Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 282 Yi Zhonghai's Arson Case (1)

The street lights are on.

The quiet night was broken, and the courtyard suddenly became noisy.

"Comrade Cheng, did I make a mistake?"

Zheng Daniu came to the yard with five or six policemen, and the crowd dispersed automatically.

"I saw someone sneaking around. I thought it was a thief, but I didn't expect it to be a grandpa."

The Comrade Cheng he was talking about was Cheng Hushan, the deputy director of the Hongxing Police Station.

"No, you are right. If there is any suspicious incident, you can ask us to deal with it." Cheng Hushan said seriously.

After speaking, he came outside the firewood room, and immediately smelled a strong and pungent kerosene smell.

Cheng Hushan's face changed, and he stared fixedly at Yi Zhonghai, who was at a loss and sweating coldly inside.

"Take Yi Zhonghai under control first, seal off the scene, and investigate carefully!" Cheng Hushan ordered with a wave of his hand.

Four or five policemen rushed forward and handcuffed Yi Zhonghai, and another policeman turned on the flashlight to check from the inside out.

"Boss, Yi Zhonghai has kerosene on hand." One of the policemen reported.

As soon as the words fell, someone said again: "Leader, there are obvious fingerprints on this kerosene barrel!"

When Yi Zhonghai heard the words, his face was pale with fright, and he said excitedly:

"No, no, no! I didn't pour the kerosene."

"Director Cheng, I also got up to go to the bathroom and came here to check on the smell."

Cheng Hushan had a majestic face, and sternly reprimanded:

"Don't quibble and prevaricate, we will investigate the truth!"

He glanced around at everyone, and said to Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui:

"Comrade Liu, Comrade Yan, please gather all the people in your yard, including the children, hurry up!"

Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui did not dare to neglect.

He quickly ordered several boys in his family to go to the courtyards and notify the residents to come.

He Yuzhu's house.

"Zhuzi, it's noisy outside, why don't you go out and have a look." Widow Chen said gruffly.

He Yuzhu woke up from Mimihuhu, hugged Widow Chen tightly, and said softly:

"It's nothing to look at, it's all bullshit, don't bother with them."

Widow Chen hesitated and said: "But there is such a big commotion outside, it seems that something really happened."

"Hey, let's do it! These people won't feel comfortable if they don't have something to do the next day." He Yuzhu complained.

He turned off the lamp, got up and dressed, and saw Widow Chen handing over a piece of white cloth, saying:

"Put this in the corner for me, and I'll wash it when I get up tomorrow."

He Yuzhu was shocked when he saw the blood stains on it, and looked at Widow Chen softly.

"Xueying, I was too rude at night, I'm really not human! I will treat you well in the future." He Yuzhu said tenderly.

Widow Chen covered her mouth with a smile and said, "You are my man, shouldn't you do this kind of thing?"

As she spoke, she put away her smile and sighed, "I have something to confess to you, and I beg your forgiveness."

"Frankly? Just tell me what's going on, don't be unhappy." He Yuzhu waved and smiled.

Widow Chen lowered her eyes, tears dripping instantly, she covered her nose and sobbed uncontrollably.

He Yuzhu suddenly panicked, squatted down, and said in relief:

"Xueying, tell me if you have any grievances, don't just cry, you love me so much!"

Widow Chen nodded, wiped her tears, her eyes were red, and whispered:

"When I was seven or eight years old, I fell and got hurt, broke that one and left a permanent scar on my lower abdomen."

"The doctor said that in my situation, the possibility of having children in the future is extremely small."


He Yuzhu frowned, feeling unhappy, complaining that Widow Chen only told him about it now.

But when he saw the pitiful appearance of Widow Chen's pear blossoms with rain, his heart suddenly softened.

Before I could reply, I heard Widow Chen say again:

"Because of this, I haven't had a successful blind date all these years."

"I really liked you when I met you, so I kept it a secret."

"I was still wondering before, and I was too embarrassed to ask."

He Yuzhu said suddenly, hearing that she liked him, he was elated and expressed deep sympathy.

"You are so beautiful and you are in such a good condition. Why are you so old and not married yet? So that's how it is!"

"Don't worry, the doctor said that the possibility of having a child is small, and he didn't say it can't!"

Widow Chen hesitated for a moment and said, "So I have adopted six children in succession over the years..."

"What? Are you crazy? Uh... no, you are planning for a rainy day, and you are right."

He Yuzhu said in surprise, then he grabbed Widow Chen's hand and said distressedly:

"What about those children? You have to raise them by yourself these years, have you suffered a lot?"

Widow Chen's parents died of illness a few years ago, and she has no siblings.

Widow Chen confessed this situation when they first met.

Widow Chen said pleasantly, "You don't blame me?"

He Yuzhu looked at the tear stains on her face, felt indescribably soft-hearted, shook his head and said:

"How can I blame you, it's too late to hurt you!"

Widow Chen immediately threw herself into his arms, crying, which made He Yuzhu feel bad.

"Don't cry, you must have suffered a lot these years, let us raise those children together in the future!" He Yuzhu persuaded.

"Well, I knew I was looking for the right man, Zhuzi, thank you!" Widow Chen laughed through her tears.

Seeing that she stopped crying, He Yuzhu felt relieved, smiled and said:

"Since everything has been explained, you can bring the child here tomorrow!"

While talking, someone knocked on the door and called out:

"Silly Zhu, take your daughter-in-law to gather in the courtyard, hurry up, something serious has happened!"


In the yard.

Jiang Ping stepped forward, took out a cigarette and handed it over, and asked Cheng Hushan:

"Old Cheng, what happened in the middle of the night?"

"Are you back from a business trip safely? Yi Zhonghai in your yard was involved in arson and is currently under investigation."

Cheng Hushan took the cigarette and replied thoughtfully.

Jiang Pingan turned pale with shock, and said loudly, "Isn't it possible?"

"The uncle is in our yard, and he is famous for his reputation. How could he do this kind of lake smearing?"

"This... If I hadn't been caught right, I wouldn't believe it either!" Cheng Hushan spread his hands.

"As for the specific situation, it remains to be investigated."

Jiang Pingan took a long breath.

He glanced sideways at Yi Zhonghai in the corner, squatting on the ground, facing the wall, with his hands behind his back.

At this time, the first mother suddenly ran from the house, crying in a shrill voice:

"Old Yi, Lao Yi, what's the matter?"

She was about to rush to Yi Zhonghai's side, but was stopped by several policemen.

The big mother's complexion changed, she turned her head and ran to Jiang Ping'an, and said with tears streaming down her face:

"Ping An, tell me quickly, how could your uncle set fire?"

"You must save your uncle, if something happens to him, will I still be able to live? Woooo..."

Before Jiang Pingan replied, Cheng Hushan said:

"The family of the suspect, please stop making trouble, the matter is still under investigation."

"Don't worry, we won't wrong the good people... But we won't let the bad people go!"

Jiang Ping'an also persuaded: "Mom, we are still investigating, and I also believe that Grandpa is innocent."

"Don't cry naked right now, you have to cooperate with the police investigation, and try to help the uncle get rid of the suspicion as soon as possible."

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