Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 341 One wave is not smooth, another wave rises again

Yi Zhonghai's family.

Yi Zhonghai threw himself on the bed, and the aunt helped rub the wound with medicinal wine.

"You too, at such an old age, you don't pay attention to decency." The first mother nagged.

"Silly two people quarrel, just quarrel. They quarrel during the day and at night. Why are you trying to persuade them?"

Yi Zhonghai bared his teeth in pain and gasped.

He Yuzhu kicked out angrily, using a lot of strength.

How can he bear such an old bone?

At that time, because of his nervousness, he didn't care about his injuries. When he came back, he couldn't even stand up, and his waist seemed to be broken.

"It's all right, it's all Jia Dongxu's fault."

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and said, hating Jia Dongxu so much.

The aunt nodded and said, "No one in the Jia family is good."

"At that time, after Lao Jia died, the Jia Zhang family came to beg you to accept Jia Dongxu as an apprentice, and I strongly opposed it."

"That kid can tell from a young age that he is cold-hearted, and he is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

"Tell me, you have not only taught him skills these years, but also helped him upgrade, can he accept your favor?"

"Also, you've been helping the Jia family all these years, helping them if you have anything to do."

"If it weren't for your protection, with the Jia family's reputation in the courtyard, would they have a good life?"

"But look, Shengmi's kindness fights against Mi's hatred, and Jia's family is merciless against you because you don't lend them food."

"Fortunately, you gave up on letting Jia Dongxu retire..."

"I really count on him. We are old, not to mention the three illnesses and the two pains. No one will take care of us. I guess there is no one to collect the corpse."

Yi Zhonghai sighed secretly and remained silent.

What Jia Dongxu did today really broke his heart.

It can be said that he has never hated someone so much as he does now.

Even if Zheng Gang punished him, he didn't hate it too much.

If you are careless and punished, there is always a chance to get revenge.

But Jia Dongxu was different, he had been an apprentice for many years.

Yi Zhonghai had paid so much for him that he felt even more chilled.

With just a few catties of grain, Jia Dongxu dared to punish him to death, which shows how vicious his heart is!

"Huairu..." Qin Huairu's figure flashed in Yi Zhonghai's heart.

"She's a good woman. I haven't had a chance to get in touch with her in the past few months."

"It seems that we have to take a long-term plan. This matter should not be rushed, and we must find a safe way."


Front yard.

Yan Bugui and Jiang Ping'an stood in front of the chicken coop, looking at the listless two hens.

"Look, it's been like this for the past few days. If you die, the eggs you lay are all soft-shelled eggs." Yan Bugui said sadly.

"I fed some cornmeal, but they didn't eat it, let alone wild vegetables and weeds."

Jiang Pingan frowned and said, "It's a bit like having chicken plague, but summer is the peak season for chicken plague!"

"It's autumn, the hard days are over, why do you get sick?"

Yan Bugui speculated: "Could it be the chronic type? Maybe Xia Tian was already sick, and it just showed up now."

"It's possible." Jiang Pingan nodded with his hands behind his back.

"Hey, smash some garlic water first, and see the situation, there is no other way."

Yan Bugui spread his hands and smiled wryly: "Our family can't even afford food, how can we have garlic?"

"Let Xie Di go to my kitchen and get two or three, I'll give it to you." Jiang Pingan said in a deep voice.

Yan Bugui nodded, gratefully said: "Thank you very much, whether it is useful or not, I will remember your affection."

"I know you're busy. If I hadn't been helpless, I wouldn't have bothered you. You've helped everyone too much."

As he said that, he hurried to the house and asked Yan Jiedi, who was doing homework, to go to Jiang Ping'an's house to bring some garlic.

Yan Jiedi took a puff of smoke and ran to fetch three pieces of garlic and handed them to Yan Bugui.

Then he smiled at Jiang Ping'an and ran to do his homework again.

"The girl Xie Di asked you to teach her to be diligent. She was very lazy before."

After getting the garlic, Yan Bugui flattered Jiang Ping'an happily.

Jiang Pingan smiled, waved his hand and said, "Smash the garlic quickly, feed the chickens, this matter cannot be delayed."

"Yes, yes, the chicken is important." Yan Bugui said hastily.

Soon, Yan Bugui took out the pounding pot, peeled a few cloves of garlic and smashed it.

"Does this happen to other people's homes?" Jiang Ping'an asked, lighting a cigarette and smoking.

Yan Bugui shook his head and said: "I haven't heard of any problem with the chickens for the time being, but our family is unlucky."

He sighed, and said sadly: "I hope these two chickens can live up to their expectations, and they can earn a lot of money by laying eggs every month!"

"Hehe, you have to think about it, livestock is really unpredictable." Jiang Ping'an said in relief.

Yan Bugui nodded and said, "That's what I said, but if it really disappeared, I'd be so heartbroken."

"I've taken care of them like my sons since I bought them back."

"No, it's better than taking care of my son."

"Chop wild grass for them to eat every day, wash and disinfect the chicken coop for them, for fear that they will have problems."

While talking, I saw a group of aunts coming back from the courtyard, each carrying a basket or bag.

Followed by a group of children, all covered in ashes, chirping happily.

"Old Yan, is the chicken better?" The second aunt put down her pocket and asked profusely.

Yan Bugui shook his head and said, "No, I just gave some garlic safely, let's see if it will be better."

"Second uncle, is there something wrong with your chicken?" Someone asked curiously.

Yan Bugui pointed to the chicken coop, and replied, "Look, it looks like it's about to die."

A group of people immediately gathered around to watch, chattering and discussing.

"Could it be a change of season, and the hens are not used to it?"

"Not so squeamish, the chickens raised in the countryside run all over the mountains."

"It looks like I'm sick, just like a human being, I'm sick and lose energy."

"Could it be chicken plague? It's contagious."

"No, the second uncle's chickens can't be kept in the yard, so as not to implicate our chickens."

"Yes, this can't be careless, if it's really chicken plague, a lot of people will die!"


Everyone talked, and suddenly became anxious.

"Second uncle, you can't keep your chickens in the yard anymore, it will be contagious."

"Yes, you can put it outside the courtyard, so as not to implicate us."

"It's better to take it farther away, it's too bad to put it outside the hospital, and the wind will blow the disease here."


Yan Bugui said anxiously: "Don't make noise, it's really chicken plague, it's dead already!"

"I took it outside to raise it, and someone stole it, what should I do?"

"My chicken is sick, and if you don't sympathize with it, you still want to drive it away. What are you doing?"

However, Yan Bugui alone, how can he quarrel with a group of women?

Jiang Ping'an knew that this matter was going to cause trouble, so he retreated to his door early to watch the excitement.

He also took a handful of melon seeds and knocked them slowly.

After a while, people in the middle and back yards also came out to watch when they heard the quarrel.

Knowing that the chickens of Yan Bugui's family had chicken plague, he couldn't calm down.

They all came forward to persuade Yan Bugui to take the chickens out of the yard to raise them.

Seeing Jiang Ping'an grinning, Xu Damao stepped forward and asked:

"You bought these chickens, so you don't care?"

Jiang Pingan glanced at him sideways, and said angrily:

"You don't have lake paint, do you? The chickens have been fed for several months after buying them. What do I care?"

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