Everyone followed Manu's instructions and came to a fork.

There are many forks in the pyramid, and different choices each time may bring about different endings.

At the fork is a hall with the remains of many corpses.

Probably an adventure team arrived early, so the equipment and materials left behind in the wreckage had already been taken away.

"This way." Manu pointed to one of the directions and said to everyone.

This passage is relatively narrow and dark, and it looks like something is going to happen.

"Judging from the traces on the ground, someone came to this passage in advance." Engel said after checking the traces on the ground, "About five minutes ago."

"Hurry, don't let them get there first!" Manu said anxiously.

Kant continued to ask: "How many people are there, and what else can be seen?"

Engel made a rough judgment based on the footprints on the ground, but his face became increasingly ugly.

"It looks like it has a similar configuration to Louis' team."

Those with heavy footsteps should be warriors wearing armor, those with light but agile footsteps may be assassins or rangers, and those with slow and compact footsteps may be mages.

These allow for a certain degree of judgment based on years of experience.

Kant was more direct. He summoned a hound demon pet. Although the strength of this hound was only silver level, its sense of smell was extremely sensitive.

"Woof! Woof woof!"

When Lewis' team left before, Kant specially summoned the hunting dog to record the scent of the other party. At this time, he quickly judged that it was them again through comparison.

"Damn it, it's Team Lewis again." Kant's expression turned unpleasant.

He had humiliated himself by groveling in front of Team Lewis before. If he could, he didn't want to meet them again.

Manu hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "After this passage, there are branch roads. They may not take the same path."

In Manu's view, this is a matter of probability, but in Chu Yun's view, it is a matter of time.

After learning about the Eye of Medusa, Chu Yun had asked Terra to take out the contact device through a contract, and then informed the other party of the situation detected by the elemental radar.

The situation of the Terra team is similar to that of Chu Yun. Each team member has their own goals.

Tyra was rather vague when she first joined, but now after receiving instructions from Chu Yun, she began to make requests for team members to cooperate.

Since the goal of Lewis and another Rank Five professional of Terra's team was on the tenth floor, their actions on the tenth floor after first helping Terra and then letting Terra help them were also recognized by the other party.

But this is also dangerous. If the other party recognizes the Eye of Medusa and becomes greedy temporarily, Terra may be in danger.

Therefore, Chu Yun will also go to support him to avoid accidents.

"What are you afraid of? They didn't cause trouble for us last time. Even if we encounter them this time, nothing will happen." Chu Yun took the lead in coming to the entrance of the passage. "If you don't want to go, then I will go by myself."

Seeing Chu Yun acting impatient for the treasure, Manu hurriedly followed suit: "As promised, this is my thing."

Manu has come this far to seek wealth and wealth in danger, so there is no reason to back down.

The others also had ulterior motives, and after thinking for a moment, they followed suit.

Everyone quickly arrived at the second fork. When Engel once again determined the fork chosen by Lewis's team, Manu's face became increasingly ugly.

"I hope they didn't notice anything unusual and didn't find any treasures, right?" Manu thought a little unconfidently.

Everyone slowed down and continued moving forward, and soon a simple message from Terra appeared in Chu Yun's consciousness.

They have agreed on a communication method similar to Morse code, and some simple signals can be contacted without using a communicator.

The news from Terra indicated that she had obtained the items and was currently safe from being attacked by her teammates.

After getting the news, Chu Yun felt relieved.

By the time their team arrived at their destination, Team Lewis had already left.

Looking at the shattered stone sculptures, Manu's heart was bleeding.

"Damn, how could this happen? Why are they here!" Manu searched frantically among the stone sculptures, but no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find what she wanted.

"Let's go, let's go, it's time to find my mandala." Engel was a little disappointed and a little happy.

If the thing is really still there, then maybe this team will be in civil strife now.

Everyone didn't care. Anyway, Team Lewis helped clean up the monsters along the way. They just wasted a little time.

Everyone set off again, but Manu did not follow.

"Hey, what do you mean, you don't plan to follow us to the tenth floor?" Engel asked when he saw that the other party did not follow.

Manu looked at him dissatisfied and asked, "Huh, if you didn't find the mandala, or if you found it but found that someone else got there first, would you continue to the tenth floor?"

Engel couldn't help but be stunned, considering that his goal had not been achieved, so he said: "Of course I will, it is difficult to chase after a word!"

Kant also warned unhappily: "We brought you here according to your request. If you want to violate the agreement, you will bear the consequences!"

Kant's threat was very effective. Although Manu was reluctant, he could only go with everyone.

Chu Yun had seen the location where Mandala grew in previous simulations. With the cooperation of him and Valela, he finally arrived at the destination after killing more than a dozen gold-level monsters.

"Over there! But with Rank Five monsters guarding us, this will probably be a tough battle." Engel said to the crowd with some excitement and some worry.

Manu was criticized by Engel once, and now he found an opportunity and started to cause trouble for him.

"Engel, our condition is just to help you find Mandala. I'm afraid you have to deal with the monster yourself."

Engel and Chu Yunde agreed to give him all the extra mandalas as one of the conditions for helping him find mandalas.

Others only agreed to help him find Mandala, but did not say that they would help him deal with the enemy.

It would be fine if they were just ordinary gold-level monsters, but now everyone has to face Rank Five monsters that don't look easy to deal with. They are very dangerous to fight.

They had tried their best to avoid Rank Five monsters on the road before, but now they had to make a choice.

Engel looked at the crowd and said, "I can give each of you one hundred thousand gold coins. For Mr. Kant, I can give three hundred thousand gold coins. Please help me."

"When I advance to Rank Five, I will be able to help everyone better." Engel's attitude is extremely sincere. Now he is only one step away from entering Rank Five. He is unwilling to give up no matter what.

"That monster is called the Black Gold Scarab. It has extremely strong physical defense, but has low resistance to magic." Seeing everyone's hesitation, Varela revealed the monster's information.

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