Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 221 He Yushui is worried


"Silly Zhu, Jia Dongxu, are you going to work today?"

In front of the factory toilet, Xu Damao looked at the two and gloated.

After most of the day, He Yuzhu's face started to blister because he didn't get medical treatment in time.

It hurts like a needle prick when you touch it lightly.

Although Jia Dongxu did all of this, it is also inseparable from Xu Damao.

"I'll beat you to death, you son of a bitch..."

He Yuzhu threw down the broom and chased after Xu Damao to beat him, hating him for itching his teeth.

Xu Damao ran away, shouting as he ran:

"Silly Zhu, if you dare to hit me, you won't just be cleaning the toilet for a month!"

He Yuzhu chased wildly, gritted his teeth and said:

"Even if I don't want to work hard, I will give you a good meal!"

Jia Dongxu who was behind also followed and said loudly:

"Count me in, nothing can make Xu Damao's grandson feel better today!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Xu Damao didn't dare to talk too much, and ran with all his strength.

He ran all the way to the parking lot, pedaled his bicycle in a hurry, and fled in embarrassment.

"Hmph, the monk can run faster than the temple, so I'll deal with you when I get back to the courtyard!"

He Yuzhu was out of breath, watching Xu Damao leave the factory in a smog, his eyes were tearing apart, and he hated Xu Damao so much.

Jia Dongxu from the back ran up, sweating profusely, panting and asked:

"Silly Zhu, do you really want to deal with Xu Damao?"

"That's right, I suffered such a big loss today, I can't sleep if I don't deal with him." He Yuzhu snorted.

Jiang Pingan, who was picking up his bicycle nearby, heard the conversation between the two and said:

"You two should do your duty. Haven't you suffered enough today?"

"Especially you, Jia Dongxu, before you make trouble, you should weigh your own pocket first."

"You are also big-hearted. Your mother is definitely going to be furious right now, and maybe she will ask your father to educate you!"

Jia Dongxu's complexion changed, and he quickly said to He Yuzhu:

"Silly Zhu, I won't get involved in this matter, I hope you can consider my difficulties."

"You don't need to interfere with Xu Damao." He Yuzhu waved his hand.

Jiang Pingan said angrily: "Silly Zhu, you'd better go back earlier and return the money to the uncle!"

"You don't need to talk too much, even if I don't pay it back temporarily, the uncle will not say anything." He Yuzhu replied.

"Maybe you borrowed so much money from him and don't pay it back, so why don't you let me borrow some money?"

Jiang Pingan looked at him, expressionless and said:

"Okay, I'm talking too much, next time you guys have something wrong, don't try to ask me for help!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for He Yuzhu to reply, he pedaled away.

"Eh? What does he mean?" He Yuzhu frowned.

"We were able to get out of the security department today, isn't it thanks to the uncle?"

Jia Dongxu pondered: "Could it be that my master invited Jiang Ping'an to come forward?"

"I heard from the master that he was almost punished when he was about to be promoted to the eighth rank."

"He was so anxious that he found many ways to no avail. In the end, he invited Jiang Ping'an to settle the matter."

He Yuzhu nodded slowly, and pondered: "If that's the case, then I just said something wrong."

As he spoke, he sighed and said, "To be honest, I really envy Jiang Ping'an's connections."

"Let's not talk about the outside world, let's talk about our factory. He seems to be able to speak in every department."

Jia Dongxu answered, "He still has a good relationship with the factory leaders. This is a real skill, and ordinary people can't learn it."

He Yuzhu nodded and said, "Let's go, go back to the courtyard first, I have to ask the uncle."

"If Jiang Ping'an really helped out today, I have to buy something to thank him."

"Is this necessary? We paid for it!" Jia Dongxu frowned.

He Yuzhu gave him a blank look, and said, "You are stupid, this matter is over today, what if something happens in the future?"

"So if you don't offend him, don't offend him. You may ask him again at some point."

He remembered that there were still a few tickets, and he needed Jiang Ping'an's help to get them.

Although Jiang Ping'an took the money, if he didn't care about it, he could return the money.

Jia Dongxu squeezed his pocket, hesitantly said: "Let's ask the uncle first!"

"I want to ask, let's go, get off work!" He Yuzhu nodded.

The two went home together, and they didn't look like they were fighting to death in the morning.

Of course, this was mainly the result of He Yuzhu's intention to forgive Jia Dongxu.

He Yuzhu was thinking about Qin Huairu, and wanted to say a few more words to her.

So I don't want to make the relationship with Jia Dongxu really deadlocked.


When Jiang Ping returned home, he saw He Yuzhu and Yan Jiedi helping with cleaning.

"Brother Ping An!"

"Brother Ping An!"

The two came forward to say hello with smiles on their faces.

Yan Jiedi leaned forward and said happily, "Brother Pingan, look, there are no more lice on my head."

"Thank you Brother Pingan for the medicine powder, otherwise it wouldn't be so fast."

Jiang Ping'an parked his bicycle, smiled and said:

"In the future, we must pay attention to hygiene, not only personal hygiene, but also hygiene at home."

"Understood, brother Pingan." Yan Jiedi smiled slightly and nodded in response.

He Yushui at the side poured some hot water and said with a smile:

"Brother Ping An, there is a lot of wind and sand on the road, wash your face first."

Jiang Pingan nodded, walked to the towel rack, washed his hands and face.

"Today your brother got into a fight with Jia Dongxu and entered the security department..."

He roughly told He Yushui about the matter, and then said:

"With Jia Zhang's temperament, I guess there will be trouble, and maybe your brother will be involved."

He Yushui opened his mouth, turned his head and said to Yan Jiedi:

"Xie Di, I have something to discuss with Brother Pingan, you should go back first!"

Yan Jiedi responded and skipped away.

"Let me just say, the idiot brother just has a perverted idea about Qin Huairu." He Yushui sighed.

Jiang Pingan nodded, and after washing his face, he walked to the bedroom and sat down on the kang.

"Although Xu Damao's reason for sowing dissension is in today's incident, your brother is indeed wrong."

"He knows that Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu are watching Qin Huairu closely, but he still wants to move forward."

He Yushui sat on the edge of the Kang, nodded and said:

"That's right, as long as my brother sees Qin Huairu, his shrewd energy will be gone."

"It's similar to when my dad met the White Widow."

"If this continues, my brother's life will be over."

"In comparison, my dad's situation is better, at least he is with the White Widow."

"And what about my brother? Qin Huairu is not a widow, he has no hope at all."

"The age group for finding a partner is just a few years."

"If you delay, you will get older, and it will be difficult to find a wife in the future."

Jiang Pingan nodded, and said in relief: "Don't worry too much, silly Zhu has a wicked heart but no courage."

"If it takes a long time and he can't eat meat, he may also give up."

"Isn't he still trying to find ways to make three turns and one sound? This shows that he still wants to find someone."

With that said, he waved to He Yushui again.

He Yushui was stunned for a moment, his face flushed, and he said with a slight smile:

"Don't make trouble, it's broad daylight, and the people in the yard just got off work..."

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