Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 290: Solve Confusions Safely, Make Reasonable Rain

The night was deep.

Jiang Pingan came out of the college on a bicycle, and some classmates greeted him from time to time.

After leaving the school gate, there was an indescribable silence on the street.

Soon, we arrived at the gate of the small courtyard.

Here is close to the college, which is much more convenient after all.

"Huh? Yushui, where are you going?"

As soon as I arrived at the door, I ran into He Yushui who was coming back by bicycle.

"Hey, stop talking, something happened in the compound today!" He Yushui got out of the car and sighed back.

Jiang Pingan pushed the cart forward, frowned and said, "What happened again?"

"Hey, my uncle sent my brother to beat Xu Damao." He Yushui replied.

"The second uncle and the third uncle can't see it, let Liu Guangqi fight..."

After He Yushui roughly explained what happened in a few words, he shook his head and sighed:

"It's the same with my brother. If he doesn't come out with something in two or three days, he feels uncomfortable."

"No, there are so many people this time, he didn't take advantage of it, his whole body is injured, and he needs medicinal wine."

"When they cleaned up before the trip, they moved the medicinal wine to my room and put it away."

"My room was locked, so my sister-in-law asked Liang Jiang to come over to get the key, and I went back to have a look."

"By the way, in the evening Director Wang of the street came to announce that Yi Zhonghai will no longer be the uncle."

While talking, the two pushed the car into the courtyard and parked the car under the eaves.

"The dog bites the dog." Jiang Pingan said angrily.

"Originally every household in the courtyard had its own conflicts."

"It's all right now. With the downfall of the old man, no one can be intimidated, and the conflict broke out immediately."

Yu Li who heard the movement in the room ran out, smiled and said:

"They're all back, the kitchen is boiling hot water."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Go to bed first, I'll talk to Yu Shui about something."

Yu Li hesitated, nodded and went back to the room.

When he came to the kitchen, He Yushui poured hot water and said:

"My brother is wrong today, no matter how wrong Xu Damao is, there is no reason for him to beat someone!"

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "No, it's just right for him to beat Xu Damao today."

"Oh? Why?" He Yushui was stunned for a moment, wondering.

Jiang Pingan replied: "Because the first uncle has just been punished, the second and third uncles are ready to move."

"Whether it's the uncle or your elder brother, you need to stand up and let the people in the courtyard know that they are not easy to mess with."

"This way we won't let the second and third masters win over all the scattered people."

He Yushui thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's true."

"After my brother fights today, people who originally wanted to praise the stinky feet of the second and third uncles will also wait and see for a while."

Jiang Pingan nodded and said: "Yes, don't look at the big master and your brother who are usually showing off their power, and are afraid of being surrounded by wolves!"

"They have offended people a lot before, but now they are in a period of weakness and need time to rebuild their status."

"And the reason why Xu Damao was beaten is because he is a soft persimmon, easy to handle, and he will be beaten if he is beaten."

"On the other hand, there are also conflicts between the second uncle and the third uncle. They have different personalities, and they can't get along with each other."

"But it would be different if Xu Damao was in the middle."

"He has the ability to reconcile the relationship between the two uncles, allowing them to abandon their prejudices and cooperate temporarily."

"Treat Xu Damao hard and let him be honest for a while."

"With the city of the first master, there are ways to provoke the relationship between the second and third masters."

"So, Xu Damao won't be able to escape after this beating."

He Yushui chuckled, brought some water and waited for Jiang Ping'an to wash his face.

"Today, things are getting worse. The second uncle and the third uncle's family will come down to help."

"In this way, Xu Damao, the second uncle and the third uncle are all in the same hatred, right?"

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "That's for sure, so the plan can't keep up with the changes!"

"But no matter what, even though both sides are hurting, your brother and uncle, this Liwei is standing."

After washing his face, Jiang Ping'an asked in a low voice, "Shall I go to your room tonight?"

"No, my room is next to Sister Yu Li's. She can hear it. Let me go to your place!" He Yushui said quickly.

Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "Then clean up quickly, Xia Ye is really a good time."

"Giggle, I took a shower earlier, just wipe off the sweat now." He Yushui giggled.

Jiang Ping'an said with a smirk, "Come on, let me help you!"

He Yushui glared at him, looked outside the door, turned around and said, "You are just bad!"

As she spoke, she gritted her teeth and slowly undid the buttons...

Jiang Pingan looked at her with piercing eyes, wrung out the towel, and stepped forward to help.

He Yushui blushed, bit his lip, and whispered: "Don't look, hurry up!"

"Hehe, your skin is so white and rosy, so pretty!" Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

He Yushui pursed his lips and discussed: "Let's go back to the room, it's not very good here..."

in the room.

He Yushui gritted his teeth, sweating profusely, frowning and trembling, his face flushed.

After a while, she breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Jiang Ping'an's neck, her eyes were blurred, and she murmured:

"Why do you like me calling you daddy?"

"Then how do you feel when I call you a girl?" Jiang Pingan pecked her lightly and said with a smirk.

He Yushui opened his eyes wide and shyly, and hugged Jiang Ping'an even tighter.

The bumps and convexities of the two complement each other, there is me in you, and you in me, like glue.

"I wish I could be like this forever, suspended in this moment forever and ever!" she said softly.

Jiang Pingan smiled, looked down at her small face, and brushed away the messy hair on her forehead.

"Is it hot? I got out and left!" Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

He Yushui hugged her tightly and said, "Don't worry, just rest for a while."

"I like to live life to the fullest and feel so fulfilled, if only it would be like this forever."

Jiang Pingan laughed out loud, and He Yushui's shy little face turned red.

The two frolicked for a while, but Jiang Ping'an got away and left.

After lighting a cigarette and smoking it, He Yushui took a towel for cleaning and said with a smile:

"Sister Yu Li said that she wants to study and make progress."

Jiang Pingan glanced at her indifferently, but didn't answer.

He Yushui smiled and asked, "Why don't you give her a chance?"

"Don't meddle in the matters of the elders." Jiang Pingan said expressionlessly.

"It will be the same in the future. Whoever asks you to intercede with me, you will refuse."

He took advantage of others because of his deaf ears.

But he didn't want others to take advantage of him by ignoring him.

He Yushui choked, mouthed all, nodded and said: "Okay, I won't talk too much from now on."

Jiang Pingan nodded in satisfaction, with a slight smile on his face, and said:

"That's right, it's not that I don't give you face, but a matter of principle."

"Many capable people have suffered a lot because of the instability of their back houses."

He Yushui smiled slightly and said, "I understand everything you said!"

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to this aspect in the future, and always be vigilant..."

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