Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 89: Mrs. Jia Zhang Relies On Fuzhu And Marries Another Little Wife!

You damn old woman! Do you think you, a five-guaranteed household, can turn the world upside down? The child in my belly is this stupid one, you have the ability to get rid of him!"

"If you kill the child in my belly by then, then you will be a murderer, and I will take you and shoot you immediately!"

"Don't think that if you marry this stupid Zhu, you can live a good life in peace and contentment. The child in my belly is also his!"

"How does he serve you at home? Then he has to serve me how he does, otherwise this matter will never end!"

"You can accuse him of being a rapist, but I, Jia Zhang, can't! My belly was also enlarged by him. If he doesn't marry me home and serve me comfortably, he will be waiting to go to jail! "

"You want me to steal a man from you? You don't urinate and show off your appearance. If you hadn't gotten pregnant earlier than me, do you think Silly Zhuquan would have married you, an old woman like you? How can you compare? Me?"

"You old bitch, half of your body is almost buried in the ground, I think your place is almost covered with nets! If Silly Zhu wants to marry, he will marry me too, why would he think of living with a dead beast like you!"

Mrs. Jia Zhang also became angry at this moment. She rolled up her sleeves and came to the deaf old lady to curse.

It’s true that after being paraded for so long just now, I don’t know how many eggs have been smashed!

Now almost everyone in the Forty-Nine Cities knows about him and Silly Zhu!

Anyway, my face has been completely lost, so I might as well take this opportunity to completely rely on this stupid pillar, so that this stupid pillar can serve me.

It’s true that Shazhu didn’t bring lunch boxes to their family these days, and he didn’t have any money to help them. These days were really sad. All they ate were steamed buns and pickles all day long. It couldn’t be better than when Shazhu helped them before. day!

"Jia Zhang! I think you are really crazy now. Don't think that I dare not do something to you!"

"If you dare to come here and talk nonsense like this again, I, the "643", will tear your mouth apart immediately. Silly Zhu is now my legal husband, and he has nothing to do with you at all!"

"You still want to live in my house? Why do you think you are? Because of the bastard in your belly?"

"Get out of here! Don't let me see your bitch again, or I will immediately hold a hospital-wide meeting and drive you out of the courtyard, you unruly bastard, your family There is still a son inside, how dare you mess around with a wild man!"

The deaf old lady was so angry that everyone was dizzy. She stared at Jia Zhang with an angry face and cursed.

Obviously, he still doesn't take the Jia Zhang family seriously. After all, the deaf old lady used to be a five-guarantee household in the compound, but she firmly suppressed the Jia Zhang family.

Until now, he was still thinking about relying on his status as a five-guarantee household to fool Jia Zhang. No matter whether the child in Jia Zhang's belly was Silly Zhu's or not, it was impossible for Silly Zhu to fool Jia Zhang. Mrs. Zhang took her home.

However, the deaf old lady's thinking is too simple now, and Jia Zhang has completely given up.

Before the deaf old lady could finish her last words, Jia Zhang stepped forward and grabbed the old lady’s hair!

However, because the deaf old lady's head was covered with spoiled rotten egg liquid and squirming maggots, the deaf old lady didn't pull out much hair at all.

Instead, it gave the deaf old lady time to react. In the end, the deaf old lady actually jumped directly on Jia Zhang's body, opened her mouth with old yellow teeth, and bit Jia Zhang's chest.

For a moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang was in agony and howled in pain in front of everyone in the courtyard!

"You damn lunatic, how dare you bite me there, let me go quickly, it hurts me to death!"

At this moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang's face was so painful that she was grimly contorted, and she was sweating all over her body!

After that, Mrs. Jia Zhang also tore the deaf old lady's hair crazily. The deaf old lady's hair, which was not much left, was pulled clean by handfuls, and her face was not touched. How many slaps have been slapped on this Jia Zhang family.

Now, as the two old women started fighting, everyone in the courtyard gathered around to watch the excitement.

But no one planned to step forward to break up the fight. After all, they also knew how complicated the matter was. It couldn't be solved by just trying to persuade two people to separate!

Now that Mrs. Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady are both pregnant with Silly Zhu’s child, it’s really hard to solve the matter. After all, Silly Zhu cannot marry two wives at the same time!

Not to mention, now that Silly Zhu has married the deaf old lady back home, how to deal with the child in Jia Zhang's belly gives everyone in the compound a headache!

Seeing that these two people were aiming for each other's life, the deaf old lady suddenly fell into a disadvantage!

If she hadn't been biting Jia Zhang's chest, the deaf old lady would have been beaten to death by Jia Zhang!

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting quickly! Mrs. Jia Zhang, deaf old lady, if you continue to fight like this, you are really going to kill someone!"

"Since it has happened, there must be a way to solve it!"

"If you really kill each other now, you will be dragged away and shot!"

"Silly Zhu, please stand up and say something. It was you who caused the big belly of both of them, and now they are almost dead. Why are you still lying here like a puddle of mud!"

"Now that things are going like this, you are just pretending to be stupid. When you made these two old women pregnant, you didn't think of the consequences now!"

"We have made it clear to you! If something happens to these two old ladies, we will tell the truth to the police comrades, and you can go to jail!"

"Did you hear that? Stand up quickly. If you still pretend to be dead here, we will call the police immediately and say that you are having sex in the compound. We will take you to jail immediately!

Everyone saw the two old ladies fighting more and more fiercely, and the blood on their bodies was flowing down as if they were free of money. They were also afraid that one of the two old ladies would die here.

Everyone also hurriedly threatened Silly Zhu, hoping that Silly Zhu would quickly stop Jia Zhang and the deaf old lady.

After all, it was this stupid Zhu who caused things to turn out the way they are now, and only this stupid Zhu had the means to end this matter!

As soon as Shazhu heard that everyone wanted to call the police, he finally reacted and quickly got up from the ground.

Although I have lost all my face now, if I really want to catch myself and go to jail, it will not be as simple as losing my face!

After that, Silly Zhu also hurriedly came to the two people and pulled aside the old lady who had been beaten until she had not much hair left.

When Jia Zhang saw this stupid old lady protecting the deaf old lady, she was angry and stared at the deaf old lady viciously.

"You damn old woman! I'm pregnant with Si Zhu's child. Don't even think about leaving me alone. I'm going to live in your house now!"

"Just as Silly Zhu serves you, you have to serve me the same way, nothing less!"

Then, in the end, Jia Zhang stopped caring about the deaf old lady and ran directly to the deaf old lady's house.

She has made full plans now. Since she is pregnant with a child and her face has been lost in Sijiu City, she might as well completely rely on this stupid Zhu to live a comfortable life in Mrs. Dong's house. .

While everyone was still confused, the deaf old lady also realized what she was doing and quickly asked the stupid Zhu to help her go home.

"Jia Zhang! You bitch, get out of here quickly. This is my home. Who allowed you, a bitch, to live here?"

"Let me tell you one last time! The child in your belly has nothing to do with my husband, and we have no obligation to take care of you at all!"

"You are looking for whoever you want now! Get out of my house quickly, or don't blame me for calling the police!"

"Is there anyone here to take care of it? Yi Zhonghai, how did you become the master of the compound? This damn bitch has broken into my house now!"

When the deaf old lady saw Mrs. Jia Zhang lying comfortably on her bed, her whole face was almost turned upside down with anger!

Although he knew that Jia Zhang was a famous shrew in the compound, he never thought that she could be so rogue.

Seeing that he and Shazhu were unwilling to take care of him, they actually forced him to stay in his own home and refused to leave!

"Hmph! The child in my belly belongs to this Silly Zhu. If it's not his, who else could it be?"

"You all don't want to care about me and the child in my belly, right? Then I'll stay here and not leave!"

"Anyway, I'm pregnant now. If any of you dare to lay a finger on me, then wait until I call the police and blackmail you to death!"

"Anyway, the baby in my belly is waiting to be born and I need money for milk powder. I am really short of money!"

Mrs. Jia Zhang was not afraid of the deaf old lady's threat at all, and made up her mind to stay in the deaf old lady's house.

Obviously, the deaf old lady and Silly Zhu have lived a comfortable life during the half month since they got married, which has long made Jia Zhang jealous in her heart!

Now that she is pregnant with a child and has the opportunity to live such a life, how could the vicious Jia Zhang give up.

The deaf old lady was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, but she was no match for Jia Zhang. If Silly Zhu hadn't come to dissuade her just now, she would have been beaten to death by Jia Zhang!

Silly Zhu was even more afraid to take action against Jia Zhang. He was also afraid that Jia Zhang would call the police and accuse him of being a rapist!

Everyone in the courtyard seemed to have ugly expressions at this moment, but they all agreed tacitly and did not step forward to persuade Jia Zhang.

After all, if Mrs. Jia Zhang really just lives in this silly Zhu's house and lets this silly Zhu take care of her, then this matter can be considered a good solution!

"Silly Zhu! You have been dragged to the streets for so long today, and yet you caused such a big incident when you returned to the compound!"

"The two old ladies are pregnant with children. Stop making them so excited. If something happens to the children, they are both so old and there is no chance that they will die!"

"That's it for today's hospital-wide meeting! Since this Jia Zhang family wants to stay in your home, you should take good care of him during this period!"

"We'll tell you again! It's you who made Jia Zhang's belly bigger. If something happens to her, you won't even have time to regret it!"

"If a comrade from the police comes to the compound, we won't help you tell any lies. You'd better weigh the consequences yourself!"

"Since you have provoked two old ladies, you have to take care of this matter for me. At least until they give birth to the child, you have to serve them well!"

Yi Zhonghai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Mr. Jia and Zhang were clinging to the deaf old lady's house.

Fortunately, Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't make things worse, she just wanted this stupid Zhu to serve him like a deaf old lady!

Otherwise, if the Jia Zhang family really continues to make trouble like this, it will be more than just dragging the three of them to parade in the street!

Yi Zhonghai also warned Silly Zhu with a gloomy face at this moment. Obviously he didn't want Jia Zhang to continue to be so crazy!

Although Silly Zhu has to take care of two old ladies with big bellies, and just thinking about it, his life will be extremely hard, but Yi Zhonghai will not care so much at all!

As long as he can temporarily stop these two old ladies from causing any trouble, then his position as an uncle can be secure!

Later, with the help of Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang managed to stay in this stupid house.

After all, everyone in the compound thinks this is the best way to deal with it at the moment. As for the life and death of this silly column, it has nothing to do with them!

Deaf old lady's house.

Ever since Mrs. Jia Zhang stayed at the deaf old lady's home, Sha Zhuna could be said to have been serving the two old ladies almost non-stop.

In this hour alone, Silly Zhu served tea and water, washed and cooked food, and even two old ladies had to ask Silly Zhu to help pinch their sore elbows. They treated Silly Zhu as a servant. Called!

"Si Zhu, can you be more neat? Have you prepared the food I want to eat?"

"The dishes you cooked before were too salty. I told you not to put so much salt in it. I'm pregnant now and eating so much salt is not good for the baby!"

"After the meal is done, come over and give me a squeeze on my shoulders. My arms are so sore from leaning on the bullock cart all day today!"

"Remember to boil water for me. I have to wash my feet before going to bed, so that I and the baby in my belly can sleep comfortably!"

At this moment, Jia Zhang was eating meat and vegetables, her mouth full of oil, it was such a treat!

He was just eating crazily and calling at Silly Zhu who was working.

You don't regard yourself as an outsider at all. You really treat yourself as your servant with a stupid pillar!

And Si Zhu has never stopped for a moment since Jia Zhang entered the house, serving these two old ladies.

After being threatened by Yi Zhonghai, Shazhu was really a little scared!

If the two old ladies didn't take good care of themselves by then, something really big would have to be reported to the police. Yi Zhonghai even added insult to injury by saying that he would be labeled a rapist and would be shot.

"Silly Zhu! Take me to take a shower quickly, don't you see that I'm still covered in this disgusting stuff?"

"Did you buy the medicinal herbs I asked you to buy for me? This medicinal herb must be chopped and placed in the bathtub, otherwise it will have no effect!"

"Did you hear that? I've been shouting for a long time. Do you want to stink this old lady to death?"

"That old beast Jia Zhang, what do you care about her? Come here and finish my business first!"

"This is my home. If I can let this old bastard stay in my home, I have already given her face. She actually dares to make such demands shamelessly!"

"Come here quickly! You really think this old lady like me has no temper, right? Silly Zhu!"

And while Silly Zhu was busy in the kitchen and dealing with Jia Zhang, the deaf old lady also started to scream in the back room.

At this moment, the deaf old lady's attitude towards this silly Zhu was extremely bad, and she was obviously declaring her majesty to Jia Zhang.

In this family, one's own words are the most important. Even if Mrs. Jia Zhang moves in, she has to keep her head down and behave.

Silly Zhu was so busy that he was sweating profusely. He didn’t stop for a minute, and now he was almost dizzy from work!

While he had to deal with Mrs. Jia Zhang, he couldn't make the deaf old lady angry at the same time. Silly Zhu had barely eaten a grain of rice from noon to now!

Due to being smashed with rotten eggs and excrement for so long, Silly Zhu had already vomited everything in his stomach, and now he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back!

But when he heard the curses of the two old ladies, Silly Zhu had to bite the bullet and serve them, otherwise no one would know which of these two beasts would actually call the police.

For a moment, Silhu, who was so busy that he was dizzy, completely collapsed!

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