Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 334 Shachun is not stupid, sincere and kind

Shachun shook his head and smirked.

Jiang Pingan looked her up and down, and found that her clothes were a little old and small.

She was wearing a white shirt, black trousers and brown clinker sandals.

She is plump and strong, and the clothes and trousers are extremely tight, which is awkward no matter how you look at it.

"Your clothes don't belong to you, do you?" Jiang Ping'an reached out and touched her shoulder and asked.

Shachun bit his lip, nodded slightly, his face was blushing, nodded and said:

"I didn't have any suitable clothes to wear, so I picked up Su Mian's discarded ones and wore them."

She always wears patched clothes at home, and she is the only one in the whole family to wear patched clothes.

Today, when she came to Jiang Ping'an's house, she wanted to dress better, but she couldn't find any good clothes to wear after searching.

Jiang Ping'an frowned and said, "Hiss...your parents are too partial."

"You are like a cow and a horse at home, and you are not even willing to buy a few sets of better clothes for you?"

"You are such a big girl, it's time to learn how to dress up, right?"

"Let's not talk about showing off, at least how many clothes should fit?"

"Uncle Zhao is such a big factory manager, it's not that he doesn't have this condition. As for raising your big girl as an outsider?"

Sha Chun licked his lips, and said cautiously: "Brother, you won't despise me, will you?"

"Uh, that's not true. I just love you. They are bullying you to be honest!" Jiang Ping'an sighed.

Sha Chun smiled and said: "I don't feel wronged. There are many people in the family, and only my dad earns money to support the family. I can save a little bit."

"Hehe, that's what you think, but they don't think so anymore." Jiang Pingan shook his head and sneered.

"Come on, let me take a look at your neck, it's all red, doesn't it hurt?"

Shachun bit his lip, hesitated, unbuttoned a few buttons, and showed him.

Sure enough, the clothes were too small, and Shachun was plump, and some places were worn out.

"You too, don't be ashamed to wear patched clothes if you don't have good clothes." Jiang Pingan said angrily.

He knows Shachun's thoughts too well, this girl is real.

Shachun was bare-chested and backless, blushing as if she was about to bleed, looking at Jiang Pingan with a silly smile.

"Come on, I'll take you to the room and apply some medicine. Don't get any inflammation in this hot day."

Jiang Pingan took her hand, went out of the kitchen, went to the bedroom, and took a bottle of ointment from the cabinet.

The two sat down on the kang, Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Do you apply this medicine yourself, or should I help you?"

"I want you to help me, brother." Silly Spring said in a voice like a mosquito, and she silently took off her clothes.

Jiang Pingan's eyes were bright, and he leaned forward to help her apply the medicine, and whispered:

"I haven't seen you for a few months, do you miss me?"

Shachun nodded and said: "Think hard, today's father said that he came to pick up things from you, I almost jumped up for joy."

"Brother, you miss you, do you miss me?" She asked boldly.

Jiang Pingan smiled and said, "Why don't you want to? I have dreamed of you several times."

"Really? That's great. I rarely dream, otherwise I would definitely dream of you." Shachun said happily.

She didn't have any bad thoughts, and she didn't think much, so she naturally dreamed less.

Jiang Ping'an helped her apply the ointment on the worn skin, and then put the medicine down.

Then he hugged her waist, buried his head in her arms, and whispered:

"It's good for you to be like this. If you have a simple mind, you will naturally be more happy."

Sha Chun hugged his head, let him play around, blushing, whispered:

"It's not that I don't have any ideas, but I just think that at home, many things should be less concerned, so that I can live peacefully."

"My dad is also very bored, and the salary upgrade has never been settled."

"After coming back from get off work every day, I hide in the study and smoke. Every time I go to clean the room, there are cigarette butts all over the place."

"My mother doesn't interfere in anything. She doesn't care about housework or younger siblings."

"As the eldest sister, I don't need to put in more thought? It doesn't matter if it's a bit hard and tiring, as long as the family is good."

At this moment, she is not as silly as she usually looks, but instead exudes a sense of calmness.

Jiang Ping raised his head, hugged her into his arms, looked down at her ruddy face and said:

"You, you have sacrificed too much for your family. Are you really not wronged at all?"

Shachun bit his lip, thought for a while, blinked his big eyes, shook his head lightly and said:

"Yes, I want to come to see you in better clothes today, but I feel very wronged because I haven't had any good clothes to wear for a long time."

Jiang Pingan sighed secretly, and said, "Whenever I'm free, I'll mention it to Uncle Zhao."

"But he has the right idea, and I don't know if he can listen to his advice."

Silly Chun smiled slightly, stretched out his hands to hold Jiang Ping'an's face, and said with a smile:

"It's good if you have this kind of heart. I don't want to talk about family affairs right now. I just want to spend more time with you."

Jiang Pingan asked with a smile, "Are you in a hurry to go back?"

"Don't worry, as long as you can go back before dark." Silly Spring replied with a smile on his beautiful eyes.

Jiang Ping'an bowed his head and whispered something in her ear, and Sha Chun blushed and nodded, whispering:

"If you want it, can I not give it to you? I came here today, and I also have this thought..."

in the future.

"After the ointment is applied, the pain can be relieved in half an hour."

Jiang Ping'an lowered his head and pawed, carefully helping Shachun apply the medicine.

This old wound has not healed, and a new wound has been added. Fortunately, there are a lot of ointments at home, so it's okay.

Silly Chun covered his face with his hands and lay on the kang, not daring to look at Jiang Ping'an.

Even though she has just experienced major events in her life, she is still ashamed as hell.

Jiang Pingan smiled and asked, "Aren't you very courageous? Why are you so shy?"

Silly Chun has a gentle personality, no temper, and sincere words. He is usually hot and hot, like a fake boy.

At the moment, it is rare to show a gentle and shy side.

"I'm a little ashamed, I'm afraid you'll laugh at me." Silly Spring patted his flushed cheeks and replied.

Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Why am I laughing at you? Isn't this about the two of us?"

Shachun pointed down and said, "I'm so embarrassed that you keep staring at me."

Jiang Ping put down the ointment, washed his hands, went back to the kang and lay down, looked sideways at Sha Chun and said:

"That's all for today. If you miss me later, you can come to me anytime."

"By the way, you wouldn't foolishly tell others about us, would you?"

Shachun shook his head and said: "My name is Shachun, and I'm not really stupid. What do you tell others about such a shameful thing?"

Shachun is not stupid at all, he is very shrewd in picking up people and things outside, and shopping for vegetables.

She is very serious in doing things, which makes her always have a sense of stupidity.

In fact, she mainly focuses on family values ​​and everyone in the family.

So she will go out of her way to protect and take care of everyone.

Let everyone in the family hug each other tightly forever, instead of talking about their own lives.

This is the smartest part of Shachun. No matter when and where, he always puts family first!

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