Chapter 42 Virgin, Moral Names Moving Rolling Mill!.

“That is, Li Yun said it well, we will never listen to Uncle Yi talk about those in the future, I don’t know how many times I have been deceived by you over the years, and a few of you are inhuman beasts.”

“I went to go, I didn’t expect that these crouching dragon and phoenix chicks would appear in the small yard, it really opened my eyes, so a few of you can make chickens fly and dogs jump, what a beast.”

“What’s more, I now suspect that the old lady in our courtyard is also wrong, several of them have always been in the same group, and they seem to be on the same side every time no matter what happens.”

“That’s right, I also remembered that no matter what happened in the courtyard, several of them would always stand on the same front, and then slowly divide us, so that they would always be invincible.”

“Is it so vicious, your yard is too outrageous, and a small courtyard doesn’t know that it thinks it is the emperor’s harem.”

The residents and workers in the courtyard talked about it, and gradually they understood how shameless the few people who were now looking for Li Yun to compensate were.

Yi Zhonghai heard the current insulting voice in the field and suddenly had the intention of retreating, today it was obviously impossible to find Li Yun to ask for compensation, and if he stayed longer, he was likely to take himself in.

The other two had similar thoughts, Jia Dongxu thought that Li Yun did not know the specific situation before he came, but he did not expect that Li Yun was extremely clear, and now there is no point in continuing.

Li Yun saw the retreat on the faces of the three, how could he let them wish, step by step put them into the trap, and now when it was time to close the net, the fish reacted.

It’s late!

“Do you guys have anything else to say?”

Hearing Li Yun’s question, Yi Zhonghai quickly opened his mouth with a smile.

“Hehe, it turned out to be a misunderstanding, alas, you look at this matter, Li Yun is really embarrassed, I just came because the apprentice’s son was too sad, said something heavy to you, here to compensate you is not, then since it is a misunderstanding, there is no need to continue the discussion, Dongxu, silly Zhu, apologize to Li Yun.”

Jia Dongxu and Silly Zhu quickly squeezed out a smile when they heard Yi Zhonghai’s words.

“Ahem, Li Yun couldn’t stand it just now, I was a little too sad because of the stick terrier’s injury, and I said something unpleasant to you, I hope you can understand.”

“I’m sorry Li Yun, just now I also saw that Dongxu’s son was injured and very sad, and I was short of breath for a while, I was really embarrassed.”

Seeing the three apologies one after another, everyone was stunned by this operation.

“Metm? And this operation? This is also too shameful, just now the momentum came over and looked like he wanted to eat people, and now he wants to erase it lightly with a word. ”

“Now you know, these people’s faces can simply be used to make the city wall, in our courtyard, there are countless such things, and you have to pay for things about them, and if they make a mistake, it is very easy to say, and everyone has a very uncomfortable life.”

“Indeed, I didn’t feel anything just now, but now after watching this set of faceless and flowing operations of several of them, I obviously don’t know how many times I have done it, and I have become an instinctive action skillfully.”

“You guessed right, I don’t know how many times this operation has been used on us over the years, the most infuriating thing is that we still think that there is nothing wrong with this like a fool, if Li Yun didn’t wake us up a few days ago, we would still be in the dark now.”

“Isn’t it, can’t you see this?”

“Alas, the authorities are fans, now think that I was really like a child at that time, being played by others, so speaking of these beasts, I will definitely not believe any of their words now.”

Hearing everyone’s insults against him, Yi Zhonghai was directly stunned. What’s the situation?

I apologized for my invincible weakness, but now I have no effect at all, and I am still scolded by the bloody dog.

Yi Zhonghai felt that some doubts had happened, as if he had not had a logical thing with Li Yun in the past few days. In the face of everyone’s scolding, Silly Zhu and Jia Dongxu’s faces are also ugly, this is already their last resort, usually in the courtyard everyone will be spared and spared, even if they don’t want to have a deaf old lady and Uncle Yi, how can they become like this today?

Li Yun looked at the stunned look of the three and sneered.

“Yi Zhonghai, your abacus is really good, and I want to leave when I see that I have failed. Do you think it will be that easy? ”

“Then what else do you want, I tell you Li Yun, don’t deceive people too much, I have already put up with you repeatedly, do you want to force me to death as an old man.”

Li Yun smiled disdainfully when he heard this, this old thing can really button the hat, and he does not forget to pretend to be a vulnerable group at this time.

“I want to force you to death? I want to ask who is not getting by with whom today? The stick terrier went to my house to steal something and broke his arm, and Jia Dongxu asked me for compensation? I haven’t gone back yet, but I have a porcelain cup worth 300,000 yuan in my house, and if I don’t see it then, I won’t finish with you.” ”

Hearing Li Yun say this, Jia Dongxu was suddenly anxious.

“Don’t brag about him, there is no hair in your house except for tables and chairs, otherwise why would my son climb the cabinet and end up falling like that, just a loser like you who knows to eat and drink all day, who believes that there are good things in the family?”

“Did I make you believe? Anyway, when the porcelain quilt at home is gone, I will look for you. ”

Li Yun bit to death that there was a cup worth 300,000 yuan in his home.

Jia Dongxu’s face is almost green, he didn’t get anything today, and now he will be lied to Li Yun.

“Where are you talking nonsense, today it means that you don’t have this thing at home, my son searched your house all over the place, and he didn’t find anything useful, you poor ghost still want to lie to me?” Dream! ”

“Your son turned my house over? How do you know so clearly, is it you who ordered it? No wonder, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, it seems that you are also a thief, right? Both father and son are thieves, so everyone has to be careful not to be stolen by when Jia Dongxu stole something. ”

Is it to button the hat, who won’t, Li Yun buttoned a big hat on Jia Dongxu’s head in a few words.

Jia Dongxu instantly felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of everyone in the field, and seeing everyone’s defensive eyes, Jia Dongxu wanted to kill Li Yun.

“What nonsense are you talking about, Li Yun, you are framing, framing you know, believe it or not, I will sue you.”

“You should go to sue, don’t keep saying with your mouth, I not only say that you are a thief, since this old thing Yi Zhonghai is your master, he must also be a thief, otherwise how can he be a master for you?”

Yi Zhonghai on the side suddenly darkened when he heard these words, he was already trying to reduce his sense of existence on the side, why was this Li Yun so ghostly.

Hearing Li Yun’s words, everyone nodded in agreement.

“That’s right, the upper liang doesn’t know the lower liang is crooked, the son steals something, this Jia Dongxu not only doesn’t care, but came to find Li Yun, who was originally a victim, to ask for compensation, isn’t this typical thief thinking, this guy is definitely also a thief.”

“Listening to you say this, I felt a lot, why didn’t I think of you so much, I also think that this Jia Dongxu and Yi Zhonghai are not good things, but why can’t I say it at all, it’s good to have you.”

“I’ll go, it’s so obvious that you can’t see it, it seems that if you live in Yi Zhonghai’s courtyard, it’s not much different from these victimized brothers now, but these people are really beasts, and what is related to people is that they don’t do anything at all, I really don’t know how they survived to this point.”

“These beasts, Li Yun is right, not only Jia Dongxu and Yi Zhonghai may be thieves, but also that stupid pillar, Jia Dongxu’s son stealing things was taught by this guy, and he used to steal things in the yard, and when others came to the door, they were stupid pillars helping him out.”

“This thing still has inheritance, it’s really the best of a yard, how did you guys stand it for so many years, and actually let them bully for so long.”

“Don’t talk about these useless, these three people are livestock mice, and now they are still here without faceless noise, I bah!”

After the performance of Yi Zhonghai and several people just now, everyone felt deeply disgusted with them, and they all broke their mouths and cursed, and just when everyone criticized Yi Zhonghaikou, the voice of the system sounded in Li Yun’s mind.

[Revenge Yi Zhonghai succeeded.] 】

[The host gets three watermelons, twenty pounds of pork, twenty pounds of beef, and twenty pounds of mutton.] 】

Seeing the system reward, Li Yun swallowed his saliva unconsciously, beef and mutton is a big supplement, but now the supplement seems to be useless, and the supplement can’t be vented.

At this time, Director Yang couldn’t sit still on the table, originally he thought that the weakness was hesitating how to deal with the situation, but he didn’t expect that there was a sudden reversal, and the behavior of several people in Yi Zhonghai made him a little surprised, Yi Zhonghai usually performed well in front of himself, but he didn’t expect that it was not true, this old thing can really be installed.

Thinking of this, he stood up a little angrily.

“Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu, Jia Dongxu, you three are disappointing me too much, you are simply blackening the reputation of our factory by doing this, as the uncle in the yard, doing such a shameful thing is simply disappointing me.”

“In view of your problem of disturbing order in the field, warning once, you should know the rules in the factory, one warning, two punishments, three dismissals, I don’t want to see the day when a few of you are fired.”

If there were still people who hesitated and didn’t know who to believe just now, after Director Yang came out, this matter had already been decided, it seemed that Yi Zhonghai and the three of them really had a big problem, and the rest of the people heard that several of them were warned and everyone immediately felt very happy.

“Good warning, let these people do nothing more in the yard, now it depends on whether they dare to be so unscrupulous and arrogant in the future”

“I didn’t expect that a few of them committed this time were so serious, and they were actually warned, which has a great impact on their future development in the factory, especially this stupid column, I heard that he was sent to the workshop in the morning, and now it seems that he can’t go back.”


“This is good, this dog thing is upside down when eating every day, I have seen her unhappy earlier, it is better to fire him, a cook takes himself as an uncle, who wants to eat more and who eats less, it all depends on his mood, Lao Tzu has to look at his mood when eating hard for a day’s work, what is it.”

“Not bad, I still feel that if the judgment is invited, I should be fired directly, this Yi Zhonghai in our workshop openly and secretly don’t know how much back door to Jia Dongxu took, it’s really disgusting to death.”

Director Yang’s verdict made everyone feel refreshed.

Director Yang was also a little surprised to see this scene, thinking how annoying these people were, and at the moment, none of them were willing to speak for them, thinking of this, he snorted coldly and sat down.

When several people heard this punishment, they suddenly seemed to be suddenly drained of their spirits, and some were soft, ready to leave.

“Wait a minute!”

Seeing Li Yun stop himself and the others, Yi Zhonghai looked at him with some doubts, they are now so miserable, what else does this Li Yun want to do?

“What else do you want to do, do you still want to kill us?”

Jia Dongxu looked at Li Yun viciously, today he came over imposingly not only did not get any compensation, but was also warned by Director Yang personally, which he thought about with his ass in the days after the factory.

Seeing the angry and corrupted Jia Dongxu, Li Yun laughed.

“What do I want to do? Have you forgotten something? ”

“What do you mean.”

Jia Dongxu inexplicably had a bad premonition in his heart.

“What do I mean? Your son stick terrier ran to my house to steal something, what do you think I mean? ”

Hearing these words, Jia Dongxu’s face instantly turned pale.

“You… What do you want to do, several of us have already received punishment from Director Yang, and if you don’t adhere to it now, are you not accepting Director Yang’s judgment? ”

Jia Dongxu is worthy of being Yi Zhonghai’s apprentice, and he is very skilled in buttoning his hat.

“Director Yang’s judgment is the verdict against you in the factory, and it has nothing to do with the matter between the two of us, how do you deal with your son going to my house to steal things?”

“What else to deal with, my son’s arm is broken, I won’t ask you for compensation now, what do you want to do if you don’t give up first.”

Jia Dongxu said and looked at Yi Zhonghai next to him, but at this moment, Yi Zhonghai looked at his nose, nose and mouth, and his mouth cared, looking like he was out of the matter.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s appearance, Jia Dongxu was a little angry, but he couldn’t do anything about Yi Zhonghai. Li Yun saw Jia Dongxu’s panicked sample car, and the corners of his mouth flashed with a hint of playfulness.

“Jia Dongxu, I will give you two choices now, first, I will send your son to the juvenile detention center.”


Hearing Li Yun say that he wanted to send his son to the All Juvenile Detention Institute, Jia Dongxu suddenly roared.

“Li Yun, are you still a person, you also did this kind of thing, but my son’s hand was broken in your house, you still have to be so unforgiving, can’t get by with such a big child, do you do this person’s heart stone?”

Seeing Jia Dongxu’s grief-stricken look, everyone did not have the slightest sympathy, but mocked one after another.

“Almost, I taught this kind of beast son myself, and now I still have the face to say so wronged myself, I find myself underestimating the thickness of this guy’s face again and again.”

“Jia Dongxu, you really made me understand, it turns out that there are really such unreasonable people in this world, I am really curious, how can you talk so righteously about nonsense, or if you really think so in your heart, then you are really a beast.”

“In my opinion, I’m afraid it’s really similar to what you said, looking at his aggrieved appearance now, I don’t know that I thought that Li Yun really hurt his son, and people Li Yun didn’t see his son.”

“Indeed, his son went to steal something and fell, and now he still looks like a victim, how can this person be so disgusting, Lao Tzu is about to vomit out the food he just ate.”

was ridiculed by everyone, Jia Dongxu’s face was also a little hung up, he looked at Li Yun, his teeth were about to break, if it weren’t for Li Yun, how could he be like this, he must not let him go.

Seeing this situation, Yi Zhonghai quietly reminded Jia Dongxu.

“Isn’t there another option, what are you in a hurry.”

Jia Dongxu immediately reacted when he heard Yi Zhonghai’s words, he was too angry just now and ignored that Li Yun gave two choices, so he forced down his anger and barely squeezed out a smile to look at Li Yun.

“Li Yun, didn’t you say that there are two choices, then there is another.”

Li Yun sneered in his heart when he saw Jia Dongxu’s current appearance.

“The second choice, you yourself send the stick terrier to the juvenile detention center.”

Poof–Jia Dongxu directly spewed out a large mouthful of blood when he heard Li Yun’s words.

“Li Yun, you… You…”

Jia Dongxu’s fingers trembled and pointed at Li Yun, unable to speak angrily.

“Li Yun, I’ll help you call the police.”

Xu Damao, who had been in the crowd, suddenly stood up at this time.

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