Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 9: Frantically Slapped The Deaf Old Lady And Stole Her Daughter’S National Water!

At this moment, everyone in the courtyard couldn't help but gossip, which made Yi Zhonghai very angry.

He never expected that Li Yang, who had asked him for help before, would now slap him in the face and not be afraid no matter what he said!

Seeing that he had already moved out of the general meeting of the hospital, Li Yang could not even move. This old face of Yi Zhonghai was really embarrassed to the extreme!

He also knew that after today's commotion, even if Li Yang could be criticized, he would lose most of his dignity and reputation!

" are really crazy, you sick boy, you don't have enough food and salt, you are lawless!"

"There's no room for you in this compound. You don't even care about me as an old man, right? Do you really think I can't cure you?"

Yi Zhonghai was almost confused at this moment. He never thought that Li Yang could do this.

More importantly, he didn't dare to make too many moves, for fear that Li Yang would slap him suddenly again!

Yi Zhonghai couldn't react at such a fast speed. If he really got slapped again, his face would be completely ruined today!

At the same time, the deaf old lady finally realized that something was wrong and deliberately shouted louder!

"Zhuzi? Why are you so miserable? You are usually so filial to me, and you are so warm-hearted in the courtyard!"

"In the end, someone couldn't stand you and beat you like this. Don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you, old lady!"

The deaf old lady also stood up from the stupid pillar with a cane at this moment, her mouth still filled with strange anger.

Obviously, she has used this method frequently over the years to seek benefits in this compound through her status as a five-guarantee household.

Everyone in the courtyard also knew that this old lady was not easy to mess with, and it was obvious that she was going to cause trouble for Li Yang!

Everyone also made way for the deaf old lady, and the old lady also limped to Li Yang on crutches.

"Well, Li Yang! You don't agree with me, Yi Zhonghai, right? You, the deaf old lady, who is a five-guaranteed household, have nothing to say!"

"If you think I'm being biased, let this deaf old lady tell you. I want to see if you can make a difference in this compound!"

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly helped the deaf old lady over, obviously wanting to bully Li Yang by using his status as a five-guarantee household.

Yi Zhonghai was slapped, and seeing that the old man was almost losing his dignity, he had no choice but to let this deaf old lady act as his spearman!

The old deaf lady's turbid old eyes were filled with resentment and malice. She stared at Li Yang and cursed every time she opened her mouth.

"You beat the pillar like this, so forget it if you don't repent. You even dare to beat the big man in the compound. Do you have any respect for yourself?"

"You damn little beast, I don't think you want to..."

The deaf old lady was trembling with anger, and while cursing, she hit the ground crazily with her cane.

This pretentious ability is obviously much better than Yi Zhonghai!

But before the deaf old lady could finish her words, Li Yang slapped her ugly old face!

I almost slapped out the old lady’s remaining yellow teeth!

For a moment, not only Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were stunned, but everyone present took a breath!

This Li Yang is so cruel that he even dares to slap the deaf old lady!

The deaf old lady was covering half of her face with her wrinkled hands that looked like dry tree bark, staring at Li Yang inexplicably.

"You, you, you! You little beast! How dare you hit..."

But as soon as the deaf old lady opened her mouth, the slap hit her again on the other side of the face.

This time, she almost couldn't hold on to the crutches and fell to the ground!

After two consecutive slaps, even Yi Zhonghai froze on the spot and forgot to help the deaf old lady!

This Li Yang is so courageous!

At this moment, everyone in the compound, including Yi Zhonghai, felt that Li Yang was either possessed by evil spirits or completely crazy. It was as if he had completely changed into a different person!

"You beast!"

The deaf old lady finally managed to stabilize her figure. The expression on her old face was a little distorted. She banged her cane on the ground and shouted.


Another slap!

"Little beast!"

Bang bang!

Before the deaf old lady finished speaking, she received another slap on both cheeks!


Next, the deaf old lady also had a stubborn temper. The more she scolded her, the harder she would be beaten, and the harder she was beaten, the harder she would be scolded!

It's almost as if he was slapped once for one curse, and twice for two curses!

Maybe it was because the deaf old lady had been stunned a long time ago and never thought that her status as a five-guarantee household would allow her to be slapped so many times in front of others.

But Li Yang would not be used to it at all. He was slapped countless times, and he felt extremely happy in his heart!

And in the process of slapping, Li Yang also used his mind to take out the water of the Daughter Kingdom in the system space!

Under these dozens of slaps, the deaf old lady had almost drank dozens of drops of her daughter’s national water!

With this weight, even if the deaf old lady has only a few days to live, she is still pregnant!

The deaf old lady is so old and has a poor family. Once she gets pregnant, the whole compound will be in a good show!

At this moment, the deaf old lady, who had been slapped dozens of times, her cheeks were swollen and disfigured, and her whole face turned into a pig's head!

If it weren't for the rotten crutch in her hand supporting her trembling body, her whole body would have collapsed!

"Crazy! Really crazy! This Li Yang even dares to slap a deaf old lady, and he slaps her dozens of times in one slap!"

"This old lady has such a stubborn temper! She really resisted the slap, and she dared to scold others Li Yang!"

"This Li Yang's slap couldn't even hold up the stupid pillar. He was beaten until he vomited blood. The deaf old lady received dozens of slaps. Her face is really thick!"

"I'm afraid this Li Yang has really changed. Don't provoke him in the future. He is really a madman!"

For a moment, everyone in the hospital was dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Li Yang was so bold.

First, he beat the stupid beast until he vomited blood and passed out, and then slapped the old man. Now, even the deaf old lady from the five-guarantee household in the compound has been slapped dozens of times by him, and she doesn't even dare to say a word. Got it!

At this moment, the whole courtyard was shocked, swallowing saliva unconsciously, and did not even dare to move forward!

The deaf old lady finally couldn't hold on anymore. The severe pain on both cheeks seemed to be stamped on her face with a red-hot iron. Then she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Yi Zhonghai finally reacted. Looking at Li Yang's calm appearance, Yi Zhonghai's anger was about to reach the sky!

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