Chapter Seventy-Six: Collapse the House of the Deaf Old Lady.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s painless look, Li Yun smiled.

“That’s pretty much it.”

Later, Li Yun took the hundred yuan in Yi Zhonghai’s hand and left with the police. After seeing Li Yun and the police leaving, Yi Zhonghai’s face was difficult to see the extreme, and everyone was also a little embarrassed when they saw this scene, thinking about how Yi Zhonghai was as the only eighth-level fitter in the yard, but now he was actually pressed down by someone as an eighth-level fitter.

How uncomfortable this was, looking at Yi Zhonghai’s lonely back, everyone shook their heads.

“The ups and downs of Uncle Yi’s life are too fast, it seems that he is not ready to face all this, suddenly lost his identity as an eighth-level fitter, and now he is in turn threatened by Li Yun with this employee level, I don’t know how he feels in his heart now.”

“Alas, this is not something we should worry about, Uncle One will kill himself if he does more unrighteousness, is everything he blames himself now, what else to say, is it possible that you can still pity this old thing, I still feel that I am too kind to this old guy at night, and his Uncle One should also be canceled.”

“What I say is that you sympathize with him now, but who will sympathize with us who were bullied by him in the first place, didn’t you suffer losses when Yi Zhonghai pulled the moral banner in the first place? Forgotten so quickly now? And the mood to sympathize with this old thing, in my opinion, everything is the best arrangement of fate, this guy purely deserves it. ”

“I also think so, I don’t know who will feel that Yi Zhonghai is pitiful, anyway, I hate him now, since Li Yun woke me up, the more I think about it, the more I feel that my previous self is too stupid, and Uncle Yi didn’t treat us as people at all, let me pity him?” Dream. ”

Everyone looked at Yi Zhonghai, who left sadly, and felt that the cycle of cause and effect, Yi Zhonghai took advantage of them at the beginning, and now he suffered a loss on Li Yun, which was all retribution.

And at this time, the stupid pillar on the side saw Yi Zhonghai leaving, and quickly followed and left, after everything that happened just now, he had understood everything, it turned out that everything he experienced tonight was actually designed by Li Yun.

This dog thing actually used himself as cannon fodder, and also tempted himself with his most beloved Sister Qin, he was at odds with this Wang Baegg. After Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai left, Jia Zhangshi also let go of Xu Damao, anyway, her goal tonight was achieved, not only took Yi Zhonghai’s fifty pieces, but also Silly Zhu’s thirty pieces, now there is no need to stay, and then she also left.

Seeing that all parties were gone, Xu Damao immediately stood up.

“Don’t be deceived by the appearance tonight, in my opinion, tonight is the tryst between Jia Zhangshi and Silly Zhu, and Uncle Yi has apologized for them.”

177 When everyone heard Xu Damao’s words, they would be suspicious, but most of them did not believe, after all, who in the courtyard did not know what Xu Damao was, and it was not a secret that he and Silly Zhu did not deal with each other, and now this kind of words came out of his mouth without the slightest credibility.

Everyone felt a little excited, and turned and left.

Xu Damao no matter what others think, he still gushes about his thoughts, no matter how many people believe it, even if there is only one person, the impact on the silly pillar when the time comes, Xu Damao officially holds this idea.

Li Yun went home to sort out today’s results for a day, today can be described as a harvest, not to mention the system’s e-retaliation reward, just to make Yi Zhonghai kowtow to apologize and his hundred yuan is enough to make Yi Zhonghai not want to give birth, and the termites he sent out, and now they are still methodically eating the house of the two Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

Soon after, the two of them immediately had no place to live, and by that time, he would feel better. Then Li Yun took a look at the reward given by the system tonight.

[Master Carpentry] Li Yun’s eyes lit up when he saw this reward, this skill is not small, and he can use it when buying furniture at his home in the future.

After sorting out the harvest for the evening, Li Yun rested satisfied. Fast forward to the next day.

Li Yun got up and stretched his waist, and then began to make breakfast, making the birds and beasts in the yard uncomfortable as usual. At this time, the deaf old lady just happened to be discharged from the hospital today, because he had his leg amputated, he only had one foot to walk.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he smelled the fragrance coming from Li Yun’s house, and his face suddenly became ugly.

“This dog thing Li Yun, start making these things again, sooner or later it will eat you to death!”

Yi Zhonghai on the side heard it and scolded.

“This guy will die sooner or later, I feel that we can’t be so careless, last night he directly saw through all my schemes, this is simply impossible, this Li Yun is very wrong.”

“What’s wrong, I said Yi Zhonghai, are you scared and stupid by Li Yun, a little Li Yun, I know, you were beaten by Li Yun in the rolling mill, and you suffered some losses in the yard last night, but you don’t exaggerate Li Yun too much.”

“After all, this can’t change the fact that you were beaten by Li Yun.”

Hearing the words of the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai’s face was very ugly, this old thing now sees that he has become a seventh-level fitter, and he is speaking more and more unceremoniously, don’t let Laozi seize the opportunity, when the time comes, you will definitely be better off alive than dead, Yi Zhonghai glanced at the remaining leg of the deaf old lady.

“Old lady, I’m just reminding you, if you don’t believe it, forget it, after all, I don’t have any qualifications to point fingers at you, do whatever you like.”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s words, the deaf old lady smiled disdainfully.

“How? Listening to your tone seems to be a little unconvinced, whether you are convinced or not, things have already happened, by a young man made like this, you really embarrass me, now say a few words about you are still unhappy, just Li Yun this kind of dog thing, as long as I want to deal with him, he can’t run. ”

“But this kid, who cooks delicious food every day, it is necessary to teach him a little lesson, let him converge a little, this yard is not yet his turn to do whatever he wants.”

Yi Zhonghai listened to the deaf old lady’s words without speaking, but silently helped him to walk towards the house. At this time, the conversation between the two had been completely listened to by Li Yun.

“Hmph! This old thing is really arrogant. ”

After speaking, Li Yun secretly accelerated the speed of termites eating his home, and when the time came, he would give this old thing a surprise and make her arrogant again. While Li Yun was cooking.

Jia family.

“This Li Yun makes food every day, and there is no end, do you really think that the whole yard will start with him? Something, such a person should hurry to die. ”

Jia Zhangshi would smell the rich smell of meat in Li Yun’s house when she got up every morning, which made her almost crazy, if she hadn’t been able to beat Li Yun, he would definitely go to the doorman to beat Li Yun fiercely now, and then shine his flesh.

“Grandma, don’t say it, the more you say it, the more I want to eat, I’m about to starve to death.”

The stick terrier looked at Jia Zhangshi with some dissatisfaction on the side, scolding here every morning and not seeing her take any action, who wouldn’t say big things.

Listening to his grandson’s words, Jia Zhangshi listened.

“Stick terrier, after Li Yunyi goes to work…”

Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, the stick terrier shook his head desperately before he finished speaking.

“No, I’m not going, I didn’t find it last time, and it threw me so badly, and now you want me to go again, what if I fall again, I won’t go.”

Seeing the stick terrier’s refusal, Jia Zhang’s face showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

“What are you talking about, I wasn’t all for your good last time, who are you not arguing about?” After you listen to grandma, this time is different from last time, last time you went to get something, this time if Li Yun didn’t see anything when you entered tomorrow, he would take something, and directly empty his house to see what he would do. ”

Jia Zhang smiled proudly after speaking, very satisfied with his intelligence. However, the stick terrier still shook his head repeatedly.

“Li Yun’s dog thing has something strange in the house, I’m not going, I want to go to yourself, last time I went it became like that, I don’t know what will happen this time, didn’t you say that you first steal Xu Damao’s chickens these days?”

“Xu Damao’s chicken can wait first, Li Yun is our top priority now, do you know? Last time was just an accident, how did you become so timid now, could it be that a little Li Yun scared you into this? You’re so much to look at grandma.”

“Disappointment is disappointed, anyway, I won’t go, last time I went to drop me like that, it’s been a long time, this time I won’t go, don’t think about it, unless you go by yourself Li Yun lead away, if there is no good opportunity, what do I run for, Li Yun this dog thing is too strange in the house, you will know it yourself.”

“Stick terrier, how did you become like this now, do you want to eat delicious food in the future? If you go on like this, now your father is injured, you still don’t stand up, you are afraid of the wolf before here, this does not dare to dare that and that does not dare, so that the life in our family will not pass? ”

“I don’t care, didn’t you say that Xu Damao’s chickens can be stolen? I just want to eat chicken, the things in Li Yun’s house just smell fragrant, there is actually nothing when I go in, I don’t want to go, wait until Xu Damao is gone, I’ll go and steal his chickens? ”

The stick terrier was extremely resolute, saying that he would not steal anything from Li Yun’s house, after all, the impression he gave him last time was too deep. He also didn’t want to experience such a big torture after stealing something in this yard for so long.

The stick terrier himself secretly calculated that it was not worth it at all, he might as well steal someone else’s first, and wait until his craftsmanship is good to deal with Li Yun on this dog day.

“Stick terrier, this time is different from your previous one, you heard grandma say, Li Yun has now risen in the factory, and now he has no mind to think about things in the yard, this time is the best opportunity, if you can’t seize it, it will be difficult to have this kind of opportunity in the future.”


Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, the stick terrier was a little moved in his heart, if he really had such a good opportunity, he could really try. After all, Li Yun is his number one enemy, and if he has the opportunity, he still hopes to take revenge.

“Of course it’s true, will grandma lie to you? You pay attention to observation these days, and when the time comes, you will directly rush into his house and move all the things in his house, don’t leave him any items, got it? ”

“If Grandma what you said is true, then no problem, then you will see well, Li Yun this dog day, I have put up with him for a long time.”

After persuading the stick terrier, Jia Zhangshi turned his head to look at Qin Huairu.

“Qin Huairu, Dongxu is going to be discharged from the hospital today, don’t bring food, just take him back and forget it, by the way, go to Li Yun’s house to borrow a car of your own.”

Qin Huairu’s face was embarrassed when she heard Jia Zhang’s words.

“This, our family quarreled with Li Yun so much last night, how could Li Yun lend me his bicycle?”

“What are you afraid of, we quarreled with him very much, you didn’t quarrel with Li Yun, you went to borrow yours, why, can’t you do this thing?”

Jia Zhangshi glanced at Qin Huairu a little angrily.

Qin Huairu’s face is also a little ugly, you offended Li Yun so much last night, now let yourself borrow a bicycle, Li Yun is not a fool, besides, she knows that although she did not agree to some of the letters last night.

But Yi Zhonghai still uses his own name, now Li Yun must think that the note was written by himself, and now the mother-in-law let herself borrow a bicycle, isn’t this pushing herself into the fire pit? Li Yun is not a fool.

“Didn’t you do yesterday in my name? Now let me go, how can I go? ”

Qin Huairu said a little helplessly.

“Why can’t you go, what’s wrong with your name, didn’t you slut, have that idea for a long time? Hurry up and give it to me, you weren’t on the scene last night, just make up a lie, do you want me to teach you these too? ”

Hearing Jia Zhang’s strong words, Qin Huairu was suddenly a little dissatisfied, you guys ruined my reputation last night, and now you still scold yourself for being that kind of person, what kind of person you mother and son don’t know?

“Mother-in-law, can’t say that, what am I, I asked myself that I haven’t done anything sorry for Dongxu at home for so many years, you don’t say hello, just directly ask Li Yun out in my name, have you ever thought about what others will think of me?”

“What will others think of you and what does it have to do with me, why do you talk so much nonsense today, do you think that Dongxu is injured, and there is no one in the family to make you?” I tell you, your eyes will light up a little during this time, otherwise, I will let you taste my power. ”

“It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s just that how can I go?” You did that kind of thing last night, today I went to borrow a bicycle, you think, is it possible for Li Yun to lend it to me? Maybe he will beat me like he did with Uncle Yi last night. ”

Qin Huairu was a little desperate for his evil mother-in-law, last night they offended Li Yun so much, now let themselves pass, and said so righteously, I really don’t know the face from there.

And Jia Zhangshi was a little impatient by Qin Huairu’s three remarks at the moment, and directly slapped it at the moment.

“I’m really giving you face, don’t hit you itchy for a day, let you borrow a bicycle have so much nonsense, what kind of goods are you in your heart?” If Li Yun is not willing, you can use your commotion to tempt it, right? ”

Hearing her mother-in-law say this, Qin Huairu suddenly looked at her in shock.

“What do you mean by this, when did I ever do something sorry Dongxu, you now say me like this with one mouth, don’t you feel that you are excessive?”

“Am I excessive? When did you talk to you in this house, I don’t think you know what you are. ”

After Jia Zhangshi finished speaking, he didn’t say a word, and two slaps slapped Qin Huairu’s face.

Qin Huairu’s face swelled up on both sides after a while, a pretty face no longer looked like just now, she was extremely aggrieved to look at her evil mother-in-law, wanted to say something, but found that it seemed that it was useless to say anything?

“Look at what? Don’t know me, I don’t know how many pounds I have to say a few more words to you, I let you do what you just go directly, originally I was in a good mood today and didn’t want to hit you, it’s really a slut, it’s uncomfortable not to be beaten for a day, right? You think I don’t know about Li Yun’s kid, don’t you? ”

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