Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 86: Mrs. Jia And Zhang Came To The Door And Cursed, And The Aunts Were Frightened And Chaste

For a moment, the entire compound was filled with Jia Zhang’s pitiful wails!

Now I really want to die. I never thought that things would turn out like this. The child in my belly might actually be this stupid boy!

The dead loser whom I despised the most had somehow gotten herself pregnant!

Especially now that his own son and daughter-in-law suspect that he and this stupid Zhu are having an affair and secretly got pregnant, Jia Zhang has no place to put her old face.

Although she was vicious in the compound and often took advantage of other people's homes, making everyone in the compound extremely disgusted, she had never had any adultery with a fool like Silly Zhu.

When Jia Zhang saw Jia Dongxu's disgusted eyes, she really wanted to kill her at home.

"Just let me die. I really don't want to live anymore! Even my own son suspects that I, the mother, am having an affair!"

"Why don't you believe me? I obviously didn't do anything!"

"How could I have an affair with a beast like Silly Zhu! I really don't know whose child it is in my belly!"

"That beast who killed a thousand cuts, he killed me, he has been cheating me for the rest of my life!"

Jia Zhang was still crying on the ground at the top of her lungs, but even Jia Dongxu was a little upset. After all, he thought that Fei Zhang and Silly Zhu were having an affair.

After that, Jia Dongxu couldn't bear it anymore and asked Qin Huairu to take advantage of Jia Zhang to go to the deaf old lady's house to ask Silly Zhu for an explanation.

Everyone in the courtyard quickly followed, knowing that there was another good show to watch!

Deaf old lady's house.

The deaf old lady was opening the door right now, glaring at this idiot's nose and scolding him.

Silly Zhuna didn't even dare to raise his head. After all, his handle was tightly held by this deaf old lady, so he didn't dare to say a word.

When the deaf old lady saw Jia Zhang coming to her door with a big belly, she immediately became angry!

After all, now that the whole compound is wearing stupid pillars and making Jia Zhang's belly bigger, the two of them have already had an adulterous affair.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, who asked you to come to my house? Let me tell you, the child in your belly has nothing to do with my husband. Get out of here!"

"You old man, you are unruly and got pregnant by others. You can go to whoever you like. Don't even think about asking my husband to take the blame for you!"

"Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your heart, you damn beast. You're pregnant and you want someone to help you raise the child, right? You have a good idea!"

"Now that Silly Zhu is my husband, don't think about using your rotten belly to get anything out of Silly Zhu. Get out of here!"

The deaf old lady also turned her gun on Jia Zhang at this moment. He also believed that Jia Zhang wanted Silly Zhu to take the blame, after all, he had done this before.

She is now married to this Silly Zhu, and she also plans to let this Silly Zhu provide for her until the end of her life and help her raise the child in her belly.

If a pregnant Jia Zhang is killed halfway, it’s hard to say what will happen in the future!

The deaf old lady had been coveting Silhu for so many years, and she finally had a few good days. Naturally, she couldn't let others take Silhu away.

At this moment, Li Yang and everyone in the courtyard also came to watch the show. When Li Yang saw the deaf old lady's panic, she slowly opened her mouth and became angry.

"Deaf old lady, don't worry! Aren't you a five-guarantee household in the compound? You have to reason with everything first, even if this person is your husband!"

"Now Mrs. Jia Zhang is pregnant, and there are people in the compound who have criminal records, but this silly Zhu is the only one. Yi Zhonghai has already checked it out clearly in the hospital today. He is a destitute and has no fertility!"

"It seems that the only suspect in the compound now is your good husband. Not to mention that he has been very close to the Jia family over the years. It is very difficult to solve this problem.


"Everyone in the hospital knows these things! It's probably this silly Zhu who made Jia Zhang's belly bigger!"

"You are so old. If you know you are pregnant at this time, you will be poked in the back by others!"

If an ordinary person is involved in such a thing, they will not be able to survive. If something like this happens to Silly Zhu, the Jia Zhang family must be responsible for it."

"Otherwise, Mrs. Jia Zhang is so old and has no one to take care of the child in her belly. If she really has to give birth, will their whole family be so burdened? Just rely on Qin Huairu's small salary?"

"Their family originally had to rely on help from others to survive, but now they suddenly have an unborn child. I'm afraid they won't even be able to eat in the future!"

Li Yang also took a leisurely look at Jia Zhang's belly at this moment. It was completely scarier than the old deaf lady before!

Between the lines, Li Yang also kept hinting at Jia Zhang, letting her understand her current situation.

She is now doubting the child. If she still can't figure out a way to rely on this idiot, she will hardly be able to support herself in the future!

After all, Silly Zhu no longer brings them lunch boxes. With the deaf old lady taking care of her, there is no way she can get a dollar from Silly Zhu!

After hearing what Li Yang said, Jia Zhang's expression suddenly changed, as if she understood something!


Although I don’t know who the child in my belly belongs to, I still have to find someone to take the blame. Anyway, my reputation is already so bad that it can’t get any worse!

No matter what, we have to find a fool to make a fortune from him, and this fool is the best candidate!

"That's right! You damn deaf old woman, your husband made me pregnant, and you still don't want to take responsibility, do you?"

"The child in my belly belongs to this idiot. You must be responsible for me, otherwise I will go to the police station to sue you!"

"You damn old bitch! You can't even control that thing in your husband's crotch, why don't you just die!"

"I'm not satisfied with the screaming in this compound every night. Even I was tricked into this by him!"

"Hurry up and compensate me! Otherwise, this stupid Zhu will have to divorce and stay with me to raise the child in my belly!"

"This beast must be responsible for me and the child in my belly, otherwise none of you will have a good life!"

"Don't think that since you are married to Silly Zhu, you don't need to be responsible for anything he does. He made me pregnant, so you have to pay for it!"

"Otherwise, don't even think about this life anymore. I'm going to go to the police station and accuse him of being a rapist. Anyway, I can't even feed myself with my big belly, so I might as well shoot this dead beast!" "

After waking up, Mrs. Jia Zhang returned to her true nature and only wanted to benefit from this idiot and the deaf old lady.

Obviously, Li Yang's words just now were so useful. Now he can't even open the pot at home. If his reputation gets bad, let's let it get bad. Anyway, he didn't have a good reputation before.

If we can make a lot of money from Silly Zhu and Mrs. Long through this pregnancy, then good times will come!

For a moment, the deaf old lady was also stunned. Her husband, Silly Zhu, had not even taken care of her, but Mrs. Cao Zhang came to the door with a big belly and wanted to steal the man!

"You old bitch! Do you want to be beautiful? Why don't you pee and show yourself like a fat pig!"

"The child in your belly has nothing to do with my husband. I don't believe it. My husband can like you, a fat pig like you!"

"Get out of here! God knows who got the evil seed in your belly. It can't have anything to do with my husband anyway!"

"You bitch, even if you die in childbirth in the delivery room, my husband and I will never give you a penny!"

"Listen to me! You old bitch has a big belly and will look for whoever you want. Anyway, the love of the child in your belly cannot be my husband!"

"Don't even think about coming here to ask for any benefits. I've told Shazhu a long time ago that I won't be able to bring any money or water to your family in the future, let alone help your family even a penny!"

"You old beast, you still want to come here to get benefits. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Get out of here!"

The deaf old lady, who was also pregnant and leaning on a cane, stepped forward and planned to close the door.

But how could Jia Zhang, who has now recovered her true nature, let this deaf old lady get her wish?

Especially when she heard the deaf old lady cursing like this, Jia Zhang became more and more angry, and actually stepped forward to fight with the deaf old lady.

For a moment, everyone was so shocked that they stepped back and swallowed their saliva. The fight scene between these two pregnant old ladies was really too exciting!

Pulling the hair, scratching the face, beating the chest, these are the most basic shrew fighting routines. When these two old women started fighting, they were even more ruthless than ordinary shrews!

They kicked each other's big belly with one kick after another, trying to get rid of the other's child!

In less than a moment, the scratched flesh on the two old women's faces turned up, and a lot of their hair was torn off. Especially their clothes were torn to pieces, exposing their disgusting old flesh.

Everyone frowned when they saw it. He was so vicious. If someone really died, it would be no joke!

However, the sneer on Li Yang's face became more and more obvious. They were pregnant because of the water in the Daughter's Kingdom. It was impossible for such a little punch and kick to have any impact on the fetus in the belly.

"This Silly Zhu is really awesome! Now that Jia and Zhang have admitted it, then this Silly Zhu really only targets the elderly in the compound!"

"Now there are two old ladies who got pregnant by him, and they even started beating him because of their pregnant belly!"

"I really didn't expect it! I thought this silly Zhu would be a bachelor for the rest of his life for Qin Huairu. I didn't expect that now there are two old women pregnant with him, and they both want to marry him!"

"But it's really disgusting. He made both the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang pregnant. Who knows how many times he did it secretly behind his back!"

"Jia Zhang didn't admit it until now. She was afraid that she had been tricked by this idiot secretly. She was just concerned about her face and didn't dare to say it!"

"You all should go back and tell the old people at home that you must stay away from this idiot, lest this beast does anything again!"

"What can be done about this! Who is Jia Zhang? He is a famous shrew in our compound. His methods are so ruthless. Even she was fooled by this idiot. Black hand!"

~For the elderly in our compound, the situation will be really dangerous after that. Silly Zhu has already tasted the sweetness twice, how could he be able to endure it!"

Everyone looked at Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady's terrifying big belly and started to discuss it with some fear.

They now feel that this silly Zhu is really powerful. He was able to get pregnant with two old women without even realizing it. They didn't even notice any clue before.

If not, now that the two old women can't hide their stomachs, I'm afraid this stupid Zhu will continue to attack other old women!

At first, everyone still had the mentality of watching a good show, after all, it had nothing to do with them that Silly Zhu was messing with the old woman's belly.

Be careful

Thinking about it, the more they thought about it, the more afraid they became. If Silly Zhu could unknowingly harm two elderly people, then the elders in their family might also do the same harm!

Now, following the discussion among the people, several aunts who came over to watch the show also became frightened.

After all, this idiot specializes in dealing with the older women in this compound, and they are not much younger than this Jia Zhang, and they think they are better looking than this damn fat woman Jia Zhang.

Know how many times.

It would be no joke if this perverted fool one day suddenly took a fancy to them and set his sights on them.

In fact, even the deaf old lady and Mrs. Jia Zhang got pregnant by him. If he got pregnant with Silly Zhu's child, it would be over for the rest of his life!

"It's still possible! This stupid Zhu usually beats people in the compound, but we turn a blind eye. Who knows that there is Mrs. Dong and Yi Zhonghai behind him?

Protect him!"

"But what is he doing now? Is this still a human matter? He actually made the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang's bellies grow big in one fell swoop!"

"How old are these two people! One can be his mother, and he is old enough to be his grandmother, and he can do it!"

"When did such a pervert appear in our compound? Who knows how many elderly people this fool has harmed behind the scenes? If he continues to indulge like this, our compound will

Who among the elderly people in (Wang Zhao’s) family can still sleep and scream with peace of mind!"

"Moreover, these two old ladies were both made pregnant by this silly Zhu. Silly Zhu just married a deaf old lady. This is an indiscriminate relationship between men and women! It is extremely morally corrupt!"

"We suggest that Silly Zhu, Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady be arrested and paraded through the streets. We must make them suffer a little. Otherwise, what will happen to the elderly in our compound? So?

If we were to suffer their murderous attacks in the future, how many elderly people in our compound would be harmed!"

"The matter of the deaf old lady has already made people all over the forty-nine cities know about it. Now that another Jia Zhang is pregnant, our compound must take some action to prove it."

Obviously our compound is not a silver nest at all!"

"Otherwise, because of this perverted thing, we will be labeled as a whorehouse. Do we still need to live in this compound?"

"If you have the face to be scolded together with this perverted fool, I really can't live here anymore!"

After that, several aunts looked at each other, and they all understood what the other was thinking, and they all wanted to arrest the three people and parade them through the streets.

They are really worried about their own safety. Even the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang, the two dead old ladies, Silly Zhu, can kill them. So to Silly Zhu, they are as beautiful as heavenly beings.

Got it!

If I were to go out for a night out at night and be targeted by this pervert and dragged to some dark corner, I could even jump in and commit suicide!

And these aunts have extraordinary methods. They don't just curse a few silly words and be done with it!

In order to prevent this perverted Silly Zhu from doing any more disgusting things in the compound, he actually suggested that all three of Silly Zhu be arrested and paraded through the streets!

You know, the most important thing in this era is reputation and face, and this parade can almost be said to put everything a person has on the ground and trample on it!

As long as he is arrested and paraded through the streets once, he will never be able to hold his head up in Forty-Nine City for the rest of his life. He will have to be stabbed in the back for the rest of his life!

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