
Li Yun came back after getting the bicycle ticket from Deputy Director Li, and at this moment he was sitting on a chair leisurely drinking tea, thinking about buying two bicycles in the afternoon.

The little brother next to him waited flatteringly.

“Brother Yun, how is the temperature of the tea.”

A man next to him looked at Li Yun expectantly, like a child waiting for praise.

“Not bad.”

“Dissatisfied with Brother Yun said, I also like to drink tea, and I have been brewing tea for more than twenty years.”

“Well, the bubble is really good.”

Li Yun nodded in agreement, and was recognized by Li Yun, and the man looked very excited.

At this time, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Li Yun’s mind.

[Mission, punish the stick terrier who is stealing the host’s belongings. 】


Hearing the prompt of the system, Li Yun’s face was a little ugly, this Jia family is simply like a fly, how many times has he been taught by himself, and he dares to come to find death.

I like to steal, I’ll let you steal enough.

Li Yun sneered in his heart, his psychology was not flustered, all his more important things were placed in the carry-on space, and there was nothing left in the house, but since the stick terrier dared to come, it was natural to repay him well.

Then Li Yun manipulated the rats he controlled in the courtyard into the house.

The stick terrier entered Li Yun’s house, rummaged through and found nothing, and his mentality was a little broken.

“This Li Yun hid everything there, could it be that he couldn’t conjure those things out of thin air.”

He didn’t find anything, the stick terrier was a little unwilling, he looked at the only place he hadn’t looked for, above the cabinet, he felt that Li Yun should not put things there, but now he only looked for that place, and he searched for other places.

However, this place is not very good to go up, you need to jump up and grab the top of the cabinet first, if you fail, it will be miserable, but this is not a problem for him.

The stick terrier, brought a stool, stood on it, and jumped hard with both hands to grasp the top of the cabinet.

Grabbing the top of the cabinet was half successful, and seeing this, the stick terrier showed a hint of joy.

“There is nothing difficult to get my saint.” The stick terrier said a little smugly, and then planned to climb up.

What he didn’t find, however, was that the top of the cabinet was full of rats at the moment.

The moment the stick terrier put his hands on the cabinet, these mice frantically pounced.

The stick terrier instantly felt a pain in his hand.


The stick terrier instantly released in pain, and the whole person fell to the ground fiercely.

Jia Zhangshi, who had been quietly observing the Jia family, heard a sudden scream from the stick terrier, and quickly ran out and walked towards Li Yun’s house.

As soon as I entered, I saw the stick terrier grinning with sore teeth.

“Good grandson, what’s wrong with you, oh, why are your hands bleeding.”

Jia Zhangshi saw the blood on the stick terrier’s hands, and immediately exclaimed in shock.

“Grandma, my arm hurts.”

Cold sweat broke out on the painful forehead of the stick terrier, and seeing that Jia Zhang was still talking about the problem of his hand, he reminded in a low voice.

“Ah, good grandson, what’s wrong with your arm.”

“Qin Huairu, where is death, don’t you care about your son’s life, hurry up and roll over for me.”

Qin Huairu heard the sound of the stick terrier just now, and immediately put down the matter in his hand and walked to this side, but as soon as he reached the door, he heard his mother-in-law’s scolding of himself.

His face was a little unhappy, but he was worried that his son quickly walked into the house.

Qin Huairu came in and saw the appearance of the stick terrier, and immediately panicked.

“Stick terrier, what’s wrong with you, where does it hurt?”

“Just ask, what’s there to ask, don’t hurry up and find someone to send the stick terrier to the hospital.”

Jia Zhangshi was angry when he saw Qin Huairu, if it weren’t for how this broom stick terrier would have become like this, it was because of those few words before she went out.

When Qin Huairu heard this, he couldn’t help it.

“My own son, why can’t I ask, if it weren’t for your stick terrier, how could it become like this, if you have to eat Li Yun’s meat, will you starve to death if you don’t eat it?” Now that the stick terrier has become like this, our family still has to take money to treat it, and then it will not be worse to eat. ”

Jia Zhangshi was directly blinded by Qin Huairu’s reprimand, and then she reacted and directly slammed it up with a big mouth.

“Good wow you, on the contrary, even I dare to teach a lesson, do you think that I am old and useless, and now you dare to try to scold me, right?” I tell you, as long as I live one day, there will be no part for you to talk in this house. ”

When Qin Huairu saw Jia Zhang’s appearance, he immediately gave up the idea of continuing to theorize with her.

Went straight out and called for help.

Seeing Qin Huairu leave, Jia Zhangshi smiled proudly.

“Hmph! If you want to fight with me, you are still too tender. ”

“Grandma, my arm hurts so much, woo~”

The stick terrier’s painful face began to change color at this time, and Jia Zhang immediately comforted when he saw this situation.

“Good grandson, take you to the hospital immediately, you are putting up with it, it’s okay.”

The stick terrier nodded painfully.

After a while, Qin Huairu called a helper.

Because now the men in the courtyard have gone out to work, and only some women remain.

“Eh, how could the stick terrier get injured in Li Yun’s house, I remember he didn’t go to work, didn’t his door close.”

At this time, the people who were called by Qin Huairu saw the stick terrier in Li Yun’s house, and asked with some doubt.

Qin Huairu’s face was a little embarrassed when she heard this, and she was about to explain when she heard Jia Zhang’s spicy and brutal voice.

“What kind of are you talking about, we stick terrier is injured, are you blind and can’t you see? Still talking about these trivial things? And there is no conscience. ”

Everyone didn’t expect that just a random question, Jia Zhang’s reaction would be so big.

“Is it necessary to do this, I just said it casually, and didn’t say anything.”

The woman said with some disbelief.

“What else are you trying to say? Do you still want to say that our family stick terrier steals things? I have long seen that you are not a good thing, at a glance with Li Yun, my grandson is so miserable and asks this kind of question, is your conscience eaten by a dog? ”

Seeing Jia Zhangshi so hot, several people were a little unhappy, and they looked at Qin Huairu.

“I’m sorry Qin Huairu, we can’t help with this, you find someone else.”

After everyone finished speaking, they left without any stopping, and they didn’t even leave a chance to explain to Qin Huairu.

Seeing a few people leaving, Jia Zhangshi suddenly scolded even more fiercely.

“Just go, whatever, a group of heavenly killers must be the same as Li Yun’s beast.”

Seeing that the helper he called was scolded away, Jia Zhangshi was still scolding and cursing unforgivingly, Qin Huairu couldn’t help but complain.

“Can your temper be retracted, the stick terrier hurts like that, and then what if you don’t treat what sequelae you leave.”

Hearing Qin Huairu’s complaint, Jia Zhang’s triangular eyes immediately glared fiercely.

“What do you mean by that? You think I’m hurting my grandson, don’t you? Want to use this to let people know that you love stick terriers more? Play less with me this kind of cleverness, hurry up and find someone to help, otherwise I will let Dongxu take a break from you, and you will only eat the waste of idle meals. ”

Qin Huairu saw that Jia Zhangshi had been like this, and instantly didn’t want to do it, but he couldn’t bear to see his son in such pain, so he had to grit his teeth and continue to go out to find someone to help.

“It’s all to blame Li Yun for this dog thing, if he didn’t cook a big meal every day, how would our family stick terrier think of coming over and getting something, this dog thing that gave birth to a son without an ass, God really has no eyes, let him still live in the world.”

After Qin Huairu left, Jia Zhang cursed Li Yun again.

Qin Huairu outside the house shook her head a little helplessly when she heard her mother-in-law’s curse, this person is no longer saved, I don’t know what her world logic is.

Soon, Qin Huairu found a few more people.

Jia Zhang became smart this time and did not speak much.

She also knew that if she continued like this, she might not be able to go to the hospital today.

Qin Huairu quietly sighed with relief when she saw that this time was so smooth, she was really afraid that her mother-in-law would make some kind of moth.

Jia Zhang’s is very quiet this time, and seems to know that his speech is not pleasant.

After waiting for the stick terrier to get on the car safely, Jia Zhangshi looked at Qin Huai with a gloomy face.

“You go and tell Dongxu that the stick terrier was hurt by Li Yun and broke his arm, let him find Li Yun for compensation.”

“Huh?” Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, Qin Huairu was shocked.

This time, Jia Zhangshi actually dared to go to Li Yun, which was the first thing that the stick terrier stole things to.

Didn’t this make Jia Dongxu get beaten in vain.

“Ah what, don’t go soon!”


Qin Huairu answered, anyway, she is dead to this family, hit it.

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