Siheyuan: The Deaf Old Lady Is Pregnant, Silly Zhu Is Panicking!

Chapter 98: The Deaf Old Lady Gave Birth To A Fool, And The Fool Collapsed!

At this moment, many people gathered in front of the deaf old lady's house. After all, the deaf old lady's shouts were getting louder and louder!

Even though everyone had been listening to it for a whole day and night, they could still tell that the deaf old lady was really afraid that she was going to give birth!

No one expected that the deaf old lady's physical condition would be so abnormal. She had been howling for a whole day and a whole night. She hadn't given birth to the child yet, but she was still screaming so horribly!

Originally, they all thought that since the old lady didn't give birth to the baby all night, it must mean that the baby couldn't be born, and by then, one person would be dead and two people would be killed!

As a result, the old lady has been shouting without interruption until now. Even everyone in the courtyard is a little impressed, thinking that the deaf old lady actually has such terrifying willpower and has been able to sustain it for so long.

But in fact, the deaf old lady was greedy for life and fearful of death. How could she have such terrifying willpower? There was a heartbreaking pain in her stomach every moment, which was countless times more painful than when she was pregnant.

She even felt that she would be relieved if she died, just like being tortured like this, but she had drank the water of the Daughter Kingdom. As long as the child was not born, she would not be able to die and could only endure the pain comparable to Ling Chi.

"This old lady is really amazing! It's been almost a day and a night, and she's still persisting. I couldn't sleep all night last night, that's because the deaf old lady kept shouting all night long!"

"After all, the old deaf lady has been alone for so many years, and has lived childless for so long, and now she is pregnant with a child. She must be willing to die to give birth to this child!"

"Hey! It's not easy for this old lady. At such an old age, she still has to help Shazhu give birth to a child. Now she might die in her own home!"

"This silly Zhu is really not a human being. It's okay to make the old deaf lady pregnant. If he marries the old deaf lady home, we can just live a good life together!"

"As a result, Jia Zhang has become pregnant again, and she has also been married to her, not to mention that she has an old loser like Yi Zhonghai!"

"The deaf old lady is so pitiful. If she died giving birth to a child for such a beastly man, she would really die in peace!"

For a moment, everyone felt sympathy when they heard the miserable howl of the deaf old lady.

The eyes he looked at this Silly Zhu became more and more disgusted. He felt that it was really not worth it if the deaf old lady was killed by a beast like Silly Zhu.

And after all, the deaf old lady is also a five-guarantee household in the compound. If she really dies in childbirth at such an old age, it will be very troublesome!

When Silly Zhu heard what everyone in the courtyard said, his face became even more ugly. He really had no other choice now, he could only pray that the old lady could give birth to the child smoothly.

Otherwise, the saliva of everyone in this compound will drown him by then!

While everyone was still discussing, a baby's howl came from the old lady's house, and then the deaf old lady's terrifying roar finally stopped.

"Great, great! The baby is born, Silly Zhu, come over and take a look. He's very healthy!"

"Besides, he is a big fat boy. If I weigh him up, he must weigh at least 10 pounds!"

"It's been a hard day and night for the old lady. It's really hard to give birth to such a healthy fat boy!"

"We have been guarding the border for so long, so we have really tried every means. This old lady is so old, and we don't dare to move her!"

"Fortunately, the child is finally born now, and the old lady is finally fine!"

At this moment, the door of the deaf old lady's house was finally pushed open, and the two midwives breathed a heavy sigh of relief. It was really not an easy job to help an old lady in her 70s deliver a baby!

Especially since this deaf old lady was a five-guarantee household in the compound. If she died during delivery, they would be afraid of taking responsibility.

Originally, they didn't have much hope. After all, it had been a day and a night since the amniotic water broke, and the child might have been suffocated to death!

But I never expected that this child born to an old woman in her 70s would be so healthy. It was much better than children born to normal pregnant women!

Silly Zhu also ran in quickly at this moment. Looking at the child held in the midwife's hands, he couldn't help but feel happy.

After all, the deaf old lady is now his wife, and this child can be regarded as his biological son.

Silly Zhu has been a bachelor for so many years, and he is very envious of men who have a family and a career. Silly Zhu has been thinking about this life of a wife and children for countless years!

For a moment, Shazhu looked at this young life, and his mood became calm. He even really thought that he was going to be a father!

"Zhuzi! Great, our child was finally born safely, and your He family will also have a daughter in the future!"

"I'm so old now, and I won't live for many more years. After I leave, our child will be with you, and he will definitely take care of you!"

"Please give him a name quickly. From now on, our family of three will live a good life, and no one can disturb our happy life as a couple!"

After the deaf old lady gave birth to her baby, she felt much more energetic. Finally, she no longer had to endure the heartbreaking pain in her stomach.

At this moment, the deaf old lady spoke with a moved face, as if she had really risked her life and death to give birth to a biological son for this stupid Zhu!

But in fact, the deaf old lady didn't know who the child in her belly was. But now that the child was born, the deaf old lady also wanted to tie up this stupid boy.

After all, she is not the only one who is pregnant with a child now. Jia Zhang is also pregnant and married to Silly Zhu, so she may also have a child when.

The deaf old lady didn't even know that her competitor was far more than just Jia Zhang. Yi Zhonghai now also insisted that it was Silly Zhu who made him pregnant.

After hearing what the deaf old lady said, Silly Zhu nodded in confusion. Silly Zhu had been a bachelor for so many years, and now he suddenly had a child who wanted to call him daddy.

Even if it’s your own seed, it doesn’t seem to be that important!

"Okay! I haven't decided on the name yet. I'll decide what his name will be when I think about it later!"

"This child will call me He Yuzhu daddy from now on. I, He Yuzhu, will also have a son. From now on, I will have someone to take care of me until I die!"

"Xu Damao, do you see? This is my He Yuzhu's child. You will never have a chance to have your own child in your life. You will be a destitute in your life!"

"You beast, you are spreading rumors about me in the steel rolling mill every day. You deserve to be destitute. You will never be able to have a son in your life. You don't even have anyone to help you carry the coffin board!"

"You wouldn't think that my life would be over if I was fired from the steel rolling mill. With my cooking skills, I can't find a job anywhere in Sijiu City. And even if I don't have to go to work, I still have money to spend!"

"Now that I have a son and money, you are a damn eunuch who has a unique skill and is unable to breed. You will never be able to compare with me in this life!"

Silly Zhu looked at the child in his arms and became more and more happy. He suddenly swelled up. When he saw Xu Damao, he also came to watch the fun, and sneered and taunted.

In fact, this silly Zhu also knows that the reason why he has such a bad reputation in the steel rolling mill is mostly due to Xu Damao's mischief in the propaganda department!

Now, Silly Zhu has finally figured it out. Although this child is not his own, he still calls him daddy on the surface. After the deaf old lady dies, he will become the richest person in the compound.

For a moment, Silly Zhu also thought that he was infinitely better than Xu Damao, a poor man, and the expression on his face was one of pride!

"Hmph! What's so great about it, isn't it just a scoundrel who doesn't know who he is?"

"Silly Zhu, didn't you say before that you didn't know whose children were in the bellies of those two old women?"

"Just yesterday when the old lady was about to give birth, you didn't admit that the child was your seed. Why did you figure it out today? Has it become your seed again?"

"You are so happy helping other people raise their children. You are really a notorious scapegoat. You deserve to be sucked by others for so many years!"

"Even Yi Zhonghai can defraud your family of so much money, but you have to thank Yi Zhonghai. If Yi Zhonghai hadn't helped you hide this money, you would have been in jail by now!"

At this moment, Xu Damao was also a little jealous. After all, he had no children, which had always been a shadow in his heart.

Although Li Yang is now helping him treat and recover, and Xu Damao can clearly feel the changes in his body, Xu Damao still feels uncomfortable after seeing Silly Zhu holding the child in his arms.

However, how could Xu Damao's mouth let go of Silly Zhu so easily? He kept scolding Silly Zhu one after another, and his face became even more ugly.

Everyone in the courtyard looked at Silly Zhu in a strange way. In fact, Silly Zhu didn’t admit that the child was his son when the deaf old lady gave birth. Now this change is really inexplicable!

Xu Damao's scolding was extremely unpleasant. Just as Silhu was about to retort, a midwife nearby also noticed that something was wrong and spoke quickly.

"Silly Zhu, something is wrong. Why hasn't your child cried?"

"Yes, the two of us delivered babies all day and night. We were so tired that we actually forgot about it!"

"The baby will definitely cry when he is born, but from the moment he was delivered to the present, this baby has not cried once!"

"Quick, quick, give me the baby, and I'll slap his butt hard, especially if there's something blocked in his throat that makes it hard for him to breathe!"

The two midwives who had been resting for a while finally reacted. They took the child from Shazhu's arms and slapped his buttocks hard.

But, it is of no use at all. The average child will cry when he is slightly stimulated!

…Please give me flowers…

But now, the child's buttocks were almost swollen from being beaten, and there was no sign of crying at all. He opened his eyes and looked at the two midwives, and kept giggling. His behavior was really abnormal!

Even the completely inexperienced idiot next to him knew that this kid was a little weird now, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat!

"It's over! This kid seems to be mentally retarded. No matter how I react to him, he will just pretend!"

"It can't be that the labor has been difficult for a long time. The amniotic fluid in the deaf old lady's belly has long since drained away, causing the child's brain to go crazy!"

"I thought a miracle really happened. It was really just one day and one night. How could such a young child be able to hold on? It's good to be able to save his life now!"

"But he was born a fool. This child has a really hard life. What should he do in the future?"

After a long time, the two midwives also sighed heavily. From their experience, they knew that the child might have become mentally retarded in the belly of the deaf old lady.

After all, they have delivered so many babies, and they know very well how a normal baby reacts when he is born. This baby is a complete fool!

For a moment, the expressions on the two people's faces were a little ugly. They didn't expect that they had been busy for so long.

Of course it will be such a result.

"What? What are you talking about? This kid smiled at me just now, but how could he be a fool? I think you are crazy!"

"Stop talking nonsense here. This kid is fine, so why did he become the fool you call him? I think you haven't slept for too long and your brains are all confused!"

"Take a closer look at this child. What's wrong with this child? Isn't he exactly the same as a normal child?"

At this moment, when Silly Zhu heard the words of the two midwives, he faintly collapsed and shouted quickly.

You know, Shazhu's life during this period was worse than death. He had no job and had to serve two old ladies in the compound.

From yesterday to now, Shazhu has not slept all day and night, and as a result, this child was born a fool!

Obviously he was mocking Xu Damao just now, saying that Xu Damao would never be able to have such a child in his life, but the slap in the face came too quickly!

When he thought that he would not only have to serve the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang, but also take care of such a stupid baby, Silhu really wanted to die!

"Hahaha! I'm laughing so hard! Silly Zhu, it's really possible that this child is your son. He became a fool right after he was born!"

"What a fool! What a fool! You are really a father and son. I really don't want such a child!"

"Don't worry, no one in the compound will say you are homeless anymore. Your idiot son will take good care of you until you die!"

For a moment, Xu Damao covered his stomach and started laughing. He never expected that Silly Zhu could be so unlucky, and the jealousy he felt just now disappeared instantly!

Xu Damao originally hated Silly Zhu deeply. Even though Silly Zhu was already in such miserable condition and was fired from the steel rolling mill, Silly Zhu brought him to ruin.

Xu Damao has never forgotten it.

But at this moment, Xu Damao saw Silly Zhu again, and he couldn't be happier to have given birth to such a stupid boy!

"After all this hard work, a fool finally came out. This fool is really louder than thunder!"

"I was wondering why the baby didn't even cry once after he was born. It turns out that his brain was damaged!"

"Just now I was scolding Xu Damao as a destitute person, but now I don't even say a word. After giving birth to such a fool, let alone asking him to provide for me until he is old, I will still have to wait for him.

Waiting for him forever!"

"This is what he deserves! It's all God's retribution for him. He successively messed with the deaf old lady and Jia Zhang's belly. Now even Yi Zhonghai is not letting go. He deserves to have such an end.


"Do you think it's possible that the children in Jia Zhang's and Yi Zhonghai's wombs are also fools? It will be great when the time comes, and the Xiangzhu family will become a pile of fools!"

"No, I'm really laughing to death. This stupid Zhu just held his child and scolded others for being destitute. Now he doesn't even dare to look at his own child!"

Now, when everyone learned that Shazhu's child was a fool, they almost laughed to death!

Everyone in the courtyard couldn't stand the arrogance of Silly Zhu holding the child just now. They also knew that the deaf old lady had promised Silly Zhu something!

Obviously, the compound has become so bad because of this idiot, Silly Zhu, and everyone in the compound is having a hard time, but this idiot actually dares to show off so arrogantly in front of everyone.


For a moment, everyone started to mock and even pointed at Shazhu's nose and called his son a fool!

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