Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 358: Jia Zhang's confession, warning He Yuzhu


"That's what he said, thirty yuan can buy sixty catties of cornmeal." Qin Huairu told Jia Zhang.

"My monthly salary is 23.5 yuan, plus a pension of 10 yuan for sticks, a total of 33.5 yuan."

"So I wanted to ask him to buy food for 30 yuan, and he agreed, and gave us two catties of lard."

"In this way, Mom, I'm afraid you won't be able to pay the three yuan pension for the time being."

"Just remember first, when my salary increases in the future, I will pay you back slowly."

The 10 yuan pension for the stick is calculated at 25% of Jia Dongxu's salary.

In other words, Qin Huairu secretly paid ten yuan as a pension.

As for Xiaodang and Huaihua's pension, she really followed Jiang Ping'an's instructions and told Jia Zhang to buy it out for one hundred yuan.

Mrs. Jia Zhang has no doubts about this. After all, the family really has little savings now, so it is necessary to get more living money.

Jiazhang frowned and said, "You bought all the money for food, and ignored our family's other expenses?"

"Don't you prepare for all expenses such as food, grocery shopping, electricity and coal bills at the grain station?"

She is also a shrewd person. These days, it is a good thing to be able to buy food with money, so she has no objection.

"Isn't there still the funeral expenses issued by the factory and the pension for Xiao Dang and the children in my womb?"

At this critical moment, Qin Huairu didn't want Jia Zhang's funeral expenses and pensions to be greedy.

If she doesn't arrange for the money right now, Jia Zhang can take the money away.

"Buying Dongxu will cost a few dollars at most." Qin Huairu counted with his fingers.

"The remaining one hundred and ninety yuan is spread out evenly for a year, and there are about fifteen yuan a month, which is enough for expenses."

"Let's go through a year first, this age can't be so bad all the time, can it?"

"In the future, when the years are good and the grain harvest is bumper, the price will definitely be reduced, and life will still be able to live."

Jia Zhang said sadly: "This money is still too tight, and it is always not enough."

Seeing that his son's funeral expenses and the two children's pension can be covered in his hands.

She didn't expect to spend it anyway, and she felt a little distressed.

But what Qin Huairu said is also right, the past few years have been difficult, so we should deal with the present first.

Suddenly, she raised her head again and said happily, "Jiang Ping'an also gave us two catties of lard?"

"Well, as long as you know about it, don't say anything." Qin Huairu smiled and nodded.

"You know how expensive lard is these days."

Jia Zhang nodded and said with a smile: "I'm not stupid. I have done a lot of things like eating meat buried in a bowl."

As she said that, she looked Qin Huairu carefully, and said suspiciously: "You and him..."

Without waiting for Qin Huairu to reply, she said to herself:

"Dong Xu has gone, you, like me, had a rough fate and became a widow."

"I don't pay much attention to widowhood these days, and I have no right to ask you anything."

"Some things, I turn a blind eye to it, and I won't be harsh on you."

"Jiang Ping'an has a good reputation and won't mess around. If you want to come forward, I won't stop you."

"After all, we orphans and widows really need a strong backer internally and externally."

"The only thing is, for the sake of a few children, if you want to remarry, I will not agree."

"You also have to be smart, think about the consequences before remarrying, job, household registration, children... don't mess around."

Although it's really not the time to talk about it now, she must have a showdown with Qin Huairu earlier.

In order not to make Qin Huairu think otherwise.

As for whether Qin Huairu sent it to Jiang Ping'an's door to take advantage of it.

Jia Zhang is someone who has experienced it, and knows that some things are too tightly controlled, but the more he manages, the worse things become.

She even wished that Qin Huairu and Jiang Ping'an could have a good relationship.

In this way, life at home will definitely be easier.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jiang Ping'an has a bright future.

Taking a step back, he will be the director for the rest of his life.

For many people, it is also unattainable.

Qin Huairu has a good relationship with him, and will grow up in the future.

Jiang Ping'an can also be asked for help in studying, taking exams, working, getting married, and so on.

Qin Huairu was very surprised, she thought Jia Zhang would stare at her steadfastly.

"Mom, where do you want to go?" Qin Huairu frowned.

"Even if I have any thoughts about Ping An in the future, I still want him to think highly of me!"

"As for remarriage, I don't think about it. From now on, I only want to raise a few children."

Jia Zhang looked at her a few times, not knowing whether what she said was true or not, thought about it, and said:

"No matter what you think, anyway, I have explained it, and you must listen to me about this matter."

"As for whether you and Jiang Ping'an will be involved in the future, I don't care, but it's only for him."

"If you dare to be ambiguous with other men, you know my temper."

"Let me know, I have to beat you out of shit, don't blame me for being cruel!"


Front yard.

Three uncles, plus Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu.

After knowing that Jiang Ping'an came back from the factory, they all came to look for him.

"Sister Qin has already joined the job, and I asked her to worship Sister Chen from the third workshop as a teacher." Jiang Ping'an said frankly.

This matter is open and generous, and there is nothing not to tell people, anyway, they will know sooner or later.

Yi Zhonghai said, "We didn't come here for this."

"Oh? For Jia Dongxu's memorial service?" Jiang Ping'an asked.

Liu Haizhong answered, "Just for this matter, the factory leader will come over at night, do you want to prepare in advance?"

"Can't so many factory leaders come over and see the cold fire and autumn smoke in our yard?"

Yi Zhonghai said: "I originally wanted to suggest that everyone donate, but Huairu refused."

"Director Jiang, you have always had the right idea and gave you an idea." He Yuzhu interjected.

"You can't let Jia Dongxu leave in a deserted place!"

Jiang Pingan glanced at He Yuzhu, frowned and said:

"Silly Zhu, everyone understands what's on your mind, it's almost written on your face."

"But I need to remind you that you are married now, and you have six children under your name."

"Sister Qin is a dead man, orphans and widows, most taboo gossip."

"If you really want her good, stay away from Sister Qin. There are many truths in front of widows, don't I need to say more?"

Zheng Gang echoed: "That's right, Qin Huairu was originally keeping her duty, so nothing happened."

"But because of silly Zhu, Chen Xueying slandered Qin Huairu's reputation in the yard every three days."

"Silly Zhu, since Director Jiang has mentioned this matter, you must pay attention to it and pay attention to the impact of your words and deeds."

Yan Bugui said: "Silly Zhu, you have a poor reputation, so don't implicate Qin Huairu."

"Now she goes to work in a steel rolling mill. She will have a salary in the future, plus a pension. Her income will not be lower than yours."

"You haven't taken care of your own family yet, so don't rush to Jia's house to cause trouble."

Liu Haizhong coughed, and then said:

"Director Jiang's reminder was very timely, seeking truth from facts, and pointing out the silly Zhu's problem straight to the point."

"This matter is not just about Shazhu alone, the people in our courtyard also have the responsibility and obligation to supervise."

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