Siheyuan: The Final Winner

339 Chapter 339 Flying like a dog, fighting


"Dongxu, don't lie down, come and see, Uncle Yi is looking for Chen Xueying again."

Qin Huairu was washing dishes in front of the stove, glanced at He Yuzhu's house, and quickly reminded Jia Dongxu.

"Silly Zhu went to the backyard just now, go and tell him to come back."

Jia Dongxu's spirit was shaken, he sat up on the kang, climbed to the back of the window and took a look.

"Really? Did you see it with your own eyes?" Jia Dongxu turned around and confirmed.

Jia Zhang also came to look behind the window with great interest, and said excitedly:

"Dongxu, you go and inform Sha Zhu, catch the traitor, let him catch you, and beat him to death!"

Qin Huairu turned around, wiped her hands on the apron, nodded and said with a smile:

"I saw Uncle Yi go in with my own eyes, and I will definitely not be wrong this time."

Jia Dongxu nodded, showing resentment in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"Yi Zhonghai doesn't help us with food, and treats me as an outsider, and I won't make him feel better."

Saying that, he went out quickly, and ran to the backyard in a flash of smoke.


Not knowing what Jia Dongxu said, He Yuzhu came back from the backyard suspiciously.

When he reached the door, he suddenly hesitated.

I thought that if what Jia Dongxu said was true, the family might be broken up.

He was hesitating, but Jia Dongxu didn't hesitate. He ran to the door of He Yuzhu's house and said in shock:

"Master! Chen Xueying! Why are you hugging each other? God..."

Before he finished speaking, He Yuzhu rushed in.

From the looks of it, Yi Zhonghai didn't have anything to do with Chen Xueying.

With his back to the door, Yi Zhongdi supported Chen Xueying's arm.

"How dare!"

But He Yuzhu was furious, seeing them next to each other.

Still roaring, he kicked Yi Zhonghai's waist.


Yi Zhonghai was kicked on all fours and wailed. He almost died and was scared to death.

He didn't care about the pain in his back, he hunched over and wailed as he quickly fastened the belt of his trousers.

Chen Xueying was quite experienced, shaking her white skirt lightly, holding He Yuzhu, her face was rosy, and she said calmly:

"What are you doing, Zhuzi? How can you beat Master Yi?"

"I almost fainted just now, it was Uncle Yi who held me up, don't get me wrong!"

Jia Dongxu laughed at the side, gloating and said: "Chen Xueying, will you believe me?"

"Jia Dongxu, don't spread rumors there!"

Yi Zhonghai was relieved when he heard Chen Xueying's defense.

Quickly got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and roared, wishing he could beat this dog to death.

Then, he said to He Yuzhu: "Zhuzi, you misunderstood, you have only left for a few minutes, what can we do?"

"Just now I came to persuade Xueying, who knew she was going to faint suddenly, so I just held her up."

He Yuzhu took a look at the two of them, and saw that they were indeed neatly dressed.

I didn't see anything wrong with them just now, so I was relieved.

Seeing that this fool was about to believe him, Jia Dongxu said eagerly:

"Silly Zhu, I just saw them hugging each other, and my master was still shaking..."

Before he finished speaking, Yi Zhonghai stepped forward and punched him, furiously said:

"You bastard, you said in the factory that you want to kill me, and you want to provoke my relationship with Zhuzi, I will beat you to death!"

Jia Dongxu was taken aback, turned around and ran away.

Yi Zhonghai stopped after a few steps, the most urgent task at the moment was to get rid of He Yuzhu's suspicion.

He hurriedly turned around and said, "Zhuzi, you have seen it with your own eyes, Xueru and I are innocent, don't listen to Jia Dongxu's instigation."

He Yuzhu naturally believed what he saw, so his face softened a little, nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Yi, I don't believe a word that Jia Dongxu's grandson said."

Yi Zhonghai was well-known in the courtyard as a good guy, and he cared a lot for him. How could he do such a thing?

Chen Xueying breathed a sigh of relief, gritted her teeth and said, "We can't let Jia Dongxu go, this person is too bad!"

"Don't worry, I won't make it easy for him." He Yuzhu nodded and said to Yi Zhonghai with an apologetic face:

"Uncle Yi, I'm really sorry, I was too impulsive just now, is my waist okay?"

Yi Zhonghai rubbed his waist, sighed and said, "It almost cost me half my life, I'll go back and rub it with wine."

While talking, three uncles Liu Haizhong, Yan Bugui and Zheng Gang came.

At this time, He Yuzhu and the others came to their senses and found that everyone in the courtyard had come to watch.

Liu Haizhong secretly laughed, but his face was very serious, and asked Yi Zhonghai:

"Old Yi, I heard from Jia Dongxu that he saw you messing around with your stupid wife?"

Yan Bugui said with a blank expression: "This is a matter of extremely corrupt style, and it must be dealt with seriously!"

Yi Zhonghai stared coldly at the gloating Jia Dongxu for a few moments, then gritted his teeth and said:

"What kind of person is Jia Dongxu, do I need to say more? He is useless!"

"It's probably because I didn't lend food to his family, and he held a grudge, so he slandered us out of thin air."

"Silly Zhu is also here. He saw it just now. Xueying almost fainted, so I gave him a hand."

He Yuzhu also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he quickly answered:

"Yes, it was Jia Dongxu who called me back from the deaf old lady."

"But I didn't find anything wrong with Master Yi and Xueying, I just helped Xueying."

"So in the final analysis of this matter, Jia Dongxu is slandering Uncle Yi and my Xueying!"

When everyone heard the words, they all turned their heads to look at Jia Dongxu, all showing disgusted expressions.

Jia Dongxu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to catch the adulterer 100%, instead he got himself into it.

"No, no, no... I saw this with my own eyes. My master is messing around with Chen Xueying..."

Yi Zhonghai was furious, so he took a few steps.

Grabbing his hair and pushing it to the ground, Jia Dongxu fell to the ground.

"I'll kill you, you white-eyed wolf. Giving your family so much food to feed your dogs over the years is better than giving it to your family!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

He beat Jia Dongxu fiercely, punching to the flesh, burning with anger and shuddering at the same time.

He really didn't expect to grow old, but in the end it was his apprentice who stabbed him in the back.

Fortunately, I had concerns about this matter today. Although I did it, I didn't dare to take off my clothes, and even covered it up properly.

Chen Xueying reacted quickly, otherwise the two of them would have fallen here.

Everyone was taken aback, they had never seen Yi Zhonghai so angry before.

Liu Haizhong hurried forward, hugged Yi Zhonghai, and dragged him away.

"Let go of old Liu, if I don't beat him to death today, I won't be relieved!" Yi Zhonghai barked his teeth and claws.

As soon as this side separated, He Yuzhu also flew over there, trying to beat Jia Dongxu.

"Silly Zhu, stop!"

Zheng Gang shouted loudly, waved his hands to let several boys from his family come forward, and pulled He Yuzhu away.

He Yuzhu stepped on Jia Dongxu a few times, but was pulled away by the boys of the Zheng family.

Just as the elders breathed a sigh of relief, they saw Mrs. Jia rushing in again, howling:

"Dongxu, Dongxu, are you okay?"

"Murder, God, kill!"

"Old Jia, come quickly, everyone in the yard is bullying my Dongxu..."

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