Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 267 Aunt Miao is the matchmaker, Widow Chen pretends to be tender

"Brother Ping An, there is something delicious!"

In the study, Jiang Ping'an was reading a book quietly.

He Yushui came in, holding the roast duck in front of Jiang Ping'an as if offering a treasure, and said with a smile.

"This is..." Jiang Ping'an wondered.

He only smelled a scent, and he knew it was Quanjude hanging oven roast duck, which was very expensive, fifteen yuan a piece.

Of course, there are also cheap ones in other places. You can buy a Beijing roast duck for eight or nine yuan.

"The idiot bought it. I thought he gave it to Qin Huairu, so I snatched it." He Yushui replied.

Jiang Pingan nodded, raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you afraid that your brother will lose his temper with you?"

"I'm not afraid of him. I gave it to Qin Huairu, but never treated me to a good meal. I haven't said anything wrong with him yet!" He Yushui pouted, still feeling a little sore in his heart.

After all, they are brothers and sisters, but she still hopes that her brother can care about her once in a while.

But the reality is that He Yuzhu often said that she would marry in the future, and the married daughter was the water that was thrown out.

In a word, no matter how good he is to He Yushui, it will belong to someone else in the future, so don't bother about it.

He would only think of his sister unless someone suggested something, or when He Yushui was asked for something.

Jiang Pingan pondered: "Don't worry about your brother from now on, he can do whatever he likes."

"If you want to eat roast duck, or something else, just tell me, and I'll buy it for you."

Now in his space, there are still a lot of freshly baked roast ducks, so he is not afraid of He Yushui to eat them.

"Farewell, I'm not that gluttonous, I just can't get mad at brother silly's behavior." He Yushui said hastily.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Don't worry, a little food is nothing."

"Hee hee, I knew you loved me." He Yushui said with a smile.

"Okay, don't disturb your reading, I'll take the roast duck to the kitchen first."

After He Yushui left, Jiang Ping'an thought to himself:

"Silly Zhu, silly Zhu, I couldn't bear to deal with you at first, but now I think you deserve it."


the other side.

After Aunt Miao found Widow Chen, she explained her intentions.

After hearing this, Widow Chen was very interested and satisfied with He Yuzhu's conditions.

The head of the back kitchen of the rolling mill, a young guy, earns thirty-seven and five yuan a month...

The house in the family is big, there are no old ones, no young ones below, only one younger sister, no other burdens.

She is a widow who wants to marry someone with such conditions, and it is difficult to find someone with a lantern.

"Okay, I agree to this matter, and I will completely follow your arrangement."

Widow Chen opened up with a happy smile, feeling extremely excited, looking forward to the success of this matter.

Aunt Miao glanced at her a few times, secretly thinking that Jiang Ping'an had a good eye, and told her:

"You look like a flower and a jade, and your figure is plump and plump. You can give birth at first glance."

"And you still have an urban hukou, have a formal job, and look young."

"With such a condition, I believe that Silly Zhu will be hooked. The only thing is that you must hide that you have a child."

"Wait until the raw rice is cooked, it's best to get the certificate, and then you can confess to him."

Widow Chen nodded like a chick pecking rice, and replied:

"Don't worry, you told me everything, I naturally know it."

"After the matter is completed, the five yuan red envelope will not lose you a penny."

The red envelope money was mentioned by Aunt Miao just now, and it is much higher than normal.

After all, this is what Widow Chen got cheaply, and Aunt Miao didn't care at all when it was time to make money.

The two discussed the details thoroughly before going out together.

This kind of thing needs to be done while the iron is hot and done in one go.

Procrastination, too many variables.

Aunt Miao brought Widow Chen outside the courtyard, just in time to meet He Yuzhu who had returned from buying roast duck.

"Hey, Aunt Miao, are you in the yard again today?"

He Yuzhu took the initiative to come forward to say hello, but stared blankly at the side, beautiful and moon-like, with a shy expression, pretending to be a young girl, the pretty widow Chen.

Seeing his expression, Aunt Miao chuckled secretly, pulled him aside, and said softly:

"Looking back, don't look at me, I'm here to find you today, what do you think of this girl?"

"Is this introduced to me?" He Yuzhu asked happily with a happy face.

Aunt Miao nodded and said, "I'll introduce it to you first, and if you don't like it, I'll introduce it to others."

"Don't, this girl is beautiful and has a good figure, she will definitely give birth!" He Yuzhu said quickly.

"Come on, don't stand here, I just bought half a roast duck, how about going to my house to eat and chat?"

Aunt Miao nodded and said as she walked, "This girl is called Chen Xueying, and she is a few years older than you."

"It's better to be older, female junior, hold a gold brick." He Yuzhu looked back from time to time and replied.

Aunt Miao smiled, and continued: "She has an urban household registration, and also has a formal job, working in a textile factory."

"This is good, the urban hukou is good, and it is better to have a job." This condition is all in He Yuzhu's heart.

Of course, the most important thing is that this girl is beautiful, no worse than Qin Huairu, everything else is secondary.

Aunt Miao patted his arm lightly, and said angrily:

"Don't stare at the girl, don't you see that she is shy?"

"The good thing is not to rush, I will find a chance to come out later, and you can talk about it yourself."

He Yuzhu looked at Widow Chen's winking eyes, oval face, and small cherry, and swallowed secretly.

This girl is so outstanding, He Yuzhu's mind has been completely attracted by her.

When he came to the room, He Yuzhu warmly greeted the two of them.

Immediately put the roast duck into slices and put it on a plate, and put a plate of fried peanuts on it.

Then the three ate and chatted.

"You're welcome, please don't be polite, I'm the chef of the cafeteria, and I don't lack for food." He Yuzhu said in embarrassment.

Aunt Miao picked up the fast food and ate it, saying as she ate, "You guys get to know each other."

"Hehe, hello Chen Xueying, my name is He Yuzhu, you can also call me Silly Zhu."

He Yuzhu got up and said with a smile, and stretched out his hand as he thought he was a gentleman.

Widow Chen was extremely cautious. She got up in a panic, her face flushed, and she said shyly:

"My name is Chen Xueying, hello He Yuzhu, nice to meet you!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his little hand and shook it with He Yuzhu.

The little hand was soft and boneless, He Yuzhu's heart swayed, and he used a little force.

Widow Chen lowered her head slightly, and took a sneak peek at him, but He Yuzhu looked at him squarely, she couldn't help but blushed, and lowered her head even lower.

He Yuzhu chuckled, his heart bursting with joy.

Seeing that not only was Widow Chen not angry, but she was smiling so sweetly at him, she felt relieved.

Indescribable excitement and excitement.

"Sit down and eat roast duck. It's bought from Quanjude, half a duck costs eight yuan." He Yuzhu said politely.

Next, Aunt Miao is responsible for introducing the general situation of the two.

After the plate of duck was finished, Aunt Miao found an excuse and went out.

Before leaving, he even gave He Yuzhu a look.

He Yuzhu nodded slightly, indicating that he would work hard.

"Silly Zhu, your name is so strange." Widow Chen covered her mouth and smiled softly.

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