The old man was in trouble.

Director Xu took two steps back and gave his seat to Director Wang.

"All residents, first of all, I apologize to you all. I didn't expect that the street office would choose such a person as the boss of the courtyard, which made everyone feel wronged."

"Director Wang is a good person, but he was deceived. We believe in the street office."

Jiang Yang supported loudly from below. This matter was caused by him, so it can be regarded as compensation.

Seeing this, Xu Damao echoed, "Support the Street Office, support Director Wang."


"Okay, thank you for your support."

"Let's talk about the punishment of Mrs. Long by the Street Office. She will be stripped of her status as a five-guarantee household and her house and property will be taken back. After she dies, the Street Office will distribute them."

"Yi Zhonghai, when you come out of prison, you will be responsible for the sanitation of the street and the courtyard for the next three years. Also, you must come to the Street Office every day to strengthen ideological education."

"He Yuzhu, you too, follow Yi Zhonghai."

"In addition, there will be no uncle in your courtyard in the future. It will be directly under the jurisdiction of our Street Office. If you have any problems, go directly to our Street Office."

"Okay, that's all. Let's go back and rest early. We have to go to work tomorrow."

As Director Wang finished speaking, the crowd walked home sparsely.

Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu quickly retreated into the house and closed the door decisively.

Fortunately, it was only Jia Zhangshi. If they were taken along, the family would have broken up.

Qin Huairu had no expression on her face, and she felt that the future was even darker than the night.

"Dongxu, what should we do? Now that Shazhu's lunch box is gone, and the uncle can't control us, how are we going to live in the future?"

"And there is also the compensation for mom. Does our family have so much money? Even if we do, we will be left with nothing after paying the compensation?"

Jia Dongxu grabbed his head with both hands. If he knew what to do, would he have been a first-class worker for so many years?

"Then what do you say?"

Qin Huairu sighed helplessly. This man is really a waste.

"Tomorrow you go ask mom to tell you where the money is hidden. If you get the money, our family may still survive, otherwise we will starve to death."

"Mom has food and drink in there, she will definitely not be hungry. If Banggeng is really starved, how can I explain to mom?"

After a month and a half, the ration has dropped again. Their family has been eating corn paste for three meals a day and is about to die.

Jia Dongxu was a man without a strong opinion. Hearing what Qin Huairu said, he felt that it was quite right. Now Yi Zhonghai couldn't help them either. Who else could they rely on except themselves?

Jia Zhangshi saved food for the family in prison, which was very good.

"Okay, I'll go ask tomorrow."

"I must ask, otherwise we'll starve to death."


Jia Dongxu nodded seriously.

Yan Bugui's house.

The third aunt couldn't get what happened today. Why did she suddenly punish him, and it was so severe!

"Old Yan, what exactly happened?"

"It is said that..."

"Yi Zhonghai spread rumors and ruined himself?"

"I can't figure it out. Don't think about it. Go to bed. It's late."

In fact, Yan Bugui had a suspect in his heart, but he was not sure and had some doubts.

The one who benefited the most from this matter must be Jiang Yang. All his enemies were punished, but the rumor was not very friendly to him. If the matter was true, Jiang Yang would be guilty.

So he didn't say this suspicion, to avoid the people at home talking nonsense.

Jiang Yang and Xu Damao returned to the backyard, and he was held by him, "Brother Jiang, you are so awesome, no, we have to have a good drink today. I have wine at home, wait for me to bring it to your house."

Xu Damao once again knew what awesomeness was. Can making up a rumor about himself have this effect?

He was completely convinced.

"Okay, okay."

Jiang Yang was actually very happy, because his system was already level 10, and Yi Zhonghai had already packed it up, and the next days would be quiet and peaceful.

He didn't have high requirements for life, just being able to enjoy life freely.

In fact, as long as Yi Zhonghai didn't come to provoke him, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to this group of pensioners.

But it doesn't matter, just beat up Sha Zhu, and the whole world will be quiet.

Walking back to his own home, Jiang Yang took out a large plate of braised meat and peanuts from the space. Drinking without peanuts is soulless.

While Xu Damao hasn't come back, he has to take a good look at this upgraded system.

There is an additional emotion mall, and the system has changed. If you want to continue to upgrade, you can only use the worship value, which is considered a positive emotion.


Negative emotion value can still be harvested, but can only be exchanged for goods.

[Emotion value: 450W]

"It seems that the emotion value upgraded before has been saved? Or should I see what I can exchange for?"

[Cooking Mastery: Immediately have master-level cooking skills. Exchange price: 2W emotion value]

[Antique Mastery: Immediately have master-level appreciation ability. Exchange price: 2W emotion value]

[Bajiquan Mastery: Immediately upgrade Bajiquan to master level, requiring physical fitness to meet the standard. Exchange price: 10W emotion value]

[Recovery Potion: Can quickly recover any non-fatal injuries. Exchange price: 10W emotion value]

[Gene Primary Enhancement Potion: Can improve the quality of the human body by 5 times, limited to 1 bottle. Exchange price: 10W emotion value]


[Substitute Puppet: After the host dies, it will be immediately teleported to the substitute spell location. Exchange price: 100W emotion value]

[Artificial Intelligence: A super-technological product with powerful computing and learning capabilities. Exchange price: 1 billion emotion points]


This thing should have been given on the first day of the crossing.

If there is this mall, you still need to treat Sha Zhu as a snake and beat him down with both hands.

When I first came to this world, I was stared at by people like Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu, and I was actually quite scared.

Although I can call the police later, you have to endure this beating, and this kind of thing can't kill you.

I guess he will be released after a few days of detention, and he will be punished after he comes out, even doubled.

"System, exchange for antique mastery, Bajiquan mastery, healing potion, gene potion, and substitute puppet for me."

[Deduct 132W emotion points, the exchange is successful, and the items have been stored in the space. ]

Jiang Yang drank the healing potion without saying a word, and a warm current traveled all over his body, not only healing his legs, but also expelling some impurities from his body.

He felt sticky on his body.

He continued to drink the gene medicine, and the feeling of expelling impurities became more obvious, and his stomach was churning, as if he could come out at any time.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and walked to the toilet with his legs clamped.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I have a stomachache, you drink first, I'll go to the toilet and come back."


Seeing the meat on the table, Xu Damao sat down and started drinking and eating without any courtesy.

It didn't seem strange at all that Jiang Yang could get so much meat. Not to mention that he was the son-in-law of the Lou family, Xu Damao thought it was normal with Jiang Yang's own ability. He had never seen anyone more powerful than Jiang Yang.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

Xu Damao was eating when the door was knocked. He opened the door and saw that it was Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

"Why are you here? Come in first. Brother Jiang is going to the toilet. Let's drink first."

"Wow, this is braised meat?"

When the two brothers saw the meat, they forgot about their own affairs and sat down to eat directly. It was worth it for Jiang Yang to come back and beat them up.

Jiang Yang was thundering now. The sound and smell made him feel sick. It took him 15 minutes to expel the toxins in his body. He immediately felt refreshed.

He quickly took a shower. It was winter, and he didn't feel cold at all when he took a cold shower.

"Wow, hahaha, I thought my kidneys were going to be weak before, but now look, I want 1V5!"

After stretching, Jiang Yang changed into a refreshing outfit and walked out of the bedroom. He was not curious at all when he saw Liu Guangtian and the others.

Yi Zhonghai was considered useless, and Liu Guangfu had to make a new plan.

When the Liu brothers saw Jiang Yang, they immediately stood up and explained, "Jiang Yang, we really couldn't help it."

"Haha, it's okay, let's have a drink together since we're here. Sit down."

Jiang Yang took the cup and chopsticks again and gave them a portion.

"Guangtian, how are you doing?"

"No, that woman has gotten together with my eldest brother, and she has already decided when to leave."

Liu Guangtian raised his head and drank a glass of wine, feeling unhappy.

"Then you have to keep an eye on the family savings. With Liu Guangqi's temper, if he runs away this time, I guess he will also take away the money at home."

"No way?"

"Will my eldest brother be so cruel?"

"Haha, I'm just reminding you that after your eldest brother leaves, you can consider dividing the family, otherwise Liu Haizhong will definitely beat you up every day, so when your eldest brother steals money, it's your time to earn the family property."

"Is it not too much to ask for an equal share? In the future, you two brothers will live alone, find a job and live the way you want."

"If Liu Haizhong gives you a house, you can continue to live in the courtyard. If you don't want to, you can also learn from your eldest brother. At worst, you can rent a house outside, which is not expensive. In the future

Just don't go back to the courtyard. I think your father will definitely give you a house. "

The two brothers looked at each other and nodded in unison. They could decide to be Yi Zhonghai's sons, so this was no big deal.

After fooling Liu Guangtian and his brother, Jiang Yang started drinking with them.

He is now physically strong and has the ability. Even if he lacks something, the system can exchange it.

The only difficulty now is where to get the admiration value. He is not a star!

Is he going to show off his wealth?

I feel so stupid.

After drinking a bottle of wine, Jiang Yang took these drunkards out of his house and turned to the bedroom.

Their house now has a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom, and the space is used to the limit.

Lying on the bed, Jiang Yang slapped the two skill books away, and there were many more memories in his mind.

Finally, there is the substitute puppet. I don't know if this thing is bound to the soul or the body?

"System, explain it. ”

【Bound to body, effective only after the death of the physical body】

Doesn’t that mean we need to buy two?

One for Blue Star and one for this world?

“No, in addition to knowledge, this gene potion is also needed for Blue Star! Damn, this emotional value looks high, but it will be gone if you use it casually.”

After the system is upgraded, there is another magical function, that is, the use of the system space no longer requires hand contact, and it can be collected with the mind within 1 meter.

And the cutting ability within this one-meter range is also effective, which means that in the future, as long as he wants to kill someone, he can do it remotely. Just pass by him and cut someone's heart silently, which is terrible.

But he can't do it so finely now, he can only cut the whole piece, and can't cut only the heart without hurting the body.

This will be fine after more practice in the future. Sooner or later, he will reach this standard. When he is proficient, he will belong to the category of superman.

“Chen Sanhe, wait, you will be my first test subject. "

Jiang Yang sneered, lay down in bed and began to sleep, but he was a little excited and couldn't fall asleep.


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