Chapter 60: The Deaf Old Lady’s Five Insurance Households Are Fake?.

When everyone heard this, they also showed a look of schadenfreude, Yi Zhonghai was very unpopular during this time, and now there are few people in the yard who have a good impression of him, and at this moment, hearing that Li Yun asked him to drink boy urine to ward off evil spirits, everyone showed expectations.

And Uncle Yi Liu Haizhong and Uncle Yan Bugui on the side were also bright-eyed, and the moment the deaf old lady came out, they understood that it was no longer fun to deal with Yi Zhonghai tonight, but they didn’t expect this Li Yun’s brain to react so quickly, and the two of them almost couldn’t help laughing.

Now it depends on how Yi Zhonghai chooses, if he doesn’t drink it, then he will be sent to the street to do it, after all, this evil is the deaf old lady herself just said it herself, it is estimated that the deaf old lady did not expect that her casual excuse for Yi Zhonghai’s words, now put him on the fire and roasted.

Yi Zhonghai’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot at this time.

“Li Yun, are you really going to do such a great job?”

“What’s wrong with me, didn’t I give you a chance to choose? If you feel that you have not fallen into evil, isn’t the answer obvious? Could it be that everything you just installed is pretending, since this is the case, there is no need to continue, go to the street to do it. ”

“What answer is obvious, who said that the evil must drink the boy’s urine, besides, I was not the evil at all just now, just a small sleepwalk, you don’t talk nonsense here.”

“Am I talking nonsense? My words are nonsense? If you didn’t have the evil spirit, you could run so far? Who believes it now that it is sleepwalking? Who sleepwalks like you? You ask them and see if anyone believes. ”

When everyone saw Li Yun looking at him, they all shook their heads in unison.

“Uncle One, don’t be tough-mouthed anymore, I haven’t seen sleepwalking into the house of a widow when I’m so old, your behavior problem itself is very big, now in addition to the evil this possibility, only you can explain it on purpose, don’t say other nonsense.”

“That is, Li Yun said that I feel right, if you are evil and prove yourself, if you are not evil you will go to the street to do it, what a simple thing, you have to talk so much, why do you want to wrap us all around to help yourself get rid of responsibility?”

“Uncle Yi, you said that you didn’t fall for evil, then can you explain why you just came to Jia Zhang’s house, but we saw with your own eyes that you promised to take care of Jia Dongxu for the family, didn’t you come here now to use this matter to make Jia Zhang’s subordinate to you?”

“That’s right, I also remembered, today during the day you promised to take care of Jia Dongxu, it must be that you went back at night and thought about it for a while and felt that you had suffered some losses, and now you regret it, come to find Jia Zhang, I want to make up for her body, Uncle Yi is really not me talking about you, you are a little too hungry to eat.”

Hearing everyone say this about themselves, Yi Zhonghaiqi’s whole body trembled.

“You……… You guys………… What are you all talking about again? Lao Tzu’s eyes are not blind, do I want to find Qin Huairu to find this old thing? ”

“Oh, it turns out that you came to find Qin Huairu, you found the wrong person, right?”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say this, Liu Haizhong immediately stood up and deliberately said loudly.

Seeing Liu Haizhong say this, Yi Zhonghai looked at him gloomy.

However, when Jia Zhangshi on the side heard that Yi Zhonghai was actually coming at his daughter-in-law Qin Huairu, he was immediately angry.

“Yi Zhonghai, good you old thing, are you an animal or a human? My son was just killed by you and was lying on the bed, and you hit my daughter-in-law’s attention, why are you so vicious? ”

“Jia Zhang, you don’t want to ghost, I was just making an analogy, who has an idea about your daughter-in-law, how old am I, how can I have such thoughts?” Don’t be like a mad dog. ”

“Okay, wow, if you don’t admit it, forget it, now you still scold me, I have long known, you have always had ideas about my daughter-in-law, all of them accepted my son as an apprentice, just to kill him one day, but you made a mistake this time and killed him in a vegetative state, Yi Zhonghai, you are so vicious!”

“Jia Zhangshi, you don’t want to spew blood, when did I have this idea, I took your son to learn skills and raise his salary, you actually talk to me like this now, do you still have a little conscience?”

“Conscience? You dog thing also has a face to tell me conscience? All the things you did have been seen through by me, now what else do you have to say? You disgusting and filthy beast! ”

Everyone was also surprised to hear Jia Zhang’s speculation, this pig woman is also too capable of pulling, how big a brain hole is this to come up with this kind of thing, see that there is a reason why this Jia Zhang clan has no way to let the yard for so many years, after all, it is not so easy to be a shrew.

Li Yun on the side was even more laughing, he didn’t expect to be able to pull it like this, this Jia Zhangshi is indeed a superlative.

Yi Zhonghai had no power to parry Jia Zhang’s ghost, and he turned his head and aimed his spearhead at Li Yun again.

“Li Yun, you are very proud first, don’t you, say something specious to let this dead fat pig frame me, is this your means?”

“I said old things, do you have a problem, you think my sentence is wrong, you can point it out, don’t shout here like a shrew.”

“Your words are right, it’s all, and let this dead pig head come over and quarrel with me, Jia Zhangshi, you are a brainless pig’s head, and you will only be used as a gun.”

Yi Zhonghai said halfway and turned his words on Jia Zhang

“What to say, old thing, don’t think about leaving if you don’t give compensation today, you vicious dog thing.”

Jia Zhangshi didn’t care about the rest, so he bit Yi Zhonghai to compensate.

Li Yun was a little impatient at the moment, and he spoke directly.

“Yi Zhonghai, if you think there is something wrong with my proposal, then forget it, see you tomorrow.”

After Li Yun finished speaking, he planned to turn around and leave, and there was no point in pulling it down like this.


Seeing that Li Yun was leaving, Yi Zhonghai quickly called out to Li Yun, his face was determined, as if he had made some major decision, Li Yun directly grabbed his life.

“Okay, I agree, I’ll drink.”

He gritted his teeth and said these words, he absolutely can’t have an accident now, otherwise it will affect his plan to deal with Li Yun.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, they never thought that Yi Zhonghai would actually agree to this matter.

“I’ll go, what’s the situation, is Uncle Yi’s really evil, otherwise how could he agree to drink the boy’s urine, doesn’t it mean that this thing has not been allowed out?” How can there be, is there really something dirty in our yard, can people live in it in the future?”

“I’m also a little panicked, look at Uncle Yi’s expression doesn’t look like it’s fake, is it true that the old lady said, she is so old, she must have seen much more things than us, maybe there is really something in this yard that we don’t know, I go, the more I say, the more scary, I dare not sleep at night.”

“Don’t be suspicious, it’s not necessarily true, besides, even if it’s true, why has only Uncle Yi encountered this kind of thing for so many years, I think maybe Yi Zhonghai endured humiliation for his reputation, but this price seems to be a little too big, I really haven’t seen anyone drink urine when I grow so big.”

“That is, now it is meaningless to say that those are useless, the most important thing is to ward off evil spirits, when you have this small talk, it is better to think about where to find children’s urine, now at night, those children are sleeping.”

“What’s so difficult about this, isn’t Jia Zhang’s grandson here?”

After the initial shock, everyone quickly and enthusiastically helped, after all, seeing Yi Zhonghai’s opportunity to eat up is but his highly respected image for so many years can be described as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Everyone looked like he drank urine for a while.

After a while, under Yi Zhonghai’s gloomy gaze, everyone took a large bowl of urine from the stick terrier.

“Give, Uncle Yi, drink it, rest assured, the portions are very sufficient, and it can definitely solve your problem.”

Facing Xu Damao’s lowly appearance, Yi Zhonghai glanced at Li Yun, as if to carve him into the marrow.

Subsequently, Yi Zhonghai drank a large bowl of urine in great pain under the gaze of everyone.

After drinking, Yi Zhonghai’s eyes were a little sluggish, and the whole person was stunned in place.

Seeing this, the deaf old lady asked Silly Zhu to take Yi Zhonghai away.

As a few people left, everyone had nothing to see and all dispersed.

“I went, I didn’t expect Uncle Yi to really drink it all, it’s a whole big bowl, which is too exaggerated.”

“Who said it wasn’t, originally I didn’t believe in Uncle Yi’s evil at all, but now I believe a little, a whole bowl, Uncle Yi also drank it, I feel that what the old lady said may be true, there is really something unclean in our yard, be careful in the future.”

“Go and go, don’t be suspicious, where is there something unclean, I have lived here for so many years and have not seen anything come out, if I want to say, this is the means of Uncle Yi to cover people’s ears, you think, if tomorrow it really spreads out Uncle Yi to Jia Zhang’s house in the middle of the night, then how will he see people in the future?”

“It seems to make some sense to listen to you say this, we all know the degree of Uncle Yi’s love of face, if this matter is explained like this, it is very likely, but this price is inevitably too great, drink urine, I estimate that if I would rather go to jail than agree to drink it.”

Everyone talked about it as they walked, and when this happened, everyone’s sleepiness was diluted a lot.

Li Yun also returned to the house after everyone left, but he did not go to sleep immediately, but controlled the mosquito and went to the deaf old lady’s house.

Yi Zhonghai’s gaze was extremely unkind when he saw himself just now, and Li Yun guessed that these people would definitely not stop so easily.

At this time, the backyard.

I don’t know when the deaf old lady’s family has left only Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

“Hmph, Li Yun, this dog thing, actually framed me like this, I didn’t finish with him.”

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s tragic situation tonight, the deaf old lady was a little gloating in her heart, but she did not show it.

“This little beast, now less and less in the eyes of us, this afternoon when I went to his house, he scolded me without saying a word, I can’t keep him.”

“Afternoon? What are you going to do in Li Yun’s house this afternoon. ”

Yi Zhonghai asked with some doubt.

The deaf old lady was a little embarrassed when she heard this, and stopped before speaking.

“It’s not because Li Yun’s dog makes such delicious things every day, it hurts my stomach to be hungry, so I want to go to his house and ask if I can honor me a little, who knows that I haven’t spoken yet, he directly scolded me.”

“Aren’t you unclear about our relationship with him, what are you doing at his house? Li Yun, this dog thing, if he had the mind to honor you, he would not have made it to this point, and he would not have done it right with us for his wife’s little thing, this guy has no conscience. ”

“That’s right, you can’t keep him in this yard, I get angry when I talk about this, the stupid pillar was not angry at the beginning, and I was beaten by that kid, it seems that because of that time, that kid lost his awe of us, and now the people in the courtyard involved are not afraid of us.”

“This dog thing, if it weren’t for him, my uncle in the yard would still be fine, because of these few days and his affairs, everyone would be shouting and beating me now.”

“This matter is not so simple to end, let him be arrogant for a while, young people have a little advantage and like to be arrogant, tonight actually don’t give me any face, I will definitely make him regret it.”

“That’s right, this dog thing, what kind of bad idea came out tonight, actually let me drink urine, I must kill him, not to kill him will not vent the hatred in my heart, I must let him kneel in front of me to drink urine, this beast thing.”

When Yi Zhonghai thought of the pee he was forced to drink tonight, he suddenly wanted to vomit with nausea.

The deaf old lady also wanted to laugh when she saw Yi Zhonghai’s appearance, this old thing rarely suffers losses, I didn’t expect to suffer such a big loss today, but after thinking that it was Li Yun who caused all this, the deaf old lady’s mood became bad.

“That’s right, when the time comes, he must be allowed to get out of the yard, otherwise he really thinks that he has the final say in this yard.”

“Don’t worry, I already have a plan, let him know how powerful I am tomorrow, Li Yun feels that he is very good in this courtyard, that must also be approved by my Yi Zhonghai, I do not allow such a great person to exist in the yard.”

The deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai cursed at Li Yun non-stop, and Li Yun, who was monitoring the two on the other side, felt a little bored, these two people did not say anything that interested him except for incompetent rage, and he was a little uninterested.

However, just as he was about to remove the mosquitoes to sleep, the two suddenly talked about the Wubao household.

“Yi Zhonghai, what do you mean by what Li Yun said tonight? Did he really know something? ”

Hearing this, Li Yun’s eyes suddenly lit up, the deaf old lady, the five guarantee households, really had a problem, but he didn’t expect that he just said it casually, and he was actually hit by himself.

Yi Zhonghai frowned slightly in the face of the deaf old lady’s question.

“It shouldn’t be known by him, with Li Yun’s age, what can he know? Don’t think too much, he may just say it casually, you think, if he really knows about this, how could he wait until now? ”

The deaf old lady nodded when she heard this.

“There is some truth in what you said, but I don’t think this kid is cheating like that tonight, and now I am indeed a little worried, if this matter is discovered, I will be finished.”

“Afraid of what? There will be no matter, this matter is definitely not known to others, you can rest assured, as for Li Yun’s matter tonight, eighty percent is blind. ”

“But didn’t Li Yun say that his father told him? This shouldn’t be fake. ”

Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai smiled.

“Do you think it’s possible? Don’t you know who his dad is, who can stay in the yard for a few days a year? You also believe his words, Li Yun will never know, you don’t want to mess up first, well, don’t talk about this now, be careful that there are ear demons on the wall. ”

The deaf old lady was slightly relieved to hear Yi Zhonghai say this.

“What you said also makes sense, but no matter what, this Li Yun must not let go, if we don’t drive this dog thing out of the yard, we will never have a peaceful day in the future.”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely let Li Yun get out obediently.”

Yi Zhonghai sneered and said confidently.

Li Yun on the other side laughed disdainfully when he heard this, and asked me to leave the yard?

I won’t let you live tonight!.

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