Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 285 Yi Zhonghai's Arson Case (4)

Red Star Police Station.

detention room.

"Old Yi, that's what Ping An said." The big mother whispered with red eyes.

"He said that this matter should be pressed down as soon as possible, and when it is really determined, it cannot be saved."

Yi Zhonghai rubbed his face, let out a long breath, nodded and said:

"Five thousand yuan, right? Go to the bank to get it, and hand it over to Ping An."

"This time I'm unlucky, what happened is too big."

"It's right to spend more money to take care of everything properly."

"I understand that at critical times, only Ping An can help us."

"As for the arson, I really didn't do it. I was framed."

"The problem is that all the evidence points to me now, so I can't refute it. I can only suffer from boredom!"

The aunt said in amazement: "Someone framed you? Do you know who it is? You can tell the police!"

"After much deliberation, only Zheng Gang's grandson is the most suspect!" Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth.

"I told the police that the key is that Zheng Gang's work is impeccable, and the police have cleared him of suspicion long ago."

"Hey, there is a saying that a dog that can bark will not bite, and a dog that bites will not bark. I have a deep understanding."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, the most urgent thing is to go and get the money, please operate safely."

"This time the matter is too big. I'm afraid that after the conclusion, it's better to sit in prison..."

He couldn't say what happened next, he hated Zheng Gang so much he hated it!

After hearing this, Da Ma didn't delay any longer. After leaving the police station, she went straight to the bank.

She went back to the courtyard to get the passbook, and then went to the street to get a certificate before she came to visit Yi Zhonghai.

Even if Yi Zhonghai was reluctant to pay so much money, she still had to ask Jiang Ping'an to save her.

Fortunately, Yi Zhonghai was more decisive than she imagined, and he nodded and agreed to give the money.

This reassured her a lot, at least she wouldn't worry about Yi Zhonghai blaming her after he came out.


Just when the aunt went to withdraw the money.

Jiang Ping'an was already mobilizing contacts to connect the rolling mill with the police station.

Try to get Yi Zhonghai to the factory to deal with it.

It's better to do this sooner rather than later, maybe something will happen if it's too late.

Although he wanted to punish Yi Zhonghai, he didn't want to kill him with one blow.

After all, Yi Zhonghai didn't deserve to die.

Downgrading his skill level and hitting his prestige in the courtyard is almost enough.

In short, things should be controlled within a certain range.

Jiang Ping'an is familiar with the main persons in charge of the rolling mill and the police station, and has a good relationship with them.

With him coming forward, it is easy to talk before the matter is not finalized.

After all, Yi Zhonghai attempted arson and did not cause any real damage or loss, which is much easier.

At the same time, the street side also came forward to slow down, trying not to make things worse.

After all, it is a very troublesome thing for major crimes to occur in the jurisdiction.

If one is not handled well, the board will be knocked down heavily by the top, which is of no benefit to anyone.

Director Yang is also afraid that the police station's characterization will be too heavy, which will affect the reputation of the rolling mill, and he is happy to see it succeed.

Then he instructed the chief of the security department to go to the police station and meet with Director Jiang, Director Wang and others for a detailed discussion.

Jiang Ping'an naturally followed, and he had to play a lot in the middle of this matter.

It can be said that after Jiang Ping'an's operations.

Originally, it was Yi Zhonghai's matter, but now it has become a matter of streets, factories, and police stations.

Yi Zhonghai himself became secondary.

It doesn't matter whether the evidence is complete or not, or whether the case can be solved.

As long as the street, factory, and police station identify the matter, major events can be turned into small ones, and small things can be turned into nothing.

Of course, it's unlikely that things will be trivialized.

After all, this incident caused such a big disturbance, Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but suffer.

At ten o'clock, the meeting at the police station was still going on.

After the aunt took the money, she went to the factory first, but Jiang Ping'an was not found.

After inquiring, she rushed to the police station again.

In the small alley opposite the police station.

"Five bundles of money, one thousand for each bundle, you count carefully."

The aunt was carrying a cloth bag, which contained the big black ten.

Jiang Pingan took it, counted it twice, and after confirming that it was correct, nodded and said:

"Mom, don't worry too much. If I come forward, there will be no big trouble for my uncle."

"However, the factory may downgrade the punishment, and it will be very difficult to upgrade to eight levels in the future."

The nature of demotion is very serious, and it is not so difficult to remove it.

As long as Yi Zhonghai was punished, he would not be eligible to participate in the promotion assessment.

What's more, with this punishment in place, if he dares to commit a crime in the future, he will be dealt with severely and severely!

This is equivalent to putting a curse on Yi Zhonghai's head.

The first mother breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As long as the person is fine."

"Ping An, thank you very much this time, without your help, your uncle will suffer a great crime!"

She went to the rolling mill to look for Jiang Ping'an just now, but she couldn't find anyone, but met He Yuzhu.

I heard from him that Jiang Ping'an moved very quickly.

Many leaders of the factory, the chief of the security department, director Wang of the street office, etc. were called to help the uncle resolve the disaster.

Jiang Ping'an was blatant about this matter, and He Yuzhu had seen it, so he couldn't do it falsely.

That's why the aunt was so grateful to Jiang Ping'an, thinking that caring about him before was not in vain.

"Big Mom, please don't thank me." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

"You and the uncle are so kind to me. If something goes wrong, where can I sit? I must help. "

"It's just that this matter is too big, and it will cost more money. This is also essential, so it should be used to avoid disasters."

"Don't worry, before noon, the uncle's matter will have a result, you can go back and wait for the news at ease!"


It was past eleven o'clock in the morning.

Yi Zhonghai was handed over to the rolling mill, and the factory held a meeting to deal with it qualitatively.

The rolling mill moved quickly. At noon, the factory leaders held a temporary meeting to discuss Yi Zhonghai's problem.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the announcement was made on the radio.

"The following announcement will be played, all employees are invited to gather at the playground at two o'clock in the afternoon, and hold a staff meeting!"


The announcement is played three times in succession.

"Good guy, you've put down such a big deal!"

In the office, Xu Damao looked at Jiang Pingan with admiration.

The matter of Yi Zhonghai is not trivial.

If there was a slight flame in the firewood room last night, he would definitely be shot.

Who knew such a big event, Jiang Ping'an let Yi Zhonghai escape from prison in just half a day.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the decision of the factory leader, and it has nothing to do with me!" Jiang Ping'an denied it.

Xu Damao cut his voice, raised his eyebrows and said: "Pretend, continue to pretend, who doesn't know that you contributed to this matter?"

"Silly Zhu was still in the kitchen and said just now that he saw you went to the leaders of the various factories to intercede for the uncle."

Jiang Pingan said angrily: "He Yuzhu is talking nonsense, pretending to be smart, I'm going to report to work!"

"Hahaha... that's right, you are going to report to work, haha..." Xu Damao laughed endlessly.

Jiang Ping'an gritted his teeth and said, "If you laugh again, I'll slap your mouth crooked!"

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