Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 219 Silly Zhu is a bachelor

"No! No money!"

Jia Zhang heard from Yi Zhonghai that he wanted to help Jia Dongxu find a way out and try not to implement the punishment.

But this is empty talk, and others will definitely not help.

So Yi Zhonghai asked Jia Zhang to use one hundred and fifty yuan to operate.

When Jia Zhang heard that she wanted her money again, she felt tense and said nothing.

"Okay, since the old sister-in-law is reluctant to part with the money, then wait for Dongxu to be punished!"

Yi Zhonghai sighed, got up and was about to go outside.

He can only help here, he can't be too busy and have to post money himself, right?

Qin Huairu who was beside him asked, "Master, did Shazhu agree to give you the money?"

"Well, he has already agreed!" Yi Zhonghai stopped and nodded.

Qin Huairu hurriedly said: "Master, wait a minute, I'll discuss it with my mother-in-law."

"What are you discussing with me? I don't have any money anyway." Jia Zhang said with a bad face.

Qin Huairu sighed, stepped forward to persuade and said:

"Mom, if Dong Xu is punished, he won't be able to hold his head up in the courtyard from now on."

"Also, once you're downgraded, don't even think about upgrading if you don't remove the punishment."

"The most regrettable thing is that last year we spent a lot of money to upgrade Dongxu, wouldn't it be in vain?"

The more Jia Zhang listened, the more uncomfortable he became, staring at Qin Huairu and cursing:

"It's you! It's you, the mourner, who caused the trouble!"

"Since you came to my house, our family has not had a good life..."

Qin Huairu's face changed, and she wept instantly, and said pitifully:

"Mom, what does Dongxu's fight with Shazhu have to do with me?"

"Why is it okay?" Jia Zhang yelled loudly.

"Didn't Dongxu beat Sha Zhu just because he heard that he wanted to take advantage of you?"

"Don't pretend to be so pitiful for you. All the faults are caused by you!"

Yi Zhonghai said in a deep voice, "Mr. Jia Zhang, do you still want my help?"

"If you need my help, I'll leave right away, you guys have enough of arguing!"

"Let me tell you, this matter is very urgent, and the characterization must be changed before the security department reports it to the factory department."

"If it is reported, I will not be able to get Jia Dongxu's punishment!"

Qin Huairu wiped away her tears, turned around and said bitterly:

"Grandpa, you also know the conditions of my family, can you help put the money first?"

Jia Zhang's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, sir, you can help me with the money."

"Hehe, what are you thinking of?" Yi Zhonghai sneered.

"I was so busy with Dongxu's business that I didn't even drink a sip of tea, and you still want me to pay for it?"

If you push forward a few years, he really borrowed the money.

But now he is completely disappointed with Jia Dongxu and has no patience.

Helping him operate now is also because he is concerned about his status as the big man in the yard.

After all, if he doesn't help at all, the Jia family will definitely blame him.

Neighbors will also feel that he is irresponsible and unreliable at critical moments.

So, in order to maintain his hard-earned reputation, he had to help.

As for whether it will be successful or not, he has no control over that much.

"Forget it, you don't have the heart to help Jia Dongxu, so punish him!"

"Since your own family doesn't help, why should I worry about it?"

With that said, he stepped out without any hesitation.

Jiazhang's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried forward and said, "No! I'll pay for it!"

She made a fuss, but she also knew the seriousness of the matter.

If the punishment really falls, all the face will be lost.

Maybe when Jia Dongxu came back, he would be angry knowing that he didn't help.

At that time, I turned my face and reduced the monthly pension money for myself.

The most important thing is that everyone in the family needs to eat and drink.

The salary is reduced, life is hard, and the money lent to his son before, don't even think about getting it back.

In short, Jia Zhang's heart is dead at this moment, no matter whether the money can't be paid out, he is in a dilemma.

In the end, she still planned to take the money out, but Jia Dongxu must write an IOU.


Purchasing Section 3, Section Chief's Office.

"Three hundred yuan, you count." Yi Zhonghai said as he handed over the money to Jiang Ping'an.

Jiang Pingan took the money, counted it twice, nodded and said:

"Okay, I've taken this matter to heart, and I'm sure they won't be punished."

"However, after all, the two had a fight, which was of a serious nature. Criticism of education and cleaning of toilets were inevitable."

Yi Zhonghai breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's good, cleaning the toilet is better than punishing others."

Jiang Pingan put away the money and said curiously:

"This Jiazhang family is willing to give up the money, but you lent Shazhu's money to him?"

Yi Zhonghai nodded and sighed, "I can't help it, he's locked in the security department, so I can't give him a cushion?"

As soon as He Yuzhu came out with the money, he would definitely get it back.

Although both his family are working now, the expenses are also high.

Therefore, his hands are gradually tightening now, and they are no longer as generous as before.

For example, in the past, the deaf old lady mostly ate food from his family, but her own food was saved by selling tickets.

He was well aware of this before, and the money wasn't much anyway.

Open one eye, close one eye, pretend not to know.

It's different now, the deaf old lady can only eat her own food.

It is not so easy to eat his food again.

Jiang Pingan nodded and smiled without asking further questions.

So in front of Yi Zhonghai, he picked up the phone and called the security department.

"Chief Ma, yes, I am Jiang Ping'an, um, there is something I want to inquire about..."

Ten minutes later, he hung up the phone and said to Yi Zhonghai:

"You also heard just now that Chief Ma said that this matter is difficult to handle."

"It's hard to handle, so we can only find someone who can talk."

"But don't worry, I'll take care of things before I get off work."

Yi Zhonghai heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I've always been at ease when you handle things."

"It's okay, I won't bother you, I'll go back to work first."

After Yi Zhonghai left, Jiang Ping'an smiled, sat down and smoked a cigarette, and then got up and went to the security department.

Security department, in the confinement room.

He Yuzhu and Jia Dongxu stared at each other with big eyes and disliked each other.

"Jia Dongxu, just wait and don't fall into my hands." He Yuzhu said viciously.

His face and neck were scalded by the tea.

Although there was no peeling or blistering, the burning pain was real, making him restless.

In addition, he was hit by Jia Dongxu's rolling pin dozens of times.

There are black spots and purple spots on many places on my body, and my whole body seems to be falling apart.

He hasn't suffered such a big loss for a long time.

Jia Dongxu cut his voice and said, "I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

"Silly, I'm warning you, if you dare to make Qin Huairu's idea, I will fight you hard!"

He Yuzhu frowned and said, "Are you pretending to be shit? You just believe what Xu Damao says!"

"Hmph, I will definitely settle with Xu Damao!" Jia Dongxu snorted coldly.

"But you kid dare to say that you have no bad intentions to talk to Qin Huairu?"

"Okay, stop talking, you are a bachelor, how could you have no bad intentions!"

He Yuzhu: "..."

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