Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 392 Liang Ladi is sensible and sensible (2400 monthly ticket plus more chapters)

"Xiu'er is so cute!"

Jiang Pingan hugged the pink and jade-carved Xiu'er, pecked her cheek, and said happily.

"Papa, giggling..." Xiu'er giggled.

Every time Jiang Ping'an came over, Xiu'er was very happy and got very close to him.

Liang Ladi, who was chopping vegetables, turned her head to the side, smiled slightly, and showed tenderness in her watery eyes.

"This girl caught a cold a few days ago." Liang Ladi pursed her lips and said.

"I've been listless for several days, and I'm so worried that I can't sleep."

"As soon as you came here today, she laughed and played around. It seems that she really cares about you."

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I am her father, who does she care about and who does I care about?"

As he spoke, he held up Xiuxiu and walked around, cheering in his mouth: "Xiuer, Xiuer, this is my daughter..."

Xiu'er was overjoyed, baring her teeth and claws, yelling papapapa non-stop.

"Hehe, don't be wobbly. After you get used to it, she is often held high by people." Liang Ladi laughed.

Jiang Pingan smiled, put Xiu'er down, hugged her in his arms, frowned and said:

"Xiu'er is sick, why didn't you notify me?"

Liang Ladi smiled and said: "Just a little cold, I heard you said that I was busy a few days ago, so I didn't tell you."

"You're a man, and you're busy with big things. I don't want these short things to bother you."

Jiang Pingan glared at her and said, "Bullshit, don't pretend to be smart in the future!"

"No matter who has something to do with the children, they must tell me in time."

"You also know my contacts, which is a big deal for you, but it might just be a matter of little effort for me."

"It's okay to be really stupid. With me as a strong backer, you don't need it, but you have to make troubles by yourself. Are you tired?"

Liang Ladi was criticized, Fei Dan was not happy, but very pleased, she nodded and said with a smile:

"Okay, okay! Don't scold me, I will ask you for help with anything in the future, okay?"

Sanmao, who was picking vegetables at the side, saw Jiang Ping'an criticizing Liang Ladi, ran over and hugged Jiang Ping'an's leg, raised his face and said:

"Dad Jiang, Mom misses you very much and often says your name."

Jiang Pingan laughed loudly, nodded and said:

"Your mother is a strong-hearted person, and she has to resist everything by herself."

"Sanmao, you three brothers are the men of the family, if you have something to do, please help your mother."

Sanmao blinked her big eyes, nodded and said seriously: "Well, we will definitely protect mother."

"Go ahead and pick vegetables!" Jiang Ping'an nodded in satisfaction.

Sanmao Yiyan went to pick vegetables again.

Liang Ladi shook her head and smiled: "This kid, you can tell me everything."

"Yesterday when Da Mao and Er Mao were having dinner, they were still asking when you would be back."

Jiang Pingan asked with a smile, "Er Mao started school this year, is there any mischief?"

"Oh, don't talk about it, Er Mao, like Da Mao, is also the king of children in school." Liang Ladi smiled wryly.

"Just last week, the school teacher even called him to go to work."

"Er Mao took a group of young classmates and climbed around a tree tens of meters high."

"It can scare the school teacher a lot, how dangerous it is!"

"After I heard it, I was so sad that Ji Qi cried, so I gave him a good meal."

"When he comes back from school later, you remember to criticize him, he will listen to you."

Jiang Ping'an nodded and said, "We have to talk about this matter to make him realize the danger."

The two were talking, and the time passed quickly.

Liang Ladi prepared the ingredients, steamed the steamed buns, and asked Jiang Ping'an to watch.

Then I took my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

About half an hour later, Liang Ladi came back from the shower.

After leaving Xiu'er in Sanmao's care, he closed the door and went into the bedroom with Jiang Ping'an.

In the room, the two laughed and laughed.

Liang Ladi is plump and mature, as delicate and charming as a blooming rose, with various styles.

Her every frown and smile are charming and charming, and she is even more tactful to Jiang Ping'an, with indescribable tenderness and consideration.

A long absence is better than a newlywed.

The two are so in love that they can't help but rub each other together.

The sparrows outside the window were chirping, their voices were melodious, and they played a melodious sound in coordination with the people in the room.

Forty or fifty minutes later, the bird flew away, the room was in a mess, and it became quiet.

Liang Ladi's face was blushing, her eyes were full of spring and autumn, and her eyes were as gentle as water.

She was lying in Jiang Pingan's arms, the lingering charm on her face was still there, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing a few white teeth.

Pale red lips, delicate and tender, said lightly:

"At the end of the year, I'm going to take the second-level sewing worker upgrade assessment, and my master told me that I should be able to pass."

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "You've been a tailor for so many years, so it's not surprising that you can survive."

Liang Ladi is indeed very talented, she never worries about work matters, she can figure it out by herself.

"Hehe, that's what my master said too." Liang Ladi beamed brightly when talking about work.

"It's a pity that I can't skip a grade to take the assessment, otherwise I would still like to take the third-level sewing worker assessment!"

"Hey, although the salary level has gone up, you need a ticket to buy everything these days, and being rich doesn't help much."

"Otherwise, with my own ability, I can raise a few children without dragging you down."

Jiang Pingan said angrily, "What's the matter? Do you want to be independent now? Don't want to rely on me?"

"It's nothing, if you don't rely on who?" Liang Ladi blinked her eyes and said with a smile.

"I didn't think you were going to marry Jingru next year. You also have to support a family. I was really afraid of dragging you down."

"But I'm just talking about it, those little bastards are growing their bodies."

"The food ration at home is not enough to eat. Before they start working, you will be indispensable."

Jiang Ping'an's expression softened, he nodded and said, "That's right, if you follow me, don't think about anything else."

"I have been a buyer for so many years, and I have made many contacts. I don't need to rely on rations for a long time."

"Think about it, the things I brought you can be obtained by quantification?"

Liang Ladi pursed her lips, nodded lightly, drew circles in Jiang Ping'an's arms, and whispered back:

"It is precisely because I know that you have a wide range of paths, so I am not worried and accept your help with peace of mind."

"We used to be a deal with you, but now the longer I've been with you, I've already regarded you as my family."

"After you marry Jingru, the family will have an extra mouth to eat. Am I afraid that you will be under too much pressure?"

Jiang Ping'an laughed and said, "I'm really worried about eating radish salty. Did you ignore what I just said?"

"Let's not talk about one Jingru, even if there are ten Jingru, I can support them without stress."

"Another one, since I married her, I will definitely arrange a job for her and change my household registration to an urban one."

"So even if I have no other way, I can support my family just by eating rations."

Liang Ladi rolled her eyes and said, "All right, all right, do you know that you are capable?"

"Okay, I've recovered, let's get up, we haven't cooked yet."

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