Now he starts to seduce and flatter Li Yang, and the expression on his face is just right. If he were a different man, he would definitely be at least fond of Qin Huairu!

After all, no one can remain indifferent to a woman with good looks and good looks kneeling down to lick you.

If this silly column were here, he would have passed out from happiness!

But at this moment, when this silly Zhu saw his goddess kneeling down and licking Li Yang like this, he was almost furious!

But no matter what Silly Zhu thinks in his heart, Qin Huairu is now completely planning to give up on Silly Zhu!

After all, Li Yang has already become the workshop director, he is a real leader!

There is a grudge between Sha Zhu and Li Yang. How could Qin Huairu offend Li Yang for Sha Zhu, a licking dog.

Qin Huairu has completely set his sights on Li Yang. Li Yang is so young, a fourth-level fitter, and now a workshop leader. As long as he can curry favor with Li Yang, then his

Good times are coming!

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