Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 288 Director Yang told Nanyi to behave


Jiang Ping'an went back to work in the factory.

After arriving at the office for a while, Director Yang called and asked him for an interview.

Factory Manager's Office.

Director Yang motioned Jiang Pingan to sit down, and then said bluntly:

"I've got accurate internal information from my side. Your promotion has already begun to go through procedures."

"This is a good thing. The reason why I called you here is to tell you to be stable in the next six months!"

"You need to be stable at work, and you need to be stable in your private life, and you can't make any mistakes!"

"Another point is that you have reached the marriageable age early, and you should attach great importance to major marriages and family building."

"An excellent party member cadre, married and stable family, is the embodiment of maturity."

"Do you have a partner now? If not, I'll introduce you to one and get married earlier."

Jiang Ping'an said: "Thank you for the teaching of the factory manager Dun Dun. From now on, I will continue to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and work steadily."

"As for the object, there is a childhood sweetheart who belongs to one of our communes. She..."

He briefly talked about his relationship with Qin Jingru, and then said:

"The other party will only be old in March next year, so I have been waiting."

Factory Manager Yang laughed loudly, nodded and said: "Haha, I can't tell, you are a seed of infatuation."

"No wonder you haven't been in a hurry about the important matters of marriage all these years."

"It turns out that you have been waiting for your childhood sweetheart, this could be a good story!"

When Director Yang said this, Jiang Ping'an had a thick skin, but he couldn't help but feel hot with embarrassment, and his skin twitched.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Director Yang thought he was young and shy, so he stopped making fun of him and continued:

"Since you have a partner, the organization doesn't urge you on major marriage matters, so let me tell you another thing."

"This Saturday night, if you spare time, I will take you to meet the superior."

"By the way, this matter must be kept secret. I believe you know how to measure it."

Jiang Ping'an's spirit was shaken, and he said gratefully: "Thank you for the support of the factory manager, I will not tell anyone about this."

"Hehe, don't be so serious." Director Yang waved his hands and said with a smile.

After a pause, he asked again: "By the way, I heard from Deputy Factory Manager Li that Nanyi, the new chef, was transferred by you?"

"Uh, factory manager, you think highly of me, how can I have such great power?" Jiang Ping'an said hastily.

"It's just that Director Wang of the cafeteria has repeatedly reported to Deputy Director Li."

"It is said that He Yuzhu likes to contradict the leaders, but does not unite with comrades."

"So Deputy Factory Director Li wanted to find another chef who is skilled in cooking, obeys the leadership, and unites the masses."

"It just so happened that I knew that Nanyi's cooking skills in the machine repair factory were good, so I mentioned it, so Deputy Director Li transferred him here."

Director Yang smiled, without asking the truth, nodded and said:

"Last night, the cafeteria was entertained. I have eaten the meals made by Master Nan, and the craftsmanship is comparable to that of He Yuzhu."

"Speak to him privately later and ask him to come with us on Saturday."


Coming out of the factory director's office, Jiang Ping'an pondered for a moment, then walked to the back kitchen.

After Nanyi came to the rolling mill, he visited him that day.

Jiang Ping'an hadn't paid any attention to the situation there these days.

It is said that Nanyi came early, it is better to come by coincidence.

He Yuzhu just happened to be on wedding leave these days.

Without him, the canteen monitor, it would be easier for Nanyi to integrate into the group.

Youdao means colleagues are enemies, and the two are equally skilled in cooking, and they are both arrogant masters.

If you want to live in peace, I'm afraid it will not be too easy.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Ping'an transferred to Nanyi was because of this.

Not to mention that the two have conflicting tempers, even if they can get along peacefully, Jiang Ping'an will find a way to make them fight.

Nanyi is his man, and it can be regarded as a wedge he nailed to the back kitchen.

This man has good craftsmanship, three views are upright, he is kind, and he knows how to be grateful. Jiang Pingan intends to support him.

If there is a chance in the future, Jiang Ping'an will remove He Yuzhu's position as monitor and let Nan Yi be the monitor of the cafeteria.

Jiang Ping'an's cooking skills are also good, even better than those of He Yuzhu and Nan Yi.

However, as a cadre, he can't often cook by himself, so he will leave everything behind.

So in the future, whether it is public or private matters, or entertaining guests, Nanyi will be a trump card in Jiang Ping'an's hands.

back kitchen.

The canteen workers are cleaning up and are very busy.

With He Yuzhu not around, Nanyi, the new chef, unknowingly became the head of the place, directing everyone's work.

"Hello, Chief Jiang!"

Jiang Pingan lifted the curtain and went in, and the workers greeted him in twos and threes.

Hearing the sound, Nanyi stepped forward and said with a smile: "Chief Jiang, welcome to the kitchen to guide the work."

"Hehe, don't play tricks, I'll come over and have a look, and I'll tell you something." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

Nanyi straightened his face and said, "What do you want me to do? Then let's sit down to the side and talk."

Jiang Pingan smiled and nodded, seeing Liu Lan looking at him over there, smiled and said:

"Sister Lan, help me pour some tea, the weather is too hot, my throat is about to smoke."

Liu Lan smiled slightly and said loudly, "Come on, I'll make it for you."

Don't look at Jiang Pingan's casual order to her, but he is also taking care of her.

There are many people in the back kitchen, and people's hearts are complicated. Although she is pungent, she also has that short-sightedness.

Jiang Ping'an came to the back kitchen a few times from time to time to take care of her, which could shield her from many winds and rains virtually.

Nan Yi picked up a chair, came to the corner, and asked Jiang Pingan to sit down.

"Sit, too. What's the point of standing?" Jiang Ping'an ordered.

Nan Yi shook his head and said, "I can just stand and talk."

Jiang Pingan scolded with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, you want me to look up at you while talking?"

"This..." Nanyi choked for a moment, then quickly turned around and took a chair over, and sat down in a proper manner.

At this time Liu Lan brought a stool over, placed it between the two of them, and put away the two pots of tea that had been brewed.

"You guys talk first, just call me if you need anything." Liu Lan smiled.

After Liu Lan left, Jiang Ping'an asked Nan Yi:

"How is it? Are you still used to it here?"

"I'm used to it. The main factory is much better than the machine repair factory." Nan Yi replied with a smile.

It is different from when I was young in the past, when I went to work in the machine repair shop, I was proud and arrogant.

This time he was transferred to the main factory, and he came here in a state of modesty and prudence.

With Jiang Ping'an's suggestion, he only worked for a few days, and he quickly opened up the situation and integrated into the group.

"As cooks, in the final analysis, we still have to rely on craftsmanship." Nanyi continued.

"With good craftsmanship, others are convinced, even praised, and the work will naturally be carried out."

"Plus, I listened to your advice, respect the leadership, and unite with comrades."

"So I quickly got used to the working and living environment here."

Jiang Pingan nodded and asked, "He Yuzhu, the head of the back kitchen, have you met him?"

"I've seen it once. On the day of the staff meeting, Master He came to the back kitchen." Nan Yi replied.

After a moment of hesitation, he whispered, "I've heard people say that he is good at craftsmanship, but I don't know his temper..."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "You two didn't have a conflict, did you?"

Nan Yi fell silent.

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