Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 232 Changes in Liang Ladi's House

"Aren't you shy now?"

After three times, Jiang Pingan looked at Yu Li and said with a smirk.

Yu Li snorted and said, "Who is as thick-skinned as you?"

The three of them were laughing and playing. It was not early, so they all got up and tidied up.

Jiang Pingan said: "The outskirts are still a bit far away, which is very inconvenient."

"I bought a small courtyard not long ago, which is very close to the Iron and Steel Academy."

"Whenever I'm free, I'll take you there to have a look. You can also come and live."

Anyway, there needs to be people living there and cleaning.

The most important thing is that it has good privacy. It is convenient for the two sisters Yu Li to live in as tenants.

Yu Li nodded and said, "That's right, I've wanted to move out of my house for a long time."

"Don't you live in the staff dormitory in the factory?" Jiang Ping'an asked doubtfully.

Yu Li said depressedly: "Eight people live in one room, you don't know how poor the hygiene is."

"I used to like cleaning, but they didn't take care of it every time after cleaning."

"So I only stayed for a few days, even if it was a long way to go home, I would go home and live directly."

Yu Haitang answered, "Don't look at how neatly women tidy up outside."

"Many women are actually less hygienic than you men in private."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, after I arrange the yard, you can move in there."

"Eh? I can live there too?" Yu Haitang asked in surprise.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "You can go if you want. If you don't want to go, I can save the room."

"I'm going to go. The Iron and Steel Academy is far from our school. I can go to school." Yu Haitang said hastily.

"Of course, I want my sister to come with me, I don't know how to cook."

Yu Li smiled, stepped forward and put her arms around Jiang Ping'an's waist and said:

"Usually, I always want to stay with you for a while."

"When I'm with you, time flies by."

Yu Haitang smiled and said: "Ping An, you see my sister is emotional."

Yu Li blushed, gave her a blank look, and said angrily:

"Yeah, I'm in love with him, so what?"

Jiang Pingan rubbed Yu Li's small face, and said softly:

"Let's say it first, let's be emotional, don't get too deep."

"Otherwise, when I get married, you will be sad again."

Yu Li's eyes were red, she cut her voice, and said firmly:

"I won't be sad, isn't there an exchange between us?"

Having said that, she hugged him even tighter.

"Don't be reluctant, if you don't go back, it's getting dark." Yu Haitang reminded.

Yu Li nodded, wiped the corners of her eyes, and retreated from Jiang Ping'an's arms reluctantly.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Relax, the days are still long!"

"How will our development be in the future, who can say for sure?"

Yu Haitang nodded and said, "Yes, my parents used to be anxious to marry my sister off every day."

"Now that my sister has a job and a salary, they want her to marry later."

"Especially in recent years, life has been difficult."

"Even if my sister wants to get married, my parents probably won't readily agree."

Yu Li sighed and said, "I don't blame my parents for patriarchal preference."

"In the future, if I marry you, my salary will be transferred away."

"They worked so hard to bring us up, but in the end they made someone else's family..."

Jiang Pingan waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk about this, let's go, go back to the city first!"


It was getting dark.

Dots of light shine out from every house.

Downstairs of a newly built tube building.

Jiang Ping'an parked the car and walked upstairs with a carp in his hand.

It only took half a month for Liang Ladi's work to be completed.

When she arrived at the garment factory, Liang Ladi was still at ease with her many years of craftsmanship.

This woman is diligent, knows how to study everything, and can get away with it wherever she goes.

Because she became a full-time employee in the machine repair factory, and at worst she was a regular employee in the garment factory.

After coming here, I also participated in a skill assessment.

It was a pleasant surprise that Liang Ladi became a third-level worker in one go.

Fortunately, there is a large shortage of truly capable workers these days.

In a few more years, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

If you want to upgrade, you must have enough working years.

This rigid rule has blocked the progress of many people.

Just like the cooks like Sha Zhu, the length of service is extremely strict.

No matter how good his skills are, he rarely makes exceptions.

Don't look at He Yuzhu's salary is quite high, it's because he is full and the whole family is not hungry.

If he really married a wife and had five or six children to raise, he would definitely have a headache.

third floor.

When Jiang Ping'an came to Liang Ladi's house, the children all cheered and were extremely happy.

This house is a bit small, more than 30 square meters, very crowded, and can only cook in the corridor.

The only convenient thing here is that Da Mao doesn't need to take a car to study.

It's closer to the school, and it won't take long to walk.

Liang Ladi has the temperament of a good wife and mother.

As soon as Jiang Ping'an arrived, she greeted him warmly with water and tea.

"The food in our place is good, and the food is full of oil and water."

Sitting next to Jiang Ping'an, Liang Ladi said with a smile.

"So I will drink more at noon and bring them back to eat at night."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "After all, it is a factory that makes clothes for leaders, so it must be different."

"As far as our rolling mill is concerned, although we can still eat enough now, the food is oily and watery."

"But it's also the supplies that I worked hard to get, otherwise life would be sad."

Liang Ladi said happily: "To be honest, I came to the garment factory at the right time."

"You say I'm talented as a welder, but I'm even more gifted as a tailor."

"Recently, I hired a seventh-level worker as a master, and I am confident that I will be promoted to fifth level within two or three years."

"The most important thing is that the work here is easy, and you don't need to carry your hands on your shoulders."

Jiang Ping'an wished: "Then you should work hard and strive to be promoted earlier, and the salary can be higher."

"Don't worry, I want to earn money to raise a few children, I am more concerned about this matter than anyone else." Liang Ladi laughed.

Now that her salary is high and her job is good, basically there is no pressure to raise a child.

Unlike last year when she just went to the machine repair factory, the monthly salary of an apprentice is not enough for daily expenses.

This is why Liang Ladiba is so grateful to Jiang Ping'an. This man is really reliable.

"Haven't you eaten yet? I just ate this carp. You play with the children for a while, and I'll cook first."

Liang Ladi said something, got up and said hello to the children, and then went to the corridor to cook with the fish.

Jiang Pingan waved to the three Da Mao brothers, took out a handful of fruit candies from his pocket, and said with a smile:

"Come on, share a few pieces for each person, and remember to hide the ones you can't finish, so that the ants don't miss it."

The three of them thanked in unison, happily playing around Jiang Ping'an.

"Godfather, do you want to wash your feet? Mom made you a pair of cloth shoes." Da Mao asked with his face up.

Jiang Ping'an thought for a while, nodded and smiled, "Okay, I'll wash my feet and try on the size of the shoes."

Liang Ladi is his wife, and this place is equivalent to his home, so he doesn't want to be polite.

Da Mao smiled happily and said happily, "I'll go wash godfather's feet!"

"I'll go too, I'll go too!" Ermao said scramblingly.

Sanmao Yiyan ran to hug the foot basin, smiled and said:

"I'll get the basin first, and I'll pour water for godfather, so you don't have to fight."

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