
A crisp slap suddenly resounded throughout the courtyard, and everyone’s jaws almost dropped when they saw this scene.

They only saw Yi Zhonghai discussing something with Li Yun in a low voice, but they did not expect that in less than a minute, the respected uncle in this courtyard was actually slapped by Li Yun.

This Li Yun is going to turn the sky today, although everyone just heard that Li Yun hit the old lady, but after all, it is hearsay, the authenticity has yet to be verified, but Uncle Yi’s slap is clearly in the eyes.

Yi Zhonghai was slapped by Li Yun for a long time.

As if he couldn’t believe it, someone in this courtyard dared to make a move on him, or slapped him directly in the face.

“Li Yun!! You actually dare to hit me, are you going against the sky. ”

Yi Zhonghai, who came back to his senses, was furious, he was actually hit in the face by a young man in front of so many people, which made him how to go out to meet people in the future, and how embarrassed to continue to be the first uncle in this courtyard.

Li Yun smiled disdainfully when he heard this.

“What’s wrong with hitting you? Lao Tzu hit you, an old and disrespectful dog thing, to be a grandfather, I really thought that you were in this yard for this day, I don’t know, I thought you were the emperor. ”

Yi Zhonghai’s hands were shaking at Li Yun’s words, but he endured it and waited until he was some distance away from Li Yun to ensure his safety, and then he spoke out angrily.

When everyone saw Yi Zhonghai’s action, they couldn’t help but be a little handsome.

“Li Yun, you have no king’s law, you don’t respect your elders, and you also beat up the residents in the same courtyard, I, as the first uncle in the courtyard, just said a few words about you, in exchange for your slap, you simply regard the steward in the courtyard as nothing, is Director Li of the street office here today, you are also going to slap it?”

Yi Zhonghai can’t forget to put himself on the moral high ground, and then preach to his opponents in an extremely righteous posture, and I have to say that in this era, there are indeed some skills.

It’s a pity that he used the wrong object, Li Yun, who was in the twenty-first century in his previous life, has never seen any scenes, this kind of pediatrics for him.

“Yi Zhonghai, you don’t give Lao Tzu a hat, saying that I don’t respect the elders, which of you is in the personnel, you conspired with the deaf old lady to tell my wife to the stupid pillar, what can the elders do at this time?” It is you who are the beasts who lift you up. ”

“Also, what do I call a big fight against the residents of the yard? Who moved the hand first just now, are you blind? It’s not enough to pretend to be blind once, I want to think a second time, and I’m curious, stupid pillars in this yard can hit whoever they want to hit whoever has been doing evil when you were there, how can I not see you standing up for justice for the people in the yard at that time. ”

“Why did you stand up immediately after he was just frustrated and beaten, could it be that the reason why the stupid pillar is so arrogant in the yard is because you are supporting him?”

Li Yun revealed the loopholes in Yi Zhonghai’s words word by word, and wanted to use this way of confusing and auditioning to deal with himself.


With Li Yun’s words, Yi Zhonghai obviously felt the suspicious gazes around him.

“Li Yun, you are less nonsense here, stupid pillars and people make contradictions, I didn’t come forward to reconcile that time, you want to give me a basin now, ask everyone if they agree.”

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was pulling everyone in the courtyard all the time, Li Yun pouted.

“Reconcile? When you say reconciliation, do you mean that after the stupid pillar beats someone, let the family not pursue it? This is also a reconciliation, I really don’t know that you have such a thick skin, I mean to say this kind of thing as reconciliation. ”

Yi Zhonghai saw that his lie was exposed again, and he couldn’t help but panic.

“Li Yun, you have no elders today, ignoring the king’s law, and now you are still talking back to me, look at you, there is a little bit of a junior on your body.”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s words, Li Yun laughed.

He already understood that this old thing had exhausted his skills with donkeys, and today he would send the Buddha to the west.

“Yi Zhonghai, you are less of a moral bitch, don’t think of others as stupid as a stupid pillar, as if you are a smart person under the sky.”

Hearing Li Yun’s words, Xu Damao spoke up with some doubts.

“Li Yun, what is moral framing.”

He had never heard of this title before, so he asked curiously.

After Xu Damao asked, the others also looked at Li Yun suspiciously, they could faintly feel that this didn’t seem like a good word, but they really hadn’t heard it.

Li Yun glanced at Xu Damao with some surprise, it seems that more than one person in this courtyard is dissatisfied with Yi Zhonghai, and it is impossible for a thief like Xu Damao to speak out for no reason.

“Okay, I’ll explain to you what a moral is, and let you thoroughly recognize what this old thing Yi Zhonghai is.”

Hearing Li Yun call himself moral, Yi Zhonghai consciously felt that this was definitely not a good name, but he had not heard of it, seeing Li Yun vowing at this moment to help everyone recognize his true face, he felt a little disdainful, if this group of people had that IQ, why would they let themselves control the yard for so many years.

“Moral refers to the fact that some people find that others have made mistakes, so they criticize them wildly, eager to use a magnifying glass to see mistakes, and not allow others to make a little mistake, but when it is their turn, they will be extremely tolerant, even if they make a small mistake, they feel that it doesn’t matter and can be forgiven.”

As Li Yun’s words came out, everyone fell into deep thought, because Li Yun said that this word was to describe the first uncle in the courtyard, and everyone remembered his usual style in the courtyard.

“Li Yun seems to have some truth in what he said, last time my house didn’t clean the house because it was busy for a few days, and when Uncle Yi came to visit, he saw and reprimanded me, saying what affects the collective image of the yard, but I see that the stupid pillar’s house has obviously not been cleaned for a long time, and I haven’t seen Uncle Yi say.”

“That’s right, and I didn’t have the second dog last time, his daughter-in-law called me to help carry the furniture, and after being busy, I chatted with the second dog’s daughter-in-law back to the sky, this matter Er Gou himself also knows, he entrusted me to help, but was punished by Uncle Yi after seeing me for sweeping the yard for a week, saying that my mind is not pure, but I see that the stupid pillar doesn’t bring food and drink to the widow every day, why is he fine.”

“So I also remembered one thing, last time I quarreled with the Tiehu family a few times because of a trivial matter, and after such a matter was known by Uncle Yi, I held a general meeting of the whole hospital to report and criticize it once, and then look at the stupid pillar, in the courtyard, you can hit whoever you want, no one cares at all.”

Everyone said a word, the more you said, the more I felt that Li Yun’s summary was really exquisite.

Yi Zhonghai’s face darkened the more he listened to the side, and he glanced at the stupid pillar lying on the ground with some anger.

Unexpectedly, he made such a big mess for himself.

He had never thought about these things carefully before, and he was too lazy to think about them, after all, he covered the sky with one hand in the yard, and it was completely pointless to think about them.

But at this time today, it has become his biggest hidden danger, and Yi Zhonghai obviously feels that everyone’s gaze towards him has changed.

From the initial doubt, he became a little unhappy now, which made his heart tighten, and he understood that if he didn’t say something again, I was afraid that the position of the first uncle in this courtyard would not be stable.

“Li Yun, what are you talking nonsense? Whoever taught you to talk like this, no wonder your parents died early, as far as you are a beast, whoever has a son like you will not live long, and sooner or later he will be angry with you. ”

Yi Zhonghai was already a little angry and corrupted, but as soon as his words came out, everyone in the courtyard frowned, feeling that what Uncle Yi said was a little excessive, and subconsciously looked at Li Yun.

Li Yun’s face was already full of frost at this moment, and when everyone saw Li Yun’s gaze, they couldn’t help but shiver, what kind of gaze was this.

It’s like 10,000 years of ice, unchanged for eternity.

The moment Yi Zhonghai spoke, he felt a chill in his body and mind, as if he was being targeted by death.


A crisp and loud slap sound came into everyone’s ears, and Yi Zhonghai’s old and broken body flew high and smashed on the body of the stupid pillar.

After landing, Yi Zhonghai’s nose couldn’t stop bleeding out, and his lips moved slightly, without making any sound.

Once again, the audience became audible.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai being beaten twice in a row, the deaf old lady suddenly couldn’t sit still at all.

This Li Yun, really going against the sky today?

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