Chapter 187: He Yuzhu’s secret hidden for many years was exposed, and his nature was exposed!.


Hearing the words of the guarding Kona, He Yuzhu was stunned. Suspect that you are stealing something from the factory?

What’s the situation?

During this time, I rarely went to the factory, how to steal?

Could it be that the previous theft of kitchen food by himself was exposed? I didn’t find out last time, but now it has been found out?

But things have passed so long, are they still investigating, how did they find out? His heart was full of doubts.

Boarding became uneasy.

“I… I don’t! I didn’t take something from the factory, how could I steal something from the factory? ”

After fixing his mind, he quickly shook his head and said.

“But in the past few days, the canteen boutique storage room has lost a lot of things, which are all purchased valuables, and now they have lost a lot, they have been stolen.”

The guards of the section said solemnly.

He Yuzhu smiled bitterly and said, “Your cafeteria warehouse lost something, what do you care about me?” I was suspended and didn’t work in the back kitchen during this time. ”

When he heard that it was something he had recently lost, he was relieved and immediately relaxed. If it’s just that he lost something in the past few days, then this matter has nothing to do with him. He hadn’t taken anything from the kitchen or the warehouse, and he didn’t have that chance.

“You’ve been suspended and haven’t been working in the back kitchen lately, but that doesn’t rule out that you stole those valuables!”

The man from the security section said.

“Why? Why is that? Why doubt me? ”

He Yuzhu questioned. He has the confidence.

Because those things really didn’t take him, they had nothing to do with him.

The humane of the security section: “Because you used to be the chef of the back kitchen, you are familiar with everything in the canteen. ”

“It’s funny when you say that.”

He Yuzhu said disapprovingly,

“Just because I’m familiar with the cafeteria, you suspect I stole something inside?” People who are familiar with the canteen are not just me, there are many people, you should be more suspicious of MCA and Liu Lan, they are familiar with the canteen like me, the key is that they are still doing things there, isn’t there more chance of stealing? ”

Humane of the Security Section: “We have asked them carefully. ”

“He Yuzhu, let’s go, go to the security department first, this matter is very serious, the above attaches great importance to it, and it needs to be thoroughly investigated.”

“There’s no reason for you to arrest me.”

He Yuzhu said in a persuasive manner,

“I didn’t take anything from the warehouse, you guys didn’t look at the warehouse, things were stolen, and it has nothing to do with me!” If you want to ask, just ask here, and I will answer you truthfully! ”

He naturally didn’t want to go to the security section, and if he went, it would be unclear.

It will make people suspicious and cause gossip.

His reputation is now badly damaged and he is still under control, but he doesn’t want anything to happen to him again.

“If you don’t go, you have to go.”

Another guard said solemnly,

“We have evidence that you are involved in this matter, otherwise would you think we would take you to investigate?” Now you have to cooperate with our investigation! ”

“Evidence? What evidence?! ”

He Yuzhu was surprised. He was stunned again.

The other party even said that he had evidence of his theft in his hand. It was unbelievable.

He didn’t steal anything from the warehouse, but the other party said there was evidence.

Either they got it wrong or someone is framing them.

“Could it be that MCA is framing me?!”

He thought suddenly.

He suspects that his apprentice, Ma Hua, who tore his face apart, is framing him behind his back.

“That little bastard, ungrateful white-eyed wolf!”

The thought of this possibility filled him with anger.

“Don’t ask now, you’ll know when you get to the security section.”

The man from the security section said.

“Take him away.”

Immediately, without waiting for He Yuzhu to react, the two security section personnel who followed grabbed his arm left and right and pulled him forward.

He Yuzhu’s mind was blank.

This scene was seen by many people in the courtyard. Soon everyone started talking.

“What’s going on? Why was the stupid pillar arrested by the people of the security section again? ”

“I don’t know, it was fine just now, suddenly the people who guarded the section came, and then arrested him.”

“I heard that something happened in the rolling mill, which may be related to what happened in the mill.”

“What happened in the factory?”

“It seems that a canteen warehouse was stolen and a lot of valuable things were lost.”

“So, they suspect that the stupid pillar stole those things?”

“It should be, otherwise they wouldn’t have taken the stupid pillar away.”

“But it’s unlikely that Stupid Zhu will steal things in the factory, he has been suspended, besides, he doesn’t have the guts to steal things in the factory at this time, isn’t this a way to die?”

“That’s not easy to say, maybe he is bold, if there is no evidence, the people of the security department will not come to arrest him.”

“That’s true, too…”

There was a lot of talk.

He Yuzhu was twisted to the factory security department on the way to meet Li Jianguo, who was returning from work on a motorcycle. He saw this scene.

You don’t have to ask him to know what’s going on.

He already knew about the theft of the cafeteria storage room. This time, I lost valuable items from the warehouse. A batch of canned meat, sausages, beer and much more.

These are all very important ingredients in the factory.

In this era, that is gold, more expensive than gold. If these things are lost, will they not pay attention to them? Naturally, it will be taken very seriously.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that things were stolen and it was He Yuzhu who was caught. He couldn’t believe that He Yuzhu would be related to this matter.

If he really did it, once verified, he would definitely be in prison. Can’t escape!

“It can’t be stolen by a stick terrier, right?”

Li Jianguo suddenly thought.

Jia Zhang’s is a thief saint, and the stick terrier he cultivated with his hands is a thief saint.

If you dare to steal other things in the kitchen and cafeteria, then dare to steal valuables in the storeroom! If it turns out that he did it, it will not be unusual at all!

A while later, He Yuzhu was taken to the security section and sent to the interrogation room.

“You said there was evidence that I stole things from the warehouse, now tell me, what is the evidence, right?”

He Yuji asked as soon as he sat down.

He really didn’t know what handle the other party had in his hand. He is innocent!

Full of grievances!

“Now we are asking you, not you, you are asking us, you explain your questions first.”

The guard said with a serious expression.

“What do you want me to explain? I didn’t do anything, I’m innocent! ”

He Yuzhu said excitedly.

“You didn’t steal those valuables from the warehouse?”

The guard asked.

“No, I didn’t steal it, it has nothing to do with me!”

He Yuzhu shook his head vigorously.

The person from the security department said: “But the evidence we found points to you, proving that the matter is related to you, you better honestly explain it, automatically admit it, you confess the facts, call out the stolen goods, you will be lenient, otherwise you will be severely punished!” ”

“I didn’t steal it, what do I admit?”

HE Yuzhudao,

“I am now a belly of grievances, I have been wronged, you can ask me for justice, I suspect that someone is making random reports behind my back, or even planting and framing!” You’ve got to find out! ”

“You said that you didn’t steal something, then you hand it over first.”

Humanity in the Protection Section.

“What? I didn’t take what I paid? I can’t take it out! ”

He Yuzhu said.

“He Yuzhu, don’t pretend to be confused.”

The humanity of the Security Section,

“I’m not talking about the stolen goods, but something else.”

“What the hell? I didn’t, nothing! ”

He Yuzhu said.

“You still pack garlic!”

Another guard shouted, “This is it!” ”

He slammed something on the table.

That’s a bunch of keys.

Seeing those familiar keys, He Yuzhu couldn’t help but be stunned. He suddenly remembered something, and his face changed greatly.

“Recognize, what kind of key is this?”

The guard questioned.

He Yuzhu shook his head stunned and replied: “I don’t know, I don’t recognize it, there are so many keys outside, where do I recognize them”

“This key… And… What does it have to do with me? ”

“Of course it has something to do with you, and it has a lot to do with it!”

The man of the security section said,

“I think you should recognize where these keys are and what doors can be opened.”

“I really don’t know.”

He Yuzhu shook his head and said,

“You mean, where did you get the key?”

“The key you took before, when you were a chef, the canteen handed it to you, so that you can do things.”

The people of the security section are one fifty and ten tunnels,

“This is the door that opens the warehouse, this is the door that opens the back kitchen, and this one is the key to storage room one… The key to this storage room where things were stolen is also here, and you got it before. You 300 dare to say that these keys have nothing to do with you? ”

He Yuzhu cried and laughed: “That was before, since the last time I was punished for making a mistake, when I was sent to the boiler room to burn the boiler, the factory took the key back, do you mean that I took the key that was no longer in my hand to open the door of the warehouse and stole the thing?” Is that possible? The key has long been out of my hands, shouldn’t you go to the person who manages the key? ”

“That’s right!”

The guards nodded vigorously,

“After our investigation, it was indeed someone who opened the door of the storage room with the key and stole the thing, indicating that he had the key in his hand and did not pry the door in.”

“In addition to this set of keys, there is also a string in your hand!”

“Nope! I don’t have the key, the key has been handed in, you guys are squirting with blood! ”

He Yuzhu said in a loud voice.

“You have!”

The guard slapped the table hard and shouted,

“He Yuzhu, be honest, don’t pretend garlic with us!”

“We’ve found out, you had another set of keys three years ago! You secretly matched, you copied the same key, just wait to take it out and use it when you need it! ”

“Didn’t I say anything wrong?! We have found the master with the key, he is very sure of this matter, you still quibble! ”


As soon as these words came out, He Yuzhu was completely stunned.

He never expected that the security section would find out about this.

The secret that he had kept for so many years was actually exposed.

In order to steal the things in the canteen for “convenience”, he secretly equipped a set of keys. Because the key in his hand has to be handed over at any time, not always in his hand. And if he has a set, then he has it in his hand at any time and can take it out and use it. It did come in handy before.

It’s just that at most, he steals some leftovers from the back kitchen, or some food ingredients left over after opening a small stove for the leaders. He didn’t dare to take those high-end items like canned meat in the storage room, he didn’t have the guts.

He hadn’t used those keys in this time, and he hadn’t used them for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the sudden theft in the factory was related to the string of keys he secretly matched. This is really jumping into the Yellow River and can’t be washed!

Big trouble!.

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