Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 230: Thinking About It Is Once It Comes Out


Liu Haizhong and Liu Guangqi father and son came out of the middle courtyard.

Seeing that Jiang Ping'an and Yi Zhonghai were also there, they walked straight over.

"I'm back in peace, I have something to tell you." Liu Haizhong stepped forward and said with a shy stomach.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said with a smile, "What's the matter, second uncle, tell me."

"It's not a big deal." Liu Haizhong murmured.

"Isn't there people reporting that the oil and water are usually poor, so they want to raise some poultry."

"Such as chickens, ducks, rabbits and so on, it doesn't matter what you raise, as long as you can have occasional teeth-beating sacrifices."

"But everyone has no way to get poultry breeds, so I want to ask your opinion after you come back."

Jiang Pingan frowned, looked at Yi Zhonghai, and saw him nodding and saying:

"A lot of people are indeed reporting this matter."

"If you can get poultry breeds and raise a few chickens or rabbits, you can improve your life occasionally."

Jiang Pingan nodded slowly, thought for a while, and asked:

"Every household raises poultry, how to feed them? Can the sanitation be improved?"

"Don't work hard and spend a lot of money to buy chickens and ducks, but there is nothing to feed."

"It still stinks the yard, so it's time to make trouble."

Liu Haizhong said: "Aren't there many unemployed old women in the courtyard?"

"These people usually have nothing to do. They can go to the countryside to mow grass and come back to feed poultry."

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Second uncle, this is not a day or two."

"It goes without saying that the weather is so hot now, what if it rains or snows?"

"I think you can't think of anything as a one-off, you have to plan it in advance."

"Let's talk about it first, I can help with this matter, but I want you guys to hug your heads."

"It's nothing to do with me if the masses have opinions, whether it's good or bad. I don't want everyone to complain about me in the future."

Yan Bugui, who was standing at the opposite door, listened a few times, stepped forward and said:

"Ping'an is right. Raising chickens and ducks is a big investment."

"If you raise it well, everyone will appreciate it, which is okay."

"If you don't raise it well, if you don't keep it well, some people will complain that our uncles didn't take precautions in advance."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "There is one more thing. It's fine to eat the raised food, but you can't just take it out and sell it."

"At this age, it is not difficult to sell a chicken with a market price of three to five yuan at the pigeon market for seven or eight yuan."

"The chickens I got back must be at the market price, but I'm afraid that someone will have a wrong idea."

"What crooked thoughts?" Liu Haizhong asked doubtfully.

Yan Bugui smiled and said, "Ping An has already been explained."

"He gave us chickens and ducks at the market price, afraid that someone would turn around and sell them at the pigeon market to make a profit."

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "That's what it means, so the poultry and eggs are raised."

"In the future, either eat it at home or sell it to a rolling mill. Takeaway is not allowed. This is the principle."

"It just so happens that the three of you are all here, and you don't want to ruin the progress because of this?"

Yi Zhonghai nodded and said, "Ping'an is right, this matter should be carefully considered."

"I propose to hold a meeting of the whole house to explain the pros and cons of the matter to everyone."

"If someone still wants to raise poultry, yes, but only if they sign a bond."

Jiang Pingan said: "If this matter is settled, it's best to report it to the street."

"If the street doesn't let us raise them, then don't raise them either."

"Although we are self-reliant, the nature of reporting and not reporting is completely different."

Yan Bugui smiled and said, "Ping'an is right, this matter is quite sensitive."

"Old Yi, isn't your wife in the street? Let her ask about the policy first."

"Okay, this matter can't be rushed, you have to think it over." Yi Zhonghai nodded.

Liu Haizhong smiled and said: "Since that's the case, please Lao Yi to take care of this matter first."

"When there is a result, we three uncles plus Ping An, let's meet to discuss it!"

"You guys talk first, Guangqi and I have something to do, let's go first."

Jiang Pingan saw that the two were dressed neatly, and said with a smile:

"Second uncle, are you going on a blind date?"

"Hehe, I just sneaked a look at the girl first." Liu Haizhong laughed.

"Wait for Guangqi to fall in love with him, and then find a matchmaker to propose marriage."

Yan Bugui asked curiously, "Where is the girl from?"

Liu Haizhong shook his head and said, "I won't talk about the things that haven't been written yet."

"I think that girl is nice, but I'm afraid that Guangqi will not like her."

After saying a few words, the father and son took their leave and left.

Yan Bugui pondered and said: "Speaking of blind dates, my family, Xie Cheng, is also old."

He glanced at Jiang Ping'an and asked with a smile:

"Ping An, the eldest daughter of the Yu family comes to our yard every now and then, is she still having dinner at your house today?"

"Do you want to date someone?"

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Nothing, just an ordinary friend."

"Then can you help to test it out?" Yan Bugui hesitated.

"She has come to our courtyard many times and knows Xie Cheng. You ask her what is her impression of Xie Cheng?"

Jiang Pingan waved his hand and said, "Third Master, I will not get involved in such matters."

"It's easy to say, but if it doesn't work, your family will definitely blame me. I'm too lazy to worry about it."

"Also, don't blame me for not reminding, Yan Jiecheng wants to work but has no job, and he has no education, so he just hangs out on the street all day."

"My girl is a warehouse keeper in a rolling mill. She has a formal job and the conditions are good!"

"You don't need to talk about your family's conditions, right? Why should Miss Ren marry Yan Jiecheng?"

"This..." Yan Bugui was speechless, and his face was a little ugly.

Yi Zhonghai next to him said, "Old Yan, although Ping'an's words are harsh, they are to the point."

"If you are interested in this matter, you can find someone to propose marriage by yourself, and don't bother Ping An with anything."

Yan Bugui glanced at the two of them, snorted, nodded and said, "All right, pretend I didn't say anything."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

Yi Zhonghai smiled, turned his head and said to Jiang Pingan:

"Old Yan has such a temperament, always wanting to get things done at the least cost."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't be as knowledgeable as him."


Bicycles are speeding on the road in the suburbs.

The sun in the sky was extremely hot, making people upset.

In early summer, although it is dry, the fields are still green.

It's just that the crops are not growing well, and if they are lazy, they will die, and the harvest will definitely not be good.

"After going to the factory tomorrow, I will go to the countryside to spend a few days with Jingru, and I miss her a little."

The last time Jiang Pingan came back from a business trip, he went back to the countryside to spend a day with Qin Jingru.

This girl is quite self-motivated now.

Even without Jiang Pingan watching, he went to Hongxing Commune Middle School to attend.

Especially when she knew that Jiang Ping'an had already arranged the indicators for the transition from rural areas to non-agricultural areas, she became even more concerned.

Qin Jingru wanted to go to the city.

As long as she can enter the city, she can suffer any hardship.

Even if it is a math problem that gives her a headache, she is racking her brains to study.

In order to get the junior high school diploma smoothly.

In this regard, Jiang Ping'an naturally strongly encouraged her...

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