Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 270 Jiang Ping'an made a move, Xu Damao gloated

Originally, Yi Zhonghai didn't feel anything.

But when Jiang Ping'an reminded him, Yi Zhonghai immediately became worried.

The members of the He family are famous for hooking up with widows.

Although Jiang Ping'an was joking, what if it was true?

Yi Zhonghai is not afraid of He Yuzhu marrying a widow, but he is afraid that he will run away with the widow just like He Daqing.

If such a thing really happens, where can I find such a suitable person for my retirement?

"No, as Sha Zhu's elder, I must check on his marriage!"

Yi Zhonghai said in a high-sounding manner, then greeted Jiang Ping'an, and went to ask for leave.

An extra day at work, or a day less, has little effect on him.

But if something goes wrong with He Yuzhu, then all his hard work over the years will be in vain.

Jiang Pingan laughed and was about to go back to the office when Master Zheng came looking for him.

"Ping An, I think Lao Yi is targeting me."

Master Zheng handed Jiang Pingan a cigarette and said depressedly.

"So I would like to ask you to do me a favor and say something nice in front of Lao Yi for me."

"You also know that the eight members of my family all point to me to earn money to support the family."

"Both the eldest and the second have gone to high school, and the third has also gone to junior high school. It's time to spend money."

"So I worked hard all these years, learned the technology, and wanted to upgrade earlier."

"But I don't have enough years of service, and I can only have opportunities in the finishing workshop."

"But Lao Yi doesn't know what's going on. He's always picking on me recently, and he almost kicked me out today."

"I don't know what offended him, let him drive me to death."

"Huh..." Master Zheng took a deep breath, his nose sore, and continued:

"Ping An, you are a cadre in our courtyard. Although Lao Yi is old, he can still listen to what you say."

"I can only ask you for help, please help me, please..."

Looking at Master Zheng, Jiang Ping'an spoke earnestly, sighed secretly, and said:

"Even if I go to tell him, I can only take care of it for three to five days at most."

Master Zheng has not yet seen the essence of Yi Zhonghai's targeting of him.

If Jiang Ping'an said, Yi Zhonghai would definitely give him a face.

But it is about Yi Zhonghai's prestige in front of the workers, he will definitely pick the weak persimmons.

Master Zheng is an honest man, and he is also a member of the courtyard, so he happened to do it.

The key is that Yi Zhonghai stood on the right ground and accused Master Zheng everywhere, making it hard for people to find fault.

Yi Zhonghai had high demands on the tasks assigned by his superiors, and no one would say anything.

The leader will also praise him for his serious and responsible work.

After Jiang Pingan analyzed the matter with Master Zheng, he took a puff of cigarette and said leisurely:

"If you want to last for a long time, it's not impossible to stay in the finishing workshop."

"What way?" Master Zheng asked anxiously as if grasping at a straw.

Jiang Pingan pondered for a moment, then leaned into his ear and murmured a few words.

After Master Zheng heard the words, he was dumbfounded, broke out in a cold sweat, and said dumbfounded:

"This...isn't it too cruel? This is going to hell!"

"If one is bad, he might end up in jail!"

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "The method is given to you. You can choose whether to use it or not. It won't hurt you anyway."

"Also, this matter has nothing to do with me."

"If something goes wrong, even if you confess me, I will not admit it, and will sue you for framing."

After speaking, Jiang Ping'an turned around and left.

It's true that when sleepiness comes, someone will send a pillow. He originally planned to ask someone else to do this.

Unexpectedly, Master Zheng came to the door by himself, so of course he should make good use of it.

This time, not only did he want to drop to Yi Zhonghai's level, but he also wanted to make him think of his own good!


Street Office, Marriage Registration Section.

He Yuzhu was dizzy with joy when he looked at the marriage certificate that looked like a certificate of merit.

When he came to the street, he walked like stepping on cotton, floating up.

"Idiot, don't be dazed, give me your household registration and deed."

Widow Chen scolded and said with a smile.

"Go back and decorate the wedding room, I'll move in this afternoon!"

He Yuzhu looked at her charming face, his heart fluttered, and he said with a silly smile:

"Daughter-in-law, I'm dreaming right now. I never expected to marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law as you!"

After speaking, he gave the household registration, house deed and corresponding application materials to Widow Chen, and then continued:

"Here's something for you, I'll go back and set it up right away, and I have to invite some old men in the yard to dinner at night."

Widow Chen smiled and said: "Prepare more, today is a big happy event. I don't want to eat well, but I want to be full."

He Yuzhu nodded, and pondered: "We are in a hurry, so we don't have time to prepare."

"It seems that we have to go to Jiang Ping'an, this kid is good at getting supplies."

"Jiang Ping'an? Is that the buyer of your rolling mill?" Widow Chen asked in surprise.

He Yuzhu was stunned for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know him, but I heard the leader of our factory talk about him." Widow Chen shook her head and smiled.

As a widow, she naturally hooked up with some leaders in the factory. She had heard about Jiang Ping'an a long time ago.

"So that's it. He really has a wide network of contacts, and he knows some people from all walks of life." He Yuzhu nodded and smiled.

In this regard, he really admired Jiang Ping'an.

Making such a wide network of contacts is a real skill, which most people can't learn.

Widow Chen nodded silently, thinking that if there is a chance, she should have a relationship with Jiang Ping'an.

After the matter was settled, the two agreed to meet in the afternoon, and they separated to do their own business.

on the highway.

Xu Damao watched He Yuzhu chatting and laughing with a beautiful woman from a distance, and his heart moved.

After getting closer, he gave a light snort, "Hey, isn't this Widow Chen?"

"God! Silly Zhu's marriage partner will not be her? Quack..."

As a veteran of rolling in the powder pile, Xu Damao went to find Widow Chen more than once.

Just last week, I went to her house once.

He remembered how many moles Widow Chen had on her body.

"This is fun! Widow Chen seems to have six children, right?"

Xu Damao was overjoyed, with a smirk on his face, he originally wanted to come here to cause sabotage, but he gave up instantly.

"This woman is really exciting! It's just a bit expensive, grandma's, it costs five yuan at a time!"

It was too expensive. He used to only have ten yuan a month for pocket money.

So even if the widow Chen is very greedy, she can only go there once a month at most, and she has to save a few dollars for food and pockets.

Fortunately, Lou Xiaoe deducted another five yuan from him.

In the future, if she is greedy for the widow Chen, I'm afraid she will use her private money.

"By the way, Widow Chen seems to have undergone ligation, right? Tsk tsk..."

"Silly, silly, you deserve to be extinct, haha..."

He was gloating in his heart, when suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder from behind, startling Xu Damao.

Looking back, it turned out that Yi Zhonghai had come.

"Master? Why are you here?" Xu Damao asked in confusion.

Yi Zhonghai sighed, and said, "Silly Zhu got married, and he didn't tell us about it."

"As an elder in the courtyard, it is still necessary to guard him."

Xu Damao nodded and said seriously, "I know that woman."

"A well-known beauty, her surname seems to be Chen, she has a formal job and a city hukou."

"I think it's a blessing accumulated over eight lifetimes that Silly Zhu can marry such a good wife!"

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