Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 363 Silly Zhu Changed His Heart, Rain Water Understands People


"Let's eat first, the sweet potatoes are cold."

Seeing that He Yuzhu was depressed all day long, Chen Xueying brought a pot of sweet potatoes and put them on the table.

Several children gathered around in an instant, and a pot of sweet potatoes disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What's wrong with you? You're sluggish every day."

He Yuzhu came back to his senses, forced a smile and said:

"Fortunately, I'm thinking about how to go back to work in the cafeteria earlier."

Although he and Chen Xueying had only been married for a few months.

But the passion is over, back to routine.

He is no longer heart-to-heart with Chen Xueying, and has learned to hide his inner thoughts without a teacher.

Now that Jia Dongxu passed away, He Yuzhu's mind came alive again.

He looked at Chen Xueying silently.

No matter from which point of view, I think Qin Huairu is more in line with his preferences.

That is the eternal white moonlight in his heart.

Those frowns, smiles and glances are enchanting and charming, which makes people's hearts itch.

"It's good to go back to the cafeteria to work, you can bring some leftovers to eat." Chen Xueying smiled.

She heard that the food in the rolling mill was quite oily, and she wanted to try it a long time ago.

He Yuzhu held the sweet potato, lowered his head and peeled it slowly, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't talk to Chen Xueying, and every time he spoke, it was oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, which was annoying.

If he had a blind date with Chen Xueying, he would have known from the beginning that she had six children.

Even if he was killed, he would not marry Chen Xueying.

It was also his fault that he was obsessed with sex, coveted Chen Xueying's body, married in a hurry, and did not investigate carefully.

Now he regrets that his intestines are green.

Especially this group of small ones, he hates them even more, each of them eats no less than adults.

He Yuzhu is notoriously rough, he didn't like children when he was young.

Even if it's a stick, he still looks at Qin Huairu's face, and occasionally talks to him patiently.

If he really knows how to take care of people and likes children, He Yushui won't be hungry when he was a child.

Seeing him bowing his head and not speaking, Chen Xueying pursed her lips, feeling a little helpless.

As a knowledgeable and experienced woman, how could she not know what He Yuzhu was thinking?

He Yuzhu is greedy for Qin Huairu's body, people in the yard can see it, but she can't?

This is also the reason why she targeted Qin Huairu everywhere as soon as she arrived in the courtyard.

Unexpectedly, because of this, it backfired.

Not only did He Yuzhu not be restrained and vigilant, but he was pushed, which made him even more greedy for Qin Huairu.

Will a man come back if his heart has changed?

Maybe his heart never came back!

Chen Xueying sighed secretly, then heard He Yuzhu ask:

"Bring me the crispy peanuts I had a few days ago. I want to drink some wine to relieve my fatigue."

Chen Xueying was taken aback when she heard the words, and said hesitantly, "Let a few children eat peanuts..."

"Crack!" He Yuzhu was furious, and he reached out and threw the bowl on the table to the ground.

"Did you run out of food? Haven't you run out of food at home? Can you manage for a few more days?" He Yuzhu said angrily.

"I clean the toilet every day, relying on a few peanuts and drinking a little wine to suppress the smell!"

"What can't they eat, but want to eat my peanuts? How old are you, and you're still so greedy?"

The children were trembling with fright and lowered their heads not daring to look at him.

The two twin girls were so frightened that they hid in Chen Xueying's arms, choking and sobbing.

Chen Xueying was also taken aback. When she came back to her senses, she saw that the children were frightened, and her heart ached terribly.

"Silly Zhu..." Chen Xueying opened her mouth and screamed, her face turned blue with anger and resentment.

"You worthless dead man, you only know how to mess around at home if you have no skills!"

"Why don't you die? What's wrong with the peanuts? Can't peanuts be eaten?"

"It seems that you didn't raise this family alone? My salary is no lower than yours!"

"Before my mother married you, she still raised a few children for nothing."

"What about after marrying you? You have to worry about not having enough to eat every month. Who can blame this?"

"It's all because of your incompetence! You are worthless, and you can't even support your family!"

"What are you doing? The old lady and the six children don't eat based on your face, you have to figure it out!"

"What's the matter? Jia Dongxu is dead, and his mind has become dull? Want to hook up with Qin Huairu?"

"You don't spread shit to show off your own virtues, even if Jia Dongxu is dead, Qin Huairu won't look down on you!"

"If I, Chen Xueying, hadn't been blind to marry you, you would have been a bachelor for the rest of your life!"

"What's wrong with you? If you have the ability to let our mothers eat and dress well!"

"As long as you can let us have enough food and clothing, and hand over our wages, I'll do whatever you want outside!"

"Do you dare to promise, you worthless dog man, dare you?"

Chen Xueying's voice was particularly sharp and piercing, making He Yuzhu's head buzzing and feeling very irritable.

He was so angry that he raised his hand and was about to slap it out.

Chen Xueying was not afraid, she even stood up, stretched her face over, and said in a cold voice:

"Come on, hit, hit to death! As long as you dare to fight, I will dare to go to the street and the factory to respond."

"Say you abused women and children, and report you as a broken shoe with your real name! Get rid of your job and divorce you!"

"Come on! Give it a try, I'm afraid you won't succeed? Who am I, Chen Xueying, afraid of?"

He Yuzhu woke up immediately, angry in his heart, turned his palm into a fist, and punched the table with one fist.

"That's enough, you shrew, I'll be in bad luck for eight lifetimes if I marry you!"

He Yuzhu roared, turned around and walked out.

Chen Xueying snorted coldly, hugged the two little girls Xingke and Xingmeng, and whispered:

"Don't be afraid, with mom here, he can't turn the world upside down!"


Front yard.


He Yushui frowned, his face was ruddy, and he was shivering, and it took him a while to recover.

Jiang Pingan withdrew, turned over and lay down, took a cigarette and lit it, and whispered:

"Your brother and sister-in-law are arguing again. They are really having a lively day!"

He Yushui breathed a sigh of relief, took a towel and put it on, slipped into Jiang Ping'an's arms, and said:

"You are bad, they quarrel every day, how can this be a day?"

"But you were right in saying something before, my brother really doesn't know how to take care of others."

He Yuzhu and his wife quarreled, but she didn't dare to intervene, lest they take their anger out on her.

"My brother must have changed his mind, no, he has always liked Qin Huairu, and his heart has not changed."

He Yushui pondered, "Now that Jia Dongxu is dead, my brother thinks his chance has come."

"During the day, when I saw the way he looked at his sister-in-law, I was filled with disgust and impatience..."

"He is obsessed with sex, and he doesn't even think about it. People who are married, can they still be like before?"

"Furthermore, even though Qin Huairu has become a widow, she doesn't necessarily like my brother."

Jiang Ping'an asked with a smile: "Why does she look down on your brother? What evidence is there?"

"Hee hee, I have secretly observed it a long time ago." He Yushui said with a smile.

"My brother was not married before, and when he was supporting Jia's family, he took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Qin Huairu."

"Where's Qin Huairu? Talking to my brother is always perfunctory, even a bit disgusting."

"Don't look at my young age, you can be accurate in people..."

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