Siheyuan: The Gods And Fortune Tellers, Whoever Provokes Me Will Kill Me

Chapter 232 Uncle Er Meets An Immortal And Dances, Is It Necessary To Be An Official? ? ?

When Su Chen and the others arrived home, there was a general assembly in the compound.

As soon as the third uncle saw Su Chen, he quickly waved for him to go over.

"What's the matter, third uncle?" Su Chen asked in surprise.

"Come on, come on, your second uncle met a fairy dance outside, and was cheated of a lot of money."

As soon as Su Chen heard it, he knew that the task was about to be completed.

Anyway, it's okay, let's go to join in the fun.

It turned out that Uncle Er had made new clothes and was walking around the street like a dog, which attracted a lot of people's attention at that time.

A middle-aged woman also had her eye on him at the time, and approached him to get close.

Uncle Er also experienced this kind of thing when he was young, but later he got older. In addition, the family is also poor, so it is far away from Huajie and Liuxiang.

But I am happy today, the second uncle also wanted to celebrate, and followed after asking the price.

Unexpectedly, he won a full set in public and was made into a fairy dance.

The other party asked for one hundred yuan, but the second uncle only had fifty yuan on him, and the money was not enough, so he had to go home to get the remaining half.

These people were quite courageous, and even threatened the second uncle that if he called the police or spoke out, he would be ruined.

Of course the second uncle didn't dare, so he went home to get the money.

I didn't expect to be followed by the second aunt. Seeing that he took so much money to go out, I was anxious at that time.

The two couldn't help but fight.

Uncle Er saw that something bad was going to happen, so he quickly told Aunt Er about it, and told her to keep quiet, otherwise he would be in trouble.

But when the second aunt heard that the second uncle was having a woman outside, even if she was usually afraid of the second uncle, she couldn't accept it at this time, so she started yelling at that time.

Everyone in the compound knew about this commotion.

But fortunately, the group of people who were waiting outside the yard were scared away when they heard the commotion inside.

When Uncle Yi and the others heard the news and rushed out with the young people in the yard, those people had already left.

Later, the second aunt cried and felt that the second uncle was going to abandon her, and let the first uncle decide for herself.

When the deaf old lady heard this, she raised her crutches and wanted to beat the second uncle, and the second uncle could only flee in embarrassment in the yard.

He didn't dare to go out yet, for fear of being caught by those people playing fairy dance.

In the end, the deaf old lady also asked to hold a meeting of the whole hospital to criticize the second uncle, but the first uncle had to obey.

"Old Liu, you still want to have a second life, why do you still have this idea?"

The third uncle spoke first, he was a little jealous of the second uncle, who still had the energy to play such a game.

"This old and unscrupulous Liu Haizhong is embarrassing."

"Usually I can't see it, I never thought I was an Isp in my bones!"

"It's just being the second uncle, taking the lead in doing bad things, I'm sorry!"

"Neighbors in the neighborhood," the second uncle said with a bitter face, "I was actually cheated, I don't have that kind of idea! She asked me to help, I felt that she was too pitiful, so I wanted to help her, no think....."

"You still have the face to explain, you really have nothing, can you agree to give money to others?"

"You just put on your pants and don't want to admit it, scumbag!"

"Actually, you all want to split things up. Losing fifty yuan is actually a trivial matter. Have you ever thought about whether the position of workshop director can be kept after the trouble of the second uncle?

It was still the third uncle who was shrewd and immediately thought of the crux of the problem.

When Uncle Er heard this, his face turned green. If he loses the official who is not warm because of this, then he might as well die.

Aunt Er also felt that the matter was getting serious. If she had known it would be like this, she held back at that time.

After all, they belonged to an old couple, so she took this aspect lightly.

"Third uncle, I won't pursue this matter anymore, will the factory still take care of it?" Second Aunt hurriedly said.

"Aunt II, if something happens, it's out of your hands. Before promotion, a person's moral character will be investigated. In this case, Uncle Er, "I'm so concerned!"

"That can't be done, my director can't be lost!" The second uncle's eyes turned red immediately.

"I have waited for decades, hoped for decades, it's easy for me!"

Seeing the pain of Uncle Er, no one sympathized with him.

Many people even took pleasure in other people's misfortune.

I was quite jealous of the second uncle before, but now I just feel happy.

Of course, it can't be exposed on the surface, otherwise we won't be able to get along with each other in the future.

Uncle Yi is still experienced, he frowned and said: "Old Liu, is there someone who will not see your promotion and deliberately frame you?"

Uncle One thinks differently from others.

The second uncle and the third uncle also tried every means to get the first uncle to step down, so that the two could take another step forward.


Uncle One never thought of getting the Second and Third Uncles out of the stage, and covering the sky with one hand.

Because the first uncle thinks that the current situation is the most beneficial to him, the other two uncles can help the son spread the firepower, and can also help the son cook during the daily hours.

As long as his own words are useful at critical times, Grandpa Yi will be satisfied.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Uncle Yi to be able to sit in this position for more than ten years.

His pattern is much larger than that of the second and third uncles.

Uncle Er had been ashamed before, and didn't think about other aspects at all.

Now, when I heard Uncle Yi's reminder, my heart was moved at the time, could it be that I was going to be promoted, and someone deliberately framed me!

The second uncle looked up and scanned the audience.

No one in the factory knew about Uncle Er's promotion, that is, the people in the compound knew about it.

If someone really framed him, it would most likely be someone in the compound.

But when everyone's eyes met the second uncle, everyone was quite calm, and the second uncle was quickly defeated.

Seeing this, Su Chen said: "Uncle Er, the factory hasn't produced any results yet, why don't we do it first and wait until the factory has news.

Otherwise, if this trouble continues, more people will know about it, and it will be more likely to cause accidents. "

Uncle Er nodded and said, "It's still Su Chen who is thoughtful. Su Chen, in the factory, try to give me some kind words!"

"Uncle Er, it's just that no one reports this kind of thing. If someone does report it, there is a high probability that it will be pornographic. If I don't talk about this kind of thing, you can probably think of it.

Now the first thing to be checked for promotion and fortune is character. No matter how good the character is, no matter how strong the business ability is, it is useless.

So you have to be mentally prepared!"

Uncle Er was a little depressed when he heard this, but he actually knew this better than Su Chen.

He has been thinking about becoming an official all his life, and he has studied these things thoroughly.

But I didn't expect to be cautious in my words and deeds all my life, and then I stumbled at the last moment.

Thinking of this, Uncle Er slapped himself across the face.

The next day, all the people who worked in the rolling mill in the compound left early.

I don't mean anything else, just want to see how the second uncle's business is going, and whether he has gone to the factory to report the loss. .

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