Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 361 Director Yang's Affirmation, Jiang Ping'an's Arrangement


Director Yang led many factory leaders, as well as director Wang of the street.

They came to the courtyard together to condolences to Jia Dongxu's family.

As a cadre in the factory, Jiang Ping'an lived in a courtyard house and accompanied him.

"Thank you, Director Yang, and all the leaders for your concern."

Qinhuai Ru Lihua with rain, holding the stick in one hand and Xiaodang in the other, is indescribably pitiful.

"Director Jiang took me to the factory this afternoon to complete the formalities for the appointment."

"With income in the future, I shouldn't be hungry."

Factory Manager Yang, Shushu and other factory leaders silently looked at Jiang Ping'an, and nodded in satisfaction.

In the past, when there was an accident in the factory, there were no family members who would not make a fuss, and they all wanted more pensions.

They thought that the Jia family would not let it go, after all, Jia Dongxu's death was too tragic.

Although the qualitative result was an accident caused by his operating error, it was also a work-related death.

Therefore, the factory is also responsible.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ping An comforted the family members in advance.

This is equivalent to doing things in the front, and solving problems for the leaders.

Subordinates can well share the burden for the leader at critical times and block some chores.

These seemingly trivial things even make most people disdain.

But it is the one that can touch the leader's heart the most, and has nothing to do with the size of the ability.

What's more, what happened to Jia Dongxu was not a trivial matter, but a very serious fatal accident.

The aftermath work is handled well, although the superiors will not praise, but they will not criticize either.

But if it is not handled well and there is a lot of trouble, the superiors will definitely take down the board.

Director Yang nodded and said solemnly: "Comrade Jiang Ping'an is a good cadre of the people!"

"He closely follows the people's thoughts, worries and hopes, and really does the good things of the people well, and the urgent things are done quickly!"

"He stands firmly on the people's stand, establishes his feelings for the people, has true feelings for the masses in his heart, and can take responsibility on his shoulders."

"In our rolling mill, there are countless party members and cadres like Comrade Jiang Ping'an."

"Lead the workers and comrades to work hard, take responsibility, and dare to be the first."

"Find opportunities in challenges, find a way out in problems, and grow up in setbacks."

"Worrying about the worries of the people's lives, anxious about the urgency of the people's lives, and getting closer to the people."

"Find the right entry point for work and truly become a caring person for the masses, and only then can the steel industry flourish."


The applause rang out enthusiastically, and Qin Huairu blinked her teary eyes with a dazed expression.

Didn't the factory leaders come to condolences to Jia's family? Why did you praise Jiang Pingan first?

Cooperating with her, she cried for a long time just now, was it in vain?

Xu Damao looked at Jiang Pingan standing beside Director Yang from afar, envious.

He was beaten up today with a bruised nose and a swollen face, so he shyly shy and moved in front of the leader.

At the same time, he also knew that on such an occasion, there was no place for him among the leaders.

He used to be a little jealous of Jiang Pingan's good luck, but now the jealousy is gone, only envy remains.

After all, the gap between the two is too great.

In less than a year, Jiang Ping'an has been on top.

Even if he wanted to catch up now, he couldn't catch up anymore, so he just didn't bother to catch up anymore.

On the other hand, Liu Haizhong, who is now the elder in the yard, is also accompanying him.

Bending over, with a serious face, the corners of his mouth twitched with unspeakable excitement in his heart.

As for Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu, they retreated far behind the crowd.

Both of them are now wearing a sinful body, and after cleaning the toilet for a few months, both of them have worn away some arrogance.

Especially He Yuzhu, the burden of his family and the unsatisfactory work made him almost collapse.

He is a chef, what an arrogant person, he has never cleaned the toilet for so long.

But he was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to resign and lose his temper.

Because as long as he dared to leave the rolling mill, it would be difficult to find work elsewhere.

Jobs these days are state, leaving the rolling mill with a taint.

No matter how good his cooking skills are, no unit is willing to accept him.

"Uncle Yi, I want to ask Jiang Ping'an in person after the payment is closed." He Yuzhu said seriously.

"Ask him to help me and transfer me back to the cafeteria, otherwise my skills will be ruined."

Yi Zhonghai nodded and said: "You can try it, I will go with you when the time comes!"

"The original canteen director Wang has retired, and now Ping An is in charge of the canteen."

"With him coming forward, I believe that Deputy Director Li will not continue to suppress you."

He sighed and said, "I told you a long time ago that we need to have a good relationship with Ping An, but you never listened to me before."

"Now you know how important the relationship is? Also, even if you go back to the cafeteria, you have to be honest."

"You know Ping'an's temper. He's not as easy to bully as Director Wang."

He Yuzhu laughed dryly: "I dare to contradict Director Wang, but I dare not contradict Director Jiang."

Others call him stupid, but he is not really stupid, on the contrary he is very shrewd, unless he meets Qin Huairu.

In the past, he didn't flatter Jiang Ping'an because he thought he was a part of the workers, and he didn't ask for help.

Now after being beaten by the society and suffering a lot of grievances, I finally see the reality clearly.

On the other side, the applause stopped.

After learning about the aftermath of Jia's family, it has almost been dealt with.

Factory Manager Yang exchanged pleasantries with the Jia family, and then left with a group of cadres.

Of course, before leaving, Qin Huairu was given fifty yuan, which was collected in advance by the cadres who came.

The street officials followed closely behind, and Director Wang also gave Qin Huairu 30 yuan.

Jiang Ping'an and the three uncles stopped after sending the factory leaders and street officials outside the courtyard.

Liu Haizhong said excitedly: "Director Jiang, thank you for giving me this opportunity to perform in front of the leader."

That's right, it was Jiang Ping'an who dragged the three uncles to accompany the factory leaders and street officials.

Liu Haizhong really thanked Jiang Ping'an.

In the past, he had never had this kind of opportunity to show his face in front of the leaders.

Zheng Gang and Yan Bugui smiled happily and were also very happy.

Although Yan Bugui is a teacher at Hongxing Primary School.

But Hongxing Primary School is under the dual leadership of the education department and the rolling mill.

The rolling mill pays most of the school's daily expenses and teachers' salaries.

So the leader who came today is also the leader of Yan Pugui.

The administrative level of the rolling mill is too high, and the factory leaders are so high that not everyone can come into contact with it.

Needless to say, the street cadres, although they are the uncles in the yard.

It is also rare to have the opportunity to deal with Director Wang and the cadres of the street department.

The people who usually come to the courtyard are street officials, and there is no chance for the three of them to show off.

So being able to show up in front of the leaders of all parties today is also a manifestation of progress.

At the same time, it can also enhance the prestige in the courtyard.

Therefore, the three of them were sincerely grateful to Jiang Ping'an, and did not forget them when something good happened.

Jiang Ping'an smiled, and pondered:

"Tomorrow, you three uncles, each send two people to accompany Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu back to the countryside!"

"When you get there, first go to the captain and report my name. I believe someone will help bury Jia Dongxu."

Jia's reputation is not only bad in the courtyard, but also in the countryside.

Without Jiang Ping'an's help.

Bao Buqi. Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu will go to the countryside tomorrow, and they will be greeted with cold faces, but also cold faces.

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