Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 203 Yu Li's Final Choice

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was Sunday again.

Jiang Pingan slept until he woke up naturally, after washing his face and brushing his teeth.

Back in the room, I ate six buns with sauced meat and a big bowl of porridge with preserved egg and lean meat.

The juice of the stuffed buns with sauce soaks through the skin, tender white with golden yellow, soft and elastic.

The skin is thin, the stuffing is big, and the sauce is rich.

Take a bite, and the oily meat stuffing inside will burst with aroma in your mouth instantly!

And the matching preserved egg and lean meat porridge may as well be more, the porridge is fragrant and smooth, salty and delicious.

Not fishy or firewood, smooth taste, thick texture, fresh and delicious.

In the mouth, the aroma of rice, meat, and preserved eggs are well blended together, leaving a lingering fragrance.

After eating a bowl, the whole body is warm, heart-warming and stomach-warming, and it is indescribably comfortable.

Then I lit another cigarette and took a puff comfortably, enjoying myself.

After washing the dishes, I sat and rested for a while, and was about to take a walk in the yard when He Yushui came.

"Brother, where are the clothes? I washed them for you!"

Jiang Pingan pointed to the stool in the corner and said, "It's all piled up there!"

"You, how can you put your clothes like this? Let's put them on the shelf in the future!"

After finishing speaking, He Yushui left with his clothes in his arms.

She had just left on her front foot when another person came on her back foot.

"Haitang! You are finally here, come here!" Jiang Ping'an said with a beaming smile.

Yu Haitang covered her mouth and smiled, rolled her eyes, put her hands behind her back, stepped forward and said with a smile:

"I haven't seen you for a few days, you are more and more energetic! You also have an official smell!"

"Oh! You can even see this?" Jiang Pingan asked with a smile.

Yu Haitang straightened her chest, raised her head and said:

"That's right, my eyes are really good!"

"Even if you have changed a little bit, I can see it!"

Jiang Pingan took a few glances at her face, moved his eyes down, and sighed:

"How did you grow? It's also getting plump!"

Yu Haitang blushed, rushed forward, threw herself into Jiang Ping'an's arms, and said coquettishly:

"It's just that you're out of shape. Just after you said a few words, you're going to mess with me again...uh..."


in the future.

"Why are you here so early today?" Jiang Ping'an asked, smoking a cigarette.

Yu Haitang pursed her lips and said hesitantly, "My sister..."

"Huh? She told you?" Jiang Pingan asked in surprise.

Yu Haitang nodded and said, "Well, I've said everything, you are so bad!"

"It's your wish. I can't help her in vain, can I?" Jiang Ping'an frowned.

Yu Haitang shut her mouth and said, "Then why don't you marry her?"

"In this case, it will be much more convenient for me to come and find you in the future!"

"Forget it, I don't like your sister's calculating temper." Jiang Pingan shook his head.

Yu Haitang frowned and said, "If you don't like it, then why did you tell her..."

"What are you talking about? I only said that I didn't like her temperament, but I didn't say that I didn't like her body!" Jiang Pingan said with a smirk.

Yu Haitang choked for a moment, and said, "You still speak so straightforwardly."

She was confused by Jiang Ping'an's straightforward approach before.

There was no reaction at all, so I just followed him in a daze.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said: "You sisters are very affectionate, two daughters serve one husband, you are not jealous?"

"No, isn't it normal for a capable man to have more women?" Yu Haitang asked strangely.

After a pause, she said again: "It's written like this in many dramas!"

Jiang Pingan laughed loudly and said, "The drama is written in ancient times."

"But now is a new era, what are you thinking in your mind?"

Yu Haitang cut her voice and said, "Times are changing, but human nature remains the same."

"When I was a child, I saw several neighbors next door with my own eyes, and they had contacts with each other."

"I didn't understand at that time, but now I understand, but the life of husband and wife is still the same."

Jiang Pingan lamented that Haitang was open-minded.

No wonder in the original drama, she changed boyfriends like changing clothes.

With such a cognition, all her actions are not surprising.

"Ping An, what are you thinking?" Yu Haitang asked in a low voice.

Jiang Pingan came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "I didn't think about anything."

"By the way, you just said what happened to your sister?"

"Ah! I was so focused on being happy with you that I almost forgot." Yu Haitang stood up abruptly.

"My sister found a remote place and asked you to meet there."

Then, she whispered the address and said nervously, "Are you going?"

"You won't let me accompany you?" Jiang Ping'an asked back.

Yu Haitang put her arms around his neck and said:

"We'll have a long time in Japan. My sister's business is important."

"If she has a job, our family's life will be easier."

"Remember, you must convince my sister and arrange a job for her."

"I really can't do anything about you, okay, I'll go see her right now." Jiang Pingan shook his head and smiled.

The two got up and got dressed, Yu Haitang took a step first.

Jiang Ping'an waited for a quarter of an hour before pushing his bicycle out of the house.

The place Yu Haitang said was in the outskirts of the city, said to be her ancestor's house, and Yu Li was waiting for him there.

After Jiang Ping'an arrived, he didn't hurry to go there, and checked everywhere.

You can't be careless about this matter, and you can't do things like capsizing a boat in the gutter.

After searching, only Yu Li was around, so Jiang Ping'an went there in peace.

Those were three tile-roofed houses, single-family. No wonder Yu Li chose this place, it was indeed safer.

Although the house is a bit dilapidated, it has been cleaned.

It can be seen that the Yu family will go back to their hometown from time to time to take care of it.

Jiang Ping'an rode his bicycle to the front of the house.

Yu Liqiao stood under a big tree, holding the trunk tightly with one hand, her expression tense.

She has exquisite facial features, fair skin, a ponytail, and very neat clothes.

The whole person looks relatively clean and beautiful, very quiet.

As soon as Jiang Ping'an came over, Yu Li's scalp became numb, her head became dizzy, and her face turned red.

Now she was shy and ashamed.

I never thought that I would agree to do such a thing for work.

Yu Li bit her lip and lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Jiang Ping'an again.

"Hehe, have you been waiting for a long time?" Jiang Ping'an stopped the car and asked.

Yu Li pursed her lips, hummed softly, nodded, looked at the ground, and blushed up to her ears.

Jiang Pingan smiled, seeing her shy, stretched out a hand and said, "Come on!"

Yu Li hesitated, but passed her hand over.

The little hands are cold, soft as if without bones, slender and delicate.

"Are you shy? Or are you afraid?"

Jiang Ping'an leaned under her face and asked with a smile.

Yu Li raised her head and wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't. She stomped her feet involuntarily, gritted her teeth and said:

"It's so embarrassing! Can you stop laughing at me?"

As he spoke, he covered his face with his other hand, feeling very hot.

"Haha, I seem to be shy!"

Jiang Pingan laughed, put his arms around her waist, and buried his head in her neck.

The fragrance is faint, soft and very pleasant.

Yu Li froze, not daring to move, and her head was in a daze.

"Don't be here..." She closed her eyes and couldn't help whispering.

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