Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 277 Master Zheng is off, Jia Dongxu cheers


After Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu went out, Bang Geng also ran out to play, leaving Xiaodang on the kang at home.

Jiazhang sighed secretly, got down from the kang, poured hot water on his face.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was startled, and looked sideways. It turned out to be the fifth-level fitter in the courtyard, Master Zheng Gang.

"Are you a human or a ghost? Walking without wind noise, I was almost scared to death!" Mrs. Jia Zhang exhaled.

Zheng Gang bowed his head and apologized, "My fault, my fault, I'm sorry!"

He thought about it all afternoon today, thinking about it.

He felt that if he wanted to stay in the boutique processing workshop, he really had to listen to Jiang Ping'an.

Only by pulling Yi Zhonghai down and making him make mistakes can he be kicked out of the boutique processing workshop.

In Jiang Ping'an's words, since he can't solve the difficulties, he must solve the people who make them!

For his own future and for his family, he planned to fight and be a bad guy once.

A dead fellow is not a poor fellow, doesn't Yi Zhonghai like to bully himself, an honest man?

Okay, let Yi Zhonghai taste the anger of an honest man this time.

Now, he has done all the preparatory work, the only thing that needs someone to cooperate.

As for the candidate for cooperation, Jiang Ping'an also told him that in the entire courtyard, Jia Zhang's family is the most suitable.

Because this dead old woman has no distinction between right and wrong, as long as she gives benefits, it is easy to discuss.

"Hmph, next time you come to our house, remember to knock on the door first!" Mrs. Jia Zhang said with a cold snort.

Then he squinted at him and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

The Zheng family is well-known in the courtyard for being honest and honest, and they seldom visit.

Since Zheng Gang came here, he must have something to say.

Zheng Gang hesitated for a moment, looked left and right, and pondered:

"Mr. Jia Zhang, I have an opportunity here for you to earn food, do you want to do it!"

"Really?" Jia Zhang's eyes lit up, and then hesitated:

"Let's say it first, I won't do murder and arson."

Zheng Gang shook his head and said: "How can it be, it's not that you don't know my temperament, and you don't have the guts!"

"Tell me what's going on first, and I'll consider whether to agree or not." Mrs. Jia put down the towel and nodded.

Zheng Gang took out the cloth bag hidden behind his back, put it on the table, and said:

"This is ten catties of white flour, which is regarded as a deposit. After the matter is completed, there are still twenty catties!"

After he made up his mind, he borrowed the white noodles from Jiang Ping'an at the factory.

In addition to helping him out of the accident, Jiang Pingan also provided fire support.

Not just flour, but also several barrels of kerosene...

"Good guy, it looks like something is going to happen!" Jia Zhang's eyes glowed green.

She opened the cloth bag to have a look, and said with satisfaction: "It's fine powder, very interesting."

"Hey, there are still twenty catties, right? With this food, if you ask me to kill and set fire, I will do it."

Of course, she just said that, she didn't have the guts to really let her kill and set fire.

Zheng Gang took a deep breath, leaned closer and whispered:

"I want to punish my uncle, please help me find an opportunity to ask him out, you are like this..."

"Ah...won't this implicate me?" Jia Zhang hesitated after hearing this.

She didn't think it was wrong to tease people, even if it was aimed at Yi Zhonghai.

The first thing she thought about was whether she would be implicated.

Zheng Gang shook his head and said, "It's fine if you don't admit it when the time comes?"

"If he really mentioned you, you can even bite back and say that he framed you!"

Jia Zhang thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right, anyway, there is no evidence."

"Okay, I promise you this, it's just a few words."


"Ugh... vomit..."

Qin Huairu covered her small mouth, ran to the kitchen and retched.

Jiang Ping'an lit a cigarette comfortably, smiled and tightened his belt, and followed.


Qin Huairu supported the laundry table, and vomited out tears.

"Googoo... poof... ouch..."

After fetching water and rinsing his mouth, Qin Huairu turned around and complained:

"You have no conscience, you know how to torture people!"

"Aww... bah bah! I didn't know that I was pregnant with a child, so I was already scared!"

Jiang Pingan took out two toffees, handed them over and said, "Eat one quickly, to suppress the taste."

Qin Huairu took the candy, put one in his mouth, and whispered:

"If you invite me to eat candy, why not invite me to eat a few white flour steamed buns."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Come on, I'm going to treat you today, Shazhu, and I won't fire."

"Also, I rented a house over the university, and I will live there most of the time in the future."

Qin Huairu's heart tightened, and she asked urgently, "Are you moving out?"

"That's not true. I'll come back every now and then to take a look." Jiang Pingan shook his head.

Although the small courtyard is good, it is inconvenient to publicize it with great fanfare.

If there is anything in private, others will only come to the courtyard to look for him.

So he didn't lie to Qin Huairu, really, this is his home.

Qin Huairu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Okay, no matter where you go, don't lose contact with me!"

After regaining her senses, she didn't say anything more, looked at the sky outside, said goodbye and left.

Jiang Pingan took a bottle of Wuliangye from the space and planned to give it to Sha Zhu.

Shazhu said he would not accept the gift, but Jiang Ping'an was embarrassed to go there empty-handed.

Stepping out, passing by the middle courtyard.

I saw Jia Dongxu was talking to Qin Huairu with his head downcast, his expression was not very good-looking.

Needless to say, it certainly didn't work out well.

"What did Jiang Ping'an say?" Jia Dongxu asked softly.

Qin Huairu shook his head, and replied: "The three uncles all declined."

"He is so shrewd, he will definitely not get involved in this matter."

Just as he was talking, he saw Jiang Ping'an entering He Yuzhu's house with wine, and Jia Dongxu's face darkened instantly.

"White-eyed wolf, silly Zhu got married, did he need to give such a good wine?"

Qin Huairu hurriedly said: "Dongxu, don't talk about him, if people listen to it, we will have a hard time."

"Any one of us in the courtyard can offend, but Jiang Ping'an can't. He's not easy to mess with."

Jia Dongxu gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, nodded, not daring to scold anymore.

Suddenly, he was stunned, looked at the silly Zhu family and rubbed his eyes, then became emotional.

"That's the stupid daughter-in-law, looking delicate, but very aggressive."

Qin Huairu whispered, but didn't notice Jia Dongxu's ecstatic expression.

"So I heard correctly earlier, Shazhu really married Widow Chen, haha..."

Unexpectedly, Jia Dongxu's mood suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny, and his expression was very strange.

Fearing that Qin Huairu would find something, he only took a few glances, then quickly withdrew his gaze, turned around and returned home.

Under the eaves, Widow Chen frowned and murmured:

"Jia Dongxu? This miser also lives in the courtyard?"

She is not afraid of being recognized by others. Since she dares to marry, she has already expected this aspect.

It's all right for some young people, the brats dare to talk nonsense.

She dared to hit back, sue the other party for slander, and tarnish her reputation.

As for married men, she was even less worried.

She really doesn't mind opening a few pairs of live mandarin ducks...

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