Chapter 095: The old lady’s pension money was all lost, and the coffin book was gone! People have fainted crying!.

The police, according to the old lady’s explanation, ran to her house to look for the important “secret book”, but the things disappeared. The money put together is also gone!

It’s all gone!

“Where did the stuff go?”

The policeman asked.

The picket shook his head and said, “I don’t know, we really haven’t seen it, it’s likely to be lost!” ”

“Lost? What do you mean? ”

The policeman wondered,

“Could it be that someone stole it?”

The picket nodded and said, “Yes, it may have been stolen by someone, and before we came to her house to raid it, a thief rushed to take the things away!” Either she lied, and the thing was not in this cabinet, but in a more hidden place, which we have not yet discovered. ”

“If it was stolen, who would have stolen it?”

The police officer questioned,

“The thief came for that thing, but for money? If it comes from that thing, it is the enemy elements, they know that the old lady has an accident, in order not to leak the secret, so they secretly take the thing, and if it is for money, it is an ordinary thief, and when they steal the money, they also take the thing by the way! ”

“It’s a small thing to have money stolen, but it’s a big deal to lose that thing!” The thief must be found as soon as possible and that thing must be found! ”

Now the secret book that the old lady said is a very important thing, and only by getting that thing can there be hope of finding out the hiding place of the enemy leader Chen Yulian, so it is very crucial to find out this theft case!

“Okay, we will unite with you to catch the thief as soon as possible and recover the things.”

The pickets agreed. After that, they focused on tracking down this matter.

In the afternoon, they found Li Jianguo, the principal of the compound.

“Comrade Li Jianguo, now there is a major case in your court, it is a theft case.”

After seeing Li Jianguo, the police said bluntly: “You are the person in charge of the compound, and now we need your cooperation to help us catch the thief as soon as possible and recover the lost things!” ”

“Huh? There was a theft in our yard? Who was stolen? ”

Li Jianguo was surprised.

The policeman replied: “It’s the deaf old lady’s house opposite your house, his house was thieved, and the thief entered the house before the pickets entered their house and raided it, and the thief stole all the money she had hidden in her home, among other very important things!” ”

“Do you know about this? Did anyone talk about it? ”

“No, no one talked about it, I don’t know at all!”

Li Jianguo shook his head.

The policeman asked, “You live opposite her house, and you didn’t find anything unusual?” The thief is supposed to enter her house at night to steal something, didn’t any of you notice anything unusual? ”

Li Jianguo said: “No, if you find an abnormality, it will definitely say, no one said that means no one found it, but the thief does not necessarily enter the deaf old lady’s house at night to steal things, and it may be during the day, the day may be safer for the thief, because most people have to go to work, he can take advantage of this time to sneak into the deaf old lady’s house and steal things, I remember that after she was caught, it seemed that the door was not locked, the thief may have found this and felt that there was an opportunity, so he went into the house and stole money, among other things.” ”

“Well, this possibility is not ruled out.”

The policeman nodded.

“Then do you think this thief is someone from your yard or someone from outside your yard?”

He then asked. Li Jianguo replied without hesitation: “I guess it should be the people in our courtyard, it is our own people who committed the crime!” ”

The deaf old lady’s house was burglarized and the money was stolen, and his first reaction was that the stick terrier did it!

Stick terrier is used to thieves, who is not familiar to him?

It is estimated that there are many households in the yard, and he has stolen things in it.

It’s just that in the past, it was just a small touch, and what was stolen was some food and small objects, and everyone didn’t take it seriously. I don’t know who stole it, I didn’t report it, and I easily forgave him when I knew that he stole it.

Especially stupid pillars, completely inappropriate.

Because of everyone’s connivance, he is getting more and more bold, from stealing small things to stealing chickens, stealing soy sauce, and last time even dared to steal chickens in the canteen warehouse.

It’s just daring!

You must know that if you steal something from the public house, the consequences are very serious, adults dare not steal it, let alone a child. From this, you can imagine how bold he is now.

If he took the opportunity to sneak into the deaf old lady’s house and steal the money, it would not be strange at all! However, because it was only speculation and no evidence, Li Jianguo did not say it.

The police should have found him, after all, he was known in their compound to like petty theft, and there was no one else.

“Did someone in your yard steal it?”

The policeman asked suspiciously.

Li Jianguo nodded and said: “Well, there is this possibility, you think about it, if it is someone outside, it should not know about the deaf old lady, only the people in the courtyard know best, know that she was arrested, and she has not been released back during that period, which brings the opportunity to commit the crime.” Of course, this is just my speculation, who stole it, it is up to your police to investigate. ”

“You have a good analysis.”

The police officer said,

“We’ll investigate.”

“Comrade Li Jianguo, we still need you to do us a favor. In the evening, you hold a general meeting of the whole hospital, tell the people in the hospital about this matter, let everyone assist in the investigation, if anyone finds anything abnormal, tell you, be sure to tell us at the first time. ”



Li Jianguo nodded and agreed. He was happy to do it.

If only it really caught a stick terrier. The terrier is set.

Last time I let him go, I cheapened the little white-eyed wolf.

This time, it was determined that he stole it, and the consequences will only be more serious. Stealing money is very serious, and stealing a few dollars can lead to imprisonment.

Hundreds of pieces may even be punishable by death!

The money that the deaf old lady has saved for so many years for the pension must be more than 1200, and it is estimated that the amount is at least 500 or more. That’s a lot of money.

Catch is the death penalty, don’t think about it at all!

Although the stick terrier is not yet eighteen years old, it is also more than ten years old, and the age is not young, and it should be no exception!

When the police were discussing this matter with Li Jianguo.

On the other hand, the police found the deaf old woman in detention.

“Did you go to my house and find that thing?”

As soon as she saw the police, the old lady couldn’t wait to ask: “You guys catch someone as soon as possible, and then release the stupid pillar, you can’t delay his work, affect his future, if it affects him, then how will he marry his daughter-in-law in the future!” ”

That’s what worries her the most now.

In the past, because he recognized his son Yi Zhonghai as a desperate family, this is Yi Zhonghai’s own great regret, and it is also her regret.

Therefore, her biggest wish is to see He Yuzhu give birth to a child, give them the He family to inherit the lineage, and not be a desperate family anymore.

“You’re lying to us.”

The policeman said solemnly.

“Lie to you?”

The old lady was surprised,

“What did I lie to you?”

The policeman said: “We went to your house to look for it, but we didn’t find the thing you said.” ”

“The money is gone?”

The old lady asked.

The policeman nodded and said, “Yes, it’s all gone!” The pickets were sure that they didn’t take it, so either you are lying, or the house is a thief, and the thief stole the thing! ”


Hearing this, the old lady’s face turned pale, and she said in a trembling voice: “You said… You said my pension money was stolen?! All stolen?! ”

“Ouch, that’s the pension money I’ve saved for so many years, hard work, every penny I saved, the money I bought the coffin is in it!” How… Why did you lose it?! Which immoral thief stole my money?! ”

She wailed.


Suddenly, she pressed her chest with a pained expression. Immediately after, she planted to the side.

actually passed out directly to the river.

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