Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 403 Little Cook He Yushui, Nanyi's Marriage

The persimmons are golden.

The fruit is oblate, larger in size, red in color and yellow in color, sweet and crisp in taste, with an apple taste.

"This persimmon cannot be eaten on an empty stomach, nor can it be eaten with crabs."

Qin Jingru filled a bag full of persimmons and asked He Yushui to take them away.

He Yushui smiled slightly and said, "At this age, I can't even eat enough. How can there be crabs?"

Qin Jingru glanced at Jiang Ping'an, pouted and said:

"I can't guarantee when he will get crabs to eat, maybe!"

"In short, don't think I'm long-winded, and always keep in mind what I told you."

He Yushui smiled and said, "I've wanted to have a sister since I was a child, but I never thought I would have one now."

"Bah, you're not in shape!" Qin Jingru blushed and said, gouging her out.

Then, Qin Jingru and He Yushui came to the living room together, cooperated with each other, and tied the persimmon to the car.

Jiang Ping'an wanted to help, but the two women refused to do anything, and let him rest no matter what.

"There are not many things at home, the old man just stay on the sidelines!"

Qin Jingru glared at him and said with displeasure.

"That is, I let you do everything, what do we women need to do?" He Yushui echoed.

Jiang Ping'an spread his hands and said, "Well, you are still reasonable, and I am happy to be free!"

The two girls covered their mouths and laughed like fighting roosters.

After the things were tied up, the three of them went to the kitchen and poured hot water to wash their hands and faces.

Suddenly, Qin Jingru was stunned for a moment, blushing and muttering softly: "There it is again."

"That's just for washing, I want to wash too!" He Yushui said in embarrassment, pinching his legs.

Qin Jingru said to Jiang Ping'an, "Ping'an, go out and avoid it for a while, it's embarrassing."

"Is there anything to avoid? I still want to see it!" Jiang Pingan said with a smirk.

He Yushui pulled Qin Jingru's sleeve and whispered:

"Let him see it, hasn't he never seen it?"

Qin Jingru stretched out her finger, tapped He Yushui's forehead, and said angrily:

"As long as you get used to him, he will push himself even further in the future."

He Yushui smiled slightly and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that you won't agree to him when I'm not here?"

" little girl, do you want to see my jokes? Beg to be beaten!" Qin Jingru patted her lightly and said with a smile.

The two were laughing and joking, Qin Jingru was in charge of pouring water, and He Yushui walked to the door and closed it.

The two women looked at each other, blushing involuntarily.

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Jingru gritted his teeth, rustled for a while, and then washed it with water.

He Yushui laughed softly, and followed suit, blushing and busy.

Jiang Ping stepped forward and looked at the two of them carefully, but they were both fat and thin, each with their own charm.

After cleaning, Qin Jingru discussed in a low voice: "You come too, I'll help you wash."

Jiang Pingan nodded, and after a while, hugged Qin Jingru from behind.

Qin Jingru closed her eyes slightly, opened her small mouth slightly, revealing a few small white teeth, her complexion was ruddy and shy.

He Yushui spat lightly, hesitated for a moment, and walked over.


"Some don't want to go back, the countryside is quite fun."

He Yushui sat on Jiang Ping'an's lap, hugged his neck, and said with attachment.

Jiang Pingan said: "If you don't want to go back, you have to go back, don't cause trouble!"

"Well, I'm just talking, are you serious?" He Yushui pouted.

Then, she turned her head and asked Qin Jingru who was cleaning:

"Sister Jingru, are you alright? I've had a good rest."

He Yushui stood up, found a dry towel to wipe off the water drops, nodded and said with a smile:

"Then get up quickly, don't get stuck, or he will hold you down again."

He Yushui smiled slightly, touched noses with Jiang Ping'an, and said softly:

"That's okay, as long as he wants, it doesn't matter if I'm tired."

Jiang Ping'an kissed her, and said with a smile, "Rain is still gentle and considerate."

He Yushui pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes turned into crescent moons. He slowly got up and left.

Qin Jingru blinked her big watery eyes, her face flushed red.

She brought hot water over to clean Jiang Ping'an.

"What do you want for lunch? I'll make lunch later." Qin Jingru asked.

Jiang Ping'an murmured, "Just make a few home-cooked dishes, and you can arrange them as you like."

"It just so happens that the rain is also here, I'll learn from her." Qin Jingru nodded and smiled.

"By the way, with the help of the little cook, Rainwater, your life in the city is quite nourishing!"

He Yushui smiled and said: "You asked me to learn cooking, you found the right person!"

"I have Tan's family's cuisine passed down from my family. Although I haven't learned it seriously, I can cook a lot of dishes by my ears and eyes."

"But it's a pity that Tan's cuisine has high requirements for ingredients, so I can't teach you."

Qin Jingru nodded, stood up and said to Jiang Ping'an:

"It's done, put on your pants quickly, don't catch cold!"

He turned back and said to He Yushui, "Just teach me how to cook a few home-cooked dishes."

"You're going back today, and I don't expect to become fat in one day."

The three packed up.

Qin Jingru and He Yushui were cooking, chatting and talking.

Jiang Pingan was sitting beside them, smoking a cigarette, chatting with them, and the atmosphere was harmonious and comfortable.



"Come on, chicken stew with mushrooms!"

Nan Yi brought a casserole to the table and shouted with a smile.

Luo Yingqiu's beautiful eyes were shining, and she exclaimed: "It smells so good, your craftsmanship is better than before!"

"Of course, if I don't make progress, wouldn't I be wasting my life?" Nanyi sat down and laughed.

Then he said to the children: "Shujun, Shuhui, Shushu, all start, don't be polite to uncle."

Xia Shujun smiled and said, "Thank you, Uncle Nan, for your hospitality."

Xia Shuhui and Xia Shu also expressed their gratitude, very polite.

Nanyi nodded with a smile and said, "If you teach these children well, they will definitely be promising in the future."

"Hehe, thanks for your kind words." Luo Yingqiu said with a smile.

"As long as they grow up healthy and healthy, I'm content."

Afraid that they would be too polite, Nan Yi divided a chicken and each took some.

While talking, Luo Yingqiu talked about Nanyi's marriage.

"Are you not too young? Now that your job is stable, it's time to get married, right?"

Hearing this, Nan Yi said a little embarrassedly, "I didn't find a suitable one."

"Sister Yingqiu, you also know that my family background is not good. If you like me, I don't like the other party."

"I like it, but the other party may not like me, so I have been wasting like this."

"A few years ago, I was a little anxious. Seeing that my companions were all married and had children, I was quite envious."

"In recent years, I've gradually gotten used to it, and I'm not in a hurry anymore, just let it happen!"

Luo Yingqiu sighed and said, "You're a little frustrated when you say that."

"If you don't look for it, how can you find the right one?"

"Ask more matchmakers or friends to introduce you, and you will definitely find a good girl."

"Well, after I'm done with Lao Xia's affairs, I'll help you pay more attention."

"But all I know are teachers, and most of them have high vision."

"The most I can do is to help make an appointment. Whether it can be done or not depends on your own efforts."

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