Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 207: The Mouth Is Tricky

Jia Dongxu was beaten.

Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he only suffered minor injuries, not serious, and he will recover in a few days.

Jiang Ping'an and Xu Damao rushed back to the yard before they got off work.

Who beat Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu? Why were you beaten?

Yi Zhonghai kept his secret, shook his head and remained silent.

Even Jia Zhang, who likes to play tricks, hid in the house and kept silent.

Jia Dongxu was lying on the Kang with his head covered, motionless.

Qin Huairu hugged Xiaodang and sat at the door of the stove, with tears in his eyes and a sad face.

Jiang Ping'an was not used to the unspeakable silence in the entire courtyard.

"I'm afraid this kid has committed a crime."

Xu Damao rolled his eyes and muttered in a low voice.

Jiang Ping'an shook his head and said, "Forget it, there's nothing interesting about such crap."

Can't see the excitement, the two came to the backyard, Xu Damao's house.

Tan Yali isn't here at the moment, and Xu Yueling won't be able to get back from school until evening.

As for Xu Ning'an, it's not convenient for him as father-in-law to stay here.

He only comes over on Sundays.

Lou Xiao'e was the only one in the room right now, walking slowly with her belly outstretched.

Although it was only three months old, she was well nourished and she was pregnant with two more, so she was pregnant too.

Seeing the two come back, Lou Xiaoe's eyes lit up, and she asked:

"Why do you leave work so early today?"

Xu Damao said casually: "I wanted to come back to watch the fun, but I didn't."

"By the way, why are you alone, where is my mother?"

"Go back to my hometown and get something, and I'll be back later." Lou Xiaoe said.

After a pause, she asked curiously, "Watch the fun? What are you watching?"

Xu Damao said with a sly smile: "Hey, Jia Dongxu was beaten this afternoon."

"No wonder I heard Jia Zhang crying in the middle courtyard earlier." Lou Xiao'e suddenly said.

Xu Damao asked in surprise: "Ms. Jia and Zhang howling? Did you hear what you were crying for?"

"No, how can I care about their affairs?" Lou Xiao'e shook her head.

Then she smiled and said to Jiang Ping'an, "Ping'an goes to school every day, and it's very hard."

"After eating at home today, let's go to school!"

Jiang Pingan nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Xu Damao said that the food from your natal family is not tasty."

"I also want to try it myself to see if it's true."

Lou Xiao'e frowned and nodded, "It's really not delicious. I only took one bite at noon and then threw up."

Xu Damao came over with a bowl of flour and a bowl of rice, and said:

"Jiang Ping'an, look, this thing looks the same!"

"Is this all the food sent by Sister Xiao'e's family?"

Jiang Pingan stepped forward to smell it, and said in doubt.

Xu Damao nodded and said, "Yes, it was delivered in the morning."

"There's something wrong with the smell. How can I say it? It's missing a bit of spirituality." Jiang Ping'an mused.

Xu Damao nodded and said loudly: "Yes, it's because of the lack of spirituality!"

"Leave that alone," Jiang Ping'an waved.

"Use this grain first, cook porridge, and then steam steamed buns. Let's try it ourselves."

Xu Damao said: "Okay, I'll cook right now."

Looking back, Jiang Ping'an said to Lou Xiao'e:

"If it's really unpalatable, don't force it. You will still eat the food I made in the future."

"Well, I think so too." Lou Xiao'e nodded.

After a pause, she looked into Jiang Pingan's eyes and said shyly:

"Peace, it's been more than three months, you can gently..."

"This..." Jiang Ping'an hesitated.

Lou Xiao'e stepped forward and took his hand, scratched his palm lightly, and complained:

"As you said, after three months, you can gently..."

"Hey, I really can't do anything about you, okay, I'll come to you later at night." Jiang Pingan said helplessly.

Lou Xiaoe's face was happy and excited, her cheeks were bright red, and her eyes were as charming as silk.

"It's agreed, you must come, or I will ignore you in the future."

"Come on, come on! When have I ever said nothing?" Jiang Pingan said speechlessly.

While talking, the two came to the living room and sat down in a respectful manner.

"Uncle Lou and the others didn't eat here?" Jiang Ping'an asked.

Lou Xiao'e said: "They just came back, they were busy with business, they only stayed for half an hour before leaving."

"But I was pregnant with the baby and they were very happy."

"He said that when he was done with work, he would take me home and stay for a while."

Jiang Pingan nodded, leaned forward and asked in a low voice:

"Did they go to Hong Kong Island?"

Lou Xiaoe glanced at the kitchen, turned her head and said softly:

"Go, the road has been set up, and it will be used as a back road."

"I'm only telling you about this, don't leak the news!"

"Don't worry, don't you know my tone?" Jiang Ping'an said.

Lou Xiaoe smiled slightly and said:

"When I have time, I will introduce you to them."

"Well, there is no rush for this matter, we have to find a suitable opportunity." Jiang Ping'an nodded.

Lou Xiao'e covered her mouth with a smile, nodded and said, "I'm not stupid, and I definitely wouldn't act recklessly."

"By the way, did you tell Uncle Lou and the others about the food I bought for you earlier?"

Lou Xiaoe nodded and said, "Don't worry, I said I found a way."

"I said in the yard that I got it from my mother's house, so let them stop talking about it."

"That's good. This matter is very important. Don't make any mistakes." Jiang Ping'an warned.

After a while, Tan Yali came back.

"It's strange to say that the food looks like good food, but it tastes a little bit less."

Tan Yali said: "Xiao'e is pregnant with a child and has a bad appetite, so that's all."

"Even if I'm a normal person, I don't feel comfortable eating."

Jiang Ping'an asked, "What about the grain delivered from the grain station? Is there any problem?"

He suspected that these people were playing tricks.

If you are used to the food produced in space, if you eat ordinary food, you will not be able to eat it immediately.

"Hehe, since Xiao'e became pregnant, our family has been eating food from her mother's family."

Tan Yali said with a dry smile: "We haven't tasted the food we have spent in the past few months!"

Jiang Ping'an frowned, and suggested: "Get some of the grain you have and cook it!"

"Hey, I'm going to help Da Mao right now." Tan Yali responded, turned around and went to work.

Jiang Pingan sighed to Lou Xiao'e: "Even if I supply your side in the future, I will reduce the quantity."

"It makes me feel uncomfortable to let them eat such good food."

"From now on, it will only serve you alone, don't let them eat it."

The food produced in the space, if divided by grade, definitely surpasses the special-grade food on the market.

What's more, the quality of space grain is stable, tastes good and is nutritious.

Xu Damao only spent 100 yuan a month to buy so many trips, and he didn't give tickets yet, so he made a lot of money.

Lou Xiaoe smiled gently: "You make up your own mind, I won't blame you."

Time passed slowly.

After the meal was finished, Xu Damao and Tan Yali brought porridge, steamed buns, and steamed buns to the table.

Jiang Ping'an tasted everything, but it was really hard to swallow, and now he has a tricky mouth.

Xu Damao also tasted it, and it was very unpalatable.

Glancing at Jiang Ping'an, he put down the steamed bun in his hand, knowing it well.

This food is not a special food, and the taste must be much worse.

"It should be that the food supply has been tight recently, so the quality level has been lowered." Jiang Pingan said nonsense.

Xu Damao echoed, "Yes, that's the only reason."

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