Silent Reading

Chapter 47: Humbert Humbert XIV

"Hey, classmate Su Luozhan? I'm Mr. Wang from the Children's Palace. The one who issued you a registration card at the beginning of school, remember?"

"Remember, Teacher Wang."

"Haven't you slept so late? Are your mom and dad by your side? The teacher wants to talk to them. I need to ask you something, but I must ask your mom and dad for permission first."

"Dad hasn't come back yet. Mom is sick and asleep, can't wake up, you can tell me directly."

"Oh ... well, I'll just ask a little. Yes, there is a kid in the art class called Zhang Yuchen, who was lost after school today. Some people said that I saw you playing together, and you remember where you last saw her Is it? "


"Hey, classmate Su Luozhan, are you still there?"

"... Yes, sorry, teacher, my family's signal is not good. You mean art class ..."

"Student Zhang Yuchen, who is small, the one with a small braid."

"Oh, we went to the small park for a while, many people, and several other classes, and then everyone left, and we didn't know where she went."

"Really? Well, you can rest early and don't be late for class tomorrow."

"Good teacher, don't forget to tell us if you find it, I'm also worried."

Lang Qiao closed the phone recording: "Because there is no guardian around the child, and the speech is similar to that of other people, the teacher didn't ask much. How do you feel this conversation sounds? I still find it incredible, but Come over and think, if the suspect is a child, why would Qu Tong be willing to get in a stranger's car under extreme fear, and why Vice President Tao and I could not find out in various monitoring can explain. This also ... ... too creepy. "

Luo Wenzhou pushed Su Luozhan's profile to her: "Show you a creepier one."

Su Luozhan's emergency contact is filled with "Su Xiaolan", and the relationship is "mother and daughter".

Several police cars came to Su Luozhan's registered address in a galloping manner—it was a good neighborhood, and in the middle of the night, everything was silent, the dormant door guard woke up, staring blankly at Luo Wenzhou's credentials.

"Do you have a mother and daughter named Su?"

The security guard narrowed his eyes into a pair of eyes: "No, I don't know, I just came ..."

"Go to the property and take out the previously registered owner's roster." Luo Wenzhou said quickly, "Be careful, if this girl is really the suspect we are looking for, the situation will be special, and she will be more unstable than the average adult. She must not be irritated, and if the victim is still alive, you cannot cause incalculable consequences because of us. "

"Luo, at 401!"

"Everyone remembers and acts."

In the corridor on the fourth floor, a group of people were hiding in the corner of the stairs. Luo Wenzhou raised his chin and signaled Lang Qiao to knock on the door.

Lang Qiao rubbed his cold face that seemed to have been attacked by Botox, and showed the most kind expression in his life. He stepped forward and knocked: "Is anyone home?"

No one cares about her.

Lang Qiao's heart was a bit violent-she was usually used to being fierce and evil, and at first she was asked to perform "kindness", her profession was a bit out of place.

She squeezed her voice softly and gently, "Is anyone home? I am a tenant who has just moved upstairs. My house seemed to have a little water leakage just now, sorry, didn't it come down?"

Still no sound.

The accompanying technician quietly handed an anti-mirror, Lang Qiao buckled it on the "cat's eye", bent down slightly, and peered into the room.

There was no one at the entrance. She could see the living room at the end of the porch at a glance. The light in the house was dim, and there was only a light in the middle of the living room. Langqiao took a closer look and found that the source of the light was actually an incense case, with electric lights flashing on both sides. The red candle and the long light are for a black and white photo in the middle.

The woman's gloomy face was shone a little by the incense case, and she looked at her coldly. Lang Qiao's back spindled with a chill, and he leaned back subconsciously.

Luo Wenzhou cast a questioning look on her.

Lang Qiao trembled, shook his head quickly, raised his hand and knocked again: "Anyone? If it is inconvenient to open the door, you can answer me in one sentence, I just want to ask you if there is water seepage here."

Awkward silence permeated the small corridor, and Luo Wenzhou suddenly reached out and asked Lang Qiao to back away: "Open the door."

Lang Qiao said for a moment: "Boss ..."

No evidence, no witnesses, they didn't even get the corresponding documents, everything was subjective speculation ...

"It's okay," Luo Wenzhou said in a deep voice. "I'm responsible for something wrong, open it."

Several criminal police officers and technicians rushed up and pried open the door.

An indescribable scent was rushing towards the face-it was a strange smell of scented candles, the midsummer tide and the sweltering heat that had not been opened for a long time, and fermented into something close to decaying smell.

No one was in the house, however.

The house is small, at best fifty or sixty square meters, standard one room and one living room, but only the black and white statue of Su Xiaolan is lonely guarded here, giving a strange sense of emptyness.

The portrait is facing a double bed in the living room. The silk bedspread is dim, and there is a bottle of dark nail polish and half a pack of cigarettes on the bed.

The space in the bedroom next door is smaller, and it can be seen where the little girl lives. There is a row of cheap dolls on the single bed, sitting side by side, looking collectively at the door, wearing a watery floral dress.

"My God," Langqiao opened the closet in the girl's room. There was no exception in it. It was all floral dresses. More strangely, the color of the clothes corresponded to the skirt on the doll. Langqiao's arm The goosebumps on the top squeaked, "Is this where people live?"

Luo Wenzhou put on his gloves and flipped in the closet. Suddenly, he found a small box in the pile of clothes.

He found the buckle, popped the lid of the box with a "click", and the music of "To Alice" was released from the gap in the small box. This is a storage box with a music box function, which is about insufficient power, and the piano sound is a little out of order. Seems procrastinating and weird.

Later, several criminal police around saw the contents of the box.

Lang Qiao covered his mouth-there was a red / body / naked / body doll in the box, with one arm and one leg removed, and the stump soldiers spread out in a group of blood-stained cloth strips. .

The cloth strips are made of cotton cloth, and lively small white broken flowers bloom in clusters—

"This is Qu Tong's dress. Her parents took a picture of her wearing it from home and showed it to me. I remember that the quality of the dress was not good, and the pattern on the side was sewed with a part of the pattern. It's uneven ... "Lang Qiao pointed hard at one of the strips with stitches and said," That's it ... "

Luo Wenzhou closed the lid of the box with a sinking face: "Take it back for testing."

He finished, turned and walked into the bathroom again.

There was a circle of lush mold returning from the tide in the bathroom, spreading arrogantly, there were two sets of dental tools in front of the carved mirror, a row of lipsticks of different colors, and a few cotton swabs that had not been thrown away.

"Why did she tell the teacher at the time, 'Mom fell asleep and woke up, Dad hasn't come back'?" Luo Wenzhou glanced around and said, "But there is no trace of a man's life here, she Who is the 'Dad' said? Are you sure the number is located nearby? "

"Luo team, she only found the cell phone she used to make a call." A criminal policeman carefully picked up an old cell phone with a lot of scratches from the small coffee table in the living room, turned it over and reported, "The communication record contains That call from the teacher! "

In other words, the girl was just here!

Luo Wenzhou turned round, "But what about people now?"

After all, Su Luozhan is a child. She doesn't know how much surveillance is in the Children's Palace. She probably didn't expect that she could be photographed on the playground. So in the middle of the night, she received the call from the teacher. Would she panic to realize that she had been exposed?

What would she do?

And most importantly, where is Zhang Yuchen?

Qu Tong disappeared in the wilderness, and the people who took her were able to drive forty-two shoes and couldn't be such a small girl. That means that the mysterious "dad" beside Su Luozhan is very likely to be an accomplice.

Right now, Zhang Yuchen is obviously not in this small apartment for the portrait, is she accomplice? If that's the case, would Su Luozhan be shocked by the phone call, would he run to find her accomplice?

In the meantime, in the morning, Chen Chen is still alive, will they take risks because of this, "get rid of" Chen Chen in advance?

Can the child live till dawn?

Midsummer night is like a piece of heated caramel, rich and sticky. The girl ran quickly through the quiet streets. Her own "daddy" footsteps sounded like a shadow-like monster, and occasionally a little wild cat and wild dog came out. The movements can make her frightened. The girl got into an old "little second floor".

The so-called "small second floor" is a kind of building 20 to 30 years ago. It is one row in a row, usually only two to three storeys high. There is a yard in front of each small building. The yard is about enough space to plant a vine. At first glance, it looks a bit like a villa. In fact, the space inside is very aggressive, and the conditions are not good. Often, several families share a small courtyard. There are many inconveniences to live in, and in the summer, it is full of poisons, leaks, and wind. Nearly demolished.

The girl tried twice before successfully aligning the key with the lock, rushed in, grabbed the phone behind the door, and quickly dialed a number. The phone was on, and there was a long waiting sound inside, every single knock on her heart, she unconsciously stretched out her long fingernails, clutching the mottled wall anxiously.

However, the call hung up after more than a dozen beeps.

The girl's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe the other party didn't dare not answer her phone call. She didn't give up, and quickly dialed the number again, still no one answered.

The girl was really beautiful, with apricot-core eyes, rounded cheeks, and a small pointed chin, more like a doll than those cheap plastics. Her innocence and charming temperament were mixed with each other, but then, the terrible grudge crawled On her little face, she suddenly dropped the phone against the wall without warning, and screamed hysterically.

At this time, a "whine" sound suddenly came from the black hole's house, like a sob of a small animal.

The mad girl turned her head stiffly, turning her expressionless hand back to turn on the wall light.

The people **** in the corner of the corner flinched awkwardly, and through tears, looked at it in disbelief--

That was the missing Chenchen.

At this time, Chen Chen's family was still waiting anxiously at the gate of the Children's Palace.

Tao Ran went out to take a call, came back to avoid the Chenchen family, and whispered something.

"You say an adult male accomplice?" Fei Dueluo frowned. "You mean, they used the girl and led Chen Chen to the small park, then the man appeared, attacked and took her away."

Tao Ran: "How?"

"No ... I thought something was weird a moment ago." Fei Duo lifted his unlucky arm, turned around a few times, and whispered to himself, "It's weird-Mr. Zhang was just five o'clock Called her daughter out of date, shut down, that is to say, the kidnapping plan was already in progress at that time. When he was a child, he failed to open Chen Chen's mobile phone through remote software, indicating that Chen Chen should have been controlled by the prisoner, but the prisoner still Did not begin to deal with the follow-up matter. The girl intentionally left the phone, it should be at least after six o'clock, why? "

"An adult man, even if he is paralyzed, will never take an hour to control a child like Chen Chen." Fei Du stepped back. "After doing all this, the girl reinstalled Chen Chen's cell phone battery. Up, deliberately dropped and taken away-why is this? "

Now that the battery has been removed, the mobile phone can be detached and dismantled, and thrown apart along the way, it is convenient and safe, and the police dog cannot find it.

The reason for temporarily shifting the police ’s horizons is obviously unreasonable, because even a child who has watched a TV show should know that the police who handles a case cannot have only one person, and it is not so easy to lose sight of one another.

And in case it was found—or the person who stole that phone happened to see her—won't it increase the risk?

"Is there any possibility that when a young girl was abducted in Xiling, she was working in concert, and this time for some reason, the man was not there and the girl was the only one, so she would take longer."

Tao Ran snapped and grasped Fei Du's shoulder: "This girl has limited ability to accept her powers, and cannot complete the killing independently ... and the whole process of recording, but she knows the remote software on Chen Chen's mobile phone, and she knows that parents will definitely try to use it. Looking for a child this way, she is torturing her parents in disguise, and the same purpose as sending the recording! "

Give you hope, let you desperately find the past, and let you despair.

I just didn't expect that there was a deviation in time. She was delaying longer than expected.

"If that's the case, she can't drag a girl about the same size as herself, but she can only abduct," Fei Du glanced at her mother who cried again, "Chen Chen knew in the morning that her father must be When I was looking for her, why would I agree to go with each other? "

Tao Ran took a deep breath and whispered, "I didn't bring a phone today, but my house is closer than the Children's Palace. Your father might have come to school to find you. It's easy to miss each other. You can go to my house and call him. "

"This distance must be very close, much closer than the Children's Palace. It is a convenient and comfortable distance for children."

Tao Ran dragged the map: "One kilometer ... no, within five hundred meters ..."

There is an old residential area to be demolished, which is just a junction from the other gate of the small park.

"Wait a minute," Tao Ran said, "how do I seem to have heard this address."

Luo Wenzhou They turned Su Luozhan's home upside down, focusing on all possible males / supplies, and wanted to pull out the clues of that mysterious man.

Lang Qiao opened a drawer, and after pouring it out, it was found that it contained documents such as a hukou book, ID card, various admission notices, etc. She only took out the medical records and flipped through them, and took a brief look at the rest, and soon Tossed aside and spread the floor.

Luo Wenzhou glanced from above. After a moment, he seemed to think of something suddenly, his gaze suddenly condensed, he squatted down and picked up the real estate certificate-two real estate certificates.

One of them is this one-bedroom apartment, and the other is a factory dormitory building that was subscribed by individuals during the housing reform. The room is older than Su Xiaolan.

"Little Qiaoer, please confirm for me," Luo Wenzhou said. "Twenty years ago, when Su Xiaolan was still young, was this her registered address?"

Lang Qiao didn't know the reason, but obeyed him instinctively, and immediately checked it. Just before she found out why she came, Luo Wenzhou sent the police to follow Xu Wenchao and suddenly called: "Luo team, we are in Xu Wenchao's room. There was eavesdropping, and just two consecutive phone calls came in. He absolutely heard it, but he didn't answer it-would he already find that he was being spotted? Oh, we also checked the number of the call, it is the Ministry. Machine, the address is ... "

Luo Wenzhou: "Unit 3 at the intersection of Juvenile Road Trading Company."

The policeman in charge of the tail stunned: "Luo, how do you know?"

At the same time, Lang Qiao rushed in: "Boss, when Su Xiaolan as the victim cooperated with the investigation, the correspondence address in the personal information provided was this!"

Luo Wenzhou: "Go!"

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