Silent Reading

Chapter 154: Edmond Dontes (25)

After deceiving the fog, the suffocated face finally revealed the dust-free truth.

Fei Chengyu buckled the other end of the metal ring to the woman's thin neck, crouched down, and asked him very gently, "Baby, who gave you the password?"

The boy's pale complexion was like a ghostly ceramic doll, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

He used to be so weak, so weak, that his limbs were all furnishings. He couldn't grasp his own destiny, nor could he get out of the prison of others.

"What did you hear?" Fei Chengyu passed through the boy's hair with a smelly hand. "Good boys shouldn't overhear adults, I know you didn't mean it--you didn't mean it, right?"

Fei Du remembered that stupid boy shook his head subconsciously.

Why shake your head? Fei thought, if a person can go back in time and face to face with his past, the first thing he has to do is to twist the boy's head off.

Of all the deep negative feelings in the world, the hatred of the weak and incompetent self is always the most intense and most insufferable, so that people often cannot bear it, so they must always turn around to blame other people and things.

Fei Chengyu saw his slight shaking of his head, then smiled, pointed at the woman who was rolling a glass of **** on the ground and said, "The children did not intentionally make mistakes. Shall we punish her? "

Fei Duben didn't dare to look at her eyes, but he was forced to see them. Her eyes were as dim and numb as usual, like a dead body, and kissed him briskly that day, as if only he imagined it Hallucinations.

Fei Chengyu beckoned at him, but Feidu couldn't hold back, and the man became impatient, and he directly closed the metal ring on the boy's neck—two ring buckles, which were fastened on both necks. , One end is tight, one end can be loosened, and the control is in the tip of the pale and weak hands.

As long as he clenched his fist, he could be relieved from the unbearable suffocation, and this action has almost become his reflection in countless repeated strengthening and training.

Why did he forget how he got into the basement?

Why does he obscure all memories related to his mother?

Why is the woman in his dream always full of resentment?

Why can that suffocated face be placed on anyone and disturb his sleep at any time?

"Fei Du, Fe Du!"

Fei Du's body shook so badly that Luo Wenzhou shook it violently, and Fei Du turned back to God, and then it seemed that someone was holding his neck, and he could not breathe from coughing.

Luo Wenzhou did not expect that his two interrogations actually asked for such a big reaction, and he was frightened by him for a while. Listening to the sound of heartbreaking, Luo Wenzhou suspected that he would cough out his lungs and could not help but touch him. Throat, who knows, stretched out his hand and gave it a stun, Fei duo excited, shoved him away, took two steps under his feet, and knelt down in the coffee table tea cup that had fallen to the ground.

For a moment, Luo Wenzhou felt that nearly a fierce shadow had flashed in his slightly lighter eyes, like a monster that had been sealed for many years.

Luo Wenzhou held his breath, squatted carefully following Fei Du, and stretched out a hand at him in fear, shaking in front of his eyes: "Baby, it's me."

The eyelashes at the end of Fei Du's eyes are longer than other places, slightly wet by cold sweat, and the corners of that eye are painted extremely dark and slender, as if carved by the tip of a knife. The look was like a sharp knife, and he paused for a while in Luo Wenzhou's hand. Fei Du's soul seemed to return before he returned. He slightly lowered his eyes and let Luo Wenzhou's hand rest on his shoulder.

Luo Wenzhou gently held his arm, feeling that the muscles of his arm that was too lazy to lift it were so stretched: "Speak to me."

Fei Du opened his mouth, and a **** gas ran out of his throat, unable to speak.

"Then I ..." Luo Wenzhou was a little overwhelmed, then, his eyes fell on Fei Du's bloodless lips, and he blurted out, "Let me kiss the head office?"

After he finished speaking, he also felt that this sounded rather ridiculous. However, it was inconvenient for him to make up for it. He grabbed Fei Du's arm by his own initiative, pulled the person over, and paused very close to the other side. With Fei Du's eyes narrowed, the pupil seemed to be slightly enlarged, then he seemed to recognize him, and soon struggled to forcibly calm down.

Luo Wenzhou sighed and patrolled his forehead, bridge of his nose and lips.

Fei closed his eyes and pressed his rapid breathing extremely low and very slowly. He was accustomed to this, always restrained, always restrained, and never cared about how he felt, but judged how others should be based on the reactions of others.

He even tried to smile at Luo Wenzhou, which made Luo Wenzhou even more frightened.

"Fei ... hey, Fei Chengyu brought a person and went straight to the basement after entering the door. My mother tried to stop it, but it failed," Fei Du said in a husky voice. "I heard the movement, I heard them talking, and quickly put everything back in place and hid in that cupboard, thinking that this time it would pass, but I was negligent. "


"I checked his computer, and Fei Chengyu reached out and found that his laptop was hot."

Luo Wenzhouxin said how it looks like spy war movies. He rubbed Fei Du's wrist and asked softly, "Do you remember?"

"I'm only ten years old. Fei Chengyu didn't believe I got the password. My mother tried to stop him once again in the basement that day, so Fei Chengyu thinks it was she who stabbed me to go through the basement. She no longer "Obedience." Fei Du held his throat, seemed to want to cough again, and then forcibly returned, "in front of an outsider, his pet was actually rebellious, that day Fei Chengyu was very angry and almost killed she was."

"In front of an outsider ... with you?" Luo Wenzhou asked softly, "Did you forget that memory because of this?"

Fei Du didn't want to lie to him, but he didn't want to talk to people either, so he didn't answer and bluntly reversed the topic. He said: "Fei Chengyu's people brought home are very tall-Fei Chengyu is over 1.8 meters tall. He was half a head taller than him. He was thirty or forty years old, wearing a pair of eye-plums and a tear mole in the corner of his eye. I have only seen this person once. "

Luo Wenzhou was stuck with a thousand questions in his heart. After hearing this, he had to queue them up first: "Wear glasses, there is a mole in the corner of your eye, are you sure?"

He said, rushing out his cell phone without looking at the dozen missed calls, calling up a file taken by the cell phone, and zooming in on the obscure one-inch photo above: "Is this the person?"

Fei Du saw the clearly marked "Fan Siyuan" on the resume next to the photo.

"I turned this photo with a photo in the file and sneaked it," Luo Wenzhou said, "Wait--haven't you seen the list and details of the people who participated in the album project? Even the daughter of Lao Yang Every elementary school knows that you haven't seen Fan Siyuan's photo? "

"No," Fei Du slowly shook his head, but his thoughts quickly turned to countless thoughts. "No-there is detailed information about the elder brother Zhang Bureau, the work unit of the fiancee of Lu Bureau, and even the address of Teacher Pan's parents ... But without Fan Siyuan, the name seems to be mentioned only in the introduction of the picture book project leader. "

In other words, among the materials provided by the inner ghost to Fei Chengyu, only the part about Fan Siyuan was simplified!

"You said it was winter," Luo Wenzhou asked. "Are you sure this season?"

"Okay, I'm taking a winter vacation." Fei Du looked up. "When did Fan Siyuan 'jump into the sea'?"

"Years before the Gregorian calendar," Luo Wenzhou simply sat on the floor. "That is to say, Fan Siyuan wasn't really dead that year, and he had a connection with Fei Chengyu!"

That organization collected countless assaulted wanted criminals like Lu Guosheng, and Fan Siyuan was also a suspect who was seeking to escape!

"What did they say in the basement?"

Fei Du closed his eyes.

"It's not difficult to master them completely," said the man with glasses slowly. "Do you know how to hawk the eagle? If you want to tame it, you need to weaken it first, don't be distressed, it is necessary to be hungry properly."

Fei Chengyu asked: "Hungry?"

"You feed it too much, total cost, over time, it will be insatiable, the tools are not obedient, and it will be polished well. How can anyone sharpen a knife be afraid of breaking it?" The man laughed coldly. " You know I have some people, but not many. If you want me to help you with this, you have to give me more support. "

Fei Chengyu laughed: "What is your manpower ... what do you say? When you are fighting for justice, those who‘ save ’?”

"Fei always don't greet me," the man laughed, "but yes, they work and they are obedient. Hate and trauma are good resources that can make people feel good and see how you use them. . "

"Fei Chengyu should find that‘ they ’have other funders, and they are dissatisfied, and want to completely control the‘ them ’.” Fei Du whispered, “Fan Siyuan is his‘ advisor ’.”

Luo Wenzhou's brain was turning at a high speed: "They collected desperate and wanted criminals, including Fan Siyuan, a meticulous serial killer who knows the police, but in fact Fan Siyuan had a relationship with Fei Chengyu in advance. He worked for Fei Chengyu. , Dive into it, and plant their own people everywhere ... "

Fei Du took his words: "Established the" reciter "revenge alliance, and used them to dig into other funders except Fei Chengyu, let the organization hurt, make no choice, and finally returned to Fei Chengyu alone control."

All of Fei Du's thoughts and even some of his own practices were not invented by the students themselves. The seeds of those thoughts are deep in his consciousness.

There is still a lot of money and energy to carry out this plan. There is a source at once-but this source is not now, but a dozen years ago, this plan took longer than expected, and the "reciter" It is an independent third-party force, and it has been mixed into the organization in more than ten years of operation.

Coastal burial ground, Zhou's, Wei Zhanhong, Hive ... These nests and sources of funds were dug out one by one as Fei Chengyu hoped that year. If it wasn't for Fei Chengyu's consciousness, then he would have to get his wish. Already.

"Wait," Luo Wenzhou waved his hand. "Wait a while, aren't you telling me, are you sure that Fei Chengyu has become a vegetative three years ago? A vegetative is a black hand behind the scenes?"

Fei Du watched him quietly.

For a moment, Luo Wenzhou felt as if he felt what he was going to say, and suddenly stood up.

Fei Du said, "Fei Chengyu has become a vegetative, but I am still alive."

Luo Wenzhou became irritable: "Shut up!"

"Who told you that Fei Chengyu has become a vegetative?" Fei Du ignored him, and didn't care about the hem of the coat soaked with tea, "It's me."

Luo Wenzhou: "Fee, Du!"

"I have a close relationship with the police, and I have used all means to join the second album project, which can monitor the progress of each case in real time and help you get an" ideal "case report." Fei Du said, "I still have my own People, just like Fan Siyuan's thinking-maybe Fei Chengyu is pretending, I am his accomplice, maybe I am the direct father and became his sole heir ... "

Luo Wenzhou dragged him directly from the ground: "I said I didn't like you ..."

"Brother," Fei Du sighed, and patted the back of his hand. "I just said the most reasonable possibility now, and didn't say I really did it. I ’m close to you, if you have a purpose, it will not be possible for you to develop to this point. "

Luo Wenzhou: "..."

"That's too much work, it's not aesthetic." Fei Du pulled his collar out of Luo Wenzhou's hand, smoothed out the folds on his placket, and picked up his mobile phone. The missed call showed "Binhai Sanatorium" Fei Du glanced at Luo Wenzhou, pressed the speakerphone in front of him, and dialed back.

As soon as the call was answered, there hurriedly answered: "Fei Zong! I made three calls to you and you didn't answer, and died in a hurry-your father is missing!"

Fei Du asked without hesitation: "What does it mean to be missing?"

"No, I don't know. The surveillance was cut off. It was fine during the rounds last night. It disappeared in the morning!"

Fei Duo hung up the phone: "It seems that the script they chose is relatively mild and did not let me 'uncle'."

In the second hospital, Lu Youliang didn't know who he saw, and suddenly he got up. Tao Ran had difficulty moving. He couldn't turn around for a while. He could only hear a rush of footsteps approaching.

Lu Youliang: "Dear everyone, this is ..."

"The land bureau," the comer said, "We just learned that the criminal investigation team is pursuing two suspicious vehicles. One of them has a person named Yang Xin whose mother Fu Jiahui is suspected of being involved in illegal tapping and leaking. She is believed to be the suspect in the murder of Yin Ping. "

Finally, Tao Ran turned the wheelchair back with a barely movable arm. When he saw the investigator coming from the hospital, Xiao Wu seemed to have done something wrong and followed the investigators uneasily.

"Tao deputy," Xiao Wu whispered, "they ... these leaders suddenly asked me, I did not dare to hide ..."

At the same time, Lang Qiao, who had not been able to contact Luo Wenzhou for the time being, had just returned to the municipal bureau and saw two investigators taking away Director Zeng.

"Director," Lang Qiao stared, "What's the situation?"

Zeng Guangling shook her head solemnly at her.

"Assist in the investigation," one of the investigators nodded very gently at Lang Qiao, "this comrade, please also temporarily write a report on the progress of your work and submit it, thank you for your cooperation."

Lang Qiao: "Oh ..."

A colleague pulled her from the side, and when Director Zeng went away, he whispered to Lang Qiao, "Do you know how many monitoring problems we have?"

Langqiao looked at him somehow.

"Because of this, the old Zhang Bureau has retired to the second line and was taken away for investigation, but because the cost is relatively low, the installation and maintenance manufacturers did not have to go to the big leader in accordance with the regulations. Yes, I heard that the manufacturers are a little tricky. "

As soon as Fei Du in the villa hung up and called Binhai Sanatorium, Assistant Miao called in immediately. Assistant Miao was a little flustered: "General Fei ... Can you go back to the company now?"

Fei Du asked, not too accidentally, "how?"

"Someone claims to be a police officer and wants to check an investment in our company that year--"

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