Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 300 The composition of the silly column, the money sent by He Daqing

Yi Zhonghai's family had dinner very early today.

Jiang Pingan didn't drink because he had to go to school at night.

"Ping An, when will the chicken I bought for everyone arrive?" Yi Zhonghai asked.

Jiang Pingan replied casually: "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!"

The aunt smiled and said: "It's a pity that Lao Yi and I have to go to work, otherwise we can raise a few."

"Hehe, you can't have both a bear's paw and a fish at the same time. Wouldn't it be nice to have a class?" Jiang Pingan shaved a few mouthfuls of rice and said with a smile.

The aunt smiled, took a piece of bacon for Jiang Ping'an, and said with a smile:

"Eat slowly, it's still early today, and you can go to school without stopping after eating."

"This time, Lao Yi was able to turn the crisis into safety, thanks to your great help in safety."

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Mom, you have thanked me countless times."

"Our family doesn't talk about each other. If you have something to do with the uncle, I will definitely help."

Yi Zhonghai answered, "This time, it's too dangerous. We can't thank you enough."

"Hehe, speaking of it, we owe you countless favors."

Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Why are you so clear?"

"In the future, if I have something to do, the uncle can't help me with all his strength?"

Yi Zhonghai nodded and smiled, "Of course."

"Ping An, as long as you can get me, please just open your mouth."

Jiang Ping'an nodded slightly, and said doubtfully:

"Master, mother, you were the ones raising the deaf old lady before, but now you're leaving it to Shazhu?"

"It's not completely thrown to her. I helped wash the clothes and quilts of the deaf old lady." The aunt replied.

After a pause, she continued, "But now that Xueying is here, she has to take over the job from now on."

Yi Zhonghai whispered: "Ping An, you may not know that Zhu Zi is fostered under the name of the deaf old lady."

"After the deaf old lady dies, her house and property will also be inherited by pillars."

"In the past, the reason why we raised the deaf old lady was because I was the uncle in the yard."

"Plus your eldest mother is free and free, so she took on the important task of raising the deaf old lady."

"While helping Zhuzi, it can be regarded as promoting the atmosphere of respecting the old and loving the young in the courtyard!"

Jiang Ping'an was shocked and asked in doubt:

"Grandpa, how could such a well-behaved idiot be fostered under the name of a deaf old lady?"

"Also, I have always been a little confused about the composition of the silly column. How did you become a farm laborer for three generations?"

Yi Zhonghai pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's okay to tell you about it."

"These two things are actually one thing."

"When He Daqing was young, he cooked for the Guiziguo Party, and the ingredients were not good."

"So he ran away early and didn't dare to stay in the capital."

"Silly brothers and sisters are fostered under the name of the deaf old lady."

"The deaf old lady also came from a poor background. She was sold to a large family as a servant girl when she was young."

"When dividing the composition, the last three generations are farm laborers."

"Actually, Shazhu is also a farm worker. After all, the social status of cooks before the founding of the People's Republic of China was low, and they belonged to the bottom class."

"As long as cooks don't own restaurants or restaurants, they are all farm laborers. They are the occupation of serving people and the objects of exploitation."

Generally, the chefs who run restaurants are not of good quality, and belong to rich peasants and capitalists.

Nanyi is an example. His family used to own a restaurant.

On the contrary, the chef who helps the kitchen divides the composition very high.

In the past, cooking was a low-class profession, a job of serving people, and a subject of exploitation.

Even if he worked as a famous chef for Guojun executives, as long as he didn't open a restaurant, he could still work as a chef in a big factory after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The reason why He Daqing ran away was mainly to cook for the devils.

In this day and age, it is unforgivable.

"The reason why Silly Zhu wants to be fostered under the name of the deaf old lady is to avoid the big thunder of He Daqing."

Yi Zhonghai said: "Although it seems unnecessary now, as long as there is danger, we must pay attention to it."

"Speaking of which, your uncle helped to handle this matter!" The eldest mother said bluntly.

Yi Zhonghai's expression changed, he glared at her, and said angrily, "You're the only one who talks too much!"

"What are you afraid of? Ping'an is not an outsider. Knowing this will not harm us." The aunt said disapprovingly.

Jiang Pingan smiled and asked, "Master, I had a drink with Director Lu of the post office not long ago."

"I heard from him that He Daqing sent ten yuan to Yushui every month, and you took it back, but is it true?"

Without waiting for Yi Zhonghai to speak, the first mother replied:

"It's true. Your uncle plans to return the money to Yushui when she turns eighteen."

Yi Zhonghai wished he could beat his mother-in-law to death, but he also knew that he couldn't hide it from Jiang Ping'an.

After all, since he was asking about this matter, if he got to the bottom of it, he could easily get a stub at the post office.

"It's true, and I got all the money back." Yi Zhonghai replied truthfully.

"When He Daqing left, although Zhuzi was still an apprentice, he was still able to support himself."

"But He Yushui is still young, Zhu Zi must not be able to support her, so He Daqing sent money here."

After Jiang Ping'an finished his meal, he put down the bowl quickly, handed him a cigarette, lit it himself, and muttered:

"Master, I'm an outsider in this matter, so it's hard to say anything."

"But I still suggest that you return all the money to Rainwater earlier."

"At that time, there was little rain and there was not enough to eat. If I had that kind of money, my life would be much easier."

"But you didn't give her the money. It's very dishonest."

"If you let Yushui know, he will definitely resent you. It's better to remedy it earlier."

Yi Zhonghai sighed secretly, nodded and said:

"You're right, now that she's grown up, I really want to give her the money."

"This is also our carelessness, thinking that there is a pillar to take care of her, so we don't care so much."

Yi Zhonghai's words were contradictory, Jiang Ping'an smiled, didn't say much, just smoked silently.

The aunt smiled awkwardly and said, "If you don't want the money, let Ping An hand it over to Yushui!"

"In the future, Yushui will also let Yushui collect all the money sent by He Daqing."

"Ping'an is also helping to turn around slowly in the middle, so that the rain will not hate us."

"We help keep the money, it's better than handing it over to Zhuzi to spend it indiscriminately."

Jiang Pingan nodded and smiled, "Okay, I can enlighten the rain on this matter."

Seeing that he didn't say anything serious, Yi Zhonghai was relieved, and quickly made eye contact with the first mother, asking her to get the money.

Soon, the aunt brought the money, handed it to Jiang Ping'an, and said with a smile:

"Calculated from the middle of 1953, exactly eight years, a total of 960 yuan."

"I made up the whole thing. There is a thousand yuan here, which is regarded as interest. You can count it."

They were relieved to hand over the money to Jiang Ping'an.

This money has been kept at home all the time, it is difficult to confirm whether Yi Zhonghai has any intention of ignoring it.

But he had a guilty conscience and didn't dare to take it and deposit it in the bank, but it was true.

Jiang Pingan took it, counted it twice, nodded and smiled and said:

"The amount is correct. I will tell Yushui about this matter. Now that I have received the money, the matter will be over."

"As for Shazhu, you can also ventilate. After all, he is a brother, so he should know about it."

Yi Zhonghai nodded and said, "Okay, I'll trouble you to help enlighten the rain on this matter."

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