Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 377 Yi Zhonghai's mind is lively, He Yuzhu is envious

There was a lot of noise in the yard.

Jiang Ping'an was also extremely dissatisfied with Yan Bugui.

You must know that there are no chickens on the market this year, and occasionally one in private is also ridiculously expensive.

On the black market, it costs seven or eight yuan, or even ten yuan a chicken, and there are people vying for it.

There are many elderly people in the capital, and it is not news to exchange gold bars for food and meat.

At the beginning, Jiang Ping'an sold one to the residents of the courtyard for five yuan.

It can be regarded as a benefit for them after becoming a cadre.

But the prerequisite is that whether it is chicken or eggs, you can eat it yourself.

If you want to sell it, you can only sell it to a rolling mill for 3.5 yuan, and it must be alive.

If it is really allowed to sell outside, he doesn't know how much money he will make?

Jiang Ping'an didn't allow the people in the courtyard to take advantage of him, and he didn't allow anyone with a darker heart than him!

So this opening cannot be opened!

If you continue to do this in the future, and ask him to buy chickens every three days, and then resell them, what's the matter with him?

Raise rice to raise benefactors, bucket rice to raise enemies!

If you don't kill this unhealthy trend, there will always be someone who will take an inch!

"Listen up, at 6:30 in the evening, we are going to hold a general meeting in the middle courtyard!"

Liu Haizhong got Jiang Ping'an's order and yelled loudly in the yard.

"There is a meeting, this meeting should have been held long ago!"

"That's right, Director Jiang was also angry just now, and the second uncle's position may not be guaranteed."

"That's right! The one who said he wanted to supervise us, but sold the chicken himself first, is he the only smart one in the world?"

"Director Jiang said that Yan Bugui will be fined, but I don't know if he will accept the punishment."

"Hehe, how dare he! Director Jiang has spoken, unless Yan Bugui doesn't want to live in the courtyard."

"Yes, Yan Bugui himself said that each chicken is sold at a price of seven yuan, which is a typical speculation!"

"It's hateful, seeing Qian's eyes open, digging his own grave, and implicating us..."

"In the future, if I want to ask Director Jiang to help me buy chickens and ducks, I'm afraid it will not be so easy."

"That's right, that's why Yan Bugui is hateful, he hurts others and himself, hey... I want to strangle him to death!"


middle school.

He Yuzhu ran to Yi Zhonghai's house in a flash of smoke, and said excitedly:

"Master Yi, your chance has come!"

Yi Zhonghai smiled slightly, nodded and said:

"That's right, Lao Yan must step down this time and make room for me."

Thinking of this incident, his mood is not peaceful.

He hadn't made a sound in the courtyard for too long, and he needed to open his eyes from the position of the uncle.

He Yuzhu said worriedly: "Over there on the street..."

"So I have to communicate with Ping An first." Yi Zhonghai got up and said.

"With his support, I can talk on the street, otherwise I will miss this opportunity."

He Yuzhu asked for advice: "Aunt Yi is also on the street, can't she help out?"

Aunt Yi, who was cooking, heard the words, stuck out her head at the kitchen door and said:

"Your uncle's punishment was announced by Director Wang himself, and it can only be done on a safe face."

After all, she is just a small clerk in the street.

And he hasn't become a regular yet, so how can he reach Director Wang?

After saying a word, she went back to the kitchen to get busy.

Yi Zhonghai smiled, and went to the house to fetch two bottles of Fenjiu.

"Uncle Yi, you are going to spend your money!" He Yuzhu said twice.

Yi Zhonghai said with a smile: "A few apprentices pooled money to buy this ticket for me during the Chinese New Year. I have been reluctant to drink it."

"Today, I just borrowed flowers to present to Buddha and sent them to Ping An. He likes it."

He Yuzhu was so greedy, he sighed:

"It's better to have the right! Someone will give you good wine on the pole."

"No, not only power, but connections are also very important." Yi Zhonghai shook his head.

"To be honest, you should listen to my advice early. With your skills, you have already made many leaders and connections."

This is true, a skilled cook is naturally easy to come into contact with various leaders, and it is convenient to compile a network of contacts.

In the original play, it was because of Director Yang that He Yuzhu took him to cook at the big leader's house and was appreciated by the big leader.

But now, because of Jiang Pingan's operation, He Yuzhu's opportunity was intercepted and given to Nanyi.

Now every Sunday night in Nanyi, he will go to the big leader's house to cook, and the craftsmanship is guaranteed.

With him around, it might not be so easy for He Yuzhu to rely on the big leader.

"I also regret not listening to you." He Yuzhu sighed.

He also cooked for many leaders before.

Although there is not much leadership, there are still section chiefs and directors.

But he didn't have the mind to curry favor with others, he had a bad temper, and when others asked him once or twice, he never invited him again.

So these years he didn't have any contacts at all.

Now that he has been cleaning the toilet for several months, his spirit is almost worn out.

Right now, his biggest wish was to return to work in the kitchen.

This has never happened before.

Which time did he commit a crime, and within three to five days at the most, the leader still sent him back?

Yi Zhonghai sighed softly, and asked in a low voice, "Has your house been exchanged?"

"Well, that house was originally mine, and the people on the street are easy to talk to." He Yuzhu nodded.

Yi Zhonghai nodded and said: "In the future, we must pay attention to it, how careful we are."

"I won't tell you now, I'll send the wine to Pingan first, or it will be too late after the meeting."

Yi Zhonghai put two bottles of wine in a cloth bag and carried them, talked to Aunt Yi, and walked out of the room.

He Yuzhu followed out, wanting to go to Jiang Ping'an's place to get acquainted and ease the relationship.

Although Jiang Ping'an promised to transfer him back to the kitchen in two months, He Yuzhu didn't dare to relax until the last moment.

"Don't follow, I'm talking to Ping An, what are you doing there?"

Seeing him following, Yi Zhonghai stopped in his tracks and said unhappily.

He Yuzhu froze for a moment, gave him a resentful look, turned around and went home.

"What kind of eyes is this? It's so creepy!" Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but trembled.

Came to Jiang Ping'an's house.

I saw Yan Jiedi bending over, busy wiping the furniture, her little face was flushed with sweat stains.

Jiang Ping'an was sitting at the door of the kitchen, nibbling a handful of melon seeds in his hand.

Talking and laughing with He Yushui who was washing clothes in the kitchen, I don't know what they were talking about.

"Ping An, have you eaten yet?" Yi Zhonghai stepped into the living room and asked with a smile.

Jiang Pingan got up and pointed to the kitchen, then smiled and said:

"The steamed buns are steaming in the pot, it's almost ready, Mr. Yi, what are you..."

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Yan Jiedi and He Yushui, made a wink, and said, "Talk to you about something."

"Okay, let's talk in the bedroom." Jiang Ping'an nodded.

When he came to the bedroom, Yi Zhonghai took out two bottles of wine one by one and put them on the kang table.

"Several apprentices chipped in to buy this wine and gave it to me. I knew you liked it, so I brought it for you."

Jiang Ping'an laughed and said, "I'll just say it, what's good about Mr. Yi, he always thinks of me."

He was not polite, and accepted the two bottles of wine openly.

In front of Yi Zhonghai, put it in the kang cabinet behind.

Yi Zhonghai was extremely envious when he saw that the kang cabinet was filled with cigarettes, wine, food, melon seeds and peanuts.

What He Yuzhu said is good, the right is really great!

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