The next day, when Su Chen arrived at Rolling Steel, Liu Lan heard about Lan Fangtian.

The factory leaders were also angered by Lan Fangtian's repeated mistakes. Even Mr. Liu, who had the best impression of him, was disappointed.

In the end, the factory removed him from the post of workshop director on the spot, and gave him the punishment of staying in the factory for inspection.

In four years, Lan Fangtian went from an ordinary employee to a college student, and then to an ordinary employee.

It is also a miracle.

In the morning, the news spread in the factory.

Su Chen deliberately wanted the second uncle to be pissed off.

But this has nothing to do with him.

At noon, Zhou Xiaobai came to the back kitchen to look for him again.

Su Chen found that this little girl seemed to be interested in him.

Of course, Yinchen does not reject it.

Zhou Xiaobai is a nice girl, whether she is a friend or a girlfriend, she is fine.

Happy times always come quickly. In the afternoon, Su Chen drank a cup of tea, wandered around the factory twice, and then it was time to get off work.

Su Chen went to the kindergarten to pick up Li Xiaorou by bicycle.

At the gate of the rolling mill, I met a man.

The two greeted each other, and the uncle said that he was going to the hospital to pick up Sugeng and go home.

It turned out that Qin Huairu felt that the broken leg had been fixed, so there was no need to spend so much money in the hospital.

Uncle Yi went to help drag the stick home.

With Silly Zhu absent, all these tasks have become the responsibility of a master.

At this time, Uncle Yi still misses Sha Zhu very much.

When Shazhu was around, Qin Huairu's family was responsible for all these troubles, and the uncle only needed to give instructions by the side.

Of course, these matters have nothing to do with Su Chen.

The kindergarten is not yet open until 15, and the children are waiting in line inside.

Zhou Xiaobai smiled when he saw Su Chen inside.

Su Chen also waved at her.

After picking up Li Xiaorou, the two sang along the way and went back.

When passing by the middle courtyard, Su Chen felt a pair of eyes staring at him behind the window of Qin Huai's house.

You don't need to think about it to know it's Jia Zhang.

Su Chen pretended not to know and took Li Xiaorou back home.

Not long after Su Chen came back, the second uncle also returned to the compound angrily.

Lan Fangtian was even dismissed from the post of workshop director, which disappointed the second uncle.

Years of hard work went to waste.

The second uncle returned home angrily. When the second aunt saw it, she didn't dare to ask more questions, and she was grateful for bringing him the rice and wine.

Uncle Er always eats small stoves at home.

He gets a meal for himself, and the rest of the family gets a share.

Of course, it's not much better, just multiple servings of eggs.

This one is incomparable to Su Chen's, but it is the only one in the compound.

"It smells so good!" Liu Guangfu, the third child, looked at the second uncle eating eggs with big mouthfuls, and drooled.

"Go, what are you looking at? This is for your dad!" Second Aunt coaxed Liu Guangtian aside.

"It smells so good!" Liu Guangtian, the second child who just came back from get off work, couldn't help saying, "It smells like eggs!"

"That's not for you either!" Liu Guangfu said angrily, and he resented deeply for not getting eggs to eat.

Liu Guangtian sat down, picked up the chopsticks and went to pick up the eggs on the plate, but was pushed away by the chopsticks of the second uncle.

Liu Guangtian looked at Uncle Er innocently, "What's the matter, you can't even take a bite? Uncle stingy! Mom, fry an egg for me too!"

When Aunt II heard this, she stretched out her palm in front of Liu Guangtian, signaling him to pay.

According to the family rules of the second uncle, you have to pay for meals at home after work.

"No, can't I pay more next month?"

"No!" Second Aunt resolutely refused, "New people, new affairs, new country, earn money and spend it yourself, that's what you said!"

Liu Guangtian became angry, he slapped his chopsticks on the table, and said: "What's the matter, you old couple don't want us to take care of you in the future, or what?"

"When the elder brother was around, he was close to the elder brother. Well, his wings stiffened and he flew away. I don't recognize this, after all, it is my elder brother!"

"But my dad is so nice. He gave him another surname, Lan Fangtian. He treats him better than our two brothers. I wonder, can he provide for you?"

"So what about college students, they are not just like us, they are just ordinary workers!"


Uncle Er raised his hand and slapped Liu Guangtian across the face, "It's not your turn to teach me what I do!"

Said, got up and walked outside.

He is worrying about Lan Fangtian, Liu Guangtian, which pot is not open, which pot to carry, isn't this just looking for a fight!

"Where are you going?" Second Aunt asked quickly.

"The hut!" The second uncle yelled dissatisfied.

The second uncle had just walked outside the door when he happened to meet the first uncle who came back with a stick.

"Master One, is it okay for Bangjiu to be ready so soon?"

"No, it's early! It's not that the legs are fixed, Qin Huairu thinks it's more convenient to take care of them at home."

In fact, it is to save money.

When Jia Zhang heard the sound, he hurried out to meet him.

When he saw the stick stem, he lowered his body and hugged him and started crying.

When I got home, I put the stick on the bed, and Qin Huairu went out to cook.

Jia Zhang looked at the window and was sure that there was no one around, so she sneaked to the side of the stick bed.

"Bang, do you want to take revenge?"

"No!" Stick said quickly.

The shadow of the broken leg hadn't passed yet, so he didn't dare to ask for trouble again.

"Don't be afraid, Grandma has a good idea this time."

As he said that, Jia Zhang stuck to the stick's ear and told the story.

When BangJiao heard that he could hurt others without meeting him, he immediately became interested.

Only then did Jia Zhang carefully take out the paper figurine from his bosom.

Stick held the paper figurine in both hands, and observed it carefully.

"Bang, grandma can't write, you can write Su Chen's name on the paper figurine later, and we can cast spells."

"When the time comes to prick there with a needle, Su Chen's place will hurt!"

The stick was very happy when he heard that, "That's great, I want to let him taste the pain too. Grandma, hurry up and bring the pen over here."

Jia Zhang took a pen from her school bag and handed it to Bang Geng.

Stick stick lying on the bed, wrote the word Su Chen squarely.

Jia Zhang was overjoyed and said, "Okay, we're here to avenge you now! Grandma will try it out first!"

Saying that, Jia Zhang took a needle and stabbed it in the villain's leg!

"Oops!" Jia Zhang suddenly felt pain in her thigh, and couldn't help but groaned.

Stick got impatient, and said viciously: "Grandma, you are too troublesome, I just broke his arm and let him taste the pain.

As he said that, Sticky stretched out his hand to pinch one arm of the paper figurine, and folded it up!


There was a real cracking sound.


Jia Zhang let out a scream, and his left arm suddenly folded up strangely, causing a sharp pain.

Stick stared blankly at grandma, then at the paper man's arm in his hand, feeling a sense of fear in his heart.

He quickly reached out and swept the paper figurine off the bed to the floor.

At the same time, Jia Zhang's position was pushed and fell down.

One arm was injured and she couldn't support it well, so she had to use the other arm for support.

But Jia Zhang is too fat, and he can't support the weight of his whole body with one hand.

There was another click, and Jia Zhang's other wrist snapped off.


Jia Zhang let out waves of inhuman screams.

Stick is completely stunned.

He didn't know exactly what happened.

He found that everything he did on the paper man seemed to appear on his grandmother.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?"

At this moment, Qin Huairu who was cooking outside heard the screams and rushed in.

Seeing Jia Zhang lying on the ground with a pale face, he screamed at the sky.

"Bang, what's the matter with your grandma?"

"She...she..." Bang Gan stammered, unable to utter a single word.

Qin Huairu hurried over to help Jia Zhang, only to see that Jia Zhang's arm was limp, like a damaged doll's arm, hanging by his side.

Soon, everyone in the courtyard was attracted by the sound.

Everyone saw Jia Zhang's tragic state, and asked Qin Huairu what happened.

Qin Huairu opened his mouth, but didn't say a word for a long time.

After a while, 390 sticks out of fear, and he recounts what happened just now.

Many people at the scene trembled involuntarily.

The scene described by the stick sounds very scary.

It was as if there was an invisible ghost imitating the movements of the stick.

It's just that the stick is dealing with the paper man, and the ghost is dealing with Jia Zhang.

The paper doll that Jia Zhang invited back from the old godmother of the dance god is not like Su Chen's stand-in, but Jia Zhang's stand-in.

"What's going on?"

Uncle Yi, who has always been prudent, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Uncle One, could it be that the sticky grandma played tricks and was attacked by ghosts and gods?"

An old man in the courtyard guessed.

When the people present heard this, the way they looked at Jia Zhang changed.

"Jia Zhang, Jia Zhang, they all belong to the same compound, how much resentment and hatred can there be, and you actually cursed.

"Ah, no way, this is too wicked!"

"No wonder being backlashed by ghosts and gods, it must be because I have done too many immoral things!"

Everyone thinks that such a thing as cursing is too vicious.

No one wants to be cursed behind their back without knowing it.

I don't even know how I died.

Therefore, no one sympathized with Jia Zhang, but worried that she would introduce unclean things into the compound.

Uncle Yi was also very dissatisfied with Jia Zhang's actions.

What he wants is a controllable compound, not a compound controlled by ghosts and gods.

Jia Zhang's approach made him very passive.

"Uncle One, my mother-in-law..."

Although Qin Huairu was also dissatisfied, seeing Jia Zhang on the ground in pain, he didn't dare to let her die at home like this.

If that was the case, the image of filial piety that I had established for many years would completely collapse.

Uncle Yi secretly called it unlucky, so he could only arrange for two young men to lift Jia Zhang up and send him to the hospital.

But Uncle Yi didn't forget to ask Qin Huairu to go to the police station to call the police.

This matter is a bit too evil. If we don't investigate clearly, the compound will not be able to survive in the future. .

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